PHYS4652 Assignment2

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PHYS4652 Planetary Science

Assignment # 2

Due Date: Mon. Mar. 14, 2022

1. In the circular restricted three-body problem, if we consider motion confined to the x-y
plane and adopt units such that G(m1 + m2 ) = 1 and the semimajor axis of the relative
orbit of the massive bodies is 1 (and mean motion n = 1), the effective potential associated
with Jacobi’s constant is
1 µ1 µ2
U = − (x2 + y 2 ) − −
2 r1 r2
where µ1 = m1 /(m1 + m2 ), µ2 = m2 /(m1 + m2 ), r12 = (x + µ2 )2 + y 2 and r22 = (x − µ1 )2 + y 2 .

(a) The Lagrangian points are locations where a test particle could remain stationary in
the rotating frame. Show that these are stationary points of U .

(b) Find the positions of the triangular Lagrangian points L4 and L5 by showing that
∂U/∂r1 = 0 and ∂U/∂r2 = 0 would give stationary points.

2. Estimate the amplitude of the tides that the Moon raises on Earth. (Hint: Integrate the
tidal force to compute a tidal potential. Next, calculate the tidal potential of a test particle
at the sublunar point on the Earth’s surface. Finally determine the height by which the test
particle must be raised for the change in its gravitational potential relative to Earth to be
equal in magnitude to its tidal potential.)

(a) Assuming rapid rotation and neglecting any internal heat sources, calculate the equi-
librium temperature of Mars averaged over its surface.

(b) At what wavelength would you expect the blackbody spectrum of Mars in part (a) to

(c) Assuming slow rotation and neglecting any internal heat sources, calculate the equi-
librium temperature of Mars as a function of solar elevation angle.

4. If a planet’s atmosphere is in radiative equilibrium, the total radiative flux is independent

of height. Let us assume that the atmosphere is in monochromatic radiative equilibrium
(dFν /dz = 0). The temperature structure in such an atmosphere can be obtained from the
radiative diffusion equation. In an optically thick atmosphere that is approximately in LTE,
(0) (1) (1) (0)
the intensity is nearly isotropic: Iν (z, µ) ≈ Iν (z) + µ Iν (z) (where Iν (z) ≪ Iν (z) and
µ = cos θ), and Sν ≈ Bν (Kirchhoff’s law).
(0) (1) (0)
(a) Show that Jν = Iν , Fν = (4π/3)Iν , and Kν = Iν /3 = Jν /3.

(b) Integrate the equation of radiative transfer with Sν = Bν (T ) over dΩ to show that
= 4π(Bν − Jν ),
or Bν (T ) = Jν = 3Kν if dFν /dτν = 0.

(c) Derive
dKν 4π dBν
4π = = −Fν
dτν 3 dτν
by multiplying the equation of radiative transfer by µ and integrating over dΩ.

(d) Integrate over ν to derive the radiative diffusion equation:

4π ∂T ∞ 1 ∂Bν (T )
F(z) = − dν
3ρ ∂z 0 αν ∂T

5. The surface of the planet shown below emits as a blackbody at temperature Ts . It

is surrounded by an atmosphere thermally emitting at temperature Ta , where Ts > Ta .
The planet is observed at two nearby frequencies ν0 and ν1 along the rays A and B. The
atmosphere’s extinction coefficient is large at ν0 and is negligibly small at ν1 (αν0 ≫ αν1 ).
From the equation of radiative transfer, determine whether the observed brightness is larger
at ν0 or ν1 along ray A? Along ray B?

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