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10E, 10H WEEK 21: UNIT 6 8.

In order to reduce gender inequality in South Korean society, women ____

more opportunities by companies.
I. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of the A. will prove B. should provide C. may be provided D. should be provided
primary stress in each of the following questions. 10. Child marriage ____ in several parts in the world because it limits access
1. A. career (n) 2 sự nghiệp to education and training.
B. gender (n) 1 A. must stop B. will be stopped C. must be stopped D. can be stop
C. equal (adj) 1 11. It is important that men should share household tasks ____ their wives.
D. bias (n, v) 1 (sự) thiên vị A. to B. with C. for D. against
2. A. enrol (v) 2 đky nhập học share sth with sb: chia sẻ cái gì với ai
B. rural (adj) 1 thuộc nông thôn 12. Women are more hard-working than men although they are physically
C. allow (v) 2 cho phép ____ weaker.
D. prefer (v) 2 thích hơn A. more B. as C. so D. Ø
3. a. money (n) 1 13. Not many people are aware ____ male preference in this company.
b. machine (n) 2 A. for B. on C. about D of
c. many (adj) 1 to be aware of sth: nhận thức về
d. mother (n) 1 14. I don't think mothers should be discouraged ____ outside the home.
4. a. enjoy (v) 2 A. to work B. from working C. to working D. working
b. daughter (n) 1 discourage sb from Ving: ngăn cản ai làm gì
c. provide (v) 2 cung cấp 15. I am thinking ____ becoming a childcare worker because I love children.
d. decide (v) 2 quyết định A. of B. with C. for D. on
Đối với những từ có hai âm tiết, thông thường với N/ADJ thì trọng âm rơi âm think of: nghĩ về, xem xét, cân nhắc
tiết số 1 còn V thì rơi số 2. 16. Nowadays, a number of parents still have preference (sự thiên vị, thích
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. hơn) for boys ____ girls.
1. UNICEF is working both nationally and regionally to educate the public A. rather B. than C. over D. instead
on the ____ of educating girls. 17. I think everybody should be provided ____ equal access to health
A. importance (n) tầm quan trọng B. development (n) sự phát triển services.
C. enrollment (n) sự đăng ký nhập học D. hesitation (n) sự do dự A. with B. on C. for D. to
2. Gender equality ____ only when women and men enjoy the same provide sb with sth: cung cấp cho ai cái gì
opportunities. 18. This company can ____ for wage discrimination among workers of
A. will achieve B. achieves C. achieve D. will be achieved different genders.
3. International Women's Day is an occasion to make more ____ towards A. be sued B. be suing C. sue D. sued
achieving gender equality. 19. Poor women in disadvantaged areas should ____ more help by
A. movement B. progress C. improvement D. development governments.
make progress: tiến bộ A. offer B. be offered C. be offering D. offered
4. In Muslim countries, changes ____ to give women equal rights to natural 20. Having good education enables women ____ equality.
or economic resources, as well as access to ownership. A. to achieve B. achieve
A. may make B. will make C. must be made D. can make C. to achieving D. Achieved
5. Women are more likely to be victims of ____ violence. enable sb to Vo: khiến cho ai có thể làm gì
A. domestic B. household C. home D. family 21. We all need to cooperate to fight ____ racism and gender discrimination.
domestic (a): trong gia đình, nội địa A. for B. against C. in D. about
domestic violence: bạo lực gia đình fight against: đấu tranh chống fight for: đấu tranh vì
22. The women in this company have been demanding equal pay____ equal World War I (1914-1918) proved to be an important (11) ____ for the
work. women’s movement. Women contributed so much to the war effort as
A. against B. on C. for D. with nurses', factory workers, and at other jobs that more people became
pay for sth: chi trả cho cái gì convinced of their right to vote. Women were (12) ____ given that right in
III. Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the January, 1918.
following questions. 1. A. to vote B. for vote C. in voting D. vote
1. A lot of people think that marriage women shouldn’t pursue a career. 2. A. with B. for C. against D. to
=> married (adj): đã kết hôn 3. A. did B. made C. founded D. found
2. My brother is good with cooking and he can cook very delicious food. 4. A. demand B. ask C. want D. raise
=> good at (giỏi cái gì)
3. Some people think that girls shouldn’t be allowed to going to university. 5. A. satisfaction B. satisfactory C. satisfy D. satisfied
=> to go (allow sb to Vo: cho phép ai làm gì) 6. A. intensive B. intense C. intend D. intention
