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Globalization and Inequality

Author(s): Melinda Mills

Source: European Sociological Review , Feb., 2009, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Feb., 2009), pp. 1-8
Published by: Oxford University Press

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European Sociological Review

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European Sociological Review volume 251 number 1 | 2009 1-8 1
DOI:10.1093/esr/jcn046, available online at
Online publication 30 August 2008

Globalization and Inequality

Melinda Mills

Globalization is increasingly linked to inequality, but with often divergent and polarized
findings. Some researchers show that globalization accentuates inequality both within and
between countries. Others maintain that these claims are patently incorrect, arguing that
globalization has disintegrated national borders and prompted economic integration,
lifting millions out of poverty, and closing the inequality gap. This article presents a review
of current research that links globalization to inequality. Core problems behind contra
dictory findings appear to rest in the operationalization of inequality and globalization,
availability and quality of data, population-weighted versus unweighted estimates; and,
the method of income calibration to a common currency in the study of income inequality.
A theoretical model charts the mechanisms linking globalization to inequality, illustrating
how it generates increased inequality within industrialized nations and decreased
inequality within developing economies. The article concludes with a description of the
papers in this special issue and situates them within the broader literature.

Introduction problems in the study of inequality. The second section

then defines globalization and develops a theoretical
The rise of globalization has been accompanied by model to chart the mechanisms that link it to inequality
the debate of whether it comes at the cost of grow in industrialized and developing economies. The article
ing inequality. Globalization is increasingly linked to concludes with a description of the papers in this special
inequality, but with often divergent and polarized issue and situates them within the broader literature on
results. Critics of globalization have argued that it this topic. Each article is provocative and challenging in
accentuates inequality both within and between coun its own right, addressing the many sides of this topic
tries (Firebaugh, 2003; Wade, 2004). Although globa from different areas of the world and equally different
lization may improve both the relative and absolute perspectives within sociology.
incomes of individuals around the world, some
findings show that there are clear winners and losers.
Others maintain that these claims are patently incor Has Inequality Grown?
rect, arguing that globalization has disintegrated A Critical Examination
national borders and prompted economic integration,
lifting millions out of poverty and closing the inequal A review of the literature on globalization and
ity gap (Dollar and Kraay, 2002). But which of these inequality reveals that evidence is vigorously argued
findings are correct? Does globalization lead to higher in all directions. Some researchers appear to convinc
inequality? Why are there so many divergent results? ingly argue that there has been a growth in inequality
The aim of this introductory article is to present a over time (Wade, 2004) whereas others adamantly
review of current research on globalization and inequal report stability or even a reverse in the inequality trend
ity. The first section engages in a critical summary over time (Firebaugh and Goesling, 2004; Milanovic,
of the central findings in this area of research, 2005; Sala-i-Martin, 2006). The core problem behind
followed by isolating key conceptual and methodological these seemingly contradictory findings appears to be

