Week 5 Utilitarian Case Study Assignment

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Week 5: Utilitarian Case Study

DeVry University

ETHC 445 –Principles of Ethics

Professor Dalisay Rosado, MA, MS

April 4, 2021

Week 5: Utilitarian Case Study

Utilitarianism is defined as “a doctrine that the useful is the good and that the

determining consideration of right conduct should be the usefulness of its consequences”

(Merriam-Webster Incorporated, 2021). To be put more simply “a theory that the aim of action

should be the largest possible balance of pleasure over pain or the greatest happiness of the

greatest number.” Although many of us do not see ourselves as a utilitarian at some point in our

lives decisions we make can be seen from a utilitarian’s point of view.

Me being the lead surgeon the recipient I have decided to give the liver transplant

to is Recipient B, Maria. Maria is 34, does not do much with her life and is not a very nice

person. The goal is to provide happiness or be of help to as many people involved. With Maria

receiving the transplant her father’s donation will benefit thousands or even more with a brand

new pediatric wing. This will provide happiness not just for the children but to their parents and

all of their family members. Her father also previously donated 2 million to the cancer research

program and his daughter getting this transplant may motivate him to continue donating in the

future. I also took into consideration the quote by John Stuart Mill “Actions are right in

proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of

happiness” (CourseHero, 2021).

If I was to not give Maria the transplant, I would be risking losing the donation of

a brand new pediatric wing and donations for anything in the future. Although with surgeries we

are taking chances and it is never 100% that it will be a success because anything can happen at

any time I would rather take the chance and give her father hope that to not give her the

transplant at all a risk losing happiness that can be provided for thousands of people. This one

decision can affect so many people’s lives.

The reason I did not choose Recipient A, Francis, is because one of the criteria

for having a liver transplant is to be free of alcohol for at least 6 months. Although Francis has

been alcohol-free for the past 9 months, he is known to have relapsed many times in the past. He

did not relapse once but numerous times. It is possible this time he may not relapse but that is not

a chance I am willing to take. I do empathize with his wife and children because no one ever

wants to lose a loved one. I also took into consideration the fact that his credit union may fail

without him but this decision cannot be based on empathy. I must think about how I can bring

joy to the most people involved and a small credit union cannot compare to a hospital that helps

thousands and millions of people. The members of the credit union can find another, and

employees can find new jobs.

The reason I did not choose Recipient C, Benji, is mainly because of his past

complications which put him at great risk of his body rejecting the liver. He is young and I

would love to see him go on with his life and become an awesome doctor but if his body was to

reject the liver it would be a waste, and no one would have been helped. It is also a requirement

to be free of any disease or conditions and although it was not stated exactly what his conditions

are I am assuming it is something serious if there is a possibility his body can reject the liver.

Also, if he was to get the transplant not many people would have received happiness besides him

and a few family members. That is a small amount compared to the thousands, maybe millions of

people that will benefit if Maria gets the transplant.

Having to decide who gets to have the liver transplant is a difficult decision to

make. I would have loved to have given each recipient a transplant but that is not the way cards

were dealt. I empathize with Francis, Benji, and their families but their situations were also a lot

riskier due to the relapsing and complications. I was not able to please everyone, but I did what I

saw fit to help and bring joy and happiness to as many as I can and Maria was the best option to

make that happen.



CourseHero. (2021). Utilitarianism | Quotes.


Merriam-Webster Incorporated. (2021). Utilitarianism.


UPMC Transplant Services. (2021). Who is a Liver Transplant Candidate?


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