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Class - 5

Class by - GAURAV KApoor

Each of the six persons namely A, B, C, D, E and F took one ball from a box containing 300 balls of six different colours Blue, Black, Red, White, Green
and Yellow. Also, the number of balls of each colour is the same. Following is the detail of three statements made by each of the persons. Exactly one of
the statements made by each person is true and only one of the statements made about B is correct. Also, balls of two particular colours were not taken
by any of the persons.

A - B took a green ball. C did not take a red ball. E took a blue ball.
B - A took a green ball. D did not take a yellow ball. C took a black ball.
C - F took a white ball. F did not take a white ball. A did not take a blue ball.
D - E took a yellow ball. F took a yellow ball. One green ball was taken by me.
E - F took a red ball. B took the same coloured ball as A. B took a blue ball.
F - A took a white ball. C took a black ball. D did not take a red ball.

Q1. What is the colour of the ball taken by A?

(1) Green (2) Blue (3) Red (4) Cannot be determined

Q2. What is the colour of the ball taken by C?

(1) Green (2) White (3) Red (4) Cannot be determined

Q3. For how many of the mentioned persons, the exact colour of the balls taken by them can be determined?
(1) 6 (2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 2
Hina, Inshia, Jasmeet, Kiran and Latika participated in a race and got ranked at the
first five positions in the race i.e rank 1, rank 2, rank 3, rank 4 and rank 5. Each one
of them received a different rank. They all belong to three different tribes among
Shiva, Ravana and Kumbha. In Shiva tribe, people always speak the truth, in Ravana
tribe, people always lie and in Kumbha tribe, people switch between truth and lie
alternately. It is also known that only one of them belongs to Ravana tribe and at
least two belong to Kumbha tribe. When someone asked them about their
performances in the race, each one of them passed two statements.
Jasmeet got rank 2. Only I belong to Shiva Tribe.
I still need to work hard to get rank 1. I belong to Kumbha Tribe.
Hina is not from Shiva Tribe. I belong to Kumbha Tribe.
Hina got rank 3. I belong to Ravana tribe.
I am from Shiva tribe. I got rank 1.

Q1. Who among them got rank 1?

1. Latika 2. Hina 3. Inshia 4. Kiran
Q2. Who belongs to Ravana Tribe?
1. Latika 2. Hina 3. Jasmeet 4. Kiran
Q3. Who among the following definitely got rank 4?
1. Latika 2. Kiran 3. Inshia 4. Cannot be determined
Q4. Who belongs to Shiva Tribe?
1. Latika 2. Hina 3. Inshia 4. Kiran
Exactly one definite arrangement exists based on their
In a class, the five students – Anirudh, Brijesh, Mayank, Nakul and Pavan - are the
top five rankers, not necessarily in the same order. Each of these persons always
gives three replies to any question asked. Except one person, all the other four tell
1. Who among the following always speaks the truth?
at least a lie. Except one person, all the other four speak at least one truth. Exactly
(A) Anirudh (B) Brijesh (C) Mayank (D) Nakul
one person among them alternated between the truth and lies in any order. When I
asked them about their respective ranks, the following were their replies: 2. Who is the top ranker in the class?
(A) Brijesh (B) Anirudh (C) Mayank (D) Pavan
Anirudh : Brijesh is the 5th ranker.
Mayank is the 4th ranker. 3. What is the rank of the person who always speaks one truth
Pavan is the 3rd ranker. and two lies but does not alternate between the truth and lies?
(A) 3rd (B) 5th (C) 2nd (D) 4th
Brijesh : Nakul is the 4th ranker.
Anirudh is the 2nd ranker. 4. What is the rank of the person who always tells lies?
Mayank is the 1st ranker. (A) 5th (B) 4th (C) 3rd (D) 2nd

Mayank : Anirudh is the 3rd ranker.

Nakul is the 5th ranker.
Brijesh is the 2nd ranker.

Nakul : Pavan is the 1st ranker.

Anirudh is the 4th ranker.
Mayank is the 2nd ranker.

