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Discover all the secrets to become an excel master in

less than 30 minutes a day | The most complete step by
step guide to easily level up your skills thanks to
advanced methodologies.

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Table of Content
Chapter 1: Getting Started with MS Excel
Chapter 2: Basics of Excel
2.1 Essential Components of Excel
2.2 Components of Microsoft Excel Window
2.3 Other Basics
2.4 Time-Saving Excel Data Insertion Methods
Chapter 3: Advanced Skills of MS Excel
3.1 Advanced Formulas
3.2 Data, Power Query, Tables & Formatting
3.3 Advanced Charting
3.4 Conditional Formatting
3.5 Pivot Tables and Pivot Reporting
3.6 VBA and Macros
3.7 Using Excel Productively
3.8 Data Tables, Simulations and Solver
3.9 Integrating Excel with other tools and Optimizing Excel
Chapter 4: Basic Terms and Terminology in Excel Worksheet
Chapter 5: Advanced Excel Formulas and its Implementation
5.1 Index Match
5.2 OFFSET added with AVERAGE or SUM
5.3 IF combined with OR / AND
5.4 XIRR and XNPV
5.7 TRIM and LEN
5.8 IPMT and PMT
5.9 LEFT, CELL MID and RIGHT functions
5.10 Concatenate
5.11 Excel Formula Symbols
Chapter 6: Data Analysis Functions in Excel
6.1 Data Analysis Functions
6.2 Difference between a Function and a Formula in Excel
Chapter 7: Macros and VBA Macros in Excel
7.1 Basics of Excel Macro
7.2 VBA Macros in Excel
7.3 Is it worthwhile to learn VBA?
7.4 Things To Understand Before Learning VBA
7.5 Advantages of Learning VBA
7.6 Drawbacks of Learning VBA
7.7 Why is it worthwhile to lead VBA?
7.8 The downfalls of VBA
7.9 Most Commonly Asked Questions
Chapter 8: How to Rapidly Learn Microsoft Excel?
8.1 Some Basics
8.2 Advanced Methodologies
8.3 Improve your Excel skills
Chapter 9: Tips to Save Time In Excel
9.1 To autocomplete functions, use the tab key
9.2 Functions final parenthesis should not be typed
9.3 Functions should not be typed in capital letters
9.4 While choosing multiple cells in a function, hold down the "Ctrl" key
9.5 To copy down formulae, double-click the fill handle
9.6 Make use of ToolTips
9.7 Show all the formulas in the sheet (Ctrl+')
9.8 Find then select cells that contain a formula
9.9 Trace Dependents and Precedents
9.10 In edit mode, press F2 to begin editing the cell
9.11 With the named range, make the formula more readable
9.12 Switch formula into value
9.13 Add names to a formula that already exists
9.14 To switch among absolute and relative references, press F4
9.15 Formulas that haven't been completed should be saved
9.16 F9 is used to evaluate a portion of the formula
9.17 Enter the SUM function using AutoSum (Alt+=)
9.18 Step-by-step evaluation of the formula
9.19 Creating a table from a range of data
9.20 To enhance readability, divide lengthy formulae into lines
Chapter 10: 6 Excel Tasks You Should Be Able To Complete
10.1 Data Sorting
10.2 Eliminate any duplicates
10.3 Functions of basic mathematics
10.4 Panes should be frozen
10.5 Add the current date
10.6 Make the same modification on all worksheets
The most widely used spreadsheet program is Microsoft Excel. Excel is a
valuable skill to have in both your professional and personal life. Excel
makes it simple to track financial data such as profit and loss, estimate
payments on big purchases, create a budget, and keep organized using
Microsoft Excel is the most widely used spreadsheet software in the world,
with millions of users. Excel or other spreadsheet programs are excellent for
analysis, data manipulation, and visualization because they allow you to
filter, sort, format, and chart the data all in one place. Want to keep track of
your grades and compute averages automatically? Consider gathering contact
details for a field trip. Or assist your pupils in writing a lab report? You and
your kids will benefit from Excel!
Data surround us, and everyone has to make use of it. That's a lot simpler
when you can collaborate with everyone else, and Excel assists you along the
way! Excel also includes natural language, cognitive analysis, and assistance
tools built in to help you rapidly comprehend your data. This book includes
the most recent enhancements to arrays, formula errors handling, and
statistics to help you get the most out of formulae and functions.
Chapter 1: Getting Started with MS Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet-based software application that utilizes

formulae and functions to arrange numbers and data. Companies of all sizes
use Excel analysis all around the globe to conduct financial analysis.
Functions are utilized in Excel to carry out such tasks. Excel includes many
built-in tools that may be used to evaluate the results of various formulae,
saving time. Furthermore, these functions make it easy to execute formulae
that were previously tough to write down manually.
What are the Benefits of Learning Microsoft Excel?
We all work with numbers in some capacity. We all have everyday
expenditures that we pay for with our monthly earnings. To spend properly,
one must first understand their income and spending. When we need to
capture, evaluate, and save numeric data, Microsoft Excel comes in handy.
Where can we obtain Microsoft Excel?
Microsoft Excel is available in a variety of formats. It's available from a
computer hardware store that also offers software. Microsoft Excel is a
software that is a component of the Microsoft Office suite. You may also get
it through the Microsoft website, but you'll have to pay for the license key.
What is the way to open Microsoft Excel?
Excel may be launched in the same way as any other Windows application.
Follow the instructions below if you're using Windows with a graphical user
interface (Windows XP, Vista, or 7).
Select Start from the drop-down option
Point on All programs option
Head to Microsoft Excel
Select Microsoft Excel
If it has been placed on the start menu, you may also access it from there. If
you've made a desktop shortcut, you may also use it to open it.
In data analysis and documentation, Microsoft Excel is a informative and
widely used tool. It's a spreadsheet software having multiple and rows and
columns, containing each intersection of a row and a column being named as
a cell. Every cell contains a single information or a piece of data. You may
make information simpler to locate and automatically pull information about
changing data by arranging the data in this manner.
Chapter 2: Basics of Excel
There are many spreadsheet applications available, but Excel is the most
commonly utilized of them all. Individuals have been operating it for the last
30 years, and it has been updated with ever more functions over time.
Excel's greatest strength is that it can be used for various business
activities, such as finance, statistics, forecasting, data management, analysis,
inventory and billing tracking, and business intelligence.
The following are some of the things it can perform for you:
Graphs and Charts
Number Crunching
Import and Store Data
Dashboards or Templates
Text Manipulation
Automation of Tasks
And Much More…
The following are the three most essential components of Excel that you
should learn first:
2.1 Essential Components of Excel
i. Cell
A spreadsheet's simplest but most powerful component is the cell. You have
the option of entering or copy-pasting the data into a cell. A word, a date, or a
number may all be considered data. You may also alter its size, font color,
background color, borders, and other features.
Each cell is identifiable by its cell address, which includes the column and
row numbers.
For example, when a cell is located on the 11th row of column AB, its
address is AB11.
ii. Workbook
A workbook, like any other program, is a distinct file. There are one or so
more worksheets in each workbook. A workbook may also refer to a
collection of several worksheets or a single worksheet.
Creating a blank workbook in excel:
Excel enables users to start with a blank document and create a new
workbook. There's also the option of creating a new workbook from an
existing one. A new workbook comes with three worksheets by default. We
may, however, alter the number of worksheets inside a workbook to meet our
Open an Excel Workbook that already exists:
A previously stored and saved workbook has been saved and processed on a
computer or the internet. Existing workbooks may be opened from local
discs, SkyDrive, internet storage, and other online storage locations.
SkyDrive is a Microsoft product, so anyone can store files online by signing
in or registering.
Use an Excel Template to Create a Workbook:
The template is now a pre-designed worksheet that can be customized to meet
the requirements of the users. Pre-defined formulae and custom formatting
are included in the Excel template. When coming out with a new project, this
reduces a deal of time and resources. To build a workbook using a template,
we must first choose the right template for the job. Ordinary users and also
third-party suppliers may develop customized templates in addition to
Changing the Workbook's Theme:
Every worksheet in Excel utilizes an office theme by default.
Fonts, Colors, and effects are all unique to a workbook theme. These themes
are used throughout Microsoft Office products to ensure that all formal
documents have a consistent appearance. You can search for themes,
customize them to meet your needs, and save its current theme to use in other
workbooks. With this function, we may change color and style by selecting a
single theme. Additionally, any changes made to the cells, styles, or color
will be immediately applied across the workbook.
iii. Worksheets
Individual cells in a worksheet may have a value, a text, or formula, in them.
It also includes a drawing layer that stores charts, pictures, and diagrams but
is not visible. By selecting the tab just at the bottom of a workbook window,
you may access each worksheet in the workbook.
A workbook may also contain chart sheets, which show a particular chart and
are accessed by hitting a tab.
You may add or remove worksheets, hide them without removing them, and
rearrange the order in which they appear in the workbook.
Worksheet Operations in Excel:
There are various rows and columns in an Excel Worksheet. A cell is a point
where a row and a column meet. A worksheet may be used to accomplish a
variety of tasks.
Insert: We may use this option to add a new worksheet into an existing
Rename: We may rename the worksheet using this option.
Delete: We can delete chosen worksheets via an existing workbook using this
Move or Copy: We may copy or move a worksheet from one workbook to
another using this option. You can also use this feature to change the
worksheet's order.
View Code: We can use this option to see the VBA macro code inside the
selected worksheet.
Tab Color: We may use this option to change the color of the worksheet tab.
Protect Sheet: We may use this option to lock, and a password protects a
Hide: We can use this option to hide specific worksheets throughout the
current workbook.
Select All Sheets: Using this option, we may remove, transfer, or copy the
workbook to another worksheet.
Unhide: Using this option, we may reveal worksheets throughout the current
2.2 Components of Microsoft Excel Window
It's critical to know where everything is in the window before you start
utilizing it. So, ahead, we'll go over all of the main components that you
should be aware of before diving into the realm of Microsoft Excel.
1. Active Cell
A cell that has been chosen at the moment. A rectangle box will be
used to emphasize it, and also, its address is being shown in its address
bar. Clicking on a cell or using the arrow buttons will activate it. You
may double-click on a cell or use F2 to modify it.
2. Columns
The column is a row of cells arranged vertically. A single worksheet
may have up to 16384 columns. From A to XFD, each column has its
unique alphabet for identification. By clicking on a column's heading,
you may choose it.
3. Rows
The row is a column of cells that runs horizontally. A single worksheet
may have up to 1048576 rows. For identification, each row has a
unique number ranging from 1 - 1048576. By clicking just on the row
number on the left side of your window, you may choose a row.
4. Fill Handle
It appears as a tiny dot in the active cell's bottom right corner. It allows
you to fill text series, numeric values, ranges, and serial numbers,
among other things.
5. Address Bar
It displays the active cell's address. If you choose upwards of one cell,
the address of the first cell throughout the range will be shown.
6. Formula Bar
Below the ribbon is the formula bar, which is an input bar. It displays
the contents of the current cell and allows you to type a formula into a
7. Title Bar
The name of your workbook will appear in the title bar, followed by the
program name ("Microsoft Excel").
8. File Menu
The file menu, like most other programs, is a basic menu. It has choices
like as (Save As, Save, Open, Print, New, Share, Excel Options, etc.).
9. Quick Access Toolbar
A toolbar that allows you to access the settings you use the most
rapidly. By adding additional choices to the fast access toolbar, you
may add your preferred settings.
10. Ribbon Tab
All of the options menus in Microsoft Excel 2007 have been replaced
with ribbons. Ribbon tabs are a collection of particular option groups
that include additional options.
11. Worksheet Tab
This tab displays all of the worksheets included in the workbook.
Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3 are the names of the three worksheets that
will appear in any new workbook by default.
12. Status Bar
On the base of the Excel window, there is a thin bar. Once you begin
working in Excel, it will provide immediate assistance.
2.3 Other Basics
i. File Navigation

