Final Chapter 4

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The relational component of psychopathy, which catches narcissistic highlights including;

gaudiness and self-ingestion, has increased later experiments' consideration because of its
relationship with coercive conduct. Although this feeling highlights psychopathic traits such
as dispassionate (CU) qualities (lack of sympathy and blame, emotionless frames of mind), these are
also recognized to be notable markers of formative antecedents to psychopathy and are associated
with abnormal amounts of hostility and malevolence (Frick and White, 2008). Recent research
suggests that psychopathy is somehow connected to narcissism and may support a specific type of
animosity: and managed without incitement (i.e., proactive or "unfeeling" hostility; Barry et al., 2007).
In any case, these finding contradicts research demonstrating enthralling enthusiastic responses to
incitement in narcissistic people (Twenge and Campbell, 2003). For these discoveries to be satisfied,
one theory is that individuals with narcissist attributes utilize different intents to get what they need
and how they react sincerely may encourage various techniques toward accomplishing their
objectives. The writing proposes note-worthy heterogeneity to the build of narcissism. In the present
investigation, we researched whether youth scoring high on narcissism can be disaggregated into
subtypes as indicated by their examples of enthusiastic reacting and whether these examples identify
with the sorts of animosity that they show (e.g., Thomas, Bushman, Orobio de Castro, and Stegge,
2009; Pincus and Lukowitsky, 2010).

People who rise to powerful positions in modern countries are more likely to exhibit traits of
psychopathy and narcissism. In recent years, psychopathic leaders are usually found in less
developed countries with poor infrastructure and insecure political institutions. Saddam Hussein in
Iraq, Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, and Charles Taylor in Liberia are examples of it. In any case, current
psychopaths do not progress toward becoming pioneers in affluent countries (where they are maybe
bound to join worldwide enterprises). In these nations, as can be found in the US and Russia, there
has been a development away from psychopathic to narcissistic pioneers. All things considered, what
calling could be more fitted for a narcissistic character than legislative issues, where the spotlight of
consideration is steady? Narcissists feel qualified for additional control in light of their feeling of
prevalence and grandiosity (Taylor & Beckett, 2019).

In the Philippines, therapists and specialists frequently encounter the insane. Regardless, in
most cases, they can do little for him except labeling him as a bothersome, hopeless, serious outcast.
After futile attempts at treatment, it appears that isolation is the only safe and viable solution to the
psychopathic problem. Unique kinds of individuals who achieve a satisfactory understanding of the
mental case disorder and offer a far better deal than minimal stress as well as isolation throughout
this journal. The creators show psychopathy is indeed a genuinely centralized neurological condition
that differs from other personality issues. "Guiltlessness and lovelessness clearly distinguish the
insane person from other men." Having clarified the character qualities of analytic worth, the creators
go to investigate the etiology of these issues, and mixed the conclusion of a couple of experts in this
field with the information of their research they finish up: "There appear to be two causes. To start
with, serious dismissal independent from anyone else can cause psychopathy. In addition, mellow
dismissal in blend with harm to the mind zone (presumably the hypothalamus) which typically
restrains conduct causes psychopathy". Rejection is the cause of every single psychopathic disorder
(William & McCord, 1985).
Recent Filipino college grads alluded to in the examination are the understudies of a particular
university in Manila, A.Y. 2014-2015, who utilize a person to person communication locales. With a
mass population of 36-991, the exploration depended on seven understudies for each level. Every
school had been a piece of the example size, barring the School of Law since they don't permit
access to the school for overviews. The instrument utilized incorporated the Narcissistic Character
Stock 16 Ames, D., Rose, P. and Anderson, C. (2006), an abbreviated form of the first Narcissistic
Character Stock made out of 40 things (Raskin, R. and Lobby, C., 1979; Raskin, R and. Terry, H.,
1988). This instrument has been used to know the degree of narcissism in a client, and another piece
of the instrumentation had been for the social organizing use that contained elements and factors
identified with egocentrism and SNS use.

In the absence of a local setting, the issues and concerns stated between dark traits in a
classroom setting and the psychopaths and narcissists' perspective were vital, especially on the
participants' experiences, and also serve as awareness for future researchers. The researchers
believe that conducting qualitative research is the best systematic way for neophytes to use research
through a phenomenological method of inquiry researcher, can explore the experiences of narcissism
and psychopathy in the classroom setting from narcissist and psychopath students' perspectives. If
they pursue this study, they can ensure that the student with these dark traits will bear a significant
impact to law makers' and serves as a wake-up call to each of one of them that they could extend
their help for the awareness regarding the issues of dark traits through this research. In addition, our
study could give additional information which could contribute to the body of knowledge and future
researchers and review as their reference.

Research Question

1. What is the perspective of narcissists and psychopaths in the society?

2. What are the causes of narcissism and psycopathy?

3. How narcissism and psychopathy affects others live?

Theoretical lens

These pair conceptual and empirical overlaps among narcissism and psychopathy in forensic
samples, suggesting these disorders may share underlying vulnerabilities for personality pathology.
For instance, psychopathy is signed by a constellation of interpersonal (e.g., grandiosity,
deceitfulness, superficial charm), affective (e.g., shallow effect, callousness, remorselessness),
lifestyle (e.g., risk-taking, irresponsibility, aggressiveness, unrealistic goals), and antisocial (e.g.,
criminal versatility, repeated incarcerations) traits that, like narcissism, increase the risk for
engagement in antisocial behavior (e.g., Bushman & Baumeister, 1998; Cleckley, 1976). Further,
narcissism and psychopathy converge at the trait-level of personality in that both disorders are
marked by grandiosity, manipulativeness, and callousness (APA, 2000; Hare, 2003) and with the five-
factor model dimensions of low agreeableness and high extraversion (e.g., Samuel & Widiger,
2008; Lynam, 2002). Finally, as described above, research suggests that psychopathy is also
multidimensional (Cooke & Michie, 2001; Hare, 2003; Hill, Neumann, & Rogers, 2004) with the
primary and secondary variants of psychopathy representing separable etiological pathways to the
disorder. Unlike narcissism, however, extensive research has been conducted to delineate the
nomological networks associated with the primary and secondary dimensions of psychopathy, making
the psychopathy literature a potentially informative framework for examining distinctions between
grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. Empirical investigations of the external correlates of the primary
and secondary dimensions validate their theoretical distinctions. For instance, research indicates that
people with primary psychopathic traits exhibit lower levels of anxiety, social withdrawal (Skeem, et
al., 2007), and emotional reactivity (Blair, 2005; Kiehl, 2006; Patrick, Bradley, & Lang, 1993) than
those with secondary psychopathic traits. In contrast, secondary psychopathy is associated with
emotional and behavioral dysregulation, including increased risk for suicidality, alcohol and substance
use disorders, and impulsivity (Lorber, 2004; Patrick, Hicks, Krueger, & Lang, 2005; Sellbom &
Verona, 2007; Smith & Newman, 1990; Vanman, Mejia, Dawson, Schell, & Raine, 2003; Verona,
Hicks, & Patrick, 2005; Verona, Patrick, Joiner, 2001). In terms of violence, both primary and
secondary dimensions of psychopathy are found to predict reactive violence and aggression (Hart,
1998; Walsh & Kosson, 2008). However, individuals with primary psychopathic traits are more likely to
engage in unprovoked, instrumental forms of aggression than those with secondary psychopathic
traits (Skeem, Poythress, Edens, Lilienfeld, & Cale, 2003; Williamson, Hare, & Wong,
1987; Woodworth & Porter, 2002). In sum, the extant literature indicates that primary psychopathy is
related to emotional stability, lack of anxiety, and unprovoked/instrumental aggression, whereas
secondary psychopathic traits are associated with psychopathological dysfunction marked by
emotional and behavioral dysregulation.

