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1. The Department of Education gives greater emphasis on the development of basic skills. What is the philosophical
basis for this?
a. Essentialism
b. Existentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Pragmatism

2. Teacher M views his students as unique, free-choosing and responsible individuals. All classroom activities
revolve around the said premise. What theory underlies this?
a. Essentialism
b. Existentialism
c. Progressivism
d. Realism

3. Religious rituals in the classroom and in the school programs prove the deep natural religiosity of the Filipinos.
Which philosophy has greatly contributed to the tradition?
a. Buddhism
b. Confucianism
c. Hinduism
d. Islam

4. In order to make Roman education truly utilitarian, how should the day-to-day lessons be taught?
a. Taught in the students' native dialect
b. Taught interestingly through the play way method
c. Related and linked to the events happening in everyday life
d. Practiced at home under the guidance of their respective parents.

5. Which influenced the military training requirements among students in the secondary and tertiary levels?
a. Chinese
b. Greeks
c. Orientals
d. Romans

6. Which philosophy has the educational objective to indoctrinate Filipinos to accept the teachings of the Catholic
church which is foster faith in God?
a. Realism
b. Pragmatism
c. Idealism
d. Existentialism

7. Virtue as one component in the teaching of Rizal as a course focuses on the teaching of good and beauty
consistent with the good and beauty in God. What philosophy supports this?
a. Existentialism
b. Idealism
c. Progressivism
d. Social Reconstructionism

8. Giving education the highest budgetary allocation, the Philippine government recognizes the possible contribution
of its future citizens to the national development goals of the Philippine society. Which stressed this goal of
education for social transformation?

a. Athenian education
b. Followers of Christ
c. Greek education
d. Roman education
9. The progressivists emphasized the individuality of the child. What is the concern of the reconstructionists?
a. Experiential learning
b. Socialization
c. Social problem

10. One of the following quotations does not conform to the Christian doctrine of Education for Humanitarianism.
Which one is it?
a. Do unto others as you would like others do unto you
b. Love they neighbor as thyself
c. Not on bread alone is man to live but on every utterance that comes from mouth of God
d. Whatever good things we do to our poor, helpless brothers, we do it for God.

11. Scouting and Citizen's Army Training (CAT) give training in character-building, citizenship training, etc. Which
leads to the creation of a new social order and a new society eventually. What philosophy supports this?
a. Existentialism
b. Perennialism
c. Progressivism
d. Social reconstructionism

12. Teacher V demonstrated the technique on how to group students according to their needs and interests and how
to use self-paced instructional materials. Which philosophy is manifested in this activity?
a. Essentialism
b. Progressivism
c. Realism
d. Social Reconstructionism

13. Teacher G, a Christian Living teacher, puts so much significance on values development and discipline. What
could be her educational philosophy?
a. Idealism
b. Pragmatism
c. Progressivism
d. Realism

14. Which one does not illustrate the principle that rights and duties are correlative?
a. The right of an unmarried pregnant teacher to abort her baby in relation to her duty to protect her name and her job
as a teacher
b. The right of a state to compel students to military service is reciprocated by the duty of the state to protect them.
c. The right to a living wage involves the duty of the school administrators to give the salary agreed upon and the
duty of the teachers to give a fair amount of work.
d. The right to life of children and to be given respect of such right.

15. Why should a teacher take the obligation upon himself to study and understand the custom and traditions of the
community where he works?
a. To change the culture of the community.
b. To have a sympathetic attitude for the people of the community.
c. To identify the weaknesses of the culture of the community.
d. To please the people of the community.

16. A teacher who is a recognized expert in carpentry works, taught his students how to prepare and construct good
and aesthetic furniture from local resources. What cultural transmission process is this?
a. Acculturation
b. Enculturation
c. Indoctrination

17. Every first day of the school year, Miss Reyes prepared activities which will make her Grade 2 children, sing,
plan, learn and introduce themselves to the class. What process did the teacher emphasize?
a. Acculturation
b. Enculturation
c. Indoctrination
d. Socialization
18. Which program in the educational system seems to be aligned to the Christian humanitarian principle respect for
the human personality?
a. The alternative learning system delivery
b. The functional literacy program for the out-of-school youth and adults
c. The promotion of the basic human rights of the Filipino
d. The study of the Philippine Constitution

19. With a death threat over his head, Teacher Liza is directed to pass an undeserving student, if she is a hedonist,
which of the following will she do?
a. Don't pass him, live her principle of justice. She will get reward, if not in this life, in the next.
b. Don't pass him. She surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in order to pass.
c. Pass the student. That will be of use to her, the student and his parents.
d. Pass the student. Why suffer the threat?