ii. Typing Numbers or Text in a Worksheet

Whenever you begin a new spreadsheet project, you should fill in some
headers in the rows and columns. To put anything into a worksheet, you must
first make the cell you want to write into active. It may be accomplished in
various methods, and the most frequent of which is to click on it before
iii. Worksheet Simple Formulas Typing
Excel's whole purpose is to allow you to do computations with it. It will help
if you put formulae into the spreadsheet for it to accomplish this. These
formulae usually refer to existing numbers and other formulas on the
worksheet by utilizing their cell addresses rather than their actual values.
Formulas should be typed with an equal symbol (=) at the start.
iv. Series Filling
A series of ordered entries in neighboring cells, like the days of a week or
month of the year, is referred to as a series. The fill method may be used to
generate them in a spreadsheet for you, cutting down on data input time and
ensuring that spelling is accurate. Days and months are unique built-in series
in Excel that you may use.
v. Worksheet Copying
You can replicate worksheets inside a workbook much as you may copy the
content of cells and ranges within a worksheet. This method is excellent for
duplicating layouts. When you possess a budget workbook with data for
multiple departments, you may create one worksheet for the first section and
then duplicate it to make similar worksheets for the others.
vi. Deleting and Inserting Worksheets
You may discover that certain worksheets may be removed after you've
settled on a framework for your workbook. Alternatively, you may discover
that you need the addition of extra blank worksheets. However, keep in mind
that deleting worksheets is irreversible and cannot be reversed using Undo, so
save your workbook before making any changes.
vii. Changing / Renaming the Name of a Worksheet
Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, and so on are the default names for Excel
worksheets. If you don't intend to publish the workbook, these titles are
acceptable, but altering them to something very relevant made it much
simpler to grasp the objective of a page. You may also change the horizontal
navigation bar to create space for worksheet names that are longer and more
viii. Color Change on the Worksheet Tab
Excel allows you to alter the colors of the worksheet tabs to make it simpler
to differentiate between them. It enables you to easily differentiate between
various financial years, departments, or months, for example. The active
sheet is highlighted inside the gradient version of a chosen color, whereas
inactive tabs have a solid color backdrop.
ix. Copying or Moving a Sheet from one Workbook to Another
Worksheets may be copied to many other workbooks as needed. Suppose you
need to maintain records for six separate divisions, for example, rather than
sending each division the full records package. In that case, you may transfer
the worksheet to some other workbook and give them just the data they need.
If the other workbook has worksheets, you'll need to figure out where to put
the copied worksheet.
x. Worksheet Grouping
Worksheet grouping allows you to apply the same modification to all chosen
worksheets at the same time. When your worksheets have the same design or
content, this function comes in handy. Suppose you wish to style the header
for several worksheets, for example. In that case, you can group those
worksheets, make a modification to one worksheet, and then the other
worksheets automatically update as well.
xi. Range Selection
Any collection of chosen cells that forms a square or rectangle is referred to
as a contiguous range. A range may alternatively be defined as a single cell
that has been chosen. The mouse, keyboard, or the combination of two may
be used to choose ranges. Once you've chosen a range, you may utilize it for
input, apply to format, and copy the cells as needed.
xii. Rows and Columns Freezing
Your headers will most likely wind up at the top and to the left of the data
when you arrange it out in rows and columns. When you have a lot of data,
you might notice that the headers disappear as you scroll through or down to
certain cells. The solution is to freeze those rows and columns that contain
the headers.
xiii. Rows Selection
You must first pick the row if you wish to modify it, like bolding all headers
or altering all cell entries' fonts. Simply clicking on a row header to that same
left of the row, you may do so. Keep in mind that any modifications you
make will affect every cell throughout the row all of the ways to the column
XFD, so be cautious!
xiv. Columns Selection
You must first pick the column if you wish to make modifications to it, like
bolding all of the headers or altering the font of each of the cell entries.
Simply clicking on a column header immediately above the column, you may
do so. Remember that every change you make will affect every cell
throughout the column down into row 1,048,576!
xv. Formatting Concept
There will always be two sides to a number in Excel: how it appears on the
screen, which is known as formatting, and the number's underlying value.
Take 5 percent as an example; it is displayed on the screen as a number with
the percentage sign, but the actual value inside the cell is. 05.
Formatting a Number:
It's only natural that all computations in Excel are done using numbers. So,
when you want to do a computation, you enter the numbers in different cells,
then construct formulae that refer to those values.
How can you explain what those statistics mean? How can you demonstrate
that you're dealing with currencies, percentages, and even dates, which are all
numbers in Excel?
You may use number formatting in Excel to display various representations.
With number formatting, you may alter the appearance of a number to make
perfect sense of the worksheet right away. The fundamental value of the
number, on the other hand, does not change.
General Formatting Application:
A dropped arrow in the Number group on the HOME tab's Number Format
command displays a gallery of the most frequently used number formats.
These formats may be applied to a single cell or a range of cells inside the
worksheet fast and simply.
xvi. Fonts Changing
The typeface or font you select for your writing determines its look. A font is
a mixture of typeface, style, and size in points, for as Arial Bold 12 pt. Font
refers to the style or form of the letters in Excel 2007. Arial, Times New
Roman, Century Gothic, and Copperplate are examples of classic typefaces.
xvii. Concept of Borders
Borders are drawn around the perimeters of particular cells or ranges. Thick,
thin, solid, dashed, solid, black or colored, and even multiple lines may be
used. Borders are useful because they may be used to organize data, show
totals, or attract the user's attention to important cells that may require
specific data input.
Borderless and Bordered Worksheets:
Borders may be used to provide structure to a piece of artwork. The identical
worksheet is presented first without boundaries and later with borders. The
application of borders draws attention to the totals while separating them
from the rest of the data.
Variations in Borders:
Borders may be imposed on a cell's whole four sides or to specific sides.
A Border applied to a Range:
A border may be applied to a group of cells. It enables you to draw a circle
around them to show that those cells are linked or draw a boundary between
them to represent that they belong to different groups. Borders may be
utilized to produce a more form-like aspect in groups of cells. Ranges may
use the same boundaries that are provided for single cells.
xviii. Font Size Changing
Changing the font size is one method to emphasize content. For example, if
your regular text is 11 pt, you may want to make the headers 13 pt or bigger.
Smaller details, like comments or a caption, may also have their font size
adjusted. The main headings typically have a somewhat bigger font size than
the remainder of the data in a spreadsheet.
xix. Merging and Wrapping a Text
As long as the neighboring cells to the right are empty, Microsoft Excel can
allow lengthy cell entries that spill over. That spill-over will be cut off if such
cells contain data. Whenever you need to put lengthy text entries inside a cell,
you may tell MS Excel to wrap that text inside the cell and combine that cell
to make room for it.
2.4 Time-Saving Excel Data Insertion Methods
There are five popular methods to enter basic Excel formulae while
evaluating data. Each approach, on the other hand, has a distinct edge over
the others.
As a result, before we get into the major formulae, let's go through those
techniques so you can set up your preferred workflow right away.
1. A simple process: Inserting a formula into a cell
Inserting basic Excel formulae is as simple as typing the formula using the
formula bar or in a cell. The procedure typically begins with an ‘=’ sign led
by the function's name.
Excel is clever in that it shows the pop-up function suggestion as you start
entering the function name. You'll choose your choice from this list.
Do not, however, hit the Enter key. Instead, use the Tab key to continue
inserting more choices. Otherwise, you may get an incorrect name error,
which looks like '#NAME?'. Simply pick the cell again and finish your
function in the formula bar.
It's worth noting that you can modify a cell's formula by hitting F2 while
hovering over it.
2. Using the Formulas Tab's Option of Insert Function
The Excel Insert Function dialogue box provides all you need to entire
control on the function insertion. For such purpose, go on the Formulas tab
and choose Insert Function from the first option. All of the functions you'll
need to do your analysis will be shown in the dialogue box.
ALT + M + F is the Excel shortcut for inserting a function.
3. Formula Tab: Selecting the Formula from Any of the Groups
This choice is for people who need to get to their favorite features rapidly. Go
to a Formula tab, and then pick your chosen group to locate this menu. Enter
to see the sub-menu with a range of functions. Then please choose the
preferred option. If your chosen group isn't listed on a tab, go to More
Functions and look for it; it's most likely buried there.
The following are Excel formula shortcuts:
Financial: ALT + M + I
Recently used: ALT + M + R
Logical: ALT + M + L
Date & Time: ALT + M + E
Text: ALT + M + T
Math & Trig: ALT + M + G
Lookup & Reference: ALT + M + O
More Function: ALT + M + Q
4. Using the AutoSum feature
AutoSum is the go-to tool for fast and routine operations. So, go to the Home
page and select the AutoSum option in the far-right corner. Now click your
caret to reveal additional formulae that were previously concealed. This
option is also accessible just after the Insert Function option in the Formulas
Alternatively, you may use its Autosum Excel function to automatically
construct a formula to sum all values in a continuous range by entering ALT
+ the = symbol in a spreadsheet.
Step 1: Move the cursor underneath the column of values you wish to add
along, then to a left of a row of values you would like to add together.
Step 2: Press down the Alt key, hit the equals = symbol while keeping Alt
Step 3: Hit the Enter key.
5. Employ Recently Used Tabs for a Quick Insert
Use the Recently Used option instead of retyping your latest recent formula if
you find it tedious. It's on the excel Formulas tab, right next to AutoSum, as
the third menu choice.
Chapter 3: Advanced Skills of MS Excel
Many professions nowadays need sophisticated Excel abilities. Naturally,
you're curious as to what such Advanced Excel Skills are.
3.1 Advanced Formulas
Excel becomes smarter thanks to formulas. Excel is little more than a data
entry program without them. On the other hand, Formulas can crunch data,
evaluate it, and provide solutions to even the most complicated queries.
While anybody can use a basic SUM or IF formula, a more sophisticated user
may create and combine formulae such as SUMPRODUCT, SUMIFS,
MATCH, INDEX, and LOOKUP. Aside from understanding the formulae,
experienced Excel users also know how to debug, audit, and apply the
appropriate formula for the situation and a few more options for each given
formula issue.
3.2 Data, Power Query, Tables & Formatting
Advanced Excel users understand how to collect, organize, and display data
in a visually appealing manner. To create great Excel workbooks, you'll need
a good knowledge of Excel capabilities, including Power Query (Get &
Transform Data), Tables, cell styles, and formatting choices.
3.3 Advanced Charting
If all of the analysis is hidden in a big spreadsheet, it's pointless. Advanced
Excel users understand that charts may help us communicate effectively and
display data in a visually appealing way. Advanced charting necessitates the
following abilities:
Knowing how to choose the appropriate chart type for each scenario
Use capabilities like in-cell charts and Conditional formatting charts
Ability to merge several charts into one
Make use of sparklines
The ability to create dynamic and interactive graphs
3.4 Conditional Formatting
Excel's conditional formatting has become a strong tool that is often
underused. You may instruct Excel to highlight parts of your data that satisfy
certain criteria by using conditional formatting. For instance, emphasizing the
top ten consumers, workers that perform below average, and so on. While
anybody can create basic conditional formatting rules in Excel, a more
experienced user can do more. They may use conditional formatting and
algorithms to emphasize data that satisfies virtually any criteria.
3.5 Pivot Tables and Pivot Reporting
With pivot tables and pivot reporting, we can quickly examine large
quantities of data and answer questions. Advanced Excel users are extremely
acquainted with the different capabilities of Pivot tables and know how to
utilize them effectively. Multi-tale pivots, relationships, slicers, grouping,
evaluates Power Pivot, and summary by various metrics are some of the
advanced pivot table capabilities.
3.6 VBA and Macros
VBA, Excel's native programming language, enables us to give Excel
instructions to do tasks. It is a simple yet effective method to expand Excel's
capabilities. Advanced Excel users are acquainted with VBA and can create
macros that automate their daily tasks, saving hours of time and money.
3.7 Using Excel Productively
It's not enough to be familiar with Excel's different capabilities. An expert
user understands how to get the most out of Excel. Knowing essential
keyboard shortcuts, workaround, Excel modifications, and how to make
things seem sleek are all part of this.
3.8 Data Tables, Simulations and Solver
Excel comes with a slew of sophisticated and powerful capabilities.
Data tables: They assist us in real-world modeling issues and analyzing large
amounts of data to find a solution.
Simulations: Using different random functions and statistical techniques, we
may simulate real-world data and scenarios in Excel.
Solver: It assists us in real-world modeling issues and finding an answer by
iterating over all options. Finding the cheapest method to transport products
from one place to another, for example.
Trend analysis: We may use built-in functions and charting features to
analyze and predict values from existing data using built-in functions and
charting characteristics.
Forecasting: Develop time-series forecasting to examine seasonal patterns
and anticipate future values.
3.9 Integrating Excel with other tools and Optimizing Excel
Advanced Excel users know that you can do incredible things when
integrating Excel's capability with the versatility of other programs like MS
Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, SQL Server, Access, Power BI, or the Web.
They also comprehend how to create Excel worksheets that are both quick
and error-free.
Chapter 4: Basic Terms and Terminology in Excel
The worksheet is a self-contained sheet that may include one or more data
tables. Consider it a page in a book of accounts, one of many.
When you first open a new workbook, you'll usually see three worksheets, as
indicated in a red box in the picture below. To remove a worksheet, right-
click on it and choose Delete. For adding worksheets, hit on Add Worksheet
button in the highlighted green area.