4. More girls should being chosen to represent us in the School Youth Union. 7. A. trained B.changed C. chained D. charged
=> should be 8. A. took to B. took in C. took up D. took over
5. This discrimination against women and girls must be abolishing. 9. A. onto B. on C. over D. at
=> abolished
6. Efforts should be make to offer all children equal access to education. 10. A. jail B. jailed C. jailing D. on jail
=> be made 11. A. eventual B. even C. event D. eventually
7. Traditional women were mainly responsible to doing housework and 12. A. finally B. final C. initial D. initially
looking after their husbands and children. V. Choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to the questions
=> responsible for For Catherine Lumby, deciding to take on the role of breadwinner in her
8. Doing housework every day is really boring and tired. relationship was not a difficult choice. When she discovered she was
=> tiring (chỉ tính chất, bản chất) pregnant with her first child, she had just been offered a demanding new role
IV. Choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best as Director of the Media and Communications department at the University
fits each of the numbered blanks. of Sydney. But she didn't see this as an obstacle, and was prepared to use
THE SUFFRAGETTES childcare when the children were old enough. It came, therefore, as a surprise
England has had a democracy for a long time. Until 1918, however, women to Lumby and her husband Derek that, after the birth of their son, they
were not allowed (1) ____ in it. The right to vote is called ‘suffrage’ and the couldn’t actually bear the thought of putting him into childcare tor nine hours
English women who fought (2) ____ and won that right were called a day. As she was the one with the secure job, the role of primary care-giver
“suffragettes”. fell to Derek, who was writing scripts for television. This arrangement
The suffragette movement was led by Emmiline Pankhurst. In 1903, she (3) continued for the next four years, w ith Derek working from home and caring
____ an organization called the Women’s Social and Politica Union for both of their sons. He returned to full-time work earlier this year.
(WSPU). Members of the WSPU went to the Prime Minister to (4) ____ Whilst Lumby and her husband are by no means the only Australians making
suffrage, but he told them to “be patient”. The suffragettes were not (5) such a role reversal, research suggests that they are in the minority. In a
____.They wanted change immediately. government-funded survey in 2001, only 5.5 percent of couples in the 30-54
The fight for the vote for women became (6) ____ and sometimes violent. In year age group saw the women working either part- or full-time while the
1908, two suffragettes (7) ____ themselves to the fence outside the Prime men were unemployed.
Minister's front door! They were arrested and spent weeks in jail. In 1912, The situation is likely to change, according to the CEO of Relationships
hundreds of women (8) ____ the streets of London. They broke shop Australia, Anne Hollonds. She suggests that this is due to several reasons,
windows and even threw Stones (9) ____ the Prime Minister’s house. including the number of highly educated women in the workforce and
Thousands of suffragettes were (10) ____ for this and similar actions over the changing social patterns and expectations. However, she warns that for
years. couples involved in role-switching, there are many potential difficulties to be
overcome. For men whose self-esteem is connected to their jobs and the 4. It's time we banned discrimination (sự phân biệt) at work.
income it provides to the family, a major change of thinking is required. It A. bias (sự thiên về, thành kiến) B. equity
also requires women to reassess, particularly with regard to domestic or C. fairness D. similarity
child-rearing decisions, and they may have to learn to deal with the guilt of 5. Most employers prefer (thích hơn) male workers to female ones.
not always being there at key times for their children. Being aware of these A. want B. compliment C. care about D. favour
issues can make operating in non-traditional roles a lot easier. 6. She failed (thất bại) to get into medical university.
1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. passed B. qualified
A. Men being the bread winners C. didn’t succeed (ko thành công) D. satisfied
B. Traditional roles of women VII. Select the option to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
C. Women being the home makers to each of the following questions.
