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Name of Learner:_____________________________________ Grade Level: __________

Section: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________



Background Information for Learners

Your knowledge of the various text types will help you organize your thoughts on a
particular reading. The more you know and understand various text types, the easier for you to
appreciate reading.

Always remember the different types of texts:

1. Informational Text is a text that gives information about the topic. Examples are the news
article, feature article, content area materials like Mathematics and Science.
2. Procedural Text is a text that tells the procedure, directions or steps on how to do something.
Examples are the recipes, steps in solving word problems and dance steps.
3. Narrative Text is a text that tells a story. Examples are fairytale stories, science fiction, horror
stories and fables.
4. Argument Text is a text written about a subject where the writer is either “for” or “against” the
subject. Example is an essay.

Learning Competency with Code

 Note significant details of various text types (Quarter 1 Week 3)

Exercise 1: Let’s Study This!

Direction: Let us read and analyze the following text.

Northern Philippine Cuisine

(Pinakbet or Pakbet)

Pinakbet or Pakbet is an Ilocano stewed vegetable dish. The usual vegetables included in
the dish are eggplant, bitter gourd (ampalaya), okra and tomatoes. The dish is seasoned with
bagoong isda or fermented fish paste.

The Ilocanos cook Pinakbet simply by layering the vegetable in a pot with a little amount
of water and fish sauce in it.

They set the pot on a low fire and let the food simmer without stirring or mixing until the
vegetables are cooked.

These days, many people come out with different versions.

Here is one way of cooking it.

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pan knife chopping board
bowl ladle tablespoon/teaspoon

* 2 pieces ampalaya, cut into 2” length
* 2 pieces eggplant, cut into 2” length wedges
* 6-8 pcs okra, tops trimmed off or cut diagonally
* 2 pieces tomatoes, cut in wedges
* pork slices
* 1 medium onion chopped
* 1 table spoon bagoong isda (sauted fish sauce)
* 1 ½ cup shrimp, fish or pork broth
* 1 teaspoon ground pepper
* 2 tablespoons cooking oil for sautéing

Cooking time: 25 minutes


1. Sauté the garlic, onions and tomatoes in the oil. Add the pork slices and
sauté for a minute.
2. Turn the heat down and layer the vegetables from the bottom of the pan
in this order: ampalaya, okra, eggplant.
3. Add the broth and bagoong. Cover and let it boil then simmer for ten to fifteen minutes until
the vegetables are cooked but still firm.
4. Stir in the fish or shrimps. Season with ground pepper.
5. Serve with rice.

Guide Questions:

1. What region does this recipe come from?


2. What does the recipe tell us to do?


3. What can you say about the paragraph?


4. What text type is shown in the activity?


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. Please include this in all Learning Activity Sheets.
2. The class President of Grade IV- Gumamela posted an announcement.


There will be a cooking contest on Friday, August 28, 2020 which will be held at
Morado covered court at 9 o’clock in the morning. All interested pupils will see Ms.
Morales at Room 4 of Building No. 3.

1. What contest will be held on August 28, 2020?

2. Where will it be held?
3. Whom they are going to see if they are interested to join the contest?
4. What type of text is shown in the activity?

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Once upon a time in a far, far away place there lived a beautiful princess. A wicked
witch who was jealous of her beauty gave the princess a poisoned apple. The princess took
a bite from the apple and fell into a deep sleep from which no one could wake her. Years
later, a handsome prince saw the sleeping princess and kissed her. The princess awoke and
they married and lived happily ever after.

1. Who lived in a far, far away place?

2 Why did the wicked witch give an apple to the princess?
3. What happened to the princess after eating the apple?
4. How did the prince make the princess awake?
5. What text type is shown in the activity?


People who eat vegetables live longer but it is not because they don’t eat meat. In
fact, eating vegetables is more likely to exercise and it can contribute to a longer life.

