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Software Engineering


Date: -16-09-2022


Enrolment No: A20405220151
Section: B.Tech CSE Sec.
Semester:- v
Batch: A2(2020-2024)

Objective 1: Prepare a IEEE standard SRS for any project of your choice.
Software Requirement Specification Development
Version 1.0

Date: 16-09-2022
Online Shopping Store

Client name: - Amity University Rajasthan

Organization:-Shubham Agarwal
Table of Content
Table of Content...................................................................................................................................i
Table of Figure.....................................................................................................................................ii
List of Table........................................................................................................................................iii

1.0 purpose..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Scope..................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Glossary..............................................................................................................................2
1.4 Reference............................................................................................................................2
1.5 Document outline................................................................................................................2

2.0 Overall Description…..................................................................................................................3

2.1 System Environment…......................................................................................................3
2.2 Functional Requirement Specification…............................................................................4
2.3 User cases…........................................................................................................................6
2.4 Non-Functional Requirement…..........................................................................................7
3.0 Requirement Specification…......................................................................................................7
3.1 internal Interface…............................................................................................................7
3.2 Functional Requirement….................................................................................................8
3.2.1 Customers….......................................................................................................8
3.2.2 Seller…...............................................................................................................8
3.3.3 Administrator…..................................................................................................8

Table of Figure

Serial Number Figure Number Page Number

1 Fig-1 user cases diagram

1.0 Purpose

The Traditional way of maintaining details of a user in a bank was to enter the details and
record them. Every time the user needs to perform some transactions he has to go to bank and perform the
necessary actions, which may not be so feasible all the time. It may be a hard-hitting task for the users and
the bankers too. The project gives real life understanding of Internet banking and activities performed by
various roles in the supply chain. Here, we provide an automation for banking system through Internet.
Internet banking system project captures activities performed by different roles in real
life banking which provides enhanced techniques  for maintaining the required information up
to date, which results in efficiency. The project gives real life understanding of Internet banking and
activities performed by various roles in the supply chain.

1.1 Introduction

Internet banking system provides is specifically developed for online banking for Balance Enquiry, Funds
Transfer to another account in the same bank, Request for cheque book/change of address/stop payment of
cheques, Mini statements (Viewing Monthly and annual statements).

1.2 Scope

An online banking system will be applicable everywhere, where banking exists. It will be more efficient
and easier way to have a record on systems through which everyone can easily access it according to his
rights as compared to the traditional banking system. Every bank will prefer the online banking system
instead of the traditional banking system as it contains many useful features and fastest methods for the

1.3 Glossary
OSS: -online shopping system (for grocery store)

GST: Goods and services tax applicable to all products.

Upload listing: Sellers will add their products to the system.

1.4 Reference

1.0 Overall Description

The application is to be fully functional bank software. It will consist of a few different modules: - The
first module is to be a software application that can be used by bank customers Online. This application
will allow the user to deposit, withdraw and transfer funds and check balance. The second module is to be
a software application that is used within the bank creates the new user accounts. This application will
allow everything the Online allows as well as some additional features. These features include account
creation, account deletion, customer records, and reports. Both pieces of software will be linked to a
central bank server. This server will handle multiple threads and will therefore allow for simultaneous
access of multiple users. It will provide for user authentication and will store all data. In these all are
handled by Administrator.

2.1 Product Perspective

The Online Banking System is the software, which manages the various users with independent access. The
Online Banking is a special-order software system. It will be used in the stated configuration of online.

2.1.1 System Interfaces

2.1.2 User Interfaces

There are four different ways for a user to interact with the system:
Viewers: Many unknown persons or un-authenticated persons visit the Bank official site via internet.
They collect the information and search what are the schemes are available in the bank web page.
Those viewers or visitors became the customer of the bank.

New User: Who all visited that Bank webpage or heard about the bank those persons getting ready to start
account in bank. They register the bank application form, submit and start account in the nearest bank..

