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Lesson 8

Gender and Sexuality as a Psychosexual Issue

Name: Kent Louie V. Fuentes Period/ Section: GO9 - Judah

Individual   Activity

Type: Think about the following and share your thoughts.

My Strengths :

I believe that life is our personal experiences and everyone has a rtain attributes with their strengths..
being aware of what are my best strengths can help me overcome my worst weaknesses. In the past, I
have had a hard time recognizing my weakness but as you or we get older, we become more aware of
our weaknesses.

My strengths, which inclod computer skills, discipline, motivate My strengths let people see, I take pride
in every task I perform. I will complete all tasks given to me. This will help me be promoted in my career.

Firstly is my computer skills. I am a fast learner when it comes to figuring out new computer software or
hardware and I am also a fast typer, This stem is from my past since I was a kid I raise well by my parents
and I love the way playing on computers that’s why I have learned a lot from since 2010 til now.

Secondly, motivate people around me. I help to show them their abilities. I also praise them on fore
things they do. Motivation is a two-way street. I have encouraged people to do better for themself, just
by the way, I carry myself. And the other that I mentioned.

Thirdly, discipline is something we all develop throughout our lifetime; discipline equips us with the
tools necessary to succeed in life. Discipline has given me the ability to have solid self-esteem, a sense of
humor, and the ability to stay focused on goals which have resulted in a greater desire to learn.
having discipline Is the ability to gain control by obedience.

Areas where I can improve :

Firstly InspiratiI I need inspiration to keep me motivated and focused on improving myself. If I’m not as
interested in my self-improvement as I should be, my motivation level will not high enough to be able to
sustain interest for long periods. The important thing is to reward the progress I make. If I’m dealing
with shyness, for instance, and successfully socialize with strangers at a party, I should reward myself for
working towards my goal of banishing my shyness.
Treat me to something I like or enjoy doing a facial, a trip to the cinema, wonderful street food and I
have to spoil myself a little and do so knowing that I’m worth it.

for instance, if I wish to build my confidence, then I start learning some positive affirmations and
become conscious of my negative thinking patterns. And I suffer from anxiety, then I have to learn some
breathing techniques. And This that I will save myself time which I can then use to fulfilling my self-

“No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always
change, become a better version of yourself.

My aspirations in life

My aspiration in life is to travel and discover the world. I want to see all sorts of places like the pyramids
in Egypt the Taj Mahal in India the Grand Canyon in Arizona and also Tokyo japan To do so.

My greatest aspiration in life is to give back to others what they have given to me to be even more
worthy of my achievements. My efforts to serve in my community at home have had a great impact on
me developing into the young lady I have become. With the guidance of my parent and grandparents,
they have always instilled in me to respect myself and others, believe in myself, and have the
determination to achieve my goals. The school has been effective in my life because it is preparing me
for the next level in life. It keeps me career-ready and enables me to face any situations that may come
my way. I may encounter a few shortcomings along the way but it only makes me think about how can I
implement my strengths to help out my weaknesses. My place of worship has a great influence on my
efforts in school and life. I attend Christ the healer where I serve as a member of the youth choir and a
dedicated Sunday school attendee. With God on my side, I know that all things are in very good
condition, and makes me feel like I’m being protected and being loved by Lord Jesus Christ.

How I see myself  10 or 20  years from now

The way I see myself ten years ahead of now is not something I often think about. To tell you the truth,
it scares me a little to know that in one short decade I will be 30 years old, and that my years of youth
are coming to an end. One thing I’m certain of is that if God allows me to get that age, I will make the
most of my years and put all of my effort to become successful and become having a good own family.

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