20. Which philosophy approves a teacher who lectures most of the time and requires his students to memorize the
rules of grammar?
a. Existentialism
b. Idealism
c. Pragmatism
d. Realism

21. In a student conducted, the pupils were asked which nationality they would prefer if given a choice. Majority of
the pupils wanted to be Americans. In this case, in which obligation relative to the state are schools seemed to be
a. Instill allegiance to the constitutional authorities
b. Promote national pride
c. Promote obedience to the laws of the state
d. Respect for all duly constituted authorities.

22. Which subject in the elementary and likewise in the secondary schools are similar to the goal of Rome to train
the students for citizenship?
a. Communication ARts
c. Science

23. Which of the following schools practices is not based on Social Reconstructionism?
a. Establishment of SDF(skills development facilitator)
b. Exemption of Scouts from CAT
c. Promoting culture and arts in schools
d. Promoting project WOW

24.Which of the following is the focus of the Japanese education in the Philippines?
a. Democratic ideals and nationalism
b. Love and service to one's country
c. Religion and love for Asian brothers
d. Vocational and health education

25. According to reconstructionism, the goal of education is to bring about a new social order. Which practice best
manifests this view?
a. The class conducts scientific experiments to discover or verify concepts.
b. The class discusses role models and their impact on society.
c. The class allowed to engage in divergent thinking.
d. The class undertakes well-planned projects in the community.
Answers: 1A 2B 3B 4C 5D 6C 7B 8D 9C 10C 11D 12B 13A 14A 15B 16B 17D 18C 19D 20B 21B 22D 23C 24D


