Security Incident

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1 When it become apparent the vessel . . .

may be under threat activate the SSAS

2 Call Master . . .

3 Check for navigational hazards in . . .


4 Restrict access to the vessel . . X

5 Increase security procedures in line     X

with SSP to mitigate threat. Implement
measure contained within SSP.

6 Advise local authorities, PFSO, Naval . . .

Forces, Coast Radio as applicable

7 Advise Company as per Casualty X X X

Procedures (+44 207 934 7777)

8 Muster personnel in “Safe Haven” . . -

9 Switch on AIS in not on already X

10 In event of breach of Security including . . X

Bomb Threat or Stowaways follow
Bomb Search Checklists

11 Carry out ship search where necessary . X X

12 Utilise surveillance where applicable . . .

13 Suspend any cargo operations . . X

14 Where applicable manned engine room . . X

and increase power/steering

15 Ensure ship hardening defences in . . X


16 In the event of a piracy related incident . . .

ensure SSP & BMP are implemented

17 In case of attack we will carry out a small . . X

zigzag manoeuvre, not more that 7-10
degrees rate of turn, else speed will drop
and we may be more vulnerable (Amend
as per vessel characteristics)

18 In the event of vessel being pursued or X . .

suspected as being pursued raise the
alarm externally – priority is VHF and DSC
alerting and SSAS

19 Remain calm, they are here for the ship . . .

and to date we have not heard of
violence towards crew

20 Do not provoke the pirates . . .

21 Do not look/stare them in the eye . . .

22 Do not speak unless you are spoken to . . .

and answer questions when required

23 Do not make sudden movements or try . . .

to run out of the area, we could be
asking for trouble

24 If you are asked to fetch something do so . . .

and a senior officer will acknowledge by
a nod of his head. We will carry out their
requirement as far as all are concerned

25 Download VDR Data as per onboard . X X

procedures at frequent intervals as all
evidence is important.

26 Prepare reports to Company, Flag, . X X

Authorities and

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