1. What is more likely to eating vegetables?


2. What are the benefits of eating vegetables?


3. What type of text is shown in this activity?


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. Please include this in all Learning Activity Sheets.
Exercise 2. TRY and LEARN

Direction: Match the example of a particular text under Column B with the text type under
Column A.


1. Argument text a. The story of Cinderella

2. Informational Text b. Steps on how to make Polvoron
3. Narrative text c. The story of the Lion and the Mouse
4. Procedural Text d. Why do we need to eat vegetables?
e. A biography of our National Heroes

Exercise 3.Choosy ME

Direction: With the following given examples, encircle the correct text type.

1. The story of Darna and the Ant and the Grasshopper

Argument Text

Informational Text

Narrative Text

Procedural Text

2. Daily news and content of Mathematics book

Narrative Text

Procedural Text

Informational Text

Argument Text

3. Steps on How to Make a Banana Cake

Procedural Text

Narrative Text

Informational Text

Argument Text

4. Writing an essay about the use of online learning

Narrative Text

Procedural Text

Argument Text

Informational Text
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. Please include this in all Learning Activity Sheets.
Exercise 4. Let’s Do This!

How to cook rice? Write the steps or procedure on how to cook rice using the given


2. __________________________________________________.

3. __________________________________________________.

4. __________________________________________________.

5. ___________________________________________________.

Exercise 5. Write It On!

Direction:Complete the table below by writing an example for each text type.

Text Type What do they do Example

Informational Text Give information

Procedural Text Tells the directions or steps

Narrative Text Tells a story

Argument Text Argues to convince the


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. Please include this in all Learning Activity Sheets.
Guide Questions:

1. How do we identify the various text types?

2. What are the clue words in identifying each text type?


Rubric for scoring

Simple Writing Rubric

Name:_______________________________ Date:_________________________
Topic:_______________________________ Hour: ________________________

Criteria 5 4-3 2 1 Total

Grammar No major A few Consistent Significant
Usage grammatical consistent problems problems with
and Mechanics or mechanical problems with grammar or
issues with grammar or mechanics
grammar or mechanics
Content Substantial Sufficiently Limited Superficial
and develop content with with minimal
demonstrated content with inadequate content
specific adequate explanation
content explanation


Complete this statement:

What I have learned in this activity.


English 4, Grace U. Rabelas, Victoria D. Mangaser

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. Please include this in all Learning Activity Sheets.
Answer Key

Exercise 1. Let’s Study This!

1. Northern Region
2. A recipe gives the procedure of cooking a Pinakbet.
3. The paragraph gives us some information about Pinakbet.
4. Procedural text

1. Cooking contest
2. Morado covered court
3. Ms. Morales
4. Informational Text

1. Snow White
2. Jealous of her beauty
3. She fell into a deep sleep
4. The prince kissed the princess
5. Narrative texts

1. It is more likely to exercise.
2. You will become healthy and far from sickness.
3. Argument text

Exercise 2. TRY and LEARN


d 1. Argument Text a. The story of Cinderella

e 2. Informational Text b. Steps on how to make Polvoron
a, c 3. Narrative Text c. The story of the Lion and the Mouse
b 4. Procedural Text d. Why do we need to eat vegetables?
e. A biography of our national heroes

Exercise 3. Choosy Me

1. Narrative
2. Informational
3. Procedural
4. Argument

Exercise 4. Let’s Do This!

1. Rinse the rice.

2. Add water and rice in the pot.
3. Cook on high heat until the water starts to boil.
4. Turn the heat down to low.
Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. Please include this in all Learning Activity Sheets.
5. Serve the rice.

Exercise 5. Write It On!

Text Type What do they do Example

Informational Text Gives information Biography, book
(varied answer)
Procedural Text Tells the directions or steps Steps in dancing, solving
word problem
(varied answer)
Narrative Text Tells a story The Ant and the
(varied answer)
Argument Text Argues to convince the Do we need to be afraid of
reader the dark?
(varied answer)

Prepared by:


Name of writer

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. Please include this in all Learning Activity Sheets.

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