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Polytomous mean-square fit statistics

For a general introduction, see Diagnosing Misfit, also Dichotomous mean-square fit statistics.
Response String INFIT
Easy............Hard Mean-square Mean-square correlation Diagnosis
I. modeled:        
33333132210000001011 0.98 0.99 0.78 Stochastically
31332332321220000000 0.98 1.04 0.81 monotonic in form
33333331122300000000 1.06 0.97 0.87 strictly monotonic
33333331110010200001 1.03 1 0.81 in meaning
II. overfitting (muted):        
33222222221111111100 0.18 0.22 0.92 Guttman pattern
33333222221111100000 0.31 0.35 0.97 high discrimination
32222222221111111110 0.21 0.26 0.89 low discrimination
32323232121212101010 0.52 0.54 0.82 tight progression
III. limited categories:        
33333333332222222222 0.24 0.24 0.87 high (low) categories
22222222221111111111 0.24 0.34 0.87 central categories
33333322222222211111 0.16 0.2 0.93 only 3 categories
IV. informative-noisy:        
32222222201111111130 0.94 1.22 0.55 noisy outliers
33233332212333000000 1.25 1.09 0.77 erratic transitions
33133330232300101000 1.49 1.4 0.72 noisy progression
33333333330000000000 1.37 1.2 0.87 extreme categories
V. non-informative:        
22222222222222222222 0.85 1.21 0 one category
12121212121212121212 1.5 1.96 -0.09 central flip-flop
01230123012301230123 3.62 4.61 -0.19 rotate categories
03030303030303030303 5.14 6.07 -0.09 extreme flip-flop
03202002101113311002 2.99 3.59 -0.01 random responses
VI. contradictory:        
11111122233222111111 1.75 2.02 0 folded pattern *
11111111112222222222 2.56 3.2 -0.87 central reversal
22222222223333333333 2.11 4.13 -0.87 high reversal
00111111112222222233 4 5.58 -0.92 Guttman reversal
00000000003333333333 8.3 9.79 -0.87 extreme reversal
from Smith R.M. (1996) Rasch Measurement Transactions 10:3 p. 516
The z-score standardized statistics report, as unit normal deviates, how likely it is to observe the reported mean-square values,
when the data fit the model. The term z-score is used of a t-test result when either the t-test value has effectively infinite degrees of
freedom (i.e., approximates a unit normal value) or the Student's t-statistic value has been adjusted to a unit normal value.
* "folded data" can often be rescued by imposing a theory of "not reached" and "already passed" on to the observations. For
instance, in archaeological analysis, the absence of bronze implements can mean a "stone age" or an "iron age" society. A useful
recoding would be "1" = "stone age", "2" = "early bronze", "3" = "bronze", "2=>4" = "late bronze", "1=>5" = "iron age". This can be
done iteratively to obtain the most self-consistent set of 4's and 5's. (Folding is discussed in Clive Coombes' "A Theory of Data".)
Example: Identify persons who respond in the same category to every item: 1/4
9/19/21, 10:46 PM Polytomous mean-square fit statistics: Winsteps Help
Anchoring all the items at the same difficulty and using the Rating Scale Model. Then the distribution of the mean-square fit statistics
will indicate the extent to which all items are rated the same. We expect strings like 333333333333333333 to have zero mean-
square fit statistics. Set NAME1= and NAMLEN= so that the response strings are also the person labels.
If the responses start in column 1 and there are 9 items:
NAME1 = 1
1-9 0
FITP=0  ; show everyone in Table 6.
Output PFILE= to Excel, then you can draw a histogram of the mean-square fit statistics.
For instance:

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