D. Reversed roles between men and women 1. Peter started learning to play the piano two months ago. He is still learning
2. Catherine and her husband decided that Catherine would be the primary the piano.
earner because ____. A. Peter has learned to play the piano for two months.
A. she had a badly paid job B. she was not good at childcare B. Peter is learning to play the piano at the moment.
C. she had a reliable job D. she wanted her husband to stay at home C. Peter stopped learning to play the piano two months ago.
3. In paragraph 1, the word “him" refers to ____. D. Peter has never learned to play the piano.
A. their son B. her husband C. Derek D. her colleague 2. He usually takes my books without asking, which annoys me.
4. They decided that Derek would look after their son because they ____. A. He usually takes my books without asking.
A. couldn’t afford to put their child in care for long periods each day B. He is taking my books.
B. didn’t want to put their child in care for long periods each day C. He takes my books without asking.
C. thought childcare was not safe enough for their children D. He is always taking my books without asking.
D. worried about their son’s health problems (always dùng trong thì httd để phàn nàn)
5. In paragraph 2, the word “reversal" is closest in meaning to ____. 3. The last time I saw her was in 2015. It is 2019 now.
A. stability B. modification C. rehearsal D. switch A. I haven’t seen her for 2 years.
6. One reason tor a change in the number of men staying home is ____. B. I haven’t seen her since 2015.
A. the stability in the number of highly-educated women who are working C. I last saw her in 2019.
B. the fall in the number of highly-educated women who are working D. I have seen her since 2015.
C. the rise in the number of highly-educated women who are working 3 (2). I haven’t met my cousin for ages.
D. the fluctuation in the number of highly-educated women who are working A. I last met my cousin one year ago.
VI. Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) B. It has been ages since I last met my cousin.
in each of the following questions. C. I’ve met my cousin for ages.
1. Our government has done a lot to eliminate (verb – loại bỏ) gender D. I met my cousin for ages.
inequality. 4: I’ll phone you and then I’ll take you to her place.
A. cause B. remove C. add D. allow A. I’ll phone you after taking you to her place.
2. We never allow (cho phép) any kind of discrimination against girls at B. I’ll phone you when taking you to her place.
school. C. I’ll phone you before taking you to her place.
A. approve (chấp thuận) B. deny C. refuse D. debate D. I’ll phone you after I have taken you to her place.
3. Women do not yet have equal (adj ngang bằng) rights in the family in this 5: He plans to go to the U.S.A this November.
area. A. He is going to the U.S.A this November.
A. variable B. similar C. different D. the same B. He goes to the U.S.A in November.
C. He was going to the U.S.A in November.
D. He has gone to the U.S.A this November.
6: It's compulsory (adj bắt buộc) for Peter to learn English before he moves 14. Internet __ access (n- sự truy cập)_____ is available everywhere in this
to Canada for work. city.
A. Peter does not need to learn English before he moves to Canada for 15. A person looking after someone who is sick, disabled or old at home is a
work. ____ caretaker (n – người chăm sóc)_____.
B. Peter has to (phải) learn English before he moves to Canada for 16. We should not allow any kind of _____ discrimination (n – sự phân
work. biệt)_______ against women and girls.
C. Peter has learned English since he moved to Canada for work. 17. People in this country have made good ___ progress ______ in
D. Peter will be learning English when he works in Canada. eliminating domestic violence.
VIII. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word in the box. make progress: tiến bộ
pursue working issues admired courage IX. Select the option that best completes the sentence in each of the
equal inspire workforce decisions irresponsibility following questions.
access progress discrimination caretaker rights 1. We ______ to the cinema a few days ago.
eliminated gender equality A. went B. were going C. gone D. had gone
1. Having the same routine regularly without any rest may lead to health ___ 2. My parents ______ a vacation in Phu Quoc last month.
issues (n-vấn đề)____ and other problems which also ruin the family life. A. have B. have had C. had D. were having
2. Working mothers can __ inspire (v – truyền cảm hứng)____ their kids 3. I ______ into an old friend at a restaurant two days ago.