Review of Related Literature

The Dark Triad

Subclinical narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy are referred to as the Dark Triad
(Paulhus and Williams, 2002) due to (a) their socially unfortunate nature, (b) comparative
phenotypical practices (e.g., control), (c) positive intercorrelations of their scales, and (d) reasonable
similitudes (e.g., self-image centricity). Narcissism is simply the inclination to harbor pompous and
swelled self-sees while cheapening others (e.g., Morf and Rhodewalt, 1993, 2001). Narcissists are
appeared to display outrageous vanity; consideration and profound respect for chasing; sentiments of
predominance, expert, and privilege; exhibitionism and boasting; and control (Raskin and Terry,
1988). Machiavellianism is the inclination to negative, cynical, chilly, down to business, and improper
convictions; withdrew influence; a quest for self-advantageous and agentic objectives (e.g., influence,
cash); vital long haul arranging; and control strategies (Christie and Geis, 1970; Fehr, Samsom, and
Paulhus, 1992; Rauthmann and Will, 2011). Psychopathy is the inclination to imprudent rush chasing,
cold influence, control, and introverted practices (Williams, Nathanson, and Paulhus, 2003), frequently
falling into an essential (emotional shallowness, absence of compassion and regret, shallow appeal,
and control) and auxiliary part (social aberrance, low socialization, impulsivity, unreliability, hostility,
sensation chasing, misconduct; Hare, 2003). From one perspective, there is proof from
developmental contentions, relational circumflex studies, and quality research to help ''unificationist
speculations'' that narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy speak to indistinguishable builds or
slight subtleties of one basic, worldwide dull character factor (e.g., Jonason, Li, Webster, and Schmitt,
2009; Jonason, Li, and Teicher, 2010; Jones and Paulhus, 2010; Lilienfeld and Andrews, 1996;
McHoskey, 1995, 2001; McHoskey, Worzel, and Szyarto, 1998). Then again, proof for ''segregation
speculations'' imagining narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy as discrete areas has
additionally accumulated (e.g., Jones and Paulhus, 2010; Vernon, Villani, Vickers, and Harris, 2008)
as the Dim Triad attributes have been appeared to contrast in natural bases, hidden procedures and
elements, and affiliation designs with different builds inside nomological systems. The Dim Triad
characteristics may show cover in certain regards (e.g., momentary mating; Jonason and Webster,
2010), while not in others (e.g., self-checking; Rauthmann, 2011). It remains, in any case, misty so far
how similitudes or contrasts work out in starting social communications. Along these lines, the present
work explicitly examines how narcissists, Machiavellians, and mental cases (a) see others, (b) are
seen by others, and (c) sway correspondence when there is just little associate. If the Dull Triad
characteristics reflect particular areas and depend on contrasting intrapersonal and relational
procedures, they should involve diverse social outcomes, (for example, being contrastingly seen by

Psychologists characterize psychopathy as a specific heavenly body of solitary practices and

feelings, including shallow effect, low regret, low dread, low sympathy, egocentrism, exploitativeness,
manipulativeness, impulsivity, hostility, and guiltiness (Cleckley, 1964; Bunny, 1993). Much like the
mental build of narcissism, psychopathy has been widely contemplated by both clinical and character
therapists. For the most part, scientists accept there are two components of psychopathy. The
principal factor is called essential or instrumental psychopathy. This factor contains the shallow effect,
low compassion, and relational briskness aspects of psychopathy, and people with significant degrees
of these attributes are at times alluded to as "genuinely steady" mental cases. The second factor is
optional or unfriendly/receptive psychopathy. This factor is made out of the socially manipulative and
degenerate features of psychopathy and has been differently alluded to as forceful, hasty, and
psychotic psychopathy (see Falkenbach, Poythress, Falki, and Manchak, 2007; Hicks, Markon,
Patrick, Krueger, and Newman, 2004; Lykken, 2006). Psychopathy has exhibited a few significant
relations, and intrapersonal corresponds. Insane people will in general score moderately low on
suitability, good faith, and neuroticism. Insane people gain higher scores than non-psychopaths on
extraversion and receptiveness (Jakobwitz and Egan, 2006; Paulhus and Williams, 2002).
Psychopathy has a few relationships with sentimental relationship working, incorporating positive
relationships with rape, private accomplice brutality, unfaithfulness, and mate-poaching (Brown and
Forward, 1997; Jonason et al., 2010b).


The study of narcissism as a character quality has a long history that originates before even
Freud, who may be the main individual to treat brain research as its logical field. Narcissism,
Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, the only situations where every one of the three terms is
incorporated into the hit are incorporated here. References were barred. A search was performed on
May 22, 2011. Dim TRIAD ANTIHEROES IN POP CULTURE 193 Narcissus, who, as indicated by
legend, became hopelessly enamored with his picture in a reflecting pool. So moved was Narcissus
by his appearance that he didn't eat, drink, or rest, bringing about his destruction. Today, the term
narcissism frequently alludes to a mental character issue in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
(DSM–IV) or a subclinical rendition of the attribute, which is regularly considered by character and
social therapists (e.g., Paulhus, 2001) and is contained pomposity, a requirement for reverence,
absence of sympathy, a feeling of qualification, and self-reverence. A lot of research has been done
on narcissism. Since we don't have space to audit the majority of the related to narcissism here, we
allude to intrigued users to an as of late distributed handbook on narcissism explore (Campbell and
Miller, 2011). A portion of the additional intriguing associates incorporate animosity (e.g., Webster,
Kirkpatrick, Nezlek, Smith, and Paddock, 2007; yet particularly following incitement, e.g., Bushman
and Baumeister, 1998), impulsivity (e.g., Vazire and Funder, 2006), deserting or duping in financial
recreations (e.g., the disaster of the house; Campbell, Bush, Brunell, and Shelton, 2005), and having
more sex accomplices (e.g., Jonason et al., 2009). These are steady with our life history way to deal
with narcissism and the other Dark Triad qualities.

Dark Personalities’ Perceptions of Others: How They See Others

Agreeableness reflects a positive direction toward others (Costa and McCrae, 1985), and
negative connections between's NEO-Agreeableness and the Dark Triad are hearty discoveries
(Jones and Paulhus, 2010). In this manner, dull characters appear to commonly harbor negative
other-models (regularly attending with positive self-models) that lead them to pass judgment on
others-more ominously or even abhorrence them. Narcissists have been found to take part in other-
disparagement (Morf and Rhodewalt, 1993) while glorifying the self which is conceivably a course to
self-improvement in narcissism. Machiavellians additionally see others horribly. In their negative and
pessimistic worldview, individuals are powerless, untrustworthy, and manipulable (Christie and Geis,
1970; Jones and Paulhus, 2010; Rauthmann and Will, 2011). Be that as it may, it has not been
discovered that they would self-improve while downgrading others (Paulhus and Williams, 2002).
Mental cases' low respect for others, extraordinary unsavoriness, flippancy, and low levels of
sympathy likewise recommend negative other models (e.g., Hare, 2003). Henceforth, dim characters
can be relied upon to see others in a principally negative manner (i.e., lower organization and lower
fellowship) because of negative other models.

