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MARKETING Date Posted: November 8, 2021 I 6:00pm

ABM12 Submission Due: November 12, 2021 I11pm


Direction: Answers the following questions honestly. Please avoid plagiarism at all times.

1. Explain the concept of an exchange, including the conditions that must exist for an
exchange to occur, and give an example of an exchange that does not involve money. (20

Exchange Concept in marketing is a give and take relationship between a two or more
people. Individuals and organizations engage in marketing to facilitate exchanges-the
provision or transfer of goods, services, and ideas in return for something of value. If you
are obtaining something from someone you will also offer something in return to satisfy
the need or the wants of a person for example you go to a store to buy some snacks, in
that case, you have money to offer for the exchange of snack, where the store has snack
to offer in exchange for money. Both parties must be able to communicate with each
other, and both must want to exchange something and be able to do so. In Marketing it is
the need or wants of a customer that you have to satisfy in able to do exchange. There are
four condition to occur an exchange Four conditions must exist for an exchange to occur:
(1) Two or more individuals, groups, or organizations must participate, and each must
possess something of value that the other party desires; (2) the exchange should provide a
benefit or satisfaction to both parties involved in the transaction; (3) each party must have
confidence in the promise of the "something of value" held by the other; and (4) to build
trust, the parties to the exchange must meet expectations. There are also exchange that
doesn’t involve money like barter. Bartering is very popular in facebook especially this
pandemic for example is your bartering a dress with an exchange of something else other
than money like a bag, a shoes, or even dress.

2. Explain the relationships between customer value, customer satisfaction and quality. (20

The costs of obtaining a product and the values the customer gains from owning and
using a product are different. Customer satisfaction is dependent on a product’s perceived
performance in delivering value. Example is Smart companies promise only what they
can deliver, then deliver more than they promise. products or services that meet or
exceed customer expectations can a company achieve total quality. Total customer
satisfaction is the fundamental aim of today’s total quality movement. Customer needs
and satisfaction are what quality begins with.

3. The major marketing developments as we enter the new millennium can be summed up in
a single theme: connectedness. Explain what “connectedness” is and how marketers can
apply it to customers, marketing partners, and the world around us. (20 points)
We are all connected to each other and to the world around us. We are connecting in new
ways. Technology is the major force behind the new connected world. The way
companies bring value to their customers has been impacted by the advances in
computer, telecommunications, information, transportation, and other connecting
technologies. The ways in which companies are connecting with their customers are
some of the most profound new developments in marketing. Mass marketing to all
comers was the focus of yesterday’s companies. Today’s companies are building more
lasting and direct relationships with their carefully targeted customers. Changes are
occurring in how marketers connect with their suppliers. Most companies rely on
partnerships with other firms. Beyond Redefining their relationships with customers and
partners, marketers are taking a fresh look at the ways in which they connect with the
broader world around them. Increasing globalization, more concern for social
environmental responsibility, and greater use of marketing by nonprofit and public-sector
organizations are some of the trends we look at here.

4. Explain how each of the following resources within a company might influence its
marketing program: (40 points)
A. Plant/Company location – Business success cannot be overstated because
company location influences a lot in marketing program. The location of a
business can be used to attract a customer base as well as talent to make the
business a success.Since there are always parts of a city that carry a reputation,
whether it is a reputation for simple living or a reputation for luxurious
extravagance, a business's location helps it create a brand and image. It’s
important to place your business in a part of town that reflects your brand and
B. Company image – A positive Company/brand image can influence the buying
habits of the target audience. A brand image is more than just a logo, It represents
your company name and your products. It is important for any business because
when consumers buy a product or service, they aren't just buying a product or a
service, they're also buying your brand, and what your brand stands for to deliver
what you want it to say.
C. Financial resources – Financial resources are used to carry out the main
operations of the business, like buying goods and services and to carry out long
term investments. They are a part of company's liquid assets, which are usually
used as business continuity funds, to provide continuous running of all processes
in the organization. Financial management is the practice of dealing with the
financial resources of a firm with the objective of effectively accomplishing
organizational goals of business success with profitability. Financial management
enables marketing and advertising function to stay on track, manage the financial
aspects of business accurately and avoid any financial blunders that may cost the
company. Finance is a partner to marketing and takes care of the analytical side of
D. Personnel capability – Business owners need employees that are able to get the
job done because employee performance is critical to the overall success of the
company. Good Employees meet deadlines make sales and build the brand. The
office gets a boost when people are doing their jobs well. But An entire
department can be brought down by employees who aren't motivated to get the
job done. Promoting a positive, energetic work environment is important. Hiring
people who have a lot capabilities can make the Business success.

5. Explain how internet affects the business operations and identify the advantages and
disadvantages of using it. (30 points)

Transferring businesses to a completely new environment was made possible by the

invention of the Internet. Some major tech companies have made a significant
contribution to the development of the Internet, while others simply followed and entered
a new territory hoping for the best. The enormous speed at which information and data
are being transferred via the Internet is one of the most important advantages of e-
business. It has become the place where human communication accelerated driving faster
than ever before, thanks to e-mail services, social networks, chat operators and thousands
of followers all over the Web. The expansion of the internet has given rise to many online
businesses. There are some challenges and drawbacks to using the Web to reach a global
marketplace. The internet’s disadvantages may affect your potential success with online

6. Should a small firm (either a manufacturer or a retailer) engage in formal strategic

planning? Why or why not? (20 point)

A Formal strategic planning is required for growth planning. A realistic vision for the
future of your business can help you maximize your business’ potential for growth. Small
businesses don’t need the same kind of plan that a large corporation does, and they
certainly don’t need the types of plans that global corporations produce. Small business
owners can be frustrated by the wrong methods for strategic planning. They don’t have
the time to plan. They can be slowed down by long-term planning. Small companies need
to hit every challenge and opportunity strategically and also what small firm need is not
strategic planning but strategic thinking.