To the extent that they're still distinct entities, each worksheet is autonomous
of the others. A formula that refers to several worksheets is possible. The
formulas are listed below.
Simply stated, a workbook is an Excel file. Workbooks are Excel files that
include one or more worksheets. The workbook is labeled Book 1 in the
picture below. Each Excel file will be saved with this title if the filename is
not altered. Consider it a ledger book for bookkeeping. That's correct, the
whole thing. Worksheets are the names for individual pages.
Over the work, the area is the Ribbon, which is a row of buttons. A ribbon is
only available in Excel 2007 and subsequent editions. It takes the place of
previous versions' menus and toolbars. Insert, Home and Page Layout are just
a handful of the tabs on the Ribbon. The choices connected with this part of
the Ribbon are shown when you click on a tab.
Name Box
The Name Box displays the active/current cell's name and the names of a
specified range of tables or cells. By choosing the table and altering the name
in a Name Box, all cells or a range of cells in the table may be named.
Therefore, each worksheet can only have one cell/table with the same name.

Any rectangular box inside a worksheet is referred to as a cell. It may have
data or formulae in them. The presently chosen cell is known as the active
cell or known as the current cell. A broad black outline distinguishes it.
Cell Reference
The Cell Reference displays the name of the currently chosen cell or table,
i.e., the current or active cell or table. The Name Box displays cell references.
The ability to utilize formulae is one of Excel's more advanced features. You
may use formulas to do automatic computations inside worksheets and even
across workbooks. A formula must start with an equal (=) symbol and be
entered into the formula bar. You may use formulae to do any of the four
fundamental mathematical operations, such as subtract, add, multiply, and
divide, or you can use brackets to specify the order in which the formula is
solved, or you can utilize any of Excel's hundreds of built-in functions.
Formula Bar
The active/current cell's contents are shown in the Formula Bar.
If the active/current cell contains a formula, the Formula Bar will display the
formula, while the active/current cell will display the final, computed result,
which may be a number or a phrase.
Array or Range
An array, also called a range, will be discussed. Arrays/ranges are just groups
of cells that have been grouped. The array/range used in our SUM formula,
for example, is A1:B1, which instructs the formula to take from A1 to B1.
Between the beginning and final cells of an array/range, a colon (:) is used to
indicate the array/range. They may be applied to start calling cells in the
following places:
Rows, e.g., A1:E1, displayed in a red box
Columns, e.g., A1:A5, displayed in a green box
Tables, e.g., A1:E5, displayed in a blue box
As you'll see, when there are many cells to reference, they significantly assist
in abbreviating the formula.
Excel functions are pre-programmed formulae. Consider functions as a more
convenient method to construct formulae.
For example, in the picture below, we wish to determine the combination of
cells A1 & B1. =A1+B1 is how we would represent the formula.
The formula would be =SUM if we used the SUM function (A1:B1).

