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Topic/ Concept: Social Groups
Instructions: Create important questions that you can ask to your social groups in the
future. You may refer our situation in facing pandemic in creating 10 questions each for
Rational and Organic groups.


Social Groups Questions

1. Is it safe not to wear face shield only wearing face mask outside?
2. Why we need to obey the curfew?
3. How can we avoid the virus?
Rational 4. What are you doing during lockdown?
5. How can you transfer or travel back to your province?
6. Why is it necessary to wash your hands?
7. Where will you go if the quarantine is lifted?
8. Do you think you will allow someone to visit inside your house
during this pandemic?
9. Have you ever try to forget to bring your face mask?
10. When was the time your last meet of your friends?

1. Who will be assign for the food and medicine pass in the family?
2. Why isn’t allowed kids and grandparents to go outside?
3. Do you have first aid kit and medicines?
Organic 4. How many are you in your family during this pandemic?
5. Are your parents aren’t working now due to this pandemic?
6. Did you and your siblings take online class amidst in the pandemic?
7. Did you and your family lived in the high risk area?
8. Do you have enough storage of food and emergency supplies?
9. What will you do if one of your family get sick amidst in the
10. Is it normal to sneeze and cough inside your house only with your
II. Using the questions created above, pick 10 questions that seek urgent
answers as of the present and allow each individual to answer the questions
honestly. Provide a proof of intervention. (attached pictures, personal
template with person’s signature).

Answers Name Signature

1. My father is working now JL Rica Spike Cuestas
during pandemic, because
he is a teacher in FBNHS.
He don't usually go to
school because of the new
normal, so he's doing his
work in our house (work
from home).
2. Subject, I may know the Zeidrich James Josol
best place to go after the
quarantine is lifted. Well I
would go to church of
course and thank God for
the protection and
blessings he granted for me
and for everyone. Secondly,
I will continue the process
and progress to build up
and improve myself to get
back in the track to reach
my dreams.
3. About a week ago, I did Joshua Vincent Serentas
not expect my friends to
surprise me on my birthday
since our current situation
is quite risky.
4. To keep us safe from Charlane Mae Orilla
dangerous stuff we must
follow curfew. To guard
and to restrain ourselves. I
believed that curfew
allows the youth to
discipline themselves and
away from the bad doings.
To retain respect for your
parents in your teenage
years, and the rules they
5. Wearing face shield Esther Gerodias
specially going to a volume
of people or interacting
with others could give us
more protection as it
lessens the probability of
getting infected against
Covid-19 virus. It helps
blocking all things that
cannot be seen visibly in
our own eyes and hinders
to land directly in our faces.
In addition, 1 meter rule
and disinfecting/sanitizing
is very important as it also
prevent catching virus
and/or any other sickness
that we barely notice in our
6. We should wash our Tonette Parenas
hands for us to protect
ourselves from germs and
viruses that will make us

7. Yes, if it's my relatives Cherrie Mae Dalagan

and closest friends.
Knowing that I have
monitored their past travel
history and has a valid
reason to discuss. And we
exercise basic health
protocol here, like before
you enter you have to wash
your hands and put alcohol.
8. At first we were hesitant Collin Tumpag
to take the online class
because we've thought that
it is not an effective type of
learning. But later on, we
have decided to take the
online class because we
don't want to waste a year.
And our school has offered
different modes of learning
like using the internet or
having modules. And
because we have resources
like internet connection and
pc we are able to take the
online class.
9. Not at all, because Kairyl Antipuesto
nowadays wearing face
mask is a must and it's
also very important for us
to be covered by the virus.
And we could also lessen
the risk of spreading the
virus by simply wearing
fresh and clean face mask.
We should also wear
protective clothing, always
bring alcohol, always wash
your hands and apply
social distancing for extra
virus protection.
10. Yes, we have those Kirsten Salvana
supplies such that it is
essential to have
emergency supplies
especially that we cannot
often go outside due to the
current situation.
III. After gathering some data, make a one-page insight paper by integrating the
sociological concepts into your experience. (Journal # 3)

I am experiencing difficulties in this time of pandemic. One of it is to take care

my grandmother. My grandmother was diagnosed a kidney failure 4 years ago and
she was undergoing a dialysis every twice a week. During this time of pandemic, I
am allowed now to go outside because we are now in modified general community
quarantine which somehow I can spend my time with my grandmother every
Saturday and Sunday. In weekdays, I am very busy for my online classes so I was
thinking I need to hire a maid to take care for my grandmother for a while. One day,
my aunt calls me and she said she was hired someone to take care for my
grandmother. That night I oriented the maid about the meal, the medicines for my
grandmother, the clothes, the area and then I ask some information and background
about her and she said that she was left by her husband and she also had two
children lived in the side of her mother. After the interrogation, I left my grandmother
with the maid and then I went home to finish my homework. Two days later, I
received a text from my aunt says that the maid was leaving without permission and
left my grandmother there alone. After I read that message, I was shocked and I
went right away to my grandmother’s house. I ask my grandmother if she’s okay and
she said that she haven’t eat for two days. I can’t find and locate the address of the
maid but now I am planning to take responsibility for my grandmother even if I had
online classes and I can still manage the time very well. I learned that not all people
that you’ve encounter will stay for so long due to their different point of views and
different life situation. They can choose to leave or stay as much as they want to.
But the best thing is, there is one colony that could stand by your side
unconditionally and that is family.

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