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VERB TENSES →es típica la reformulación de pasado simple (+ago) a presente perfecto
(+since/for) y viceversa.
Ejemplos de todos los tiempos sobre el verbo ‘do’
-Present simple: do / does
-We haven’t seen him for a long time=
(ojo con la -s de la tercera persona singular)
The last time we saw him was a long time ago
-Present continuous: am doing (am/are/is + ing)
-I played tennis when I was a kid = I haven’t played tennis since I was a kid
-Past simple: did
-Past continuous: was doing (was/were + ing)
→Ojo con los cambios de verbo necesarios para que la frase tenga sentido:
-Past perfect: had done (had + pp) -He became a doctor 2 years ago = He has been a doctor for 2 years.
-Past perfect continuous: had been doing (had been + ing)
-Present perfect simple: have done (have/has + ing)
-Present perfect continuous: have been doing (have/has + been + ing)
-Future simple: will do
-Future continuous: will be doing (will be + ing)
-Future perfect: will have done (will have + pp)
-Future perfect continuous: will have been doing (will have been + ing)

→expresiones fijas:

-It’s the first time + present perfect→ It’s the first time I have seen this film.
-It’s a long time/ages since + sujeto + last +past simple→ It’s ages since we last saw this film.
-It’s time + sujeto + past simple→ It’s time we saw that film again.

1st: IF + present simple // WILL + infinitive →reformulaciones típicas:
(If I pass, I will celebrate)
2nd: IF + past simple // WOULD + infinitive -1ª condicional con ‘unless’ (poner verbo en afirmativo):
(If I passed, I would celebrate) She won’t pass if she doesn’t study=Unless she studies, she won’t pass.
3rd: IF + past perfect // WOULD + present perfect -2ª condicional con ‘If I were you’→ If I were you, I would get another car.
-3ª condicional
(If I had passed, I would have celebrated)

-Sobre situación presente: I WISH / IF ONLY + past simple (I wish I was at the beach now)
-Sobre situación pasada: I WISH / IF ONLY + past perfect (I wish I had studied more for my exams)

MODAL VERBS →son típicas las reformulaciones con los modales de deducción (must (debe de) /
Can / Can’t / Could / Couldn’t might (puede que) / can’t (es imposible que)) referentes a una situación pasada,
Be able to con lo que se usan con el present perfect.
May / May not / Might / Might not
Must / Mustn’t -I’m sure that he didn’t steal that = He can’t have stolen that
Have to / Don’t have to / Need / Needn’t -I’m sure that he caught the train on time = He must have caught the train on time
Should / Shouldn’t / Ought to / Ought not to
Had better / Had better not
Will / Won’t / Would / Wouldn’t

1. Who / That / Which / Whose /When /Where
The man gave me a reward. I found his wallet. → The man whose wallet I found gave me a reward.
2. Preceded by preposition: preposition + which / whom
I have been preparing for this exam. It was very hard. → The exam for which I have been preparing was very hard.
I studied with that man. He is now the boss of the company. → The man with whom I studied is now the boss…
1. Basic form: BE + past participle (Picasso painted this picture→ This picture was painted by Picasso)
a. The verb in the passive sentence must be in the same tense as the verb in the active sentence.
b. With 2 objects (OD/OI):
My brother gave me a present:
i. OI+OD: I was given a present. →son típicas las impersonales y las causativas
ii. OD+to+OI: A present was given to me.
2. Impersonal passive:
The band is going on tour this summer:
a. IT IS SAID THAT→ It is said that the band is going on tour this summer.
b. Subject + IS SAID TO + infinitive→ The band is said to be going on tour this summer.
3. Causative passive (have something done): HAVE + object + past participle: I am having my house painted.

1. Statements: recordad hacer los cambios necesarios (revisad cómo poner los tiempos verbales en pasado y
cambiar las expresiones de tiempo y pronombres)
I am going to the concert tomorrow→ She said she was going to the concert the next day.
2. Questions: las interrogativas pasan a afirmativas, con lo que recuperamos el orden sujeto+verbo y no
usamos auxiliares
a. Yes/No questions: If/whether + subject + verb: Are you getting married?→ He asked me if I was getting married.
b. Content questions: Question word + subject + verb: What time is it?→ He asked me what time it was.
3. Suggestions: suggest/recommend + -ing: Let’s go to the party!→ He suggested going to the party.
4. Orders: tell + someone + to + infinitive: Finish your homework!→ He told me to finish my homework.
5. Requests: ask + someone + to + infinitive: Could you please help me?→ He asked me to help him.

→son típicas las reformulaciones con los reporting verbs de la lista

(revisar la lista para saber si van seguidos de -that / -to / -ing)

*ojo con la posición de la partícula negativa con ‘to’:

He warned me NOT TO go out at night on my own.


-noun + SO + adjective: The film was so interesting.
-SUCH + (a/an) + adjective + noun: It was such an interesting film.

-too + adjective: He is too young to get into the disco.
-adjective + enough: He is not old enough to get into the disco.


-despite / in spite of + noun / -ing: Despite his money / being rich, he wasn’t happy
-although + subject + verb: Although he was rich, he wasn’t happy.

-comparative: comparative adjective + than:
Dad doesn’t speak English as well as Mum→ Mum speaks English better than Dad.
-superlative: the + superlative adjective:
-Nobody in the class dances better than him→ He is the best dancer in the class.

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