1. The establishment of the School of the Future (SOF) introduces improvement and reform in education to respond
to both human and social needs. What philosophy is related to it?
A. Epistemology C. Pragmatism
B. Reconstructionism D. Idealism
Correct answer B
2. Learning constitutes a logical method for organizing and interpreting learning. This is one thinking of the
A. Cognitivist C. Sociologist
B. Behaviorist D. Humanist
Correct answer A
3. He believed that curriculum is a set of experiences in which the subject matter is developed around social
functions and learners’ interests. This is
A. William Kilpatrick C. Harold Hugg
B. Hollis Caswell D. Werret Charters
Correct answer B
4. Other than the teacher, there must be materials which should help in the implementation of a written curriculum in
order to have a successful teaching. This is referred to as
A. supported curriculum. C. recommended curriculum.
B. intended curriculum. D. taught curriculum.
Correct answer A
5. Several students in an art class may be exposed simultaneously to the same painting. The painting itself constitutes
the content of learning. One student may be attracted more to the color than to other elements. Another may react
more to form or to composition. This suggests to what component of curriculum?
A. Goals and Objectives C. Learning Evaluation
B. Subject Matter D. Learning Experiences
Correct answer D
6. Every curriculum has this dimension. This is both unplanned and implicit but its instructional effects are often
evident in the students’ behavior, values and dispositions. This dimension is referred to as
A. Societal curriculum. C. Institutional curriculum.
B. Instructional curriculum. D. Hidden curriculum.
Correct answer D
7. Dr. Fernandez, the provincial hospital director, plans to attend a school board meeting where a new high school
science curriculum will be discussed. Which level of curriculum is shown in this situation?
A. Experiential C. Institutional
B. Instructional D. Societal
Correct answer C
8. Mrs. Galang often makes use of experiential rather than the rote method in teaching; she is, thus, observed to
provide “custom-made” activities for her pupils. The curriculum pattern she apparently follows is that of
A. activity-based. C. process-oriented.
B. child-centered. D. life-functions-focused.
Correct answer B
9. This concept includes the sub-processes of curriculum planning, organization, implementation and evaluation.
Which concept is this?
A. curriculum development C. curriculum management
B. curriculum assessment D. curriculum and instruction
Correct answer A
10. If the “what” in teaching refers to curriculum, the “how” of it refers to
A. strategies. C. learning.
B. instruction. D. approaches.
Correct answer B
11. Mrs. Padilla, the principal of Balingasa Elementary School, opted to use the curriculum that involves the
integration of Social Studies, Music, Arts, and P.E. on longer time blocks. This shows that the design pattern she
prefers is that of the ________________ curriculum.
A. correlated subjects C. mastery learning
B. core D. broad fields
Correct answer D
12. One popular conception of curriculum is that which aims to provide the learners with the needed skills in this
ever-changing world. Which conception is this?
A. self-actualization
B. social relevance
C. cumulative tradition of organized knowledge
D. technology
Correct answer B
13. What characteristics of a good curriculum does this imply? “The curriculum must adapt the educational activities
and services to meet the needs of a modern and dynamic community.”
A. The curriculum is continuously evolving.
B. The curriculum is democratically conceived.
C. The curriculum is based on the needs of the people.
D. The curriculum is a complex of details
Correct answer A
14. The emphasis on curriculum of this philosophy deals with the choices in subject matter and electives as well as
the emotional, esthetic, and philosophical subjects.
A. Pragmatism C. Existentialism
B. Realism D. Idealism
Correct answer C
15. Learning should be organized in order that students can experience success in the process of mastering the
subject matter. This is one advocacy of
A. Behaviorist C. Humanist
B. Cognitivist D. Sociologist
Correct answer A
16. As senior high school class will take up paragraph writing but at a more sophisticated and advanced level than a
first year class. This is one example of what organization of learning content?
A. Articulation C. Continuity
B. Integration D. Sequence
Correct answer D
17. This phase of curriculum development involves decisions, among other things, on grade placement and
sequencing of content. Which phase is this?
A. curriculum planning C. curriculum organization
B. curriculum evaluation D. curriculum implementation
Correct answer C
18. Which statement about the subject-centered curriculum is NOT true?
A. There is a high level of cooperative interaction.
B. It covers much content in a short period of time.
C. The teacher has full control of the classroom activities.
D. The main task is mastery of learning.
Correct answer A
19. Kayan, a Grade 6 pupil, remembers that he has had lessons on Philippine history since he was in Grade 4. This is
because the design of the curriculum implemented in his school is the
A. core curriculum. C. special curriculum.
B. problem solving curriculum . D. open education curriculum.
Correct answer A
20. Mrs. Garcia would like to take part in developing a subject-centered curriculum because she believes that all
subjects in this curriculum are geared towards the holistic development of the learner. Is her belief about the
experience-centered curriculum true? Why?
A. No, because the experience-centered curriculum focuses on the learners needs, interests, and abilities.
B. Yes, because the experience-centered curriculum emphasizes the teaching of facts and knowledge for future use.