Pavan : Brijesh is the 3rd ranker.

Mayank is the 4th ranker.
I am the 1st ranker.
Q1. If 'A' is the truth-teller. then which of the following

When three friends A, B, C were asked about their

is/are true?

ages. the followings were their replies: I. A's age is 26 years.

A: II. B's second statement is true.
I. C is 2 years younger than me.
III. C's 3rd statement is false.
II. B lies about his age.
1 I. II and III 2. only I and III
III. C's age is between 22 and 26 years (inclusive).
B: 3. only II 4. only II and III
I. I am 22 years old.
II. C is 24 years old. Q2. C will be 27 years of age when
III. A's age is less than 23 years.
I. A is liar.
I. A is not the oldest.
II. B is the alternator.

II. I am 27 years old. 1. only II 2. only I

III. A's third statement is a lie. 3. either I or II 4. None of these

It is known that their ages are in between 21 and 27

Q3. If B is the alternator, then which of the following is
years (inclusive). At any point of time exactly one
among the three always speaks the truth. one true?
always lies and one always alternates between 1. C is 27 years old 2. C is 24 years old
truth and lie in any order. Also. no two are of the 3. Exactly one of (1) or (2) 4. None of these
same age.

Q4. Which of the following must be true?

1. A is the truth-teller 2. B is not the truth-teller
3. C is the truth teller 4. None of these
Each of five friends - Ankur, Jai, Manish, Naveen and Piyush - has a certain number of marbles with him. The number of marbles with each person is a distinct prime number.
Further, each of the five friends is either a truth teller, who always speaks the truth, or a liar, who always lies, or an alternator, who alternates between telling the truth and a lie, in
any order. lt is known that exactly one of Ankur, Jai and Manish, is a truth teller, and each of them made three statements regarding the number of marbles that the five of them
Piyush has three marbles.
I have two marbles more than Naveen.
Each of us has less than twenty marbles.

The number of marbles that I have is not nineteen.
The difference between the number of marbles that Piyush has
and the number of marbles that Manish has is eleven.
The lowest number of marbles with any person is 23.

The total number of marbles with the five of us is 53.
Naveen has eleven marbles.
Ankur has the highest number of marbles among the five of us.

Q1. Who among Ankur, Jai and Manish is the truth teller?
(A) Ankur (B) Jai (C) Manish (D) Either Jai or Manish
Q2. How many marbles does Piyush have?
Q3. How many persons among the five have less than ten marbles?
(A) 0 (B) 2 (c) 3 (D) 4
Five persons, Alicia, Bob, Chuck, Derek and Eleanor, were marooned on an island. Each person, among the five, was from one of the two countries − Veritum, in which everyone
always speaks the truth, and Mendacium, in which everyone always lies. Further, it is known that at least one person is from each country.
In the island, there were four trees each bearing fruits of a different type among − Apples, Bananas, Cherries and Kiwis. Each tree is present in a different part of the island among
North, South, East and West. The five people searched the island for some time and met afterwards. They made the following statements:
Alicia: I found Cherries on the Northern part of the island.
Bob: I found Bananas on the Eastern part of the island.
Chuck: Alicia always lies.
Eleanor: I found Bananas on the Southern part of the island.
Chuck: Derek always lies.
Bob: I found Apples in the Northern part of the island.
Chuck: I found Cherries in the Southern part of the island.
Derek: I found Apples on the Western part of the island.
Alicia: I found Kiwis in the Eastern part of the island.

Q1. If Alicia is from Veritum, then Apples are present in which part of the island?
a) West b) East c) South d) North
Q2. If the Kiwis are present in the Western part of the island, who among the
following is definitely from Veritum?
a) Alicia b) Bob c) Chuck d) Eleanor
Q3. If the five of them together spoke the maximum possible number of lies, in
which part of the island are Apples in?
a) West b) South c) North d) East
Q4. Information regarding the location of which of the following fruits will
definitely help determine the island that each person is from?
a) Cherries b) Bananas c) Kiwis d) More than one of the above

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