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Who were the Twelve Apostles?

                    The  12 Apostles were called  by Jesus to help Him  carry on His mission. The Apostles
(meaning "one who is sent") were the first bishops of the Catholic Church. They were given authority
and power by Jesus, including the power to heal and to forgive sins. 

1. Simon / Peter

      - known as the Chief Apostle. He is known as the Chief Apostle. He is the son of Jona from
Bethsaida and a brother of Andrew. His name was changed by Jesus from Simon to Peter (meaning
"rock").  Through Peter, Jesus founded His Church. He was entrusted  the keys to the kingdom of
heaven (see Mt. 16:19).

He wrote two Letters or Epistles in the Bible.

2. Andrew

    - also son of Jona from Bethsaida  and a  brother of Apostle Simon Peter. He was the first apostle
called by Jesus. 

3. James (the Greater)

    - Son of Zebedee and the elder brother of Apostle John 

4. John

- Son of Zebedee and the younger brother of Apostle James (the Greater). He is 

called the "beloved disciple" and the only Apostle who did not forsake Jesus during His passion. He
was  made guardian of Jesus' Mother while Jesus hung on the Cross (see Jn. 19:27). He wrote
Gospel, Apocalypse/Revelation, and three Epistles. 

5. Philip

     - Apostle of Bethsaida in Galilee

6. Bartholomew

      -A friend of Philip and also known as  Nathanael

7. Thomas (called Didymus, "the twin")

-Apostle who doubted Jesus' resurrection  and did not believe unless he saw the holes in the hands of
Jesus. He is  called as the "Doubting Thomas".

8. Matthew (Levi)
    -Apostle who was a tax collector. He wrote Gospel in the Bible. 

9. James (the Lesser)

    -Son of Alpheus (Alphaeus) and a brother of Jude (Thaddeus) the Apostle

      He was believed  to be a cousin of Jesus. He wrote Letters / Epistles in the 

      Bible bearing his name. 

10. Jude (Thaddeus)

    - Brother of James the Apostle (the less) and  believed to be a cousin of Jesus

   He is  considered author of Epistle bearing his name.

11. Simon the Cananean

     -Apostle called a Zealot

12. Judas Iscariot

     -Son of Simon the Iscariot and the traitor who betrayed Jesus.

  -He was replaced by Matthias [Acts 1:26] (Trad. Feast of St. Matthias: 2/24) after his death.

        Jesus called the Apostles who were specially trained by Him and entrusted with various
commissions: “He sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal” 

  (Lk 9:2). Jesus took only these twelve apostles with him to the Last Supper, where He gave them
the command, “Do this in remembrance of me” (Lk 22:19). 

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