User interface: -

Home page: -
● The home page for OSS should be designed very attractive and user friendly.
● It include -search bar, buttons like Sign in, my basket, log out
● It also display the top grocery deals on home page

Sign in: -

● This page allow user users to create their account or sign in. For this user have to
provide Their phone number or they Can be create or login their account by
providing email address. After that user have enter their first name and last name.
● If the entered email id or phone number is wrong, the system displays an error
message saying ‘Incorrect email id(or phone number)’ and ‘We can not find an
account with that email id (or phone number)’.
● If the email id or phone number entered by the user is valid and the password enter
is invalid, then the system displays an error message saying ‘There was a problem’
and ‘Your password is incorrect’.
● There are also some other fields like ‘Conditions of Use’, ‘Privacy Notice’, ‘Help’
and ‘Other Issues with sign in’ which takes the user to appropriate pages.

Cart: -
This page allows the user to save the items they wish to buy in the cart. It provides information
about all the items added to the cart by the user. For each item in the cart functionalities like
‘Delete’, ‘Save for later’ and ‘Compare with similar items’ are provided to the user.

Delivery Address: -

This field allow user to add the address of their house or some place where they want to
deliver their grocery.

Product Details Page: -

In this user can see the detail of the product can click on them to view the full information
about the product. In this usually user can see multiple images of product and after viewing
the product user can add them to cart or buy directly by buy now button.

Returns & orders:-

This page provides the user with the complete information about their orders. It has multiple
fields which are Your Orders, Open Orders, Buy Again, Cancelled this order page
give the information about the product and also provided with the payment receipt. And for
returning the product user must click on return or replace the product and after that the seller
will contact to the customer.

Order Tracking

In this section user will able to see their product tracking for shipping to

Seller interface: -

Sign in as a seller: -

This page allow seller to create their account or sign in. For this seller have to provide
Their phone number or they Can be create or login their account by providing email
address. after that seller provide the basic information regarding their shop and product
they want sell, location, business type, contact address, identity details, GST number and
Bank account information.

Orders: -

In this vendor is able to see the order they got from the customer and address also.the seller
must deliver the product and receive payment.

Delivery to customers:

In view orders page Click on deliver to customer Item added to delivery, items undergo
delivery process.

Hardware interface: - Hardware requirements insurance on internet will be same for both
parties for Mobile application which are as follows:

Operating System: - Android

Memory space: - the user should have more than 50 mb space to Download the app.

2.2 User cases

Fig 1:-user cases diagram

2.3 Non-Functional Requirements

Following Non-Functional Requirements will be there in the insurance to the internet:

● Secure access to consumer’s confidential data.

● 24X7 availability.

● Better component design to get better performance at peak time.

● Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension. Non-
Functional Requirements define system properties and constraints. Various other Non-
Functional Requirements are:

● OSS shall handle expected and unexpected errors in ways that prevent
loss in information and long downtime period.

● System will use secured database.

2.0 Requirement Specification

2.1 Internal interface: -

● All the web pages of this online shopping system are majorly built using development tools like
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, Ajax etc
● Login Page
● There will be a screen displaying information about product that the shop having.
● If the customers select the buy button then another screen of shopping cart will
be opened.
● After all transaction the system makes the selling report as portable document
file (.pdf) and sent to the customer E-mail address.

3.2 Functional requirement
3.3.1 Customers(user): -
● Login: -Customers must have a valid login id to enter into site.
● View cart and edit: -can view their cart and edit them also through click on checkbox.
● Proceed to buy: -but clicking on buy now user get redirected to payment page.
● Logout: -when Customer click on logout they must redirected to sign in page.

3.3.2 Seller: -

● Login/Register: -shop owner register their shop to website.

● View order: - when click on view order seller will able to see the order they got form
● Upload listing: - In home page Click on upload listings and enter details (name of the)
item, price, material, quantity, colour) of all the items to sell the items successfully
uploaded, customers can view these items.
● Delivery to customers: - In view orders page Click on deliver to customer Item added
to delivery, items undergo delivery process.

3.3.3 Administrator: -

● Database Management:-control the database and keep track of all records of

customers and seller.
● Giving permission to seller: -give permission to seller to sell their product under the
site after testing product quality.
● Controls the whole site.


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