Others’ Perceptions of Dark Personalities: How They Are Seen

Narcissists can be famous, enchanting, and enjoyed from the outset (Back, Schmukle, and
Egloff, 2010; Foster, Shrira, and Campbell, 2006; Oltmanns, Friedman, Fiedler, and Turkheimer,
2004), yet they are seen less positively as collaborations and connections advance (Back et al., 2010;
Campbell, Foster, and Finkel, 2002; Paulhus, 1998). For instance, narcissists are at first portrayed as
pleasant, equipped, and engaging however later with Quadrant II characteristics from the relational
circumplex such as presumptuous, threatening, or hostile (Paulhus, 1998; Wink, 1991). This proposes
narcissists have, in any event at first, positive characteristics that can make them well known, yet in
the long run, they lose their positive notoriety and their affability diminishes. There are blended
discoveries on how Machiavellians are seen by others (Fehr et al., 1992; Jones and Paulhus, 2009).
From one perspective, youthful Machiavellians show up to be preferred (Hawley, 2003; Newcomb,
Bukowski, and Pattee, 1993) and grown-up Machiavellians are preferred in specific situations (e.g.,
Coie, Dodge, and Kupersmidt, 1990; Deluga, 2001; Ickes, Reidhead, and Patterson, 1986; Simonton,
1986; Wilson, Close, and Miller, 1998). Then again, Machiavellian practices are frequently socially
unaccepted (Falbo, 1977), and individuals judge Machiavellians all the more adversely after delayed
cooperation (Wilson et al., 1998). It along these lines stays indistinct whether Machiavellians show up
at first more decidedly or adversely to other people. Layman's view of subclinical mental cases is
underexplored starting at yet (see, be that as it may, Fowler, Lilienfeld, and Patrick, 2009), however
because of (shallow) beguiling conduct and relational control, they may show up from the start like
narcissists (i.e., fascinating, engaging), while they are judged all the more ominously as cooperations
advance (i.e., when reserved practices hole out). Then again, mental cases' absence of respect for
other people and lack of caution may make them awful from the beginning. Inside and out, dim
characters ought to be to a great extent seen as some degree of opposition (i.e., higher organization,
lower fellowship) when they interface with others.
Chapter 3

This section was an overview of the method used in this study. This portion would show the
research design, role of the researchers, research participants, data collection, data analysis,
trusthworthiness, and ethical consideration.

In our study, methodological was defined as how our study was done and how it was
structually arranged. The primary goal of our study was to examine and discover the lived
experiences of the students concerning their perspective about psychopathy and narcissism. Kothari,
(2004) stated that methodology was the systematic theoritical analysis of the procedures applied to a
field of study.

Research Design

The researchers of this study used a qualitative research design employing a

phenomenological approach to extrapolate the thoughts, emotions, and lived experiences of the
students concerning their perspectives on psychopathy and narcissism. Bryman and Bell (2007)
stated that qualitative research is a research strategy that indicates the relationship between theory
and research and usually emphasizes how theories were generated. As a research strategy,
qualitative research is inductivist constructionist, and interpretive, but qualitative researchers always
don’t subscribe to all three of these methods.

Qualitative research was a situated activity that located the observer in the world. Qualitative
research consists of a set of interpretive, material practices that make the world visible. These
practices transformed the world. They turned the world into a series of representations including field
notes, interviews, conversations, photographs, recordings, and memos to the self. At this level,
qualitative research involves an interpretive, naturalistic approach to the world. This means that
qualitative researchers study things in their natural setting, attempting to make sense of, or interpret
phenomena in terms of meanings people bring to them (Denzin & Lincoln, 2011).

In this literature of social science and applied professional fields, such terms as interpretive,
naturalistic, constructivist, ethnographic, and fieldwork are variously employed to designate the broad
collection of approaches that we call simply qualitative research (Locke et al., 2000). Qualitative
research methods were developed in the social sciences to enable researchers to study social and
cultural phenomena (Myers, 1997). Its goal was to gain a deeper understanding of a person’s or
group’s experience. Ross (1999) stated that qualitative approaches to research are based on a world
view that was holistic and had the following beliefs: there was not a single reality, reality-based upon
perceptions that are different for each person and changed over time, and what we knew had
meaning only within a given situation of context.

Burns and Grove (2003) described a qualitative approach as a systematic subjective approach
used to describe life experiences and situations to give them meaning. Parahoo (1997) stated that
qualitative research focused on the experiences of people as well as stressing the uniqueness of the
individual. Holloway and Wheeler (2002) referred to qualitative research as a form of social inquiry
that focused on the way people interpreted and make sense of their experiences and the world in
which they live. Researchers use the qualitative approach to explore the behavior, perspectives,
experiences, and feelings of people and emphasized the understanding of these elements.
Researchers who used this approach adopted a person-centered holistic and humanistic perspective
to understand human lived experiences without focusing on the experiences' specific concepts (Field
& Morse, 1996). The researchers focused on the experiences from the participant’s perspective. To
achieve the emic perspective, the researchers become involved and immersed in the study.
Phenomenological research is an inductive, descriptive research approach developed from
phenomenological philosophy. It aims to describe an experience lived by a person. The
phenomenological analysis does not aim to explain or discover causes. Instead, its goal was to clarify
the meanings of phenomena from lived experiences. As such, phenomenology offers an important
shift from a positivist cause-effect focus to one of human subjectivity and discovering the meaning of
actions (Giorgi, 2003). Phenomenology practice with a human science perspective could thus result in
valuable knowledge about an individual’s experiences.

In a broad sense, the purpose of phenomenology was to describe particular phenomena, or

the appearance of things, as lived experiences (Carpenter & Speziale, 2007). Lived experiences
involve the immediate consciousness of life’s events before reflection and without interpretation, and
were influenced by those things that are internal or external to them. It was the lived experienced that
gave meaning to each individual’s perception of a particular phenomenon and thus presents to the
individual what was true or real in his or her life (Giorgi, 1997).

Role of the Researchers

Our primary role as researchers was to serve as the main investigators, ensuring compliance
with the requirements in this qualitative research by employing a phenomenological approach. We are
responsible for finding qualified participants to conduct entitled academic procrastination, to effectuate
new knowledge that provides relevant which can be used by the academe and future researchers. We
must formulate research guide questions and be presented and validated by the panel members to
get substantial data from the participants. We formulated follow-up questions for every main question
for us to code a more detailed and deeper response that surely corresponds to the main question. For
this qualitative research, we were the ones who conducted the interview process for all of the
participants for an in-depth interview, coded the data, and interpreted the meaning of the coded data
based on our ideas and experiences because as stated by Denzin & Lincoln, (2003) the research is
considered an instrument of data collection, that means data mediated through this
human instrument, rather than through inventories, questionnaires or machines. To fulfill this role,
consumers of the research need to know about the human instrument. Qualitative researchers need
to describe relevant aspects of self, including biases and assumptions; any expectations and
experiences to qualify or their ability to conduct the research (Greenbank, 2003). We also ensured the
participants that their participation will remain confidential before conducting the interview. It was also
our duty to make sure that all previous research, methodology, and data concepts must be
acknowledged as benchmarks and bodies of knowledge and making this study.

Research Participants

Our research participants of this qualitative research employ a phenomenological approach

where students officially enrolled in St. John Paul II College of Davao for the first semester of the
Academic Year 2019-2020. We employed purposive sampling as stated by Patton (2002) as a
technique widely used in qualitative research for the identification and selection of information-rich
cases for the most effective use of limited resources. This involves identifying and selecting
individuals or groups of individuals that are especially knowledgeable about or experience a
phenomenon of interest (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011). In addition to knowledge and experience,
Bernard (2002) and Spradley (1979) emphasized the importance of the participant’s availability and
willingness to participate, and the ability to communicate experiences in an articulate, expressive, and
reflective manner. In contrast, probabilistic or random sampling is used to ensure the generalizations
of findings by minimizing the potential for bias in selection and to control for the potential influence of
known and unknown confounders. We selected 5 participants based on our judgments and made
sure these participants had experienced the phenomenon that we had researched. Moreover, these 5
participants were thoroughly interviewed in this study. The way of conducting the interview was

Data Collection

We researchers were to craft suitable research questions to extract the ideas, emotions, and
lived experiences of the students concerning their perspectives on psychopathy and narcissism. The
interview was the main method that we used for the data collection in this study. We proposed
interview guide questions to the panel of experts for validation. After the validation, questions were
employed to ask the participants to describe their perspectives on psychopathy and narcissism and to
reveal their views and perceptions.