? The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
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a methodological one, related to four key issues: comparisons (Ravallion, 2003). The central difference
(i) the operationalization of inequality, (ii) availability is whether the measures are calculated as household
and quality of data, (iii) population-weighted versus consumption-based Gini indexes or using income
unweighted estimates; and, (iv) in the study of income based surveys. The difference is not trivial since con
inequality, the technique used in the calibration of sumption-based indices are both more commonly used
incomes into a common currency. These choices result in developing economies (e.g. Asia, Africa, Central and
in different predictions about not only the direction Eastern Europe) and also produce estimates of lower
of inequality, but also the onset of the timing of inequality. The reason that they are often applied in
changes in inequality trends. these countries, as opposed to the income-based mea
The classic and perhaps most obvious factor related sures often used in developed economies, is attributed
to the divergent inequality findings is both a concep to the fact that the measurement of incomes is often
tual and data-related question: How is inequality difficult in these contexts, due to higher levels of self
operationalized or measured? This is interrelated to employment in agriculture or business (IMF, 2007).
the central research problem or motivation of the Since consumption is also often self-reported, these
research, but also to the second core issue, which is measures likewise suffer from typical methodological
the availability and/or quality of data. The majority problems such as differences in definitions of con
of the globalization and inequality literature has sumption; recall problems and variation in the length
focused on income inequality, often measured as a of recall period, and other related factors. Income
change in the Gini coefficient (critically discussed in based measures also suffer from similar data collection
more detail shortly) (Alderson and Nielson, 2002). problems, including the fact that surveys are often
Alternative measures such as the mean logarithmic not entirely nationally representative and underreport
deviation of income (MLD) index of inequality are the income of high-income groups, thereby under
sometimes used (Sala-i-Martin, 2006), but the Gini estimating inequality. The operationalization of glob
coefficient remains the dominant choice. alization is another related issue, discussed in the next
Classic sociological approaches have characterized section.
inequality as a multidimensional construct based on A third culprit of differences in estimates related
the stratifying factors of not only income, but also to globalization and inequality is whether countries
other social and cultural domains (Weber, 1958; Mills, are weighted by population size or treated merely as
1963; Dahrendorf, 1979). Studies that deviate or equal units in cross-national comparisons (Firebaugh,
expand upon inequality beyond income are, however, 1999). Population-weighted studies report that
rare. Sen (1999) is an exception, maintaining that income inequality has declined, due to the relatively
we need to examine inequality in personal freedoms. high weight of China and India, where inequality
More recently, Goesling and Baker (2008) introduced has sharply declined over the past 20 years (Milanovic,
a multidimensional operationalization of inequality, 2005; Sala-i-Martin, 2006). These types of results
by examining not only income, but also health and provide a better picture of global inequality as opposed
educational inequality across countries. Beyond the to variations in cross-national differences. Unweighted
actual measure, there is also the question of whether results that treat each country as equal are more useful
inequality is studied as the unequal distribution of to distinguish between cross-national differences
income within or between countries (Alderson and related to institutional effects such as national eco
Nielsen, 2002; Beckfield, 2006), or a combination of nomic policy or growth (Goesling and Baker, 2008).
both (Milanovic, 2005). A final methodological problem that occurs when
A growing body of literature has focused on trends income is used as the central measure is the calibration
in within-country income inequality. Here, the Gini of incomes to a common comparative currency. This
index is the most commonly used measure, which in turn produces divergent predictions about the
summarizes the income distribution within a country timing or onset of changes in inequality trends. Two
(Ravallion, 2003). It illustrates the range between a central techniques used to calibrate incomes into a
perfectly equal distribution (a Gini coefficient of 0) common currency across the countries are either via
to the highest possible condition of inequality of the purchasing power parity (PPP) or unadjusted
where one person would hold all of the income foreign exchange rates. Studies that calibrate incomes
(a Gini coefficient of 1). Although the Gini measure using unadjusted foreign exchange rates, such as
is widely applied, there are some serious conceptual, Korzeniewicz and Moran (2007), find that the decline
methodological, and definitional issues that make in inequality did not come about until the 1990s.
it difficult to interpret when engaging in cross-national Whereas those who use the PPP converters show

