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Greg Runs Away (Short)

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By: ScaryBoi (/u/15128984/ScaryBoi)  (
Rated: Fiction K+ ( - English - Parody/Mystery - Words: 885 - Reviews: 1 (/r/14052437/) - Favs: 2 - Published: Mar 13 - id: 14052437

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greg heffley has had it, he's fed up with his life here in this town… he's tired of his dysfunctional pathetic, disgrace of a family. He's tired of his parents, he's tired of his
older brother, he's tired of his his uneducated brother. He is done… tired of being pushed around by patty, sure he insulted her as a kid, but now he's become the towns
punching bag. "I can't take this anymore…" greg said to himself as he takes out a blank piece of paper from the new diary his mom bought him.

He wrote on the paper;

mom dad rodrick… if you find this note… then I have already left town and started going on a journey to start a new life of my own. The reason im leaving is because im
sick of being life's punching bag while I was aiming for the top of the world to fame and popularity, instead I got this disfunctional outrageous, disgraceful terrible
excuse for a family. You wanna know who that family is… you!

There for decided that I want no part of it anymore so if you have any regrets now… well face it… it is already too late for regrets now. If you wanna know what I mean
then read all the journals I've kept hidden in the safe I hid under my bed… the code is "20650124" now im going to have a perfect life and then you'll be sorry that you
ever treated me like a wimp. Cause you are the worst family I have ever had in my whole life and I hope you all live in asylum! Cause that's where you belong.

Goodbye forever!

After greg finishes the note, he leaves it on his bed and quietly goes down the stairs and pack his bag with some of his food and supply. Unfortunetly he would need to
travel light at this time. After packing. He sneaks out the front door and carefully closes it shut and walks down the sidewalk.

The next morning his mother and father got up and began cooking breakfast as rodrick attempts to pull a prank on his little brother as usual. But on this morning things
will soon be very different for what rodrick will soon discover.

As rodrick waits for greg to come out of bed and leave his room unaware that greg is already gone. His mother then notice that some of the food in the fridge is missing
which is kinda surprising for her. Greg's dad notices greg's backpack is missing as well… which seemed odd to him… after all it is a school day, but never went to school
early before.

As the school day had already started, rowley notice greg was absent for some reason… very unusual. The teachers then called his parents and asked em if they had
seen their son greg today. They told the teachers they've never seen him this morning and assumed that he was at school early. Teachers replied that he has not arrived
at school. Greg's parents were totally confused on what is going on… and the question that has been floating in their heads is "if greg isn't at home or at school then
where is he?" after the school day ended, greg's parents entered his room and found that greg was not in his room… but what they found laying on greg's bed… left
them speechless in utter shock.

Greg's run away note… as greg's parents read the note… greg's mother's hands shook while reading it as tears were about to leak from her eyes. While his dad, was
horrified that his own son had just ran away from home and they didn't even notice. But they did follow the note's instructions and opened the safe that was under
greg's bed. As they carefully read every page and every detail that was written by their son… but they never thought that they would be reading the history of their
son's life in his own point of view. Both parents were silent as their jaws dropped, never in their lives had guessed that all they have done for their child, was not good
enough. But what really left them speechless what he thought of his own parents and their behavior.

After rodrick came home and notice that his father was on the phone while his mother was pacing back and fourth, rodrick had never seen his parents behaved like this
before. "mom are you okay?" rodrick asked as she then pauses in mid-stop as she gives rodrick the note greg left behind. Greg's mom sobbering as she finally spoke
"greg's gone!" after rodrick read the note, he chuckled to himself as he took this as joke. But this was not a joke, this is real, greg's mother called rowley's parents and
asked for their help in finding greg. Rowley went to the hills family for help to find greg. The expression on holly hill's face was utter shock… so as such they began
looking for greg. Unfortunetly for them… greg is halfway beyond their reach. Never to be seen again.

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