The data was collected through the 5 participants who underwent in-depth interviews. Obtaining data
from participants with different experience prevents information bias and increase credibility regarding
the information. In this study, the researchers must be the primary data collection instrument because
the data from participants were words in the context of the research problem (Holloway & Wheeler,

This approach allowed greater latitude in providing answers so that students can provide in-
depth information regarding the phenomenon. The researchers must take down notes of the
participant’s preconceived ideas, emotions, feelings, and lived experiences by recording the entire
interview process and writing down important details. This allowed flexibility in the collection of the
data. The participants should not be guided by the researcher’s prior knowledge of the phenomenon,
but by their own experience (Polit et al., 2001). As researchers, our primary goal was to undertake
data collection orderly that contributes knowledge concerning their perspectives on psychopathy and

Data Analysis

In data analysis, we pursued the procedures on reducing and organizing the data that we had
collected in order for us to yield research findings that had to be interpreted out of the participants of
this research; their narratives and experiences. The data analysis of the interview data followed a
simplified version of the general steps of qualitative data analysis described by Creswell (2009).

After the in-depth interview, transcribing the interview was drone through coding every detail of
their narratives and experiences as is and not took further editing nor changes. In transcribing the
data from audio recording to a text format, this required us to have undivided attention to accurately
transcribe important details and the highlights of their responses. After the process of transcribing, we
had a close reading of the transcribed interviews in order for us to arrive at universal impression for
the totality of the meaning of the data. Coding can be defined as the process of organizing the
material into chunks or segments of text before bringing meaning to information. The transcribed
narratives and how we understood it surely gave us ideas of knowing important codes and themes.
The interview data was structurally categorized. We interpreted the meaning of these data based on
our own pratices, and correlate the findings with the theories and literature as described by (Rossman
and Rallis in Creswell, 2009).


As researchers it is our duty to present of study with trustworthiness through coding detailed
data from our participants lived experiences that thorough reporting of the process and the results of
qualitative data collection and analysis is the key to justifying and assuming that trustworthiness exists
in the study (Henderson, 2006 cited Veal, 2011).
In our study, we followed the study of Veal (2011), Bryman (2012) and Loh (2013) and Lincoln
and Guba (1985). According to them, trustworthiness consists of four different components. First,
credibility corresponds to the validity of the findings; second, transferability the applicability of the
findings at another time; and confirmability objectivity of the reseacher while carrying out his/her

For credibility, we made sure that the participants described and understood the phenomena of
interest for they are the only ones we could legitimately justify the credibility of the results by claiming
it as their own lived experienced. As defined by Bradley (1993), credibility refers to the adequate
representation of the constructions of the social world under study. Lincoln and Guba (1985)
recommended a set of activities that would help improve the credibility of a person’s research results,
prolonged engagement in the field, persistent observation, triangulation, negative case analysis,
checking. To improve the credibility of qualitative content analysis, researchers not only need to
design the data collection strategies that could adequately solicit the representations, but also to
design transparent processes for coding and knowing conclusions from the raw data. Coder’s
knowledge and experience have significant impact on the credibility of research results. It is
necessary to provide coders precise coding definitions and clear coding definition procedures. It is
also helpful to prepare coders through a comprehensive training program (Weber, 1990).

Transferability refers to the degree to which the results of qualitative research can be
transferred to other contexts or settings with other respondents. It is the interpretive equivalent of
generalizability (Bitsch, 2005; Tobin and Begley, 2004) and was ensured by Foster (2004) as rich
description and reporting of the research process. Furthermore, to in able judgments about how well
the research context fits with other context, thick descriptive data, i.e a rich and extensive set of
details concerning methodology and context, should be included in the research report. Therefore it
was our responsibility to avoid confining our research study in a single setting but the results and
findings of this study also be correlated to other context as useful reference. The participants of this
study are limited to 5 students. This is a small population but it is not that the results and findings of
this research can be adopted and utilized to other situation.

For depentability, we made sure that the results and findings of this research study show data
stability over time and over condition. As Bitsch (2005) stated, dependabilty refers to the stability of
findings over time. This involves participants evaluation of the findings, interpretations and
recommendation of the study such that all are supported by the data as received from informants of
the study (Cohen et al., 2011; Tobin and Begley, 2004). We took into consideration the reality of social
changes so that our study could be repeated in the same context, conducted the study with the same
participants employing the same methods and so similar results could be achieved. Dependability is
establish using the following strategies: an audit trail, code recode strategy, stepwise reflection and
peer examination (Chillisa & Preece, 2005; Krefting, 1991; Schwantd et al., 2007).

Confirmability refers to the degree to which the results of the inquiry could be confirmed or
corroborrated by other researchers (Baxter & Eyles, 1997). It is our role as researchers to be a neutral
interviewer in coding the findings of the study because study suggest the confirmabiity of qualitative
inquiry achieved through an audit trial, reflexive journal and triangualtion (Bowen, 2009; Koch, 2006;
Lincoln and Guba, 1985). Furthermore, Bowen (2009) discuss that an audit trail offers visible
evidence from process and product that the researchers did not simply find what they intend to find.
The findings based on the participants response must be free from any possible bias or personal
motivation as reiterrated by Tobin and Begley (2004). Confirmability is concerned with establishing
that data and interpretation of the findings are not frigments the inquirer’s immagination, but are
clearly derived from the data. We made sure not to bend the research participant’s responses just to
fit a certain narrative.
Ethical Consideration

As reaseachers, we are held accountable of the personal information of our research

participants. It means that their identities must remain anonymous. As they are expected to contribute
their lived experiences concerning (title) it’s our duty to consider the confidentiality of their responses
as this was establish good relationship between the participants and the researchers. In the ethics
literature confidentiality is commonly viewed as akin to the principle of privacy (Oliver, 2003; Gregory,
It is an important matter of our study to take into consideration the ethical concerns because
this is to protect the research participants and avoid causing harm againts them. We ensured that the
involvement of the research participants was purely voluntary and fully informed them regarding the
procedures of the research study in their role as respondents. Possible research participants had the
free will with their decision on their engagement for the study must be free from any forced
Before conducting the study, we asked permission and an informed consent from the school
administration that we conducted research interview. This permission was in a written form and
approved before we conducted our interview with the 2000 students concerning (title). Moreover, the
real identity of the research participants were not revealed nor mentioned, rather, codes are used to
represent each participant.
Chapter 4


we embark with the presentation of this chapter by communicating the findings and results
obtained from the participants of our qualitative research utilizing phenomenological method. There
two goals were to delve the Psychopath and Narcissism: The perspective of Senior High School
Students. We perpetrated these objectives, and findings were substantiated and they were used as a
guideline data in the formulation of the implications for practices and future researchers.

Shown in the Table 1 is the data of the members. There were 5 members of our investigation
who are Senior High School Students selected at St. John Paul II College of Davao for the Academic
Year 2019-2020. Subtleties in Psychopathy and Narcissism emphasizes that our participants were
guys and females. In Data handling, ethical consideration must be seen with additional consideration
to keep away from privacy predicaments that may somehow or another lead us to report rich
information from the members with misrepresentation.
Table 1

Participant's Information

Category Assumed Gender Location Level Study Group

TPOSHSTPA Alyas_Kim Female Davao City SHS Interview
TPOSHSTPA Tagurong Binomial Davao City SHS Interview
TPOSHSTPA Roxan Female Davao City SHS Interview
TPOSHSTPA Dianne Gay Davao City SHS Interview
TPOSHSTPA Kuya Male Davao City SHS Interview

In this way, scrupulos data cleaning was done by removing personal information's such as
name but the contexual identifiers of the informant's life stories remain plenary. This is particularly true
for the participants who have faced unusual life events or who are unique in some way compared to
the rest who paricipated in this research study. In this case, we apprised out paticipants before the in-
depth interviews were conducted for us to determine in advance whether they wish those wishes.
However, some of them the possible impacts of their choices, and make clear that despite of their
best efforts, obscurity may be compromised or recognition fails to materialize in qualitative ethical

Majority of the participants requested with timidity of articulations that their genuine names or
any data in regards to their genuine characters must not be engraved to maintain a strategic distance
from tattles reactions from the users of this original copy. Henceforth, it is our prevalent worry as a
specialists to secure the picture of our energy in this examination. Consequently, the genuine names
of our members were changed to monikers, The inside and out meeting members were named
Alyas_Kim, Taguro, Roxan, Dianne and Kuya.