Granted, it may be simpler to add both cells. However, if you have to perform
this for many cells or across many tables, using the SUM function will
simplify the creation of the formula. Excel has about 400 built-in functions.
Chapter 5: Advanced Excel Formulas and its
Each financial analyst spends unlimited hours in Excel rather than he or she
would like to acknowledge. Based on years of expertise, we've collected the
most essential and sophisticated Excel formulae that any top-rated financial
questioner should know.
5.1 Index Match
INDEX (C3:E9, MATCH (B13, C3:C9, 0), MATCH (B14, C3:E3, 0))
It is a more sophisticated version of the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP
formulae, with several disadvantages and restrictions.
INDEX MATCH is a strong Excel formula combination that can help you
improve overall financial modeling and analysis.
INDEX is a table function that gives the values of the cell depending on the
number of row and column.
MATCH executes the row or column position of the cell.
Here's an illustration of combining the INDEX + MATCH formulae. We
search back and deliver a person's height depending on the specific name in
this example. We may alter both the name and the height in the calculation
since they are both variables.
5.2 OFFSET added with AVERAGE or SUM
SUM (B4: OFFSET (B4, 0, E2-1))
An OFFSET function isn't very complicated by its own, but when combined
with similar functions like AVERAGE or SUM, we may construct a rather
complex formula.
Consider the following scenario: you desire to build an active function which
can add variable numbers of cells. You can only do a fixed calculation with
the standard SUM formula, but you can shift the reference of cell around by
adding OFFSET.
The way it works is as follows:
We use the OFFSET function instead of a SUM function's ending reference
cell to make this formula operate. It makes your formula active, and you may
tell Excel that several connected cells you would like to sum up in the cell
referred to as E2. We have some sophisticated Excel formulae now.
This somewhat more complex formula is shown in the picture below.
SUM formula begins in a cell B4 yet finishes with the variable, an OFFSET
formula, which begins in cell B4 and continues with the number within E2
("3"), a negative one. It shifts the sum formula's finish across two cells, three
data years, having the beginning point. The total of cell B4:D4 equals to 15,
as seen in cell F7, which is just what an offset plus sum formula tells us.
5.3 IF combined with OR / AND
IF (AND (C2>=C4, C2<=C5), C6, C7)
Anyone who has spent a significant amount of time working with different
financial models understands how difficult nested IF formulas can be.
Combining the IF function for the AND or OR function may make formulae
simpler to audit and comprehend for other users. You can see how we
combined the various functions to create a more sophisticated formula in the
example below.
5.4 XIRR and XNPV
XNPV (discount rate, dates, cash flows)
These formulae will come in handy if you work in investment banking,
financial planning & analysis (FP&A), equity research, or any other area of
corporate finance that involves discounting cash flows.
Simply stated, XNPV and XIRR enable you to assign precise dates to each
discounted cash flow. The standard NPV and IRR calculations in Excel have
the flaw of assuming that the time intervals between cash flows are equal. As
an analyst, you'll encounter circumstances where cash flows aren't evenly
spaced regularly, and this method is how you solve it.
CHOOSE (choice, option1, option2, option3)
A Choose function is ideal for financial modeling scenario analysis. It
enables you to choose from a set of choices and can return the "decision"
you've made. Assume you have three alternative sales growth estimates for
next year as 5%, 12%, or 18%. If you tell Excel you desire option #2, you
may get a 12 percent return using the CHOOSE formula.
COUNTIF (D5:D12," >=21″)
Conditional functions are used effectively in these two sophisticated
formulae. All cells that satisfy specific requirements are added in SUMIF,
and all cells that match certain criteria are counted in COUNTIF. For
example, suppose you want to figure out how many bottles of alcohol you
require for a customer event by counting all cells of are more than or
equivalent to 21, the legal alcohol age in the United States. As seen in the
image below, COUNTIF may be used as an advanced solution.
5.7 TRIM and LEN
LEN (text) and =TRIM (text)
The formulae shown above are a bit less frequent, but they are complex.
Financial analysts who want to organize and manage huge quantities of data
would benefit from them. Regrettably, the data we receive is not usually well-
organized, and problems such as excessive spaces at the start or end of cells
may arise.
The LEN formula yields the number of characters in a specified text string,
which is helpful when you need to count how several characters are in a text.
You can observe how the TRIM algorithm wipes up the Excel data in the
example below.
5.8 IPMT and PMT
PMT (interest rate, # of periods, present value)
You'll need to know these two formulae if your job in real estate, commercial
banking, FP&A, or any other financial analyst job that works having debt
So, PMT formula calculates exact value of making equal payments
throughout a loan's life. You may avail it in combination along IPMT (that
shows you how much interest you'll pay on the same kind of loan),
subsequently separate principle and payments of interest.
Here's a way to use that PMT formula to calculate a monthly mortgage for
the $1 million loan with a 5% interest rate over 30 years.
5.9 LEFT, CELL MID and RIGHT functions
These sophisticated Excel functions may be used to produce some very
complicated and advanced formulae. The CELL function may return various
data about a cell's contents (such as its location, name, row, column, and
more). The LEFT method returns data from the cell's beginning (left to right),
the MID function provides text from any cell's start point (left-right), and the
RIGHT function returns data from the cell's finish (right to the left).
The three formulae are shown in the diagram below.
A1&" more text."
The concatenate isn't a function in and of it; it's simply a creative method of
bringing data from various cells together and making spreadsheets more
dynamic. Since financial analysts conducting financial modeling, this is a
highly useful tool.
In the case below, a text "New York" with ", "is combined along "NY" to
form "New York, NY." It enables you to generate dynamic worksheet labels
and headers. Rather than renovating cell B8, you may now update cells D2
and B2 separately. It is a useful skill to use when dealing with big data
5.11 Excel Formula Symbols
Here are the Excel formula symbols. Excel uses these special characters for
various purposes. Let us examine the full collection of Excel symbols, their
meaning and applications.
1. Symbol: =
Name: Equal to
Description: Excel Formulas begin with the Equal sign (=).
Example: = A1+A2
2. Symbol: ()
Name: Parentheses
Description: The parentheses expressions will be assessed first.
Parentheses in Excel Formula alter the evaluation order.
Example: =65+(15*3)+7
3. Symbol: ()
Name: Parentheses
Description: All Excel Function Arguments in Parentheses.
Example: = COUNTIF(A2:A4,6)
4. Symbol: *
Name: Asterisk
Description: An all-encompassing wildcard operator.
Example: = COUNTIF(A2:A4,”*“)
5. Symbol: &
Name: Ampersand
Description: Concatenate means to connect two strings in an Excel
Example: =”Total: “&SUM(B1:B22)
6. Symbol: ,
Name: Comma
Description: Function Arguments Segregated via Comma within Excel
Example: = COUNTIF(A3:A6,“>” &B2)
7. Symbol: $
Name: Dollar
Description: Makes absolute cell references in Excel formula.
Example: = SUM($B$3:$B$16)
8. Symbol: []
Name: Square Brackets
Description: In Excel Formula, the Table (List Object) Field Name is
Example: = SUM(Table2[Column2])
9. Symbol: !
Name: Exclamation
Description: A ! symbol is used after sheet and table names in Excel
Example: = SUM(Sheet1!A2:A25)
10. Symbol: {}
Name: Curly Brackets
Description: Shows the Array formula in MS Excel.
Example: {=MAX (B1:D5-D1:D5)}
11. Symbol: ,
Name: Comma
Description: It combines several references into one, a union operator.
Example: = SUM (B2:B25, C2:C25)
12. Symbol: :
Name: Colon
Description: Creates two references among all cells.
Example: = SUM (A2:A25)
13. Symbol: (space)
Name: Space
Description: Intersection Operator will join two references of common
Example: = SUM (B2:B10 D5:D25)
Chapter 6: Data Analysis Functions in Excel
If you've ever used Excel, you've undoubtedly felt the pain of selecting the
wrong formula to analyze a data collection. Perhaps you struggled on it for
days before giving up since the data return was incorrect, or perhaps the
function became too complex, and it seemed easier to count the data
Excel has hundreds of functions and attempting to match the appropriate
formula to the right type of data analysis may be daunting. The most valuable
functions don't need to be complex. You'll marvel at how you ever survived
without basic routines that will enhance your ability to interpret data.
This chapter has a feature for everyone, whether you dabble with Excel or use
it extensively at work.
6.1 Data Analysis Functions
When it comes to data analysis; CONCATENATE is the simplest to learn the
most effective formulae yet. Text, numbers, dates, and other data from
several cells may be combined into a single cell. This method is great for
constructing API endpoints, Java queries and product SKUs.
= CONCATENATE (Select the cells you would like to combine)
COUNTA determines whether or not a cell is empty. You'll come across
incomplete data sets regularly as a data analyst. Without needing to rearrange
the data, COUNTA will enable you to assess any gaps in the dataset.
= COUNTA (Choose a cell)
3. LEN
LEN returns the number of characters within a cell fast. Using the =LEN
formula to check how many characters a cell contains, you may distinguish
two distinct item Stock Keeping Units (SKUs), as seen in the example above.
LEN is particularly helpful when distinguishing between various Unique
Identifiers (UIDs), often long and out of order.
= LEN (Choose a cell)
DAYS is what it said on the tin. The number of calendar days among two
dates is calculated using this function. It is a helpful tool for evaluating
product lifecycles, contracts, or run rating revenue based on service duration,
which requires data analysis.
NETWORKDAYS is a little more robust and helpful than
NETWORKDAYS. This formula calculates the number of "workdays"
between two dates and includes a holiday option. Even workers need a
vacation from time to time! Comparing periods with these two formulae is
particularly useful for project management.
= DAYS (Choose cell, Choose cell)
= NETWORKDAYS (Choose cell, Choose cell, [no. of holidays])
AVERAGEIFS, like SUMIFS, lets you take an average depending on one or
more parameters.
= AVERAGEIF (Choose cell, criteria, [Average_Range])
For a data analyst, SUMIFS is among the "must-know" formulae. =SUM is a
popular formula. However, what if you want to sum numbers depending on
several criteria? It's SUMIFS.
= SUMIF (Range, criteria, [Sum_Range])
One of the most well-known and helpful data analysis functions is
VLOOKUP. Being an Excel user, you'll almost certainly need to "marry"
data at some time. Accounts receivable, for example, may know how much
every item costs; however, the shipping division can only give units that have
been delivered. It is the ideal application for VLOOKUP.
= VLOOKUP(Lookup_Value, Table_Array, Col_Index_Num,
IFERROR is a powerful tool that every analyst who often displays data
should use. Looking for particular text/values in a dataset, like in the
preceding example, will not provide a match. It results in a #VALUE
mistake, which is innocuous but annoying and unsightly.
To substitute the #VALUE issues with any text/value, use =IFERROR. The
field is blank in the example above such that data consumers may quickly
identify which rows provided a matched value.
= IFERROR (Find "Value", Select Cell, Value_If_Error)
The FIND/SEARCH methods are useful for locating particular text inside a
data collection. Both are included here because FIND returns a case-sensitive
match, e.g., if you use FIND to search for "Big," you'll only get results that
are Big=true. A SEARCH for "Large" will return results for Big or big,
broadening the scope of the query. It is very helpful when searching for
abnormalities or unique identifiers.
= FIND (Text, Within_Text, [Start_Number])
=SEARCH (Text, Within_Text, [Start_Number])
The simplest method to count the number of times a dataset satisfies a set of
conditions is COUNTIFS. This product name is utilized in the scenario
below to identify which product is its top seller. COUNTIFS is strong since it
allows you to enter as many criteria as you like.
= COUNTIFS (Range, Criteria)
11. RANK
Although the RANK function is an old Excel function, it is still useful for
data analysis. RANK is a quick way to show how values in a dataset rank in
descending or ascending order. RANK has been utilized in this case to
identify which customers order the most goods.
= RANK (Select Cell, Range_To_Rank_Against, [Order])
LEFT and RIGHT are simple and efficient methods to extract static data from
cells. LEFT returns the "x" number of characters out from the cell's
beginning, while RIGHT returns the "x" number of characters out from the
cell's end. The sample below extracts the consumer's area code from the
phone number using LEFT, while the final four digits are extracted using
= LEFT (Select Cell, Number)
= RIGHT (Select Cell, Number)
MINIFS is identical to the min function, but it allows you to find the
minimum from a set of values while matching criteria. MINIFS is used in this
example to determine the lowest price every product has ever sold for.
= MINIFS (Range1, Criteria1, Range2)
The function SUMPRODUCT is useful for calculating average returns,
pricing points, and margins. SUMPRODUCT is a function that multiplies a
set of values by their row counterparts. It's pure gold when it comes to data
analysis. We compute the average sale price of all our goods in the example
below by multiplying Price x Quantity and dividing by the total volume sold.
= SUMPRODUCT (Range1, Range2) / Select Cell
Like its cousin minifs, MAXIFS enables you to check on criteria. However,
this time, it searches for the most.
= MAXIFS (Range1, Criteria1, Range2)
6.2 Difference between a Function and a Formula in Excel
Have you ever used Excel as a sophisticated calculator? If that's the case,
you'll be utilizing an Excel formula. If you typed in a computation like
=A1+A2 or =452*12, you've entered a formula. If all you need is a formula,
that's fine. Excel, on the other hand, could do so much extra!
Although the terms function and formula are sometimes used
interchangeably, they are not the same. So, what's the difference between the
two? The formula is the expression that calculates the values of a cell using
cell references and hard-coded values. A basic formula is sometimes all one
needs to obtain the correct result, but functions allow you to do more.
A function is an Excel formula that has previously been defined. The process
of generating a computation is made easier using functions. Excel now
contains over 500 functions, and more are being introduced all the time to
Microsoft 365, like XLOOKUP, IFS, LET, and LAMBDA, to mention a few.
Functions can do complicated computations that would take a long time to
execute manually. Instead of =SUM, you'd write something like
=A1+A2+A3+A4+A5 if you needed to contribute up various cells instead of
using a function (A1:A5). Now, writing it manually in five cells isn't such a
huge issue. But what if you're working with a large number of cells?
Hundreds of thousands? As you'll see, functions make tasks a lot simpler and
are the entire purpose of using Excel.
In conclusion, a formula in Excel is any computation, while a function is a
pre-defined computation.
=A1/A2 is an example of a formula.
A formula involving a function is =MAX(A1:B20).
Understanding how to utilize functions in formulae is an important part of
learning financial modeling. But keep in mind! Being a competent financial
modeler entails a lot more than just understanding a bunch of Excel
functions. However, the more functions you are familiar with, the more
inclined you are to select the most suited to the task at hand. There are
typically many methods to accomplish the same goal in life, but the ideal
choice seems the clearest but easiest for everyone to comprehend and most
straightforward to audit.
Chapter 7: Macros and VBA Macros in Excel
What is meant by an Excel Macro?
Macro in Excel is a recording and replay tool that captures your Excel actions
and replays them as many times as you like. VBA Macros conserve time by
automating time-consuming activities. Macros are a kind of computer code
that runs in the Excel environment, but you don't have to be a programmer to
use them. To make sophisticated changes to the macro, you'll need a basic
understanding of VBA.
What are the Benefits of Excel Macros?
We are a creature of habit as people. There are certain activities that we do
regularly, every day of the week. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to
click one button and have all of our regular chores completed? Yes, we can
sense you say. Excel macros assist you in doing this. A macro is a recording
of the regular actions in Excel, which you can repeat with a single button in
layman's terms.
You work as a cashier with a water utility business, for example. Some
clients pay using their bank accounts, and at the ending of each day, you must
get the data from a bank to format it according to your company's needs.
You may format the data by importing it into Excel. You will be obliged to
repeat the same procedure the next day. It will quickly become tiresome and
uninteresting. Macros help to address these issues by automating regular
activities. To record the stages of a procedure, you may use a macro.
Importing the information/data
It'll be formatted to suit your company's reporting needs
In layman's terms, what is VBA?
(VBA) Visual Basic for Applications is an abbreviation for Visual Basic with
Applications. Excel employs a computer language to keep track of your
actions as you go about your daily routine. To profit from macros in Excel,
you don't need to be a coder or a highly technical person. Excel includes tools
that will create a source code for us automatically.
7.1 Basics of Excel Macro
Among the developer's features are macros. Excel does not show the
Developers tab by default. You'll have to modify the report to see it.
Excel Attackers may utilize macros to get access to your system. They are
deactivated by default in Excel. If you need to execute macros, you must first
enable them and then only run macros you know are from a reliable source.
You must save your worksheet in the macro-enabled format *.xlsm if you
wish to save Excel macros. There should be no spaces in the macro name.
When writing a macro, be sure to include a description. It will assist you and
others in comprehending what the macro does.
Recording Macros in Excel (Step by Step Example)
Now, in this chapter on Excel macros, we'll learn how to build a macro
in Excel:
We'll use the situation mentioned in Excel's significance of macros. We'll use
the below CSV file to create macros in Excel for an Excel macro lesson.
We'll build a macro-enabled template that will import and prepare the
abovementioned data to suit our business reporting needs.
Enable Developer Option
You must have access to the developer options in Excel to run a VBA
application. As demonstrated in the Excel macro example below, enable the
developer options and pin them to the main ribbon in Excel.
Step 1:
Go to the "FILE" option on the main menu.
Choose "Options" from the drop-down menu.
Step 2:
Now a new window will appear; in that window, do the following tasks:
Select Customize Ribbon.
Select the Developer option by checking the box.
Select the OK button.
Step 3:
Tab for Developers
The DEVELOPER tab will now be shown in the ribbon.
Step 4:
CSV files may be downloaded.

