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NAME: Joesurd Kim Dayanon

YEAR SECTION: 2nd Year - Section 2


Answer the following:


1. What is Sports? 15 pts.

Answer: A particular form of this, especially outdoors, that calls for physical prowess or skill, and is
frequently competitive in nature. Examples include racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling,
boxing, hunting, and other similar sports. also a sports adj.

2. Define the following:

a. Individual Sport (10 pts.)

Answer: Individual sports are those practices or sports disciplines that can be performed by oneself
without the assistance of another person.

b. Dual Sports (10 pts.)

Answer: Sports are any physical activities that involve competition, whether through unorganized or
formal involvement. In contrast to team sports, which pit organized groups of people against one
another, dual sports are played by two persons competing against one another.

c. Team Sports (10 pts.)

Answer: Any sport in which participants cooperate to achieve a common goal is a team sport. A team
sport is an activity in which a group of people who are on the same team cooperate to achieve a primary
objective, which is typically to win. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including by outscoring
the opposition.

3. What is the importance and benefit of individual and dual sports in your life? 15 pts.
Answer: For me I don’t think I can explain my part well, but I think it should work this way. I did say that,
since I am not that kind of person, who is sports inclined, but I do have one sport that I think would fit in
this category. Last time in my elementary and high school days, I played Chess and I reached the provincial
meet that time. I loved playing Chess more than any other sports since basically “diyan ako magaling”
haha. And going back to the question, for me it is very important since my favorite sport fits in the dual
sport category, and you know sports like these tremendously strengthens the bonds between its players
and gives them a feeling of identity.

4. How do sports help manage stress? 15 pts

Answer: You can reduce stress by engaging in sports. Endorphins, the brain chemicals that reduce tension
and pain, are released when you exercise. Cortisol and adrenaline levels are also decreased along with
other stress chemicals. Twenty to thirty minutes of exercise per day can help people feel more at ease,
according to studies.

5. List down 10 health benefits of Sports. (10 pts.)

Answer: Better Sleep, A Strong Heart, New Connections, Improved Lung Function, Increased Confidence,
Reduces Stress, Improve Mental Health, Sport Builds Leaders, Develop Stronger Relationships, and Sport
aids the healthy development of children.

B.) Why is Physical Education important for you as an Individual? 15 pts

Answer: For me it is important, because through Physical Education we can learn how to improve our own
selves in physical being. It helps us to indulge the beauty of being healthy. Physical education offers the
learning chances to build these skills and clearly imparts the knowledge and abilities needed for
interacting with and relating to others. It fosters the growth of leadership and teamwork abilities and
promotes knowledge transfer to other subject areas in pupils.

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