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that population-weighted inequality started to decline et al, 2008). Globalization can be defined as four
almost 10 years earlier in the early 1980s (Goesling and interrelated structural shifts that roughly occurred
Baker, 2008). since the 1980s of: (i) internationalization of markets
Although these measurement problems exist, there and declining importance of borders for economic
appears to be a general consensus about the trends transactions, (ii) tougher tax competition between
in inequality. Among researchers using population countries, (iii) rising worldwide interconnectedness
weighted inequality measures, results show that there through new Information and Communication
has been a decline in income inequality across coun Technologies (ICTs), and (iv) the growing relevance
tries (Milanovic, 2005; Sala-i-Martin, 2006). Using and volatility of markets (Mills and Blossfeld,
population-weighted income inequality data from 138 2005). The mechanisms, which link these
countries from 1979 to 2000, Sala-i-Martin (2006), aspects of globalization to inequality, are outlined
for example, showed that the level of income inequality in Figure 1.
across countries declined sharply over time. However, A central engine of globalization is the internation
when income shares are examined by quintiles, we see alization of markets and subsequent decline in the
that income inequality has increased mainly in the importance of national borders for all kinds of
middle- and high-income countries, and less so in the economic transactions. This includes changes in laws,
low-income countries (IMF, 2007). institutions, or practices that make various transactions
There is also evidence that income inequality across (in terms of commodities, labour, services, and capital)
countries far exceeds that of inequality within coun easier or less expensive across national borders, includ
tries and that it has grown across time (Korzeniewicz ing trade. The growth of international regulatory insti
and Moran, 1997; Guillen, 2001). As Goesling and tutions and political agreements that facilitate capital
Baker (2008, p. 184) state: 'The world's largest flows have generally operated to liberalize and interna
inequalities are not defined by race, class, or gender, tionalize financial markets, resulting in more financial
but by national borders'. Average incomes in the openness (Fligstein, 2002). This includes the deregu
richest countries in the world far exceed those in the lation of interest rates, privatization of government
poorest countries, with estimates of incomes that are owned banks and financial institutions, and the
40-50 times greater in these countries (Pritchett, removal of credit controls.
1997). This reflects the increasing divergence between A second interrelated aspect of globalization is the
countries produced by globalization, not growing rise in tougher tax competition, often accompanied by
convergence (see also Mills et al., 2008). 'neoliberal' globalization tendencies. The notion that
An additional area of study is within-country capital and labour are increasingly mobile works as a
inequality, which is highly dependent upon the powerful threat for competition. Countries have
nation under study. Examining the Gini coefficient mainly been affected in terms of a modification of
of income inequality, for example, Alderson and the tax structure rather than through retrenchment of
Nielsen (2002) demonstrate that globalization explains the welfare state (Massey, 2009). Central neo-liberal
the longitudinal trend of increasing inequality across measures to enhance competition include the removal
16 OECD countries. By examining the impact of glob or relaxation of government regulation of economic
alization measures such as direct investment outflow, activities (deregulation), a shift towards the reliance
North-South trade and net migration rate over the on price mechanisms to coordinate economic activities
period from 1967 to 1992, they find rising inequality (liberalization) and the transfer of ownership and
within countries such as the United States, Australia, control over previously public ownership to private
and Denmark and declining and then rising inequality entities (privatization). The core of these transforma
in countries such as Germany, lapan, Great Britain, tions has been to enhance efficiency, productivity and
and the Netherlands. profitability while simultaneously allowing firms and
nations to be more competitive, flexible and react
more rapidly to change (Montanari, 2001).
The Impact of Globalization on World trade, trade integration, and financial
Inequality openness have significantly grown since the early
1980s (IMF, 2007). World trade has, in fact, grown
Globalization represents a set of economic, political, five times from the 1980s to 2005 with trade openness
and cultural processes that operate simultaneously increasing particularly in the former Eastern bloc
and has suffered from similar operationalization and developing Asian countries (IMF, 2007, p. 33).
problems (Held et al., 1999; Guillen, 2001; Raab Integration and financial openness has also intensified,

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Internationalization of Increased competition New ICTs & increased Rising relevance and
markets between nations interconnectedness volatility of markets


Financial Trade Foreign Direct ICT capital Migration and

openness Investment investment & use mobility of


Education systems Employment & Welfare regime Migration restrictions

industrial relations


Deindustrialization Industrialization
Weaker bargaining position of labour
Capital flight/international relocation of jobs Capital arrival/new jobs
Increased premium on higher skills for
knowledge-based industries Increased premium on lower skills for
Shift from higher wages in industrial sector intensive industries
to lower wages in service sector Increase in wages for lower-skilled wo
Rise in higher-skilled workers' incomes_| Reduction in higher-skilled workers' incomes



Figure 1 Mechanisms linking globalization to inequality. (Source: Adapted from Mills and Blossfeld, 2005).

particularly between the advanced economies. Trade in competition with low-wage workers in the South
is often used as a tangible measure of globalization, (Wood, 1994). However, some argue that this does not
using measures such as international trade, and speci hold, as the net effect of imports on average wages
fically 'North-South' trade (Krugman and Lawrence, appears to be minimal (Krugman and Lawrence, 1993).
1993; Wood, 1994; Burtless, 1995; Alderson and In addition to trade, another measure often used to
Nielsen, 2002). As Figure 1 illustrates, trade is one capture globalization is the level of foreign direct
factor of globalization that has the potential to increase investment (FDI) and how it in turn impacts the
inequality in industrialized countries due to the fact income distribution of countries (Bornschier, Chase
that it reduces the average wage and enhances Dunn and Rubinson, 1978; Firebaugh, 1992). More
inequalities in the relative wages between skilled intensive competition and the softening of trade bar
and unskilled workers. It reduces wages in the North riers opens new markets for firms based in industri
due to the fact that these workers are suddenly alized countries. Globalization prompts a 'capital flight'