As we proceeded, we evaluated the viewpoint of the senior secondary school understudies

about psychopathy and narcissism; we were amazed what they had shared to us. We are so touched;
our hearts were ere staggering and cheerful as we burrow their viewpoints. We understood that some
understudy didn't able to know what is psychopathy and narcissism since they don't experienced it.
While looking at their point of view we are additionally examining our own viewpoint about
psychopathy and narcissism as we keep concentrating as an understudy. We understand additionally
that each understudy must realize what is psychopathy and narcissism in light of the perilous impacts
of having this character in their studies and every day lives.
The Perspective of the Senior High School Student to Psychopathy and Narcissism

We extrapolate that to acquire chances you have value change. Everyone can their selves
according to their lived experiences. Our study was based on the perspective of our participants
which we consider as the most essential to our research . Our participants emphasized that they
would necessary to control their selves shown on figure 1 based on their perspective as a Senior High
School student that they need to know their selves. Instances to perform self-discipline are the
following: the student need to communicate to others, consulting to their parents if they have some
problems. Traumatic experiences leads to psychopathy or narcissism, the student cannot tell their
true personality maybe of the people misleading them instead of helping them, and keeping their
problems because they have some problems too.

Figure 1: Major themes and Core Ideas on the Perspective of the Senior High School Students
of Psychopathy and Narcissism

Core Ideas Major Themes

Hurting people for fun.
Communicating through Psychopathic Approach
Hurting someone to gain
unwanted attention.

Killing people out of hatred.

Harming people for Malevolent Act
Hurting someone without
reasonable doubt.

Does not care about other. Perks of Narcissism
Doesn’t interact with others.
Perk of narcissist was placed at last part of the major themes in figure 1 on the perspective of
the senior high students to psychopathy and narcissism. Student core ideas and major themes are
stated on the said figure as proof that out of the extracted based on their perspective, the results were
delivered in systematic way as phenomenological study required following the procedure on how to
deliberate the data gathered and the protocol on how to deal with our participants and the due
process as well.

Exploring the lives of our participants is not an easy as what others did; we took a lot of
challenges in the looking for participants, knowing that there are only few students who were
narcissist in the institution. This is also our first time to do a research about qualitative approach. The
moment of reality has come, with earnest pride vested in us as researchers, we are lucky that we are
now imparting knowledge, experiences and information to the future researchers and to the
community as a well regarding the perspective of Senior High School students. While having an
interviewing to our participants, listening to their perspectives, our hearts were jumping and shaking,
we don't even know why, from that moment our perception and judgement changed, all questioned
were answered. After the data saturation and information from our participants have been considered,
theme unjust treatment got the most numbered statement out of the major themes as what the
participant response to our in-depth interview. The following: hurting someone for fun; communicating
through violence and hurting someone to gain unwanted attention.
After the long in-depth interview with our participants and as we started to transcribe the data,
we were very touched with their answers. We were amazed of what we discovered and had a pity on
them and were able to understand their perspectives. We are so blessed having this kind of research,
for us to be able to know their insights about psychopathy in narcissism. We had 5 participants in our
in-depth interview and their names. According to Alyas kim and Roxan it’s hard to interact with people
who have this kind of dark traits, same answers with Dianne, Kuya and Tagurong. Tagurong stated
with unease that interacting with people with this dark traits must be with peer cautions. He said that:

“you knoe having this dark traits can nakakahirap

talaga you know what you cant hinto yourself to
do this bad things and you can hurt tao kasi you
cant stop this things eh.(TPOSHSTPAN_IDI-P2).

“you know having this dark traits can be so hard

you know what you can’t stop yourself to do this
bad things and you can hurt people because you
can’t stop this things eh.(TPOSHSTPAN_IDI-P3).

You’re out of self-control and you can’t count on what were you doing even though you know
that it is bad and it may harm other people but still you do this thing for you to get their attentions or

“Yes to be honest dili dili ko totally ani ani jud ko

na ano narcissist jud ko pero ana jud kog attitude
na when ako na ang atoon gud ako na ilang bino
angan ba masuko jud ko or pag ako nang i-center
sa topic kay or pag-istoryahan kay murag ma off-
end ko kay murag something na kanang ana diay
na yes.(TPOSHSTPAN_IDI-P3) .

“Yes to be honest I’m not not really totally into me

being too narcissistic but I have that attitude when
im being mocked or being centred in a certain topic
or if get talks about like I’m offended because there’s
something like that was that yes.(TPOSHST PAN_IDI

Narcissistic person may found quite obnoxious to people surrounding them. Some people who
experienced this dark trait are having a hard time communicating to fellow students or teachers or
other people that surrounds them, because to them communicating to others is a bothersome. As a
human being it’s too common for as to appreciate ourselves in a way that some people may think to
the point that I’m self-centred or having the symptoms of narcissism.

“Psycopath if kanang ay kanang ang mga nasa

palibot niya is gusto niya na kanang masakitan para
mahappy siya tapos ang narcissist kay kanang kuan
loved kaayo nila ang iyang sarili kanang wala siyay
labot sa uban basta iyang self centerd person(TPOS

“Psychopath if like ahh like when the people

that surrounds him or her was the one that he or she likes to
hurt so that he or she would be happy and then the Narcissist
was like they loved their selves so much like they don’t care to
others but instead they’re self-centred person(TPOSHSPAN_IDI-

People that tend to hurt someone without any reasons or doubt may classify as a psychopath.
Participant 1 says with unease about her answer, psychopaths hurt other people for them to be happy
or to get unwanted attention to others; they think irrationally in a way that might end up doing
something unpleasant to others, Psychopathy is a serious mental disorder that we need to be aware
of because of its dangerous effects.

The disadvantages of having these dark traits

Reality based, having these dark traits is just a part of dire society. If you are not aware of rush
enough about this issue then you will be unlikely to be doomed. These days’ people having these dark
traits have their socially unfortunate nature. This disadvantages may cause in the inclination to
imprudent rush, cold influence, control, and introverted practices, frequently falling into essential and
auxiliary part, low socialization, absence of compassion, unreliability, hostility, and misconduct. From
one perspective, there are proof from developmental contentions, relation circumflex studies, and
quality research to help “unification’s speculation” that this dark trait speaks indistinguishable builds or
slight subtleties of one basic, worldwide dull characteristic factor. On the other hand, the negative
impact of such dark traits can be conquered if you have strong principles in life and able to adhere
your personal issues to some trusted individuals. A dark trait is just a word if you will not tolerate it to
become an action.

FIGURE 2: Major themes and Core Ideas on the Disadvantages of Having These Dark Traits

Core Ideas Major themes

Aware about the dangerous
effect of it.
Self awareness
Being aware because of
some of some videos dealing
about this issue.
Aware of it because of their
friends who have dark trait.

Being harmful to others.