C. Yes, because the experience-centered curriculum involves cooperative control.
D. No, because it is the experience centered curriculum that emphasizes integration of habits and skills in learning
the knowledge component of a subject areas.
Correct answer D
21. This type of curriculum focuses more on problem solving processes and skills and human relations than on
content acquisition. Which type is this?
A. subject centered C. learner-centered
B. society-culture-based D. none of the above
Correct answer B
22. While having supper, Mrs. Garcia asks her two children what they learned in school earlier that day. Which level
of curriculum is shown in this situation?
A. Institutional C. societal
B. Experiential D. Instructional
Correct answer B
23. The Kalayaan Elementary School uses a curriculum design that recognizes the ability levels of its pupils. Thus,
the contents of each subject areas taught across grade levels are so organized that the simplest concepts are taken up
in the early grades and the more difficult ones, in the higher levels. This shows a widening and deepening sequence
of similar concepts taught through the elementary levels. Which curriculum design is this?
A. Correlated C. spiral
B. broad fields D. core
Correct answer C
24. Mr. Carlos is interested in getting involved in school-related functions. He asked “Why should schools need a
curriculum?” Which curriculum foundations could give him some ideas for an answer?
A. socio-philosophical C. historical
B. psychological D. technological
Correct answer A
25. The San Jose School District plans to adopt the leading program used in the La Loma School District. What
curriculum improvement level does this show?
A. Variation C. substitution
B. value orientation D. restructuring
Correct answer A
26. Mr. Gabriel, a curriculum consultant on economics insists that in selecting the curriculum content, it is better that
throughout the high school year levels, economic geography concepts used to recur and be repeated with depth for
effective learning. What criterion in content selection is shown here?
A. Validity C. significance
B. continuity and sequence D. learnability
Correct answer B
27. Dr. Magracia intends to open a school with a curriculum that must be primarily experience-centered. Which of
the following criteria must she NOT follow to ensure that the curriculum is that which she wants?
A. The curriculum should promote the use of active and dynamic process so that learning is improved.
B. The curriculum should be used with a high level of cooperative interaction.
C. The curriculum content should be primarily based on the learners’ needs, ability levels and interest.
D. The curriculum should emphasize the teaching of facts and knowledge.
Correct answer D
28. Which statement is true in using the non-technical approach to curriculum development?
A. The teachers function both as a curriculum developer and implementor.
B. The processes used in curriculum development are rational and systematic.
C. The teachers rarely participate in the development of curricula.
D. Curriculum functions are separate but related to instructional functions
Correct answer A
29. Atty. Bautista is involved in curriculum development. His conception of curriculum strongly leans on its being a
cognitive process. Which of the following statement specifically reflects this conception he hold?
A. Curriculum aims to make learning efficient and systematic.
B. Curriculum develops skills in analyzing, deducing and speculating.
C. The content of the curriculum is sourced from different academic disciplines.
D. The curriculum largely considers the full development of the learners.
Correct answer B
30. What refers to the authenticity of the content selected by the curriculum developers?
A. Feasibility C. significance
B. learnability D. validity
Correct answer D
31. Which is NOT a description of the experience-centered curriculum?
A. emphasis is on the total growth and development of the learners
B. controlled and cooperatively directed by learners, teachers and parents
C. education is a means to develop socially creative individual
D. emphasis upon facts and knowledge for future use
Correct answer D
32. Ms. Mateo, a Science teacher tires to enrich in the content of her lesson by identifying related concepts in Math.
What pattern of organizing content/subject matter did she consider?
A. Broadfield C. core
B. correlated D. separate subject
Correct answer B
33. Which curriculum design element is taking place when Eduardo, s Senior high students can connect the lessons
he learned in a subject area to a related content in another subject area?
A. Articulation C. continuity
B. balance D. integration
Correct answer D
34. Which educational philosophy focuses on the role of curriculum as a means in remaking society and rebuilding
A. Perennialism C. existentialism
B. progressivism D. reconstructionism
Correct answer D
35. What process is being undertaken by curriculum developers when they enrich, modify certain aspects of a
particular program without changing its fundamental conceptions?
A. curriculum improvement C. curriculum design
B. curriculum change D. curriculum implementation
Correct answer A
36. Which curriculum development phase focuses on the change which will take place in a certain aspect of the
curriculum without changing the fundamental conceptions?
A. curriculum planning C. curriculum improvement
B. curriculum implementation D. curriculum evaluation
Correct answer C
37. As a member of the curriculum committee, your chief concern is to give the child freedom to choose what to
learn and believe, they set their own identities and standards. What philosophy will you consider?
A. Existentialism C. Idealism
B. Realism D. Pragmatism
Correct answer A
38. What process of curriculum development is being undertaken by the developers when they try to obtain relevant
