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We'll be taking a look at the five steps in workforce planning, strategy, 

data collection, data analysis, implementation, and then evaluation.

Play video starting at :3:11 and follow transcript3:11
To add on to what we covered in the previous videos, 
we want to make sure our workforce planning strategy is in alignment with our 
overall company strategy. 
I've said that a few times now. 
But what do we actually do to achieve that? 
Well, I suggest that on the next slide here, 
let's take a look, that we conduct a workforce SWOT analysis. 
This includes an internal and external environmental scan. 
So let's just take an example here. 
So we have our internal component, external component. 
So internally, within our organization, 
externally in the external environment, outside the organization. 
What might be a strength though? 
Let's start here. 
So S for strength, W, weakness, O, opportunity, T for threat. 
So strength, what do we need to do? 
What do we need to think about? 
So for a strength in our internal workforce, 
maybe we have people who have the competencies that we need. 
We have a very skilled workforce, a number of skilled employees.
Play video starting at :4:18 and follow transcript4:18
So that would be great. 
A weakness would be perhaps that the people we have in our workforce are aging, 
and so perhaps we have a lot of people who are about to leave the organization, and 
that could be a potential weakness. 
Now, externally, what might be an opportunity?
Play video starting at :4:35 and follow transcript4:35
An opportunity would be that to further the number of skilled workers within our
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current workforce, maybe we have partnered with a university or 
a school that offers training in the professions that we need. 
So we've developed a relationship there. 
Maybe a threat though would be a competitor 
is currently kind of trying to steal our employees. 
So a competitor's trying to nab some of our best people, and 
we may need to look then of course at how we are compensating them and 
rewarding them, and all those different things. 
And making sure that their job design is good, and they want to stay.
Play video starting at :5:19 and follow transcript5:19
So I encourage you to conduct a SWOT analysis for 
your own workforce to determine your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and 
threats, both internally and externally.
Play video starting at :5:29 and follow transcript5:29
This is the time to gather all the data that you're going to need to accurately 
evaluate what steps to take in the short and long term. 
You'll need to not only look at the numbers within your current employee 
database to learn who's in your workforce, hopefully you're tracking these things. 
What are their competencies, what's your current turnover all these things but 
also you need to have good relationships and 
talk to other members of your management team to learn what's their SWOT. 
What are their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and 
threats in their particular teams. 
What do they see as current about coming challenges in their professions and 
related to the industry. 
What knowledge skills and abilities do they need their employees to have? 
Strengths that their current employees do have. 
This is why it is so 
critical that HR is part of the strategic planning process and even better. 
In my opinion, facilitates strategic planning to ensure that workforce 
planning is a strong consideration in all operational, marketing, sales, 
finance and other functions. 
Now, it's time to analyze, and this is the time to identify your staffing gaps, 
your surpluses, competency gaps, competency surpluses. 
You need to look at all the information that you have gathered and 
start to develop and formulate some idea of and analyze what's happening. 
In step 4, this is what I call really your gap closing strategies. 
What are you going to actually implement? 
And so these are the things we need to think about. 
Do we need to recruit more employees?
Play video starting at :7:5 and follow transcript7:05
With those employees, what competencies and skill sets do they need?
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Maybe we need to change the way that we select people. 
How we retain employees, we have a turn over problem perhaps, and so 
how are we retaining employees? 
Should we perhaps try to grow more employees internally organically within 
the organization through professional development and succession planning. 
So this is really the implementation stage of what do we actually need to do to 
meet the requirements of our strategic plan through workforce planning.
Play video starting at :7:39 and follow transcript7:39
Step 5 is evaluation. 
And I know it sounds like it's the last step, but 
it's actually something you should be doing throughout all of your programs and 
practices constant evaluation. 
And so, in systems three we looked at the need to get information from our 
external and internal environment, and so here's some things you could think about. 
Let's just say, we'll just use a couple of examples. 
Let's just say that you have a large percentage of employees who don't have 
the right competencies, that's what you've determined from your workforce analysis. 
So then you have to think about, are you recruiting the right employees, maybe, 
are you using the right selection tools, 
are you setting clear performance expectations? 
Wait on pro performers, those kinds of things. 
Maybe you find out that you 
have a high number of people leaving the organization, a lot of turnover.

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