Violent approach to someone. Effects of Dark traits
Could not communicate to
others because of being

Interacting to someone.
Communicating to others. Psychopathic prevention
Building relationship to your
family or friends.
The major theme psychopathic prevention is the one that ranks as the highest from the responses of
our participant. Our participants were quite anxious about our questions, they’re scared, confused and
having a doubt about their answer. We can’t deny the fact that being horrified is just a part of human
nature. Our participants stated with the same thought that having this dark traits will give you a major
disadvantages in your reputation as a student and especially in your academic performances:

“ is advantages or disadvantages of having

This uhm..dark trait is that they can ugh..having this
Dark traits it can cause negative impact towards
Others when it comes to ugh..physically or even
Mentally that they kind harm others and of-
Course for the uhm.. for their self. Having
This dark traits Uhm..really very dangerous
And could grately Uhm..has a negative impact
Towards agh...towards others.(TPOSHSTPAN_IDI-

As a human we tend to have unique traits, but nowadays unique traits can somehow show signs of
hostile approach to others. It can cause serious trouble if not prevented like uncontrollable violence
and anti-social skills, yet some people tend to socialize to people so that they can harm them in any

“Yes pag pag naa kay ani na attitude or personalit kay when it
Comes to our social interaction kay pwede na dili dili kay
Pwede na gamay lang ang imong ma friend kay naa man
Naa man jud silay prespective na inig ani ka kay so ato
Maapektuhan imong life.(TPOSHSTPAN_IDI-

“Yes if I have this attitude or personality when it comes to

social interaction possible that I will not possible little only
the your friend is have their perspective that when you yield
with so our affected your life.(TPOSHSTPAN_IDI-

When it comes to socializing one thing that most people do is interact with their friend, co-worker, and
classmates or schoolmates, to their families and relatives, nevertheless narcissist found this
aggravating and irritating because of their egocentric personality they tend to love their self to the
point that it gives negative impact to your socializing skills.
“If naa ko ana simbako palayo anang psychopath
Syempre ang mga tao kay feeling nako mulayo
Jud saakoa diba kay ingon nako ganiha
Na dangerous diba sila pero laban lang
Sa life.(laban lang sa life)(TPOSHSTPAN_IDI-

“if I have it my god go away that psychopath

of course all the people have this feeling they’re
getting away from me like I’m saying before that
dangerous like them but fight for life(fight for life)

Saying that having this personality of being a violent and harmful is scary, but to some people having
this dark personality is normal. For them violence is a stress reliever that they would hurt others to
relieve their stress or for their entertainment. And as we go live our lives we set our standard so that
we can be notice by some societies, but somehow we didn’t even notice were being vulture by the
society’s cruelty but tend to go on further because we humans have infinite possibilities and were
aiming to the top.

Effects of Psychopathy and Narcissism in Student’s Daily Lives

Psychologist characterize psychopathy as a specific heavenly body of solitary practices and feelings,
including shallow effect, low regret, low dread, low sympathy, egocentrism, exploitativeness,
manipulative, impulsive, hostility, and guiltiness. Much like the mental build of narcissism,
psychopathy had been widely contemplated by both clinical and therapist. While on the other hand,
narcissism is a character quality which is the absence of sympathy, a feeling of qualification, and self-
reverence. These character qualities of having psychopathy and narcissism will give students a
negative outlook to their life or even to the people that surrounds them, so having this dark traits
would not be easy on students because they couldn’t participate to any events because of their
narcissistic traits or because they’re psychopath who would ruin the event. The people that surround
them would judge them as having the lack of respect to others and lack of cautions may makes them
awful from the beginning. Inside and out, dim characters ought to be to a great extent seen as to
some degree opposing when they interface with others.
Figure 3: Major Core and Ideas of Effects of Psychopathy and Narcissism in Student’s Daily

Core Ideas Major themes

Talking to them even though
they have these dark traits.
Approach them because
they’re human too.
Talk to them to remove their
dark thoughts.

Not accepting the fact that

you’re wrong even because
you only see your opinion and
not the other. Solipsistic
Having too confidence to
yourself that you would pass
a certain exercise but end up
failing it.
Not accepting the help from
others because they know
that they can do it.

Mark as a bad person.

Making gossip about him/her Underrated Reputation
for having this dark trait.
Getting lower grades because
you can’t communicate to
his/her classmate and

Friendship goal was placed at the first part of the major themes in figure 3. Student core ideas
and about the first major theme was extracted through their experiences. The challenges in the
looking for participants, knowing that there are only few students who were narcissist in the institution.
This is also our first time to do a research about qualitative approach. The moment of reality has
come, with earnest pride vested in us as researchers, we are lucky that we are now imparting
knowledge, experiences and information to the future researchers and to the community as a well
regarding the perspective of Senior High School students.
Lastly, in this part of our in-depth interview we have some minor doubts because of our first
probing question which is testing their friendship to someone if they have these dark traits, but we are
fascinated about their answer because as Tagurong stated:

“Yes maybe I can considered his as my friend because

He/she is my friend and if doesn’t matter if he/she
Have this kind of dark traits because he/she
Still my friend.

We can still accept our friends if we truly loved them despite of having this bad characteristics or bad
habits. People tend to measure friendships for being loyal and trustworthy. There’s no boundaries can
break the relationship you have with your friends you both know that you cares for each other no
matter how hard is life or to what people may think towards you.

“Ahh...if i notice that my friend that has this kind of dark traits
I can still approach her or him as my friend because having
this kind of mental disorder is not easy and having a
friend is really important talking to your friend or
talking to someone that a has kind of this dark
traits maybe they can are they can have them
you can help your friends to improve their
an-improve their health. Yes i can still ap-
proach him or her as my friend.

If we found out that there is something wrong with your friend, we should be there to help them and to
make things right. Accepting them by knowing who they really are was one of the best attitudes of a
good friend and a sign that your friend was really true to you. Friends should help each other how bad
things may occur in our lives our friends would always be there to support on us. Although you also
count on your actions and save for yourself first before to heave.

“Oh yes of course because he or she are hmm...

And they can be a friend so that is he proceed
To a massive school shooting HAHAHA he
Will not shout you because he is your friend
He will except you yeah.
We always consider our friends on how crucial things may happen in your life. They would always
there to heave the only company they have if and if only if how worst the situation was. We could
even sacrifice the most valuable things in our life to only save our love once or friend rather.

Chapter summary

These themes obtained during the thematic analysis of the data taken from the narratives of 5 senior
high school students at some point in the series of interviews as in-depth participants. At the
inception, the perspective of senior high school student to psychopathy and narcissism were
manifested in their fear, anxiety and doubtful thoughts because of the dark theme and the unpleasant
subject of our topic. Some of our participant says that having perks of narcissism would somehow
make others perceive you as an anti-social person, unattractive, and boastful. Being mark as that
would make you feel down but to a person who’ having this trait they feel nothing because they would
actually ignore that. Malevolent act refers to violent doing of people to the point that it would make
someone terrified and frightened. According to them, they see people hurting others for fun or
entertainment just like in the movies but some of them says that it happens in the real life, the father
of his friend beat his son if his father were drunk and the reason he beat him is just for his fun and to
make him tired. Likewise, Psychopathic approach is one of their calvary in which they present from
their perspective on the subject. They felt sorry for their selves because of the hardship of having this
dark trait, the deprivation of socializing because of compulsive violence, but some people would
actually enjoy being dangerous so that they would gain unwanted attention to others. Figure 2
illustrated that psychopathic prevention help them in dealing the bad effect of psychopathy and
narcissism issues because they interact to someone or in their friends and classmates. On the other
hand, self-concentration to understand your self is essential because as coherently stated by our
participants as they control their temper, but some of them cannot control their selves as they would
use their temper to hurt someone. As people says “No man is an island” because everyone needs
someone to lean on, since people with these dark traits are also human they also need someone to
interact with them even though they are somehow dangerous or introverts.
As a researchers, we would like to emphasize; that psychopathy and narcissism is a mental disorder
that we should need to be aware of because of its malignant effects.
Chapter 4


In this chapter, the outcome of the study are discussed based on the research questions with
the help of each probing questions presented in chapter one. After a brief of the questions, the
generated emerging themes were discussed, including the interpretations that attempted to provide
logical explanation. The findings are also related to the trends and developments outlined in the
literature review.