8. Identify and explain the differential advantage or disadvantage for the primary product for
one of the following organizations: (50 points)
a. Your school
b. Jollibee – The primary product of the Jollibee is the Chicken joy, a key product of
Jollibee is a breaded crispy fried chicken meal. The meal can be ordered in a number
of different options from their menu. Chicken Joy represents the general Filipino
palate when it comes to food. Unabashedly simple in preparation and looks, a bit salty,
but juicy and overflowing with that meaty, umami taste that pairs well with the
country’s main staple (rice). The differential Advantage of Jollibee chicken joy to its
competitor mcdonald’s. The chicken joy size is bigger than chicken mcdo and skin has
just the right combination of real skin and breading makes it more flavorful, this one
tastes and looks closest to natural. While the skin on McDonald’s Crispy Fried
Chicken is saltier than the skin of chicken joy. The price of Jollibee chicken joy is
cheaper than the chicken mcdo, chicken joy is more tastier and juicier than
c. Philippine Airlines
d. SM
e. My Phone

9. Differentiate the product positioning of the following brands: (50 points)

a. Jollibee and McDonald’s – This two is famous in their industry, both are fast food
restaurant but they are originated in different country. Jollibee is originated from
Philippines they are known for their chicken joy, Jollibee occasionally has other
specials and some unique items not found at McDonald’s Philippines like the burger
with pineapple called the aloha burger, they also have a beef steak with gravy and rice.
Jollibee is cheaper than McDonald’s. McDonalds is from America thay are known for
their american hamburgers and chicken sandwich, Both offer Filipino-style spaghetti,
chicken and burgers. But in America you won’t find Filipino-style spaghetti and
chicken, but here in Philippines they add it to their menu to draw more Filipino

b. Coca-Cola and Pepsi – The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo are two of the largest
and most recognizable food and beverage brands in history, The biggest difference
between Coke and Pepsi are their flavors; Coke has more of a vanilla-raisin flavor,
while Pepsi has more of a citrus flavor. Because of this flavor difference, Coke goes
down smoother than Pepsi. In terms of nutritional facts, Coke has a little more sodium
than Pepsi, which makes the taste a bit less sweet. Pepsi has more calories, sugar, and
caffeine, so the taste is sweeter in that aspect as well.

c. iPhone and Samsung - Samsung is a smartphone brand that runs on android owned by a
company of same name. iPhone is also a smartphone brand but runs on iOS owned by
apple. The biggest difference is the Hardware, Samsung is light years ahead of Apple
when it comes to their hardwares. Samsung phones rip iPhones apart when it comes to
hardware specs, the RAM, the megapixels on your camera, the storage, some of the now
so common features like face recognition and fingerprint scanner were introduced by
Samsung long before Apple followed suit. Also When it come to Android it has vast
scale of customization It doesn’t give faulty updates like the IOS (for upgradation of
device or to increase it sales ). Most of the Android devices are not as costly like IOS
devices. Apple is Best processor with highest bench mark scores, Best camera
experience with original lighting and stable videos, Secured devices best ever security
features .
d. Toyota and Ford – Toyota is a Japanese automaker, while Ford is an American company.
Both companies make cars, they have different concept, management, and design. Ford
cars emphasize performance while Toyotas emphasize practicality and Toyotas have a
minimalist approach to mass. Toyota cars is very affordable and it cheapest to maintain,
As Toyota makes the most practical cars, which are often lacking some special features, it
is not a surprise that they would cost less to repair, while Ford has more luxury features,
so it is expected that it will be more complex and expensive to repair.
e. Bench and Penshoppe – The brand's apparel is stylish and affordable. One of the
Philippines' leading fashion retail brands, Penshoppe is endorsed by some of the world's
biggest names in fashion, Penshoppe's rise to fame was attributed to it's ability to obtain
celebrity endorsements such as that from Zac Efron and Kendall Jenner. Bench is a
British clothing brand that is sold in Europe and Canada. The company was founded in
England. Bench is a brand that designs, sources, and markets clothing and accessories for
men, women, and children.

10. Given the following companies, identify which of their product brands belong to
different cell of the BCG growth-share matrix. Explain your choice. (30 points)
a. Unilever Philippines – Lipton belong to Star, Marmite belong to Cash Cow, Omo
belong to Question Marks, and Slim fast belong to dog. Despite its existing stature, it
continue the investment and enable a global re-launch of Lipton Yellow Label. Marmite
is a key Cash Cow for Unilever with sales just about holding their own in the spreads
industry that is slowly beginning to decline in Europe and North America. The new
products under the Omo brand concentrate the same number of washes into a bottle one
third of the size.The Slim-Fast brand was sold to a private-equity firm to focus on other
brands with greater appeal and growth potential.
b. Procter and Gamble Company – Tide is best categorized as a star in the BCG matrix
for several reasons. Most importantly, Tide is associated with high quality by consumers
through the creation of a consistent aroma, softness and feeling of clothing. The bottles,
logo, and scents of Tide are widely recognized and used as a household name.
c. Universal Robina Corporation

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