We'll start by looking at making the command button on a spreadsheet and

running the program.
Make a folder called Bank Receipts on drive C.
Fill up the blanks with the receipts.csv file you downloaded.
Step 5:
Make a macro recording:
Select the DEVELOPER tab.
Select Record Macro.
You'll see the following dialogue box:
As the macro name, type ImportBankReceipts.
By default, step two would be present.
Fill in the description.
Select the "OK" tab.
Step 6:
Carry out the Macro Operations/Steps you'd want to record.
Place your pointer in cell A1.
Select the DATA tab.
To get the External data ribbon bar, click the From Text button.
The dialogue box will appear.
Go to the location where you saved the CSV file on your local disc.
Choose the CSV file.
Select the Import option.
The wizard will appear.
After you've completed the preceding steps, click the Next button.
Follow the instructions above and then click the next button.
Select the Finish button.
Step 7:
Data should be formatted.
Make your columns bold and add their grand total to obtain the entire
amount using the SUM function.
Step 8:
The macro should be stopped recording.
We may now click the stop recordings macro button after we've
completed our regular tasks.
Step 9:
Play the Macro again.
We'll need to remove the imported data before saving our workbook. We'll
build a template that we'll use every time we need to execute the
ImportBankReceipts macro and have fresh receipts.
All of the imported data should be highlighted.
Right-click on the data that has been highlighted.
Select Delete.
Select "Save As" from the drop-down menu.
Save the worksheet in a format that supports macros.
Duplicate the template you just saved.
It should be opened.
Select the DEVELOPER tab.
Select the Macros option.
The dialogue box will appear.
1. Select ImportBankReceipts from the drop-down menu.
2. A description of the macro is highlighted.
3. To begin, press the Run button.
The following data will be shown to you:

You've just finished creating the first macro in Excel.

