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Debyla juliana


Petunjuk :
Amatilah dengan saksama iklan lowongan kerja (Job Vacancy) di bawah ini, kemudian tentukan
apakah pernyataan-pernyataan di bawah ini benar atau salah.

Activity 1 (4 JP)
Read this job vacancy, and then state whether the following statements are True (T) or False

No Statements True(T) False(F)

1. The job vacancy above shows that the company is
opening a recruitment.
2. The main purpose of the job vacancy is to attract the
right candidate for the open position.
3. One has to send the application letter via a post mail.
4. A Japanese may not hand an application letter for this
No Statements True(T) False(F)
5. If one has read the job vacancy and he is interested in
the position, he will surely apply for the job.

Apakah kalian sudah mengerti sekarang tujuan sebuah iklan lowongan kerja? Nah, sesudah
pelamar kerja memahami iklan lowongan kerja dengan benar, mulailah dia menulis surat
lamaran kerja dengan memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah yang berlaku.Bacalah contoh surat
lamaran kerja (application letter) di bawah ini dengan saksama. Kemudian lengkapilah
peryataan-peryataan dengan informasi yang terdapat pada surat.
Complete the statements with the information from the application letter below.
1. The topic of the text above is about ……………………………………….
2. The purpose of the application letter above is to …………………………
3. Irfan is ………………………………………………………………..............
4. The opening paragraph in the application letter tells us about …………
5. The body of the application letter above consists of :
a) …………………………………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………………………………
6. The availability for an interview is found at the ……………......paragraph.
7. Write your reasons, why are the applicant’s competences suitable for the position?
Because it meets the requirements set by the


1. Application letter
2.Looking for people who are intrested in working in companies with
predetermined standards

3. Application letter who apply for a job/send a job

application letter to the beauty shop
4. Conditions that apply to becom an employee
5. Criteria required by the company
How to send a job application
6. Not in the mail
7. Because it meets the requirements set by the

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