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Technical Education Skills and Development Authority

Masbate Polytechnic and Development College, Inc.
Baleno, Masbate

Institutional Assessment

Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________ Score: ___________

I- Multiple Choice: Read and understand the sentence carefully. Choose the correct answer by
writing only the letter in your answer sheets.
1. Debeaking means
a) Trimming of the beak c) I/4 cutting of the beak
b) Cutting of the beak d) None of these
2. Trimming the beak is one way to control;
a) picking up their companion c) can cause mortality in layers
b) eating up their companion d) all of these
3. Cannibalism means
a) Picking up their companion c) Culling
b) removal of undesirable flock d) Selection
4. One of the most critical problems in poultry raising specifically layer production is;
a) Selection c) Cannibalism
b) Culling d) Ration
5. The standard length in trimming the beak is;
a) One third of the beak c) ½ of the beak
b) One fourth of the beak d) 2/3 of the beak
6. The following are the alternative to reduce cannibalism EXECPT;
a) proper nutrition c) Proper ventilation
b) Proper spacing d) Poor lighting management
7. The recommendation for beak re-trimming is;
a) When the beak goes downc) At the age of 8 weeks
b) At the age of 2 weeks d) When the beak goes back at the age of 5-8 weeks
8. The alternative for trim beaking in our poultry are the following;
a) Reduce light intensity c) Proper nutrition
b) Generic improvement d) All of these
9. The following are the practices applied for bio -security;
a) Fencing around the perimeter of poultry house c) Vaccination
b) Practice and apply foot vat d) all of these
10. Culling means
a) selecting productive birds from the flock c) Removal of productive birds
b) Removal of unprofitable birds from the flock d) None of these
11. Equipment used for trim beaking;
a) Trim beaker c) Incubator
b) Debeaker d) Egg grader
12. TLC means;
a) Tender Love and Care c) Tender love care
b) Tender Care and Love d) All of these
13. The following are examples of broiler breeds EXCEPT:
a) Dekalb b) Starbro c) Peterson d) White leghorn
14. The following are breeds of layers EXCEPT;
a) Pilch Dekalb b) Bob cock c) Hubbard d) Starcross
15. Type of Feeds given to the newly hatch chicks;
a) Chick booster b) Pre-starter c) Pellets d) Crumble

16. A term which refers to the development of the birds from fertilized eggs to fully formed chicks;
a) Incubation b) Vaccination c) Immunization d) Disease

17. The fourth competency in Animal Production (Poultry Chicken) NC II is;

a) Perform Pre-lay and Lay activities c) Trim beak
d) Maintain Poultry Environment d) Broad and Grow Chicks
18. Another term for Down time is;
a) Rest period b) Tender Love and Care c) Vaccination d)
19. Any disturbance in the normal function of an animal is;
a) Disease b) Parasite c) Prevention d) Downtime
20. The following are the effects of improper restraining during beak trimming;
a) Injury b) damage c) wounded d)none of these
II- TRUE or FALSE: Read and comprehend the sentence carefully. Write the word CORRECT if the
statement is true and the word WRONG if the sentence is false in your answer sheets.
1. Debeaking is a practice to prevent cannibalism.
2. Nutrients are feed elements or substance found in the feeds such as protein, minerals and
3. This refers to the development of birds from fertilized eggs to fully developed chicks.
4. The removal of undesirable birds from the flock is culling.
5. The process of selecting birds from the flock is called selection.
6. trimming of the beak is called debeaking
7. Proper handling of chicks during debeaking is a MUST.
8. One advantage in poultry raising is fast return of investment.
9. Total amount of feeds taken in by an animal within 42 hours is ration.
10. Preventive measure to lessen the effects of disease is vaccination..

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