Macros make our life easier at work by automating the majority of the tasks
we do daily. Visual Basic for Applications is used to power Excel macros.
7.2 VBA Macros in Excel
VBA Macros are Excel macros that utilize a Visual Basic Application to
construct bespoke user-generated routines and automate manual operations.
VBA may also be used to access Window API (Application Program
Interface). Changing and customizing the user interface by generating
customized toolbars, menus, dialogue boxes, and forms is one of its primary
VBA Macros: How to Make Them?
CFI explains what VBA means and how to use the VBA Editor. To
summarise, hitting Alt + F11 inside Excel brings up the VBA window,
enabling you to start writing macros.
The user must first create the Module file before they can begin coding. A
collection of macros is contained in a module file. Choose Insert > Module to
create the new module. The user can name this module by using the
properties window in its editor's bottom left corner. Input the name of a new
module and hit enter.
How to Name VBA Macros in Excel?
To begin, the macro should be given a distinct name. This name can't be
confused with the names of other macros, nor can it be confused with the
names of other Excel properties, functions, or tools. A macro name is a name
that the user shall use to activate the macro.
In the editor's coding window, the user should write Sub name() and click
"enter" to create a macro name. When you press enter, the window will
automatically populate with a general format for an Excel macro. For
naming the macro "CFI Macro," for example, write "Sub cfiMacro()" and hit
enter. Some few lines underneath the "Sub," a VBA Editor will easily create
an "End Sub" line.
When naming a macro, variable, or function in VBA, the usual rule is to
select lower case when there is only a single word and an uppercase letter at
the beginning of each subsequent word. Spaces are usually not allowed in
VBA names. It should be put as cfiMacro because CFI Macro comprises two
words. These are, however, just best practice recommendations that do not
have to be followed.
In VBA, the subname is:
A Sub Name() line informs the editor that the macro code has begun. The
End Sub indicates the end of the section. If the user desired, he or she may
start a unique Sub Name() line under the first End Sub to generate a second
new macro. You'll see that Excel will immediately draw a line across the two
macros if you do this.
An Excel macro's fundamental structure is as follows. Before getting into
actual process coding, the next step is to specify the user's variables in the
7.3 Is it worthwhile to learn VBA?
If you're new to programming, deciding where to begin may be difficult since
there are so many excellent choices. It may assist you in determining your
objectives and the kind of job you want to perform. Is it truly worth studying
VBA in 2021 as one popular choice you have?
If you intend to work primarily with Microsoft Office products and wish to
automate the basic Excel process and interchange data across Office apps,
VBA is worth knowing. Other languages, such as Python, may be more
helpful if you wish to concentrate on a wider work environment.
The following is a scorecard for VBA in the area of data analytics, based on a
poll of over 1,000 analytics professionals:
7.4 Things To Understand Before Learning VBA
There are many things to consider while deciding whether or not studying
VBA is the correct step for you. The following are:
1. You should set realistic goals for what you can accomplish with
It's better to go into VBA with reasonable expectations of everything
you'll be able to do with it and what you won't be able to do with it.
This book delves into this topic in-depth, allowing you to make an
informed choice based on facts.
2. You Should Know That VBA's Use Is Limited For Microsoft
VBA may be too restrictive if you wish to become a software developer
working on platforms other than Microsoft. Understanding VBA will
always equip you for this part of the programming process. Remember
that mastering VBA doesn't have to become the end of the learning
path; it may be the beginning.
3. Before learning VBA, think about your long-term objectives
If you're just going to use VBA in Microsoft programming, it may be a
good fit. It can transmit data across Office programs and automates
most of the process. Some claim that knowing VBA does not qualify
you as a software developer since Microsoft handles most work.
There's a high possibility you won't get the respect you deserve from
your peers in the area of software development.
4. Recognize that VBA may be a great first language for you,
regardless of your future objectives
Even if you intend to work with programs other than Microsoft or if
you want to be a software developer with a wider scope of job
possibilities, VBA may be a fantastic place to start. It may provide you
with the essential foundational knowledge for future employment.
5. Before you start learning VBA, be sure you know what you want to
do with your career
If you're an employee once at business and want to make yourselves
more useful, learning VBA may be worthwhile. When you and other
coworkers work with Excel, using VBA may be helpful since it speeds
up and simplifies the process.
7.5 Advantages of Learning VBA
The following are the main benefits of learning VBA:
All MS-office applications generally accept VBA, and Microsoft
programs are still frequently used.
You would have gained specialized knowledge after studying it.
Whether you want to work as a freelancer either as an employee for a
business, there are many tasks where VBA would be the best language
to use.
Microsoft applications are already installed on many business PCs. As
a result, using VBA to automate various analytics projects, including
reports, requires no extra investment from the company's perspective.
Unlike many similar programming languages, there is no need to install
any extra software before using it.
VBA may be very useful if you deal with Excel often or intend to do so
in the future. It speeds up the whole process of operating with Excel.
7.6 Drawbacks of Learning VBA
The following are the main drawbacks of learning VBA:
The professional programming community does not consider VBA to
be a programming language.
Learning VBA will not bring you to where you want to go as a program
software developer, but it may be a useful stepping stone.
VBA is limited to Microsoft applications; if you wish to concentrate on
general programming, VBA may not be the best fit.
Apart from minor technical tweaks, VBA hasn't been updated since
2008. On the other hand, Excel is often changed, so you run the risk of
creating VBA code that stops functioning at some time.
7.7 Why is it worthwhile to lead VBA?
The following are the main reasons why knowing VBA is worthwhile:
Knowing VBA will help you get a better job
After learning all there is to know regarding VBA, you can have an
expert understanding of a subject that many businesses might benefit
from. Corporations are more likely to employ someone like you since
their computers already have Microsoft applications and haven't
learned how to utilize VBA.
VBA Can Boost Your Productivity Significantly
If you spend a lot of time working with Excel, VBA can help you get
more done. VBA may save your hours that would otherwise be wasted
on repetitive chores.
VBA Is A Beginner-Friendly Language
VBA is an excellent place to begin if you've never programmed before
since it's a very simple language to learn. Here is plenty of assistance
available in the VBA environment, and it isn't that difficult to figure
out. You also don't have to install any other applications to understand
VBA or to utilize it after you've learned it.
7.8 The downfalls of VBA
The following are the main disadvantages of VBA in comparison to other
famous programming languages:
The Use of VBA Is Restricted To Microsoft Programs
One might argue that knowing VBA is limited to Microsoft
applications and that learning other languages is more beneficial. If
you're not clear about what you need to do with your new talents yet,
it's best to leave your choices open. In such a situation, using VBA isn't
a good idea.
VBA hasn't been updated until 2008, although Excel is updated
Excel, unlike VBA, is continuously updated. It indicates that any VBA
code you wrote has abruptly stopped working. Also, make sure the
Excel version you're using isn't too old; otherwise, you may run into the
same issue.
Alternatives to VBA Are Significantly More Versatile
If you've decided that VBA isn't the right match for you, there are a few
choices to consider. Python, a more general programming language,
might be one of these choices. It was not designed for a single purpose
or job, unlike VBA. VBA is still helpful to learn, although it hasn't
been updated since 2008, except for a few minor technical
7.9 Most Commonly Asked Questions
1. Is Visual Basic for Applications still essential in 2021?
Learning VBA will be useful because Excel is still widely used by
many businesses and individuals in 2021. Furthermore, Excel is a
software that has been used for a lot longer, which may be seen as
proof that it does not vanish overnight, as some fear while deciding to
choose whether or not to learn VBA.
2. A person wish to work for himself or on a freelance basis. Is VBA
an ability that he may find useful?
If you have VBA on the CV, becoming self-employed may be a
possibility. However, learning different programming languages may
be essential to match various professions better, whether you want to
create an attractive CV for freelancing or searching for permanent
employment. It is entirely dependent on the kind of employment you
want to pursue in the future.
3. Is VBA helpful to learn if we want to acquire abilities limited to
Learning VBA is still beneficial since it is an excellent starting point
for those new to programming. You'll be able to apply what VBA
educates you as you continue to develop your skill set; it's a fantastic
approach to get started learning more about programming.
When used with MS applications like Excel, VBA may be a powerful tool;
learning VBA is highly advised if you use Excel often or intend to do so in
the future. Even if you're interested in more than simply Microsoft products,
it's a good way to get your feet wet in the software development business.
Chapter 8: How to Rapidly Learn Microsoft Excel?
Many people are afraid of Microsoft Excel because it is a complicated
software with many capabilities hidden under the surface. Understandably,
newcomers might be turned off by stuff so complex, but this strong package
of software is definitely worth the effort. Here's how to quickly learn Excel.
Is Excel a Difficult Program to Learn?
Breaking down the learning process into digestible components is the key to
mastering Excel quickly. It's difficult to master Excel in one day or one week,
and however, if you focus on learning specific procedures one at a time,
you'll quickly have a functional grasp of the program.
Once you've mastered these methods, it won't be that long until you're
confident with Excel's basics. You'll be well on your way to finishing your
Microsoft Excel coursework and becoming a real spreadsheet expert from
8.1 Some Basics
If you want to learn Excel, this is one of the first methods you'll need to
master. They're mostly straightforward, but you must understand them before
moving on to more difficult jobs.
1. Performing Basic Math
To start, consider the simplest arithmetic problems you'll ever see in Excel.
The first point to know about methods is that when you give Excel a problem
to solve, it prefers to see the equals sign first.
In a cell in the spreadsheet, type =5+9 and click Enter; a cell should now
show the number 14.
2. Using the AutoSum feature
If you're new to Excel, it is a fantastic method to learn how to utilize
Functions in the most basic ways. To begin, insert any two digits in adjacent
cells, either side by side or above beneath works well. Next, go to Home >
AutoSum and pick the cell immediately to the right and below those cells.
It will automatically insert a SUM formula into the chosen cell, so press Enter
to run it. Using the AutoSum option, Excel automatically adds the two values
together and provides the chosen column's result. You may also pick other
mathematical functions.
3. The Use of Number Formats
When your spreadsheets get more complicated, they're likely to include
various figures, including dates, currencies, percentages, and much more. It's
well good formatting this data to type to ensure that you can deal with it.
Choose the numbers you wish to format; you'll need to perform each kind one
by one. Find the option that defaults to General in the Number column at the
upper edge of the screen.
From there, you may choose from a wide range of number forms. Select
More numbers formats at the end of the list if you want more flexibility.
You'll be capable of specifying specifics like the number of decimal points to
utilize or your chosen currency.
4. Table Creation
Using a table to present your data enables you to do a lot more with your
data, and it's simple to set up. To begin, pick the full data set you want to turn
into a table, including the headers, and then click the Quick Analysis icon in
the lower-left corner of the selection.
Go to the Tables category and choose Table from the drop-down menu. There
are some immediate variations in how the data appears and some changes in
how it may be modified.
When a Quick Analysis shortcut button will not show, pick your data, then go
to Insert, then Table.
To filter out certain data points or sort them either way, use arrow buttons
inside the table header fields.
Modifying the Table Style:
A "Table Tools" tab is activated by clicking on a cell inside the table.
Select on "Table Styles" group under the "Design" tab.
Choose a style/color scheme that you like. (To get a live preview, hover
around the different table styles.)
5. Chart Creation
You can build a chart or even a graph the same way you can create a table,
although you'll have to think about how you'd like to display the data first.
Excel can guide you in the right direction, but you must know what you
desire the chart to do. Having that in mind, arrange your data, then select it
all, exactly as you would when making a table.
Hover over an option to get a sample of how it will appear, or choose More
for more control over the final result.
If the Quick Analysis window does not display for you, choose Insert and
then highlight your data. Then go to the graphs and charts section. You may
pick from a list of suggested charts or create your own.
How to Create a Graph and Chart in Excel
Excel is used to save data by businesses of various sizes and in a variety of
sectors. Although spreadsheets are necessary for data handling, they are
frequently inconvenient and do not give team members a clear picture of
trends of data and connections. Excel can assist you in converting the
spreadsheet data into graphs and charts so you can get a clear picture of the
data and execute informed business choices.
We'll show you how to make a graph or chart in Excel step by step in this
subject. We'll also compare the various graphs and chart settings, discuss
when and how to utilize them, then further explain associated Excel features
that one can utilize to enhance these basic data visualizations.
What Are Excel Charts and Graphs?
Graphs and charts help you make sense of the data by visualizing quantitative
quantities in an quick-to-acknowledge way. Although the words are
sometimes used indiscriminately, they are distinct. The graphs are actually
simplest basic visual representation of data, and they usually show values of
data point across time. The charts are more complicated because they enable
you to contrast parts of the data set to another data available in the same set.
The charts are more visually appealing as compare to graphs too as they
usually has a distinctive form than a standard y- and x-axis.
In presentations, graphs and charts are often used to provide a rapid overview
of progress or outcomes to management, clients, or members of team. You
can make a graph or chart to depict almost any type of the quantitative data,
saving you the aggravation and time of sifting through spreadsheets looking
for connections and trends.
Excel makes it simple to construct graphs and charts, particularly because
you can keep your data in the Excel Workbook despite of importing it from
another software. Excel also comes with several pre-made graph and chart
kinds from which you may choose the one which best reflects the data nature
of the relationship) you wish to emphasize.
How to Use Each Excel Graph and Chart Type?
Excel has a vast graph and chart library to help you graphically display the
data. Although many chart styles may "work" in a particular data set, it's
critical to choose the one that best matches the narrative you want to tell with
the data. You may, of course, add graphical components to a graph or chart to
improve and personalize it. There exists five major types of graphs and charts
in Excel:
i. Bar Charts
The primary difference between a bar chart and a column chart is that the
bars in a bar chart are horizontal rather than vertical. Although bar charts and
column charts may frequently be used equally, some people prefer column
charts when dealing with negative values since it's simpler to perceive
negatives vertically on a y-axis.
ii. Column Charts
Column charts, for example, are ideal for comparing data or when you have
several divisions of single variable, such as different items or genres.
Clustered, 100 percent stacked, stacked, 3-D packed, 3-D clustered, 3-D 100
percent stacked, and a 3-D are the seven-column chart formats available in
Excel. Choose that visualization which best tells the narrative of your data.
iii. Pie Charts
Utilize pie charts for evaluation of percentages of all, where "whole" refers to
the sum of your data's values. Every value is displayed as a pie slice,
allowing you to see such proportions. There exist five kinds of pie charts: pie,
3-D pie, pie of pie (which divides one pie into two to illustrate sub-part
proportions), a bar of pie, and a doughnut.
iv. Scatter Charts
Scatter charts are used to illustrate how one variable influences another. They
are likely to line graphs in that they help demonstrate modification in
variables through time. It is referred to as correlation. Bubble charts, which
are a common chart form, are classified as scatter. The scatter with smooth
lines, scatter with straight lines and markers, bubble, scatter, scatter with
smooth lines and markers, scatter having straight lines, and a 3-D bubble are
the seven scatter chart choices.
v. Line Charts
Instead of static data points, a line chart is best for displaying patterns over
time. The lines link each data point, allowing you to observe how the value(s)
grew or dropped over time. The seven-line chart choices are line, stacked
line, 100 percent stacked line with markers, line with markers, stack line, 100
percent stacked line with markers, and a 3-D line.
8.2 Advanced Methodologies
You'll undoubtedly want to push your Excel skills to the subsequent level
sooner or later. The good news is that many elements of the software's
functioning are linked somehow, so mastering one method will almost
certainly help you in the future.
6. Manually Using Functions
It's a good idea to start exploring with Functions after you've learned
fundamental arithmetic in Excel. Working with simpler case studies will help
you became more familiar with basic practices that carry over. You'll explore
a huge variety of functions to take on different procedures. They're all
slightly different; however, having worked with simpler illustrations will help
you become more familiar with basic practices that carry over.
Let's get started with SUM, one of Excel's most fundamental functions. We
can utilize this feature to hold a sequence of numbers without having to
perform the math ourselves.
For instance, We have five values that we want to add together. Therefore
I've put my Function throughout the cell immediately below the list. Note that
you may do this job anywhere on the spreadsheet since you'll tell the program
which cells it should search for.
You may create a functional example by entering =SUM(E1:E5). However,
there are more options for relaying this instruction.
You may type in the term SUM to open those brackets, then manually pick
the cells. You may accomplish this by clicking individual cells while holding
down your Control key or dragging over several cells. If the cell references
are not consecutive, you may enter them individually spaced by a single
The advantage of utilizing cell references instead of integers in Functions is
that the results will change depending on the contents of such cells. It will be
especially helpful if your spreadsheet tasks get more complicated.
7. Conditional Formatting Integration