The Perspective of the Senior High School Students in Psychopath and Narcissism

Narcissists can be famous, enchanting, and enjoyed from the outset (Back, Schmukle, and
Egloff, 2010; Foster, Shrira, and Campbell, 2006; Oltmanns, Friedman, Fiedler, and Turkheimer,
2004), yet they are seen less positively as collaborations and connections advance (Back et al., 2010;
Campbell, Foster, and Finkel, 2002; Paulhus, 1998). Dianne, for example, he experienced being a
narcissist when it come to academic performances, like he want to take all the appreciation by himself
so that he would be recognize as something smart and outstanding student. Dim TRIAD
ANTIHEROES IN POP CULTURE 193 Narcissus, who, as indicated by legend, became hopelessly
enamoured with his own picture in a reflecting pool. So moved was Narcissus by his own appearance
that he didn't eat, drink, or rest, bringing about his destruction. Today, the term narcissism frequently
alludes to a mental character issue in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM–IV) or a subclinical
rendition of the attribute, which is regularly considered by character and social therapists (e.g.,
Paulhus, 2001) and is contained pomposity, requirement for reverence, absence of sympathy, a
feeling of qualification, and self-reverence. A lot of research has been done on narcissism. Since we
don't have space to audit the majority of the relates of narcissism here, we allude intrigued perusers
to an as of late distributed handbook on narcissism explore (Campbell and Miller, 2011). A portion of
the additional intriguing associates incorporate animosity (e.g., Webster, Kirkpatrick, Nezlek, Smith,
and Paddock, 2007; yet particularly following incitement, e.g., Bushman and Baumeister, 1998),
impulsivity (e.g., Vazire and Funder, 2006), deserting or duping in financial recreations (e.g., disaster
of the house; Campbell, Bush, Brunell, and Shelton, 2005), and having more sex accomplices (e.g.,
Jonason et al., 2009). These are steady with our life history way to deal with narcissism and the other
Dark Triad qualities.

Psychopathic Approach

Psychologist characterize psychopathy as a specific heavenly body of solitary practices and

feelings, including shallow effect, low regret, low dread, low sympathy, egocentrism, exploitativeness,
manipulativeness, impulsivity, hostility, and guiltiness (Cleckley, 1964; Bunny, 1993). Much like the
mental build of narcissism, psychopathy has been widely contemplated by both clinical and character
therapists. For the most part, scientists accept there are two components of psychopathy. The
principal factor is called essential or instrumental psychopathy. This factor contains the shallow effect,
low compassion, and relational briskness aspects of psychopathy, and people with significant degrees
of these attributes are at times alluded to as "genuinely steady" mental cases. The second factor is
optional or unfriendly/receptive psychopathy. This factor is made out of the socially manipulative and
degenerate features of psychopathy and has been differently alluded to as forceful, hasty, and
psychotic psychopathy (see Falkenbach, Poythress, Falki, and Manchak, 2007; Hicks, Markon,
Patrick, Krueger, and Newman, 2004; Lykken, 2006). Psychopathy has exhibited a few significant
relational furthermore, intrapersonal corresponds. Insane people will in general score moderately low
on suitability, good faith, and neuroticism. Insane people additionally score higher than
nonpsychopaths on extraversion and receptiveness (Jakobwitz and Egan, 2006; Paulhus and
Williams, 2002). Psychopathy has a few relationships with sentimental relationship working,
incorporating positive relationships with rape, private accomplice brutality, unfaithfulness, and mate-
poaching (Brown and Forward, 1997; Jonason et al., 2010b). Psychopaths is categorize by some
societies as dangerous people who have the intention to hurt someone for the sake of entertaining
himself or to gain unwanted attention to others.

Malevolent act

Acting violently without any reasonable doubt is one of the mindset of a psychopath. Tagurong
who answers anxiously, he says that psychopath put some lives of others in to danger because of its
impulsive behaviour such as being too violent may cause harm physically and mentally to the people
that surrounds them. ). Psychopathy has exhibited a few significant relational furthermore,
intrapersonal corresponds. Insane people will in general score moderately low on suitability, good
faith, and neuroticism. Insane people additionally score higher than nonpsychopaths on extraversion
and receptiveness (Jakobwitz and Egan, 2006; Paulhus and Williams, 2002). Psychopathy has a few
relationships with sentimental relationship working, incorporating positive relationships with rape,
private accomplice brutality, unfaithfulness, and mate-poaching (Brown and Forward, 1997; Jonason
et al., 2010b). Psychopaths is categorize by some societies as dangerous people who have the
intention to hurt someone for the sake of entertaining himself or to gain unwanted attention to others.

Perks of Narcissism

One of our participants says that they experienced narcissism; they would get egocentric,
boastful, and sometimes having absence of sympathy to others. . Dim TRIAD ANTIHEROES IN POP
CULTURE 193 Narcissus, who, as indicated by legend, became hopelessly enamoured with his own
picture in a reflecting pool. So moved was Narcissus by his own appearance that he didn't eat, drink,
or rest, bringing about his destruction. Today, the term narcissism frequently alludes to a mental
character issue in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM–IV) or a subclinical rendition of the
attribute, which is regularly considered by character and social therapists (e.g., Paulhus, 2001) and is
contained pomposity, requirement for reverence, absence of sympathy, a feeling of qualification, and

Disadvantages of Dark traits

Major disadvantages of these dark traits are being self-proclaimed, being impulsive,
callousness, low-regret, and the absence of empathy and sympathy. From one perspective, there is
proof from developmental contentions, relational circumflex studies, and quality research to help
''unificationist speculations'' that narcissism, and psychopathy speak to indistinguishable builds or
slight subtleties of one basic, worldwide dull character factor (e.g., Jonason, Li, Webster, and Schmitt,
2009; Jonason, Li, and Teicher, 2010; Jones and Paulhus, 2010; Lilienfeld and Andrews, 1996;
McHoskey, 1995, 2001; McHoskey, Worzel, and Szyarto, 1998). Then again, proof for ''segregation
speculations'' imagining narcissism, and psychopathy as discrete areas has additionally accumulated
(e.g., Jones and Paulhus, 2010; Vernon, Villani, Vickers, and Harris, 2008) as the Dim Triad attributes
have been appeared to contrast in natural bases, hidden procedures and elements, and affiliation
designs with different builds inside nomological systems. In fact, the Dim Triad characteristics may
show cover in certain regards (e.g., momentary mating; Jonason and Webster, 2010), while not in
others (e.g., self-checking; Rauthmann, 2011). It remains, in any case, misty so far how similitudes or
contrasts work out in starting social communications. Along these lines, the present work explicitly
examines how narcissists, and psychopaths (a) see others, (b) are seen by others, and (c) sway
correspondence when there is just little associate.

One of my participant said that she’s being aware about the effects of having these dark traits,
because of social media and to some studies dealing with these dark traits, knowing the sign of dark
traits like narcissism may give you insights of how narcissism and other dark traits would give a
negative impact to your personality and even to your reputation. Then again, proof for ''segregation
speculations'' imagining narcissism, and psychopathy as discrete areas has additionally accumulated
(e.g., Jones and Paulhus, 2010; Vernon, Villani, Vickers, and Harris, 2008) as the Dim Triad attributes
have been appeared to contrast in natural bases, hidden procedures and elements, and affiliation
designs with different builds inside nomological systems. In fact, the Dim Triad characteristics may
show cover in certain regards (e.g., momentary mating; Jonason and Webster, 2010), while not in
others (e.g., self-checking; Rauthmann, 2011).