and significant information to be able to judge the worth of an educational program, its product, procedures and
A. curriculum planning C. curriculum organization
B. curriculum designing D. curriculum evaluation
Correct answer D
39. Proponents of the technical scientific approach of curriculum development believe that curriculum is a means
and _______________ is the end.
A. Techniques C. learning
B. institution D. strategies
Correct answer C
40. One example of this design of subject-centered curriculum is that which shows social studies being combined
with geography, civics and culture, and history to comprise one subject area. Which design is this?
A. correlated C. fused
B. broad fields D. core
Correct answer C
41. Suppose that in developing a curriculum, your intention is to put a lot of importance in developing the mind and
spirit of the learners. What philosophical belief will help you on this?
A. Axiology C. Pragmatism
B. Idealism D. Reconstructionism
Correct answer B
42. The aim of our education during the Commonwealth period was
A. designed after Japanese education
B. predominantly religious
C. purely nationalistic and democratic
D. patterned after American curriculum
Correct answer C
43. A school curriculum should include a common body of knowledge that all students should know.
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism
Correct answer A
44. One teacher says: If it is billiard that brings students out of the classroom, let us bring it into the classroom.
Perhaps, I can use it to teach mathematics.” To which philosophy does this teacher adhere?
A. Progressivism C. Idealism
B. Essentialism D. Existentialism
Correct answer A
45. The curriculum may come from a national agency or any professional organization which has stake in education.
This type of curriculum operating in schools is
A. taught curriculum. C. recommended curriculum.
B. written curriculum. D. learned curriculum.
Correct answer C
46. The curriculum should focus on the great ideas that have survived through time and related to present day
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism
Correct answer C
47. The importance of knowledge and skills must be emphasized by using them not only in the Communication Arts
classes but also in other fields where English is used as a medium of instruction or communication. This is one
principle of
A. Continuity C. Integration
B. Articulation D. Sequence
Correct answer C
48. He was one of the hallmarks of curriculum, who believed that curriculum is a science and an extension of
school’s philosophy.
A. Ralph Tyler C. Franklin Bobbit
B. Hollis Caswell D. CHilda Taba
Correct answer A
49. Instructional objectives may serve the following useful purposes in curriculum planning EXCEPT
A. specifying the appropriate level of habitual change in behavior
B. define the direction in which desired growth and development should take place
C. provide a basis of selection of learning experiences
D. provide a basis for evaluating learning outcomes
Correct answer A
50. Schools should prepare students for analyzing and solving the social problems that they will face as adults.
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism
Correct answer D
51. Which type of a curriculum recognizes the necessity for learners to see the big picture rather than piecemeal
A. Core curriculum C. Differentiated curriculum
B. Integrated curriculum D. Multidisciplinary curriculum.
Correct answer B
52. This centers on those aspects of education that allow the individual to function in the home, on the job, and as a
citizen and member of the larger society.
A. Intellectual Dimension C. Social-personal Dimension
B. Productive Dimension D. Philosophical Dimension
Correct answer B
53. He introduced the project method in the curriculum where the teachers and students plan the activities.
A. Harold Rugg C. William Kilpatrick
B. Franklin Bobbit D. Hollis Caswell
Correct answer C
54. Students must be taught about change and how to bring about change.
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism
Correct answer D
55. What is the fundamental question in examining a curriculum?
A. What educational purposes should the school seek to attain?
B. What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes?
C. How can these educational experiences be effectively organized?
D. How can we determine whether these purposes are attained or not?
Correct answer A
56. Present trends and current issues of national and international interests are discussed in the curriculum. Which
educational philosophy advocates this?
A. Existentialism C. Progressivism
B. Essentialism D. Reconstructionism
Correct answer D
57. Correct answer DTeachers and schools should emphasize academic rigor, discipline, hard work and respect for
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism
Correct answer A
58. To bring latent ideas and knowledge to consciousness is one role of the teachers. This is emphasized in what
A. Realism C. Pragmatism
B. Idealism D. Existentialism
Correct answer B
59. The aim of this educational philosophy in education is to educate the rational person or to cultivate the intellect.
A. Perennialism C. Reconstructionism
B. Essentialism D. Progressivism
Correct answer A
60. The subject matter or content to be learned must be within the time allowed, resource available, expertise of the
teacher and nature of learners. What criterion is addressed?
A. Validity C. interest
B. significance D. feasibility
Correct answer D
61. Within this process, smaller and more specific activities are needed to determine the effectiveness of the
curriculum. These activities include assessment and measurement of learning outcomes and the ultimate product of a
curriculum. What activity is this?
A. Evaluation C. Learning Content