Excel has evolved into a strong tool for generating dashboards and also
traditional spreadsheets in recent years. Depending on your requirements,
making a dashboard with Excel may provide significant advantages while
requiring much work.
On the other hand, conditional formatting may give a normal spreadsheet a
dashboard feel and is simple to implement.
We'll utilize conditional formatting to assist a visual shorthand for certain
data for these reasons, so choose something worth being able to evaluate at a
glance if you're going to attempt this. Navigate into Home > Conditional
Formatting after selecting that data.
There are a plethora of various formatting choices available. Because we're
dealing with percentages, a data bar works obviously; but, color scales plus
icon sets may also be useful in some situations.
Remember that by selecting More Rules from the drop-down menu, you may
manage many elements of the procedure. Consider adjusting the guidelines if
the formatting isn't giving enough distinction to be instantly apparent.
8. Adding the Trendline into a Chart
To become an Excel expert, you must know all of the software's numerous
features to build the ideal chart for your requirements. A trendline is among
the numerous elements you may need to put together to complete that job.
It's an addition to a chart that you'll make after it's been constructed, so you
may either make a test chart or utilize one that has already been made. After
that, tap on the chart and then on the Chart Elements shortcut, represented by
a + sign symbol.
You may easily create a trendline by ticking the box beside it, and you can
access more comprehensive choices by clicking the arrows to the right.
The most important thing is to understand what you're attempting to convey.
A trendline isn't always useful, so think about the data you're displaying
before using one. Also, think about if a trendline adds value to the chart or
clutters it up.
8.3 Improve your Excel skills
Although there is plenty more to learn regarding Excel, here are several
excellent places to begin. Microsoft's Office Support website has many well-
presented Excel lessons covering everything from high-level use to the most
basic tasks.
Alternatively, whether you're a complete novice or a seasoned expert, Excel
Functions is a fantastic place to start. No doubt, Excel will guide you through
the process using tooltips, but it's nice to have a thorough resource on hand in
case you get stuck.
Finally, MakeUseOf has several excellent Microsoft Excel lessons to go
through. Start with learning how to use Excel's basic formulae, then look at
how to horizontally transpose data in Excel and some of the best methods to
organize your Excel documents. The quickest method to learn Excel is to
watch lessons and study Excel-related literature.
Chapter 9: Tips to Save Time In Excel
The most commonly used spreadsheet program is Microsoft Excel. It may be
used in a variety of ways to accomplish the same outcome. There are,
however, many Excel tips and techniques that may help you save time and
increase productivity. Excel functions are enjoyable to use, and they help you
be more productive by decreasing the number of steps in the computations.
We'll look at a variety of Excel tips and techniques in this chapter to help you
save time and increase the productivity of the job.
9.1 To autocomplete functions, use the tab key
As you enter the function, Excel displays a list of matched functions. You
may choose your function using the up or down arrows and then enter it with
the tab. This Excel tip saves time since you don't have to write the whole
function or transfer the fingers to a mouse or touchpad to click and insert it.
9.2 Functions final parenthesis should not be typed
You may input a function, i.e., SUM, VLOOKUP, without typing the last
parenthesis by pressing enter. The last parenthesis will be added
automatically by Excel. Remember that this only applies to functions, not
formulae. If you have more than one pair of parentheses, manually add the
last parenthesis.
The term "Functions" in Excel refers to a collection of pre-defined formulae
that come with the program by default.
9.3 Functions should not be typed in capital letters
The names of Microsoft Excel functions are shown in uppercase. You do not,
however, have to write the function in capital letters. You may input it in
lower case then Excel will convert it to upper case for you. Excel
automatically converts the letters to upper case when you press Tab or Enter.
9.4 While choosing multiple cells in a function, hold down the
"Ctrl" key
We need a comma among cell names when including several cells which are
not contiguous. You may pick the cell with the mouse when pressing a Ctrl
key instead of entering the comma. Excel will insert a comma among the cell
names automatically.
9.5 To copy down formulae, double-click the fill handle
When dealing with many rows, dragging the fill handle to the final row is
inefficient. Instead, you may double-click the fill handle. It will duplicate the
function down to the very last row. However, Excel will not replicate down
past that row if your data collection has blank rows inside the center.
9.6 Make use of ToolTips
When you're dealing with a new function, ToolTips come in handy. To open
a help menu for a particular function, click on the function name in the
ToolTips box. When you click on any argument name, the values given to
that parameter will be highlighted.
When you're dealing with a lengthy formula, this comes in handy. You may
use this method to pick the appropriate parameter of a function while using
partial evaluation.
9.7 Show all the formulas in the sheet (Ctrl+')
By selecting a "Show Formula" option within the "Formula Auditing" group
of the "FORMULAS" tab, you may see all of the formulas on the sheet rather
than their results. You may sometimes need this to show or see all of the
functions on the sheet to locate cells containing formulae or any other reason.
You may also show the formula by pressing Ctrl+ (Control + backquote).
9.8 Find then select cells that contain a formula
First, from the Formula option in a Find and Choose options of Editing group
of a HOME tab as HOME> Find and Select > Formulae, you may select all
of the cells which contain formulas at once.
Alternatively, you may open the "Go to" dialogue box with Ctrl+G or F5 and
choose "Special" from there. Then click OK after selecting the "Formulas"
radio option.
9.9 Trace Dependents and Precedents
You may want to trace the impact of a particular cell on any other cell of a
sheet and vice versa while dealing with a workbook produced by somebody
else, an old version of yours.
To visually displace the relationships, use the Trace Precedents and Trace
Dependents options throughout a Formula Auditing grouping of a Formula
Precedents: Show arrows indicating which cells affect the value of the
presently selected cell.
Dependents: Display arrows indicating which cells are impacted by the value
of the currently selected cell.
9.10 In edit mode, press F2 to begin editing the cell
By double-clicking a cell, you may enter cell edit mode. However, since you
must move one hand away from a keyboard to access the mouse, this is
inefficient at times. In such a scenario, when the appropriate cell is chosen,
hit F2 to enter edit mode. Then, using the arrow keys, move the pointer to the
desired location.
To leave edit mode, press Esc.
9.11 With the named range, make the formula more readable
It becomes more difficult to comprehend and manage the worksheet as it
grows in size. The formula you're creating may be linked to many cells on
multiple pages. Rather than simply utilizing cell references, you may make
the functions more accessible by giving the variable's names.
The "Name Manager" (Ctrl+F3) on the FORMULAS tab's "Defined Names"
group allows you to assign names. Alternatively, the Name Box, which is
situated to the left of the Formula Bar, may give names to cells quickly.
You may make the name visible throughout the whole workbook or only on
the current page. When you utilize the name box, however, Excel
automatically sets the scope to "workbook."
9.12 Switch formula into value
You may have encountered circumstances where you just want the formula's
output to stay in the cell rather than the formula itself. You'll need to turn
your formula into a value for this. The most common method is to copy the
value and then paste it as a value. Microsoft Excel, on the other hand,
provides many options for doing so.
Method 1: If you often use the mouse, pick the cell containing the formula
and drag the mouse cursor to a cell's border; you'll see that the mouse pointer
changes to a new icon. Right-click the mouse, drag the cell away and release
the mouse to return it to its original location. When you let go of the mouse,
you'll see a menu appear. Then choose "Copy here as values only" from the
drop-down menu. You may use the same approach for a group of adjacent
cells or the whole sheet.
Method 2: Choose the cell, then press F2. The cell will now be activated.
Then press F9, and the formula will be converted to a value. Then hit the
Enter key.
Method 3: Simply copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) the value. After that, the
pasted cell will get a tiny icon (Ctrl) in the bottom right corner. If you hold
down Ctrl at this point, a list of paste choices will appear. Then hit "V," and
the formula will be converted to the output value.
Method 4: Copy this formula into the cell/cells. Then, with the mouse cursor
above the cell where the value has to be pasted, right-click. Select the paste
option, which will appear like a value icon beneath the paste choice.
9.13 Add names to a formula that already exists
A named range may be added to the existing formula. First, give your cell (or
a group of cells) performing the function a name. After that, choose the cell
that holds the formula. Then, under the FORMULAStab's Defined Names
group, you'll see a tiny down arrow adjacent to the "Define Name" option.
Select the "Apply Names..." option by clicking on the arrow. It will open the
Apply Names dialogue box, where you may choose the names that are
appropriate to the function and then click OK. The names will then be
applied to appropriate parts of the function by Excel.
9.14 To switch among absolute and relative references, press F4
The relative and absolute references operate differently whenever you copy a
cell, including a function into another cell. Excel cell references are relative
by default.
The formula is modified when you copy this from one cell to the next in
relative references, the referenced cells. When you transfer a formula from
one cell to another with absolute reference, the formula will not change.
You may make a cell reference absolute by preceding the column, row, or
both by a dollar ($) symbol. A1 is the relative identifier, while $A$1 is the
absolute identifier. Manually doing this every time is, however, a time-
consuming process.
While the formula is active, the F4 key may quickly switch among relative
and absolute references. The formula toggles between four distinct states
when you hit the F4 key several times, as demonstrated in the example
A1 – Relative row and column
A$1 – Absolute row and relative column
$A$1 – Absolute row and absolute column
$A1 – Absolute column and relative row
9.15 Formulas that haven't been completed should be saved
Excel does not enable you to exit a cell if the formula has not been finished.
If you press enter before finishing the calculation, it will give you an error.
Eliminate the equals sign at the start of a function and press enter to prevent
this error notice.
You may also add one apostrophe (') to the starting of the function. In this
manner, you may save anything in Excel exactly as it is.
9.16 F9 is used to evaluate a portion of the formula
The process of creating a complex formula using Excel is not very user-
friendly. You may, however, evaluate the formula's functions and
components individually.
To begin, choose whatever portion of a formula you wish to investigate. Then
press F9, then the appropriate result for that area will appear. Then, to reverse
your action and reclaim the formula, hit escape.
9.17 Enter the SUM function using AutoSum (Alt+=)
SUM() is arguably the most often used function throughout Microsoft Excel.
However, many people still type this code by hand, which is inefficient.
Alternatively, you may utilize the AutoSum option in the Home tab's Editing
group or the Alt+= keyboard shortcut.
The AutoSum is clever enough to most of its time estimate your sum range,
and you can simply modify it within a function unless it is incorrect.
9.18 Step-by-step evaluation of the formula
F9 will analyze the argument you've chosen. An "Evaluate Formula" option
under a Formula Auditing group of a Formulas tab, on the other hand, may
perform better. It debugs a complicated formula by evaluating each
component separately. Stepping via the formula piece by piece may assist
you in ensuring that the calculations are accurate.
To utilize this option, first, pick the function-containing cell. Then, under a
Formula Auditing category of the Formula tab, choose "Evaluate Formula."
The "Evaluate Formula" dialogue box will appear. You'll notice that the first
portion of the formula is highlighted. When you click on Evaluate button, the
highlighted portion will be assessed, and the result will be shown underlined
alongside the next item to be reviewed. You may also evaluate functions until
you obtain the desired result.
9.19 Creating a table from a range of data
Excel tables are a great way to automate some of your tasks. Excel tables
may help you increase the productivity of the job. To quickly convert a range
of data to a table, press Ctrl+T.
When you complete a function on the top row of an Excel table, it is
immediately duplicated down. Column names are used rather than generic
cell references, which enhances readability. From the entire row, you may
quickly choose a function. The total row calculation is restricted to a filtered
list. To activate the whole row, use Ctrl+Shift+T.
9.20 To enhance readability, divide lengthy formulae into lines
It's tough to understand or debug an Excel formula that has many functions
and arguments. To enhance readability, divide these formulae into lines at
strategic places.
Place the cursor at the spot where you wish to split the formula into lines.
Then use the keyboard shortcut Alt+Enter. It will split the portion over the
cursor to the new line without interfering with the formula's functionality.
You can create Excel functions more simply and correctly with all these
Excel tips and techniques. Some of these will assist you in simplifying
difficult formulae and completing them quickly. Furthermore, such Excel tips
and techniques can assist you in saving time and increasing office
Chapter 10: 6 Excel Tasks You Should Be Able To
There isn't much middle ground when it pertains to Excel. You have
individuals that like spreadsheets and will shout their praises all day long.
Then others despise it completely. They'd sooner hide in a mosquito-infested
phone booth than have to stare at all of those rows and columns cross-eyed.
To be honest, one is used to be a member of the latter group. Only with the
best of intentions, one had to start the Excel worksheet afresh. But, after 20
minutes of attempting to get one dumb decimal point to display correctly in
its column, One had thrown up the towel and declare Excel was not for her.
Then a huge dramatic twist occurred in his life: She married an Excel genius,
someone who spends his whole workweek developing complex macros with
many of the most amazing spreadsheets she has ever seen. And he's made it
his particular goal to win me over to his Excel cult.
What's happened since then? He's made some improvement, to be sure. She
has been capable of putting her aversion to Excel aside and realize that it can
be a really useful tool for sifting through data and finding precisely what
you're looking for if you understand how to do it properly.
People get tripped up on the final part. On the other hand, Excel isn't quite as
difficult as you're probably portraying it seems.
Whether you're a complete novice or a seasoned pro, there are many useful
tips and tools available to you. Below are six tasks one should know how to
accomplish in Excel, and believe me, you'll be happy you did!
10.1 Data Sorting
Spreadsheets are often used for storing and organizing large amounts of data,
such as a contact list of 800 individuals you like to welcome to your
company's luncheon.
Let's pretend you wish to categorize those individuals. Perhaps you'd like
them to be arranged alphabetically by the last name. Alternatively, you could
categorize them by city.
Excel makes it simple to go through all of your data and arrange it into a neat,
easy-to-read spreadsheet.
Here's how it's done:
By dragging your mouse over all of your cells by clicking on the triangle in
the top left of the spreadsheet to pick the full data set you would like to sort,
not one column, you may highlight your entire data set we would like to sort,
not one column.
Select the "Data" tab.
Select "Sort" from the drop-down menu.
Please choose how you'd like to arrange your data; we sorted the city in
the sample below!
Select "OK."
Your data will then be sorted appropriately, in this instance, in alphabetical
order of the city.
You must sort the whole data set rather than just a single column. So in
this way, your rows will remain intact, and the proper address will remain
with the appropriate individual in this instance. If we had just chosen the first
column, MS Excel would have sorted only a certain column alphabetically,
resulting in a mismatched jumble of addresses.
10.2 Eliminate any duplicates
When dealing with a big dataset, it's unavoidable that a few duplicates may
Rather than becoming bleary-eyed and irritated by searching through the
whole spreadsheet for duplicates, Excel can perform all of the efforts for you
and eliminate duplicates with a single click.
Here's how it's done:
The whole data set should be highlighted.
Select the "Data" tab.
Select "Remove Duplicates" from the drop-down menu.
Choose which columns Excel should look for duplicates in.
Select "OK."
Make sure you use enough qualifiers to filter out genuine duplicates. If we
had chosen to delete duplicates in just Column A above, Excel would have
searched for duplicates of "Oprah," we would have removed one Oprah who
did indeed have the same address, but it's one who had a distinct last address
and name completely, a new Oprah entirely!
The main message is that you should use enough data to exclude rows that
are genuine identical duplicates of each other, rather than simply sharing one
similar value!
10.3 Functions of basic mathematics
Stop reaching for your calculator; Excel can manage all of your math needs!
All you have to do is type in a few formulae.
Do you think that's a little too advanced for your Excel skills? Reconsider
your position. Believe me when we say that if we can sort it out, so can you.
The following are the fundamental formulae you'll need to know:
Addition: In an empty cell wherever you'd like total to display, type
"=SUM," then select the cells you would like to add together and press
Subtraction: Write "=" in an empty cell where the difference should appear,
select the cell you would like to subtract to, type "-," click that cell you would
like to subtract from, and afterward hit enter.
Multiplication: Write "=" in an empty cell where you'd like total to display,
click that cell for one of the numbers you would like to multiply, type "*,"
click that cell for another number you would like to multiply, and afterward
press enter.
Division: In an empty cell where you'd like remainder to appear, type "=,"
click that cell for a number you would like to divide, type "/," click that cell
for that number you would like to divide by, and afterward hit enter.
Listen, we understand that putting things into words is a bit difficult. But, if
you give them a go, I'm certain you'll soon see they're not that difficult.
Here's an example of how the SUM function works in practice:
You can drag the same mathematical formula over several rows! After you've
entered the formula in one column, click the cell at which total appears, then
drag the small green box in the bottom right-hand corner across the
remainder of a row where you'd like a formula to be performed.
It'll just happen on its own! You won't have to input the formula over and
over again to crunch data in various columns.
10.4 Panes should be frozen
Nothing is more annoying than scrolling via a large spreadsheet and
constantly returning to the top to check your column headings.
Fortunately, you can have your column headings, and row numbers remain
there, so you'll always be able to see them no matter how deep into the
spreadsheet we go. Using Excel's wonderful "freeze panes" function, you can
do this.
Here's how it's done:

Select the row under your column headings by clicking on it.

Select the "View" tab.
Toggle the "Freeze Panes" switch on.
You'll notice that the information you want is constantly visible as you scroll
down and throughout your spreadsheet!
10.5 Add the current date
Are you tired of looking at the calendar or even the bottom of the computer
screen to get today's date and entering it into your spreadsheet?
With only one simple keyboard shortcut, Excel can accomplish it for you. It's
as follows:
CTRL + ;
Put your mouse inside the cell where you'd like the date to display, then press
the shortcut key to have Excel fill in today's date for you. It's that simple!
The dates you provide with that function remain static, which means they
won't change as the spreadsheet becomes older!
10.6 Make the same modification on all worksheets
It's a pain to search through numerous tabs and make the same adjustment
over and over again while you're working with multiple tabs. You don't have
to, thankfully!
You may choose which sheets in the workbook that change should show on.
Modify once, and it will be reflected on all sheets you've chosen.
Here's how it's done:
If you're using a computer, hold down the "Command" key on your
keyboard or "Control" if you're using a Mac.
Choose the tabs in your workbook that correspond to the tabs in your
To one cell, make the required changes.
Verify that it was applied to all of the worksheets.
Do you want to witness this in action? Let's pretend a person married Aaron
Rodgers for the sake of simplicity; after all, a girl may dream. As a
consequence, my surname was changed from "Boogaard" to "Rodgers." I'd
utilize this helpful technique just to have to input my new last name once
since my name appears in many distinct tabs of this spreadsheet.
And that's exactly what you'll need to know about Excel!
I understand that Excel may be daunting. However, once you begin playing
about with it, you'll soon feel more at ease and discover how much simpler it
can accomplish stuff for you.
Master these six fundamental Excel techniques to get started, and you'll be
well on your way to being an Excel wizard in no time!
Excel is a powerful tool for doing analysis and what-if scenarios. To compute
the different scenarios, you utilize formulae in cells, including one or
multiple input cells. You may utilize the controls from the Control toolbox or
a Forms toolbar to make dealing with various values or options easier. Your
models will be simpler to utilize if you use these controls correctly. The
controls also make data input easier while improving data quality by reducing
the possibility of incorrect entries. A spreadsheet, as a collection of data
organized in columns and rows, improves the ability to do computations
more quickly and accurately. Numbers, text, and formulae may be combined
and displayed stylishly and appealingly to understand the numbers' meaning
easily. MS Excel is among the essential computer applications because of its
critical function in various industries. It is the most widely used spreadsheet
software in many commercial and educational settings and personal data
management. The initial version of Excel was published in 1985. Since then,
it has been used to conduct formula-based arithmetic and computations and
other tasks that may need mathematical calculations. Excel has been popular
among companies, individuals, and institutions because of its versatility and
ability to act like a visual basic to various applications.
It is an excellent Excel book for those just starting and who want to lay a
solid foundation. It starts from the beginning and covers all of the essential
subjects and some advanced ideas. The importance of Microsoft Excel makes
it one of the most commonly used computer programs. It is the most widely
used spreadsheet program in businesses and schools and for user data
management. Excel was originally released in 1985 in a basic form. It is now
utilized for formula-based computing and analysis, as well as other
mathematical activities. Excel is widely used by businesses, people, and
organizations due to its versatility. Employers like Excel skills since they
show you have analytical skills. You'll be an addition to the company if you
can utilize Excel.
As a consequence, many businesses demand Excel skills in job descriptions.
Spreadsheet programs like MS Excel use columns and rows of cells to
organize and manage data. They can show data using graphs, charts, and
histograms. Maybe you worked in a corporate setting and used Excel. In this
scenario, spreadsheet applications may become complex, requiring
professional knowledge. Users may arrange data in MS Excel to view
components from different perspectives. Microsoft Office apps may be able
to communicate with Excel since it is part of the suite. Companies
increasingly use Excel for data sharing and accessibility. We believe MS
Excel's future will include multi-user access to huge data sets for analysis,
reporting, and substantial productivity and efficiency gains.

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