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1ST Quarterly Examination 2020- 2021

Christian Education-4

NAME: ________________________ SCORE: ____________

DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What was the name of the mountain where God gave the Ten Commandments to

A. Mt. Sarai

B. Mt. Bulusan

C. Mt. Sinai

2. Who did God give the Ten Commandments to so he could tell the people?

A. Jochebed

B. Sarai

C. Moses

3. “Commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your


A. lamp

B. loved

C. plans

4. What is the second commandment?

A. Have no other God before me

B. Do not take my name in vain

C. Do not make any graven image

5. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it ______________?

A. happy

B. holy

C. crazy

6. God wrote the Ten Commandments on __________________?

A. the tabernacle

B. the tablet stone

C. the altar

7. What was the idol made out of what shape was it?

A. kid B. calf C. cab

8. How many parts of the tabernacle tent?

A. three parts

B. two parts

C. one part

9. What was the special tent called?

A. timawa B. tarsila C. alipin

10. The lamp stand was made of pure gold and seven _____________.

A. calf B. lamps C. tribe

11. While Moses was receiving the ten Commandments, what did the Israelites do?

A. smashed two stone

B. they sent plagues

C. made a golden calf

12. How did Moses punish the Israelites for worshipping the Golden Calf?
A. He sent plagues

B. He forced them to drink gold dust

C. Made a golden calf

13. What did God engrave to the Tablet Stone?

A. The Musical Forms

B. The Ten Kumainments

C. The Ten Commandments

14. What was to be used to keep the lamp in the Tabernacle burning?

A. olive oil B. lotion C. milk and coffee

15. ____________ is the ones who could work at the temple.

A. Lives B. Leviticus C. Levites

16. Do not ____________ other people’s things.

A. desire B. idol C. stew

17. I am _____________, your God. You have no other God’s before me.

A. Father B. idols C. Yahweh

18. In the Bible where are instructions for building the Tabernacle found?

A. Leviticus B. Numbers C. Exodus

19. Who was the high priest?

A. Yahweh B. Jacob C. Aaron

20. You shall not make ________________.

A. image B. God C. idols

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