B. Learning Experiences D. Methods and Strategies
Correct answer A
62. Schools should develop students’ ability to think deeply rather than focus on temporary issues such as social
skills and current trends.
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism
Correct answer C
63. A voluntary review of the curricular program to determine its status in terms of several ideas that include
curriculum and instruction.
A. Pilot testing C. Monitoring
B. Accreditation D. Evaluation
Correct answer B
64. Which holds true when each level of subject matter is smoothly connected to the next level and glaring gaps,
wasteful overlaps in subject matter are avoided?
A. The curriculum must be sequenced.
B. The curriculum must be articulated.
C. The curriculum must be integrated.
D. The curriculum must be continued.
Correct answer C
65. This refers to the learning outcomes achieved by the students which are indicated by the results of the tests and
changes in behavior.
A. learned curriculum C. taught curriculum
B. assessed curriculum D. supported curriculum
Correct answer A
66. For a country to be competitive in the global marketplace, schools should seek to produce more competent
A. Essentialism C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism
Correct answer A
67. It refers to a set of objectives set at the beginning of any curricular plan. This answers what the curriculum maker
wants to do.
A. Intended curriculum C. Achieved Curriculum
B. Implemented Curriculum D. Recommended Curriculum
Correct answer A
68. A formative evaluation of the curriculum during its implementation to determine if there are things to be
modified or corrected.
A. School-Based Evaluation C. Accreditation
B. Assessment D. Curriculum Monitoring
Correct answer D
69. A curriculum developer decides to effect a curriculum change, instead of curriculum improvement. The most
probable reason for this is that the results of curriculum evaluation call for an alteration in the set of competencies
and in the
A. sequence of content for a certain year or grade level.
B. abilities and educational needs of learners.
C. teaching strategies to be used.
D. Time allotment of subject areas.
Correct answer A
70. Since students learn effectively though social interaction, schools should plan for increased social interaction in
the curriculum.
A. Essentialsim C. Perennialism
B. Progressivism D. Reconstructionism
Correct answer B
1. Which is closest to the real human digestive system for study in the classroom?
A. Model of the human digestive system
B. Drawing of the human digestive system on the board
C. The human digestive system projected on an OHP
D. Drawing of the human digestive system on a page of a textbook
Correct answer A
2. For lesson clarity and effective retention, which one should a teacher observe, according to Bruner’s theory?
A. End teaching with verbal symbols.
B. Use purely verbal symbols in teaching.
C. Start at the concrete level and end there.
D. Begin teaching at the concrete level but go beyond it by reaching the abstract.
Correct answer D
3. Which must be primarily considered in the choice of instructional aid?
A. Must be updated and relevant to Filipino setting
B. Must stimulate and maintain student interest
C. Must be suited to the lesson objective
D. Must be new and skillfully made
Correct answer C
4. The teacher is the first audio-visual aid in the classroom. What does this imply?
A. Your physical appearance and voice should be such that students are helped to learn.
B. You take care that you follow the fashion or else students won’t listen to you.
C. Make good use of the radio and TV in the classroom.
D. Include singing in your teaching method
Correct answer A
5. Is it advisable to use realia all the time?
A. No, only when feasible.
B. Yes, because it is the real thing.
C. Yes, because there is no substitute for realia
D. No, for the sake of variety of instructional materials.
Correct answer D
6. I want to use a pre-teaching strategy that will immediately engage my students in the content and will enable me
to get an insight into how students think and feel about the topic. Which is MOST appropriate?
A. Storyboarding C. K-W-L chart
B. Graphic organizer D. Document analysis
Correct answer C
7. Teacher Madeline likes to concretize the abstract concepts of an atom. She came up with a concrete presentation
of the atom by using wire and plastic balls. How would you classify teacher Connie’s visual aid?
A. Mock up C. Model
B. Realia D. Specimen
Correct answer C
8. I want to use a diagram to compare the traditional and authentic modes of assessment. Which one is most fit?
A. Affinity diagram B. Fishbone diagram
B. Tree diagram D. Venn diagram
Correct answer D
9. Ms. Torrenuevo, A grade school II teacher, wanted to show the parts of a seed by using a large, wooden seed
visual aid with detachable cotyledons and tiny seed. Under what classification does this wooden structure fall?
A. Replica C. Model
B. Mock up D. Realia
Correct answer B
10. Which group of technology has the highest degree of abstraction?
A. book, imaginative literature, programmed instruction
B. digital, video, film, versatile, compact disc
C. video, pictures, and television
D. realia and computers
Correct answer A
11. I like to present graphically a comparison of the plant and animal cell. Which one will I use?
A. Spider map C. Fishbone diagram
B. Time sequence organizer D. Venn diagram
Correct answer D
12. I want to present the characteristic features of a constructivist approach. Which should I use?
A. Fishbone diagram C. Attribute wheel
B. Narrative frame D. Venn diagram
Correct answer C
13. What does the computer have in common with the TV?
A. Key board C. Screen
B. File D. Disk drive
Correct answer C
14. To improve listening and speech skills, which will be MOST appropriate?
A. Mock up C. Radio
B. Recording D. Audio recording
