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A hansome man standing at the door was poorly dressed.

 Pre-modifiers: A (determiner: article) handsome (adjective)

 Head noun: man
 post modifier: Standing at the door (gerund phrase)
1) The green and red balloons look perfect.
 Pre-modifiers: The (determiner: article)
 Head noun: balloons
 Noun: green, red
2) Jenny gave the packed gift box to her mother.
 Pre-modifiers: the (determiner: article)
 Head noun: gift box
 Noun: packed
3) The end of the story was quite a surprise.
 Pre-modifiers: the (determiner: article)
 Head noun: story
4) My old book of maps is in this rack.
 Pre-modifiers: My (determiner: possessive adjectives)
 Head noun: book of maps
 Adjective: old
5) Kylie gifted us her hand-made greeting cards.
 Pre-modifiers: her (determiner: possessive adjectives)
 Head noun: greeting cards
6) Can we adopt that little brown spotted dog?
 Pre-modifiers: that (determiners: demonstrative adjective)
 Head noun: dog
 Adjective: little, spotted
 Noun: brown
7) A typically lazy Sunday afternoon to relax with my family
 Pre-modifiers: A (determiner: article)
 Head noun: Sunday
 post modifier: afternoon
8) The multi-talented child performing in the street was a treat to watch.
 Pre-modifiers: The (determiner: article)
 Head noun: child
9) A very old joke was said in the class.
 Pre-modifiers: A (determiner: article)
 Head noun: joke
 Adjective: old
10) Ben put his new foam surfboard next to the dog’s house.
 Pre-modifiers: his (determiner: possessive adjectives)
 Head noun: surfboard
 Adjective: new
 Noun: foam

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