with their hard work and devotion. A. ran B. run C. was running D. have run
3. Now I wish I could ____ pursue (v – theo đuổi)_____ a medical career to 4. ______ with the school officers on the paperwork when you went to
become a doctor. school yesterday?
4. A working mother has to manage both home and office at an ___ equal A. Had you checked in B. Did you check in
(adj – ngang nhau)____ level. C. Have you checked in D. Do you check in
5. Two thirds of the ____ workforce (n- lực lượng lao động)________ in 5. She ______ to try raw fish when she was a kid.
this textile factory is female. A. doesn’t want B. didn’t want
6. All of the students have ___ admired (v- ngưỡng mộ)___ his excellent C. hadn’t wanted D. wasn’t wanted
teaching. 6. Peter ______spiders when he was a kid.
7. ___ working (adj – tham gia lao động)_____ mothers are not able to A. were scared of B. is scared of
devote enough time to their kids, so the kids are not able to express their C. was scared of D. was being scared of
feeling with parents. 7. It is the first time my classmates ______ my home.
8. Educated women are becoming more independent (độc lập) and they may A. have visited B. visited C. were visiting D. has visited
not wait for their husband's ___ decisions (n- quyết định)_______. 8. At 7 pm last night, my family ______ dinner when a stranger suddenly
9. This female firefighter is famous for her ___ courage (n – sự dũng ______ on the door.
cảm)______ and strong will. A. were having/ knocked B. were having/ was knocking
10. Due to office work, working mothers may develop feelings of __ C. had/knocked D. had/was knocking
irresponsibility (n – sự thiếu trách nhiệm)___ for the family, affecting their C. had arrived/had ordered D. arrived/had ordered
children's health. 9. I ______ to the library twice a week to study when I was a college
11. Much has to be done to achieve ___ gender equality (sự bình đẳng student.
giới)________ in employment opportunities. A. was going B. have gone C. went D. am going
12. People have _____ eliminated (v- loại bỏ)_____ poverty (sự nghèo) and 10. At the same time last month, my family ______ my grandpa’s 80th
hunger (sự đói) in many parts of the world. birthday.
13. Both genders should be provided with equal ____ rights (n – A. celebrate B. were celebrating C. had celebrated D. celebrated
quyền)_____ to education, employment and healthcare.
11. At the same time 20 years ago, my parents ______ their wedding
reception. 6. Are you going to repair those shoes?
A. have B. had had C. were having D. had been having
12. The company went out of business when we ______ a new product. 7. Tom will visit his parents next month.
That’s why we had to stop the project.
A. were developing B. developed 8. The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning.
C. had developed D. was developing
13. Before I moved to Hanoi, I ______ in Hue for 15 years. 9. Did Mary buy this beautiful dress?
A. lived B. had lived C. was living D. have lived
14. Yesterday, when their mom ______ home, the kids ______ TV. 10. How many languages do they speak in Canada?
A. got/were watching B. was getting/were watching
C. got/was watching D. was getting/watched 11. The German didn’t build this factory during the Second World War.
15. I ______ the house while my parents ______ the dinner.
A. cleaned/ were preparing B. was cleaning/ prepared 12. The Greens are going to paint this house and these cars for Christmas
C. had cleaned/prepared D. was cleaning/ were preparing Day.
16. I ______ a newspaper while my older sister ______ to the music.
A. was reading/ was listening B. am reading/listened
C. had read/listened D. had read/ was listening
17. When my teacher _____ me a surprise birthday gift, I _____ speechless.
A. was giving/ am B. had given/ was
C. gave/was D. had given/had been
18. While the plumber ______ the washing machine, I ______ in the living
room watching TV.
A. was repairing/sat B. repaired/sat
C. repaired/had sat D. was repairing/was sitting
18 (2). When ______ home last night?
A. did you get B. had you get
C. were you getting D. do you get
19. I ______ to my teacher to ask for his advice on my decision at 2 p.m.
A. was talking to B. have talked to
C. had talked D. had been talking
X. Turn these sentences into passive voice
1. My father waters this flower every morning.

2. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.

3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.

4. We should clean our teeth twice a day.

5. Our teachers have explained the English grammar.

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