Correct answer D
15. When you use the overhead projector for topic presentation, point to the _______.
A. OHP screen C. OHP light
B. OHP slide D. Projection wall
Correct answer B
16. If there is truth to the statement “A picture is worth a thousand words”, then for effective teaching, what should
teachers do? Teachers should ____________.
A. make use of visual aids as often as they can
B. talk less and listen more
C. remain abstract in their teaching method
D. hang many pictures of heroes on the wall
Correct answer A
17. Based on Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experiences, which activity is farthest from the real thing?
A. Watch a demo C. Hear
B. View images D. Attend exhibit
Correct answer B
18. Where do you make the correction of your notes while using the overhead projector?
A. On the projection wall C. On the overhead projector
B. On the screen D. On the slide
Correct answer D
19. These are concrete objects that provide direct purposeful experiences which are ideal for introducing students to
a new subject.
A. Diorama C. Replica
B. Specimen D. Realia
Correct answer D
20. Which can best help a Language teacher develop her students’ pronunciation skills?
A. TV C. Computer
B. Audio recording D. Radio
Correct answer B
21. Which graphic organizer is MOST fit for sequencing steps of a process?
A. Hierarchy diagram C. Venn diagram
B. Flow chart D. Double cell diagram
Correct answer B
22. What do you call the worldwide system of computer networks in which users at any one computer can, if they
have permission, get information from any other computer?
A. Wide area network C. Internet
B. Local area network D. The web
Correct answer C
23. The “brain” of the computer is the called what?
A. Monitor C. Keyboard
Correct answer B
24. Which is the first thing that the teacher determines in the selection of media for teaching?
A. Ability of the students C. Techniques to be used
B. Objectives of the lesson D. Availability of the media
Correct answer A
25. Which of the following questions must be considered in evaluating teacher-made materials?
A. Does the material stimulate individualism?
B. Is the material updated?
C. Is the material new?
D. Is the material expensive?
Correct answer A
26. Which is a graphic presentation of numeric data?
A. Venn diagram C. Attribute wheel
B. Spider map D. Histogram
Correct answer D
27. Your department would like to purchase a computer set as your project. Which of the following advantages of
computer will be the least consideration in purchasing this technology?
A. It can enhance the teaching and learning process.
B. It can be used for entertainment.
C. It can be used for research activity.
D. It can be used for interactive presentation.
Correct answer B
28. Which of the following technologies provide iconic experience?
A. Videos and computer C. Radio and magazines
B. Books and periodicals D. Printed and verbal symbols
Correct answer C
29. After Ms. Adriano planned her lesson in English, she found out that the materials at hand do not match her
objectives. Which is the best thing that she can do?
A. Teach the lesson the following day.
B. Modify the available materials
C. Carry out the lesson as planned and use the materials at hand.
D. Change the objectives to match with the available materials.
Correct answer B
30. Mr. Geronimo, a fresh graduate teacher was hired to teach in an elementary school where there are enough
resources for instruction. The principal asked him to start preparing his instructional materials. Which of the
following processes would you suggest him in using an instructional technology?
A. design, utilization, evaluation, development
B. development, design, utilization, evaluation
C. design, development, utilization, evaluation
D. development, utilization, design, evaluation
Correct answer C
31. Which criterion should guide a teacher in the choice of instructional devices?
A. Attractiveness C. Novelty
B. Cost D. Appropriateness
Correct answer D
32. Under which category will a globe as an instructional material fall?
A. Picture C. Mock up
B. Model D. Realia
Correct answer B
33. I want my students to show historical ages graphically. Which will be most appropriate?
A. Fishbone diagram C. Series of event chain
B. Continuum scale D. Flow chart
Correct answer B
34. Which is more of a spatial task for a learner?
A. Read a book then write a response.
B. Examine a statistical chart then write a response.
C. Watch a movie then write a response.
D. Go on a field trip then write a response.
Correct answer D
35. Which one uses a projector?
A. Model C. Mock up
B. Slides D. Realia
Correct answer B
36. Which learning activity is most appropriate if teacher’s focus is attitudinal change?
A. Exhibit C. Game
B. Field trip D. Role play
Correct answer D
37. With the linguistically-intelligent group in mind, which activity is LEAST effective?
A. Concept maps C. Manipulative
B. Debates D. Deductive reasoning
Correct answer C
38. Which characteristics must be primarily considered in the choice of instructional aid?
A. Stimulate and maintain student interests
B. Suited to the lesson objective
C. Updated and relevant to Filipino setting
D. New and skillfully made
Correct answer B
39. I would like to use a model to emphasize a particular part. Which of these would be MOST appropriate?
A. Realia C. Stimulation
B. Audio recording D. Mock up
Correct answer D
40. What principle is violated by overusing the chalkboard, as though it is the only educational technology available?
A. Isolated use C. Variety
B. Flexibility D. Uniformity
Correct answer C
41. Which statement applies CORRECTLY to Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experiences?
A. The farther you are from the bottom, the more direct the learning experience becomes.
B. The farther you are from the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes.