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of firms as they engage in FDI to replace domestic between individuals (Castells, 2001). New ICTs allow
production (Gereffi, 2009). Firms in search of lower people to share information in order to connect and
labour costs and/or more lenient tax systems or create an instant common worldwide standard of
employment regulations invest abroad. As a result, comparison. Although the introduction of technology
there is a process of deindustrialization in the home is not unique in itself, recent ICTs have fundamentally
country that weakens the bargaining position of work altered the scope (widening reach of networks of social
ers and produces rising inequality. This deindustrial activity and power), intensity (regularized connec
ization entails a shift away from typically higher wages tions), velocity (speeding up of interactions and
in the manufacturing and industrial sector in more processes), and impact (local impacts global) of
industrialized countries to be replaced by comparatively transformations (Held et al, 1999).
lower average wages in service sector jobs, thereby New ICTs and technology have sometimes been
resulting in increased inequality (Alderson and Nielson, included within the definition of globalization or as a
2002). Conversely, globalization appears to decrease parallel force. One way to measure the impact of ICTs
the level of inequality in many developing economies is by examining the intensification of ICT capital
via the growth in industrialization, new employment investment within countries, such as higher national
possibilities, and increase in wages for lower-skilled expenditures on computer hardware and software, and
labour-intensive workers, accompanied by a subsequent telecommunications equipment (Jorgenson and Vu,
reduction in the wages of higher-skilled workers. 2005). Others have measured it by examining the level
These factors operate together to decrease the level of socio-technical interconnectedness via measures
of inequality within these countries. The contrasting such as the number of Internet hosts and users per
impacts of inequality are therefore a key reason why capita and other related communication technology
results differ according to whether countries are availability and usage within a society (Raab et al,
population-weighted or treated as equal units. 2008). ICTs, together with liberalized and internatio
It is also not only firms that are mobile. We are nalized financial transactions, create a financial 'super
witnessing a growing number of migrant workers, par market' for global business-to-business transaction
ticularly in light of more lenient mobility regulations and stock exchanges, cross-border banking, and
in areas such as the European Union (Feld, 2005). finance that stretch across the world on a real-time
Different countries have diverse levels of migrants, basis (Greenspan, 1997; Castells, 2001). New technol
which likewise contribute to the level of inequality ogy has also prompted a wave of automation, char
within each society. Borjas (2000) points to migration acterized by flexible, and accelerated production
in the United States as a central factor contributing to processes. It not only increases production, but also
inequality. Borjas (2000) argues that immigration is results in a shift from the demand for lower-skilled
related to inequality in this context due to the fact workers to a more highly qualified knowledge-based
that both rises in immigration and inequality coincide labour force (Brown and Campbell, 2002).
with one another, and that there is not only a bifur A final feature of globalization is the rise in both
cation of low and highly skilled migrants, but also the relevance, but also simultaneously, the volatility
a growth of lower-skilled immigrants. Alderson and of markets. Market prices and their transformations
Nielson (2002, p. 1256) argue that 'the combination of increasingly convey information and set the standard
a high immigration rate with an immigrant population for the global demand of various goods, services and
characterized by low average skills and high skills assets, and the relative costs of producing and offering
variance has been seen as a certain recipe for increased them (Useem, 1996). Yet these markets are becoming
inequality'. This can be related to Grusky's (2001) ever more dynamic and unpredictable. Competition
work on income disparities as a function of race, class, forces firms to operate in a state of perpetual -
and gender and Massey's (2009) argument in this innovation and flexibility, which in turn heightens
volume that the realignment of the U.S. political the instability of markets (Streeck, 1987). New ICTs
economy and tax system is traced to racism in this likewise accelerate market transactions (Castells, 1996).
country. This in turn makes long-term developments of
A third aspect of globalization is the rising world globalizing markets inherently harder to predict.
wide interconnectedness through the information and Global prices are also more liable to fluctuations
communication technology (ICTs) revolution, such as because worldwide supply, demand, or both are
microcomputers, the Internet, new satellite systems becoming increasingly susceptible to random disrup
and fiber-optic cables. These accelerate the liberal tions caused somewhere on the globe (for example,
ization of financial transactions and communication major scientific discoveries, technical inventions,

