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1ST SEMESTER (22-23)

particles that were destroyed

every time they collided with each
Nucleosynthesis: formation of elements like
Review H and He which led to the formation of stars
Steps of the Scientific Method and galaxies.
1. Doing observations
2. Defining the problem Big Bang Theory vs Bread Raisin Model
3. Formulate the hypothesis
4. Perform an experiment
5. Gather, analyze, and interpret data
6. Formulate the conclusion
The Hierarchy of Truth
1. Hypothesis
2. Conclusion
3. Generalization
4. Theory
5. Law
The Doppler Effect: the change of
wavelength of a wave when there is a
motion that increases or decreases the
distance between the receiver and the
● The bread represents the universe and
the raisin represents the galaxies
Redshift: occurs when electromagnetic
waves shift to longer wavelengths (shift ● The bread would expand but the
towards the red end of the spectrum when raisins won’t
the source of the waves is moving away ● Galaxies don’t expand due to
from the observer. gravitational force

What is the Big Bang Theory? Evidences Supporting the Big Bang Theory
● Cosmological model that explains how 1. The expansion of the universe is
the universe began supported by the observation that
galaxies are receding from us
● 13.8 billion years ago, the universe
2. The high amount of light elements like
started expanding
H, He and Li. These were formed
● It’s not actually a literal explosion but through nucleosynthesis right after the
more like a disintegration big bang
● Distances in relation to other galaxies 3. The detection of the cosmic
just increases because of the microwave background (CMB) which is
expanding universe leftover radiation from the big bang
○ Matter dilutes as the universe
○ Density decreases, the mass is
constant, volume increases
Singularity: core of a black hole with very
high temperature and density and is said to
be where the universe started
● The intense heat resulted in the
formation of matter and antimatter
Proponents of the Big Bang Theory
George Henri Joseph Edouard Lemaitre
was the first one to suggest the idea of the
expansion of the universe
● Due to him being a Belgian priest, his
theory wasn’t accepted at the time
● He called the singularity a cosmic egg ot
primeval atoms
● Cosmic rays were “ashes and smoke of
bright but very rapid fireworks,” and they
originated when the primeval atom
Edwin Powell Hubble established the
Hubble’s Law which provided evidence that
the universe was not static, but expanding
● The Hubble's Law states that the farther
away a galaxy is, the faster it moves
away from the Earth
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered
microwaves with wavelengths of about 7
centimeters were present in space. They
were referred to as CMB radiation
● This discovery made them win a Noble
Prize back in 1978

Drawbacks of the Big Bang Theory

● It fails to explain how the universe is
created, it only explains how the
universe has evolved
● Failed to explain how the galaxies were

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