Effects of Dark traits

Effects of dark traits are very dangerous said by our participants, Roxan, for example, she said
that having psychopathy or narcissism shows unfavorable image to a person who has it. Subclinical
narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy are referred to as the Dark Triad (Paulhus and
Williams, 2002) due to (a) their socially unfortunate nature, (b) comparative phenotypical practices
(e.g., control), (c) positive intercorrelations of their scales, and (d) reasonable similitudes (e.g., self
image centricity). Narcissism is simply the inclination to harbor pompous and swelled self-sees while
cheapening others (e.g., Morf and Rhodewalt, 1993, 2001). Narcissists are appeared to display
outrageous vanity; consideration and profound respect chasing; sentiments of predominance, expert,
and privilege; exhibitionism and boasting; and control (Raskin and Terry, 1988). Psychopathy is the
inclination to imprudent rush chasing, cold influence, control, and introverted practices (Williams,
Nathanson, and Paulhus, 2003), frequently falling into an essential (emotional shallowness, absence
of compassion and regret, shallow appeal, and control) and auxiliary part (social aberrance, low
socialization, impulsivity, unreliability, hostility, sensation chasing, misconduct; Hare, 2003).

Psychopathic Prevention

“Prevention is better cure” they say. For Kuya, to prevent having these dark traits you need to
interact with your friends and relatives to remove your malignant thoughts and bad behaviour. We can
help them but they wouldn’t cooperate in some ways like they would get too angry without any
reasons or they would get away from you because they’re being annoyed. It along these lines stays
indistinct whether psychopaths show up at first more decidedly or adversely to other people. Layman
view of subclinical mental cases are underexplored starting at yet (see, be that as it may, Fowler,
Lilienfeld, and Patrick, 2009), however because of (shallow) beguiling conduct and relational control,
they may show up from the start like narcissists (i.e., fascinating, engaging), while they are judged all
the more ominously as cooperations advance (i.e., when reserved practices hole out). Then again,
mental cases' absence of respect for other people and lack of caution may make them awful from the
begin. Inside and out, dim characters ought to be to a great extent seen as to some degree opposing
(i.e., higher organization, lower fellowship) when they interface with others. . Layman view of
subclinical mental cases are underexplored starting at yet (see, be that as it may, Fowler, Lilienfeld,
and Patrick, 2009), however because of (shallow) beguiling conduct and relational control, they may
show up from the start like narcissists (i.e., fascinating, engaging), while they are judged all the more
ominously as cooperations advance (i.e., when reserved practices hole out). Then again, mental
cases' absence of respect for other people and lack of caution may make them awful from the begin.
Inside and out, dim characters ought to be to a great extent seen as to some degree opposing (i.e.,
higher organization, lower fellowship) when they interface with others.

Effects of Psychopath and Narcissism in student’s daily lives

Friendship Goal
Caring for someone is one of our natures as human; we tend to care for someone in a way that
they would feel satisfied or feel happy. To a person who have narcissistic personality they would get
away themselves to the ones who care for them, but there some of them who somehow co-interact
with others in the first place. For instance, narcissists are at first portrayed as pleasant, equipped, and
engaging however later with Quadrant II characteristics from the relational circumplex such as
presumptuous, threatening, or hostile (Paulhus, 1998; Wink, 1991). This proposes narcissists have, in
any event at first, positive characteristics to them which can make them well known, yet in the long
run they lose their positive notoriety and their affability diminishes.


One of my participant stated that being too arrogant to a certain thing especially in your
academic performances could lead you committing many mistakes, not knowing what is right thing to
do in that certain situation, and chaos. This is the characteristic of a narcissist, being self indulge,
arrogant, and appeared to display outrageous vanity; consideration and profound respect chasing;
sentiments of predominance, expert, and privilege; exhibitionism and boasting; and control (Raskin
and Terry, 1988). Narcissist would not accept any opinion except for their selves, they usually get
angry if their answer is not accepted even though it’s not the right answer, they would tend argue to
someone who didn’t accept it, because to them their answer is right.

Underrated Reputation

Being gossip at is very embarrassing, but to them they would not feel any embarrassment
because they have their own world. Narcissists have been found to take part in other-disparagement
(Morf and Rhodewalt, 1993), while glorifying the self which is conceivably a course to self-
improvement in narcissism. They use this opportunity to gain unwanted attention to others like a
psychopath they seek attention through violence and bad behaviour. On the other hand, there is what
we call Machiavellianism who is somehow connected to psychopathy, machiavellians tend to gain
attention in a way that would be called “KULANG SA PANSIN” they seek attention in a negative way
like doing something crazy or bullying someone to gain superiority, machiavellians additionally see
others horribly. In their negative and pessimistic world view, individuals are powerless, untrustworthy,
and manipulable (Christie and Geis, 1970; Jones and Paulhus, 2010; Rauthmann and Will, 2011).

Implication for Practices

Nowadays people who have dark personality tend to mix with society so that they can gain
personal power. And some of us didn’t that we are being socialize by people who have dark
personality, so you as a student need to be observant to people that you interact with, so that you can
prevent being influenced by their personality, being manipulated, or being harm, furthermore, you
need to interact with your friends or families because some of the dark traits could be pick up by being
alone, having serious problem, being cast away, being bullied, and abused. This may cause
symptoms of psychopathy such as callousness; lack of empathy, lying pathologically, shallow
emotion, rush chasing, cold influence, control, and introverted practices (Williams, Nathanson, and
Paulhus, 2003), frequently falling into an essential (emotional shallowness, absence of compassion
and regret, shallow appeal, and control) and auxiliary part (social aberrance, low socialization,
impulsivity, unreliability, hostility, sensation chasing, misconduct; Hare, 2003). The signs and
symptoms of psychopathy are pretty serious to handle because some studies has been conduct to
this topic like the Dark Triad, is this study they conclude that Subclinical narcissism, Machiavellianism,
and psychopathy are referred to as the Dark Triad (Paulhus and Williams, 2002) due to (a) their
socially unfortunate nature, (b) comparative phenotypical practices (e.g., control), (c) positive
intercorrelations of their scales, and (d) reasonable similitudes (e.g., self image centricity). Narcissism
is simply the inclination to harbor pompous and swelled self-sees while cheapening others (e.g., Morf
and Rhodewalt, 1993, 2001), then after this study there are more study conducted about dark traits.
So we perceive them as violent and dangerous people however because of (shallow) beguiling
conduct and relational control, they may show up from the start like narcissists (i.e., fascinating,
engaging), while they are judged all the more ominously as cooperations advance (i.e., when
reserved practices hole out). Then again, mental cases' absence of respect for other people and lack
of caution may make them awful from the begin. Inside and out, dim characters ought to be to a great
extent seen as to some degree opposing (i.e., higher organization, lower fellowship) when they
interface with others.

Implication for Future Research

For future researches we explore, among other how a pervasive issue across management
research. This concern is that there are too many closely related constructs that are not sufficiently
distinct has quickly become a focal issues of personality researchers-specifically, the redundancy of
dark traits. Furthermore, there is no concern that multiple traits model such as Dark triads as unitary
traits, calling into question is Dark triad a unique trait or a dangerous one? Considering these
question, we see several opportunities about our study for future researches that we can offer at. To
date, most of the efforts support the uniqueness has been dedicated to the empirical thinking of our
mind which is potentially putting the concept of the existence of dark traits/personality. Although where
far from answering the some questions about dark traits and the development of more scale, as there
are small existing study supporting our topic this past few years, were suggesting another avenue for
advancing this study by focusing on the subfacets of dark traits/personalities.

Applying a facet-based approach to studying dark personality may effectively address

concerning the constructed redundancy by narrowing the focus on certain dimension for dark traits.
Some of the researchers suggested that their data supported a two factor psychopathy construct over
three individual traits in Dark Triad.

Concluding Remarks

On the basis of our research, we find that dark triad traits continue to be focal variable in our
study management. Our review highlights a growing body of our research that tackle the perspective
of Senior High School student to psychopathy and narcissism and the previous assumptions about
our topic. Indeed, dark traits traditionally seen upsides and vice versa. Thus, we hope that future
researchers see our efforts as providing a comprehensive review that opens a new door for future
research opportunities both within various domains of dark triad research and beyond the confines of
these domains. These remains many avenues for subsequent researchs


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