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new consumer fashions, major political upsets such Beck and Beck-Gernsheim propose a new theory of
as wars and revolutions, economic upsets, and so on). the 'global generation'. In comparison to previous
Globalization is often presented as a blanket force generations, they contend that this group departs from
impacting all nations in a similar manner. But countries 'collective action to engage in individualist reaction'.
have very different starting points and varying tendencies It is a generation at odds with itself and at its very
to accept or resist globalization, thereby influencing heart by definition 'unpolitical'. They offer the critique
the level of within and between country inequalities of methodological nationalism and argue that the
(Sassen, 1996). National specific institutions, such as current global generation of youth is increasingly not
employment and industrial relations systems, education limited to the borders of its own nation state. This
systems, the degree of decommodification from the generation, they argue, takes on a transnational iden
welfare regime and migration restrictions all operate as tity, characterized by growing diversity. Here, the
'filters' of these globalization pressures (Mills et al, authors enter the heated debate of migration and the
2008). We know that there are distinct national human right to mobility. They also ponder the frag
variations of occupational structures and industries, mented identities of young Germans with an immi
patterns of labour-capital negotiations, strike frequencies grant background and depart from nation-bound
and collective agreements on wages, job security, labour generational constructs to build a more transnational
conditions, and work hours (Streeck, 1992; Soskice, generational concept of the 'global generation'.
1993). Globalization operates to disperse and fragment The contribution by Gereffi is a strong representa
these national structures, and via the threat of compe tion of the economic approach within this field of
tition, pose increased demands and flexibility on the research and highlights the experiences of the emerg
domestic labour force (Beck and Beck-Gernsheim, 2009). ing economies of China and Mexico. Although both
countries engaged in export-oriented development
strategies in response to globalization, they experienced
Diverse approaches to very different outcomes. Mexico took on the ultimate

"Globalization and Inequality' neo-liberal globalization model, characterized by FDI,

privatization and financial openness. This was in con
The papers in this special issue are intentionally diverse trast to China who even in the light of high levels of
and provocative, covering disparate theoretical and foreign capital inflows and exports, still managed to
empirical approaches towards the topic of globaliza maintain a strong state-level approach. Gereffi con
tion, and inequality in addition to coverage in different cludes by reflecting on why China has been so suc
areas of world. We start with the extreme example cessful in the U.S. market in comparison to Mexico,
of the within-country inequality of the U.S. (Massey) which he largely attributes to supply-chain cities.
and then move to a discussion of intergenerational The final article by Buchholz and colleagues
or age-based inequality in Germany (Beck and Beck examines the impact of globalization on life course
Gernsheim). The focus then shifts to between country and employment careers inequalities across industria
levels of inequality and diverse interpretations of lized societies. It summarizes the results of a large
globalization in Mexico and China (Gereffi). We then research project (GLOBALIFE: Life Courses in the
conclude with an overarching paper that explores both Globalization Process) that used micro-level panel and
within and between-country inequality across the life retrospective survey data across a variety of countries
course of individuals in a variety of modern societies to examine inequalities across all phases of the life
(Buchholz et al, 2009). course. They found that more highly-skilled mid-career
The seminal contribution by Massey addresses the men were the most protected groups from the forces
resurgence of income inequality in the United States. of globalization, with young adults being the most
In this study of arguably one of the most unequal 'exposed' and thus encountering the most difficulties.
societies in the world, Massey demonstrates how They conclude that globalization does not reduce,
globalization has resulted in extreme within-country but rather strengthens existing social inequality struc
inequality. He positions these key differences in tures, which remains highly controlled by national
relation to the unique institutional filter within this institutional structures of social inequality.
country that exposes individuals at the bottom of the This brief review of globalization and inequality
socioeconomic hierarchy more overtly to globalization. demonstrated the importance of understanding the oper
Massey traces this inequality to America's legacy of ationalization of concepts, choice of data, population
racism, where the political system aids the already weighted or unweighted analyses, and the method of
wealthy to further enhance their position. income calibration in interpreting the seemingly

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Author's Address
Raab, M., Ruland, M., Schonberger, B., Blossfeld, H.-P.
Department of Sociology/ICS, Faculty of Behavioural
et al. (2008). Globallndex - A sociological
and Social Sciences, University of Groningen,
approach to globalization measurement. Grote Rozenstraat 31, 9712 TG, Groningen, The
International Sociology, 24, 599-634.
Netherlands. Email:
Ravallion, M. (2003). The debate on globalization,
poverty and inequality: why measurement matters.

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