C. The closer you are to the base, the more indirect the learning experience becomes.
D. The closer you are to the base, the more direct the learning experience becomes.
Correct answer D
42. “When more senses are stimulated, teaching and learning become more effective.” What is an application of this
A. Use multisensory aids
B. Appeal to the students’ sense of imagination
C. Make your students touch the instructional materials
D. Use audiovisual aids because the eyes and the ears are the most important senses in learning.
Correct answer A
43. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stage. Applying
Bruner’s theory, how would you teach?
A. Be interactive in approach C. Begin with the concrete
B. Begin with abstract D. Do direct instruction
Correct answer C
44. Which is not the basic consideration in selecting and evaluating the content of an educational technology tool?
A. Will it motivate and maintain interest?
B. Is there evidence of its effectiveness?
C. Does it match the content?
D. Can it be easily dismantled?
Correct answer D
45. Which software is needed when one wants to perform automatic calculations on numerical data?
A. Spreadsheet program C. Microsoft powerpoint
B. Database D. Word processing
Correct answer A
46. To teach the democratic process to the pupils, XYZ Elementary School decided that the election of class officers
shall patterned after local elections. There are qualifications set for candidates, limited period for campaign and rules
for posting campaign materials, and so on. Which of the following did the school use?
A. Simulation C. Dramatization
B. Role playing D. Diorama
Correct answer A
47. Mr. Quetulio used worksheets, manipulative, and models in teaching Math to help his students understand the
lesson and love the subject. What did he bear in mind when he used these materials?
A. Appropriateness C. Variety
B. Breadth D. Balance
Correct answer C
48. Teacher Magat took photograph of the different animals in the zoo as his instructional materials in his Science
class. Which is the best thing to do to allow the whole class to see the realistic reproductions of these pictures at the
same time?
A. Mount the pictures on the board one by one.
B. Have the pupils pass the pictures around.
C. Photocopy the pictures taken.
D. Transform the pictures into slides.
Correct answer D
49. You asked your students to illustrate what they have understood from what they have read. Which of the
following non-projected visuals are you referring to?
A. Print materials C. Models
B. Graphics D. Pictures
Correct answer B
50. Mrs. Agustin presented real samples of rocks when she discussed the different forms of rocks. What principle in
the selection of instructional material did she apply?
A. Interest C. cost effective
B. authenticity D. responsiveness
Correct answer B
51. With the number of senses to be stimulated as criterion, which one should be first in the list?
A. Audio aid C. Visual aid
B. Audio-visual aid D. Multi-sensory aid
Correct answer B
52. A research study claims that a group of students who used a computer-based technology product tended to
perform better on standardized tests than students who did not use the product. In analyzing the scientific validity of
this study, which of the following is the most important question to ask first?
A. Did the students have the same amount of preparation time prior to taking the standardized tests?
B. Did the two groups consist of students who were equivalent in terms of ability and background?
C. Were the students instructed using a student-centered or a teacher-centered approach to learning?
D. Were both groups of students allowed to use the product while taking the standardized tests?
Correct answer B
53. A student who has difficulty concentrating and has a low tolerance for frustration is planning a science research
project that will include a final presentation. Which of the following educational technologies is most likely to
benefit this student?
A. an assistive listening device C. a large keyboard for input
B. text-to-speech software D. graphic organizer software
Correct answer D
54. In a classroom in which educational technology has been effectively integrated, which of the following is the
most appropriate role for student portfolio assessment?
A. using students' work to examine their progress in meeting learning objectives
B. assigning grades to individual projects using a weighted grading system
C. reinforcing decisions based on more traditional methods of student assessment
D. determining whether computer-based instruction has improved students' content knowledge
Correct answer A
55. A teacher wants to present a class project on a page of the school's Web site. Which of the following is most
important for the teacher to consider before publishing the Web page?
A. Photographs of students may not be included on a school Web page.
B. The school principal must approve all content that is to be included on the Web page.
C. Students must agree to have their work published on the Web page.
D. Parents/guardians must give consent for any student to be identified on the Web page.
Correct answer D
56. In Dale’s Cone of Experience, the part that a learner classifies as a participant is referred to as
A. Enactive C. Abstraction
B. Iconic D. Continuum
Correct answer A
57. Which is not a good effect of using graphic organizers?
A. Make relationships among detail clear
B. Enable students to identify important ideas and details
C. Strengthen team work
D. Represent stated info concrete form
Correct answer C
58. A teacher used the materials like TV, radio and radio recordings, and pictures for his lectures. Which of the
following classification do the materials he used?
A. Abstract C. Continuum
B. Enactive D. Iconic
Correct answer D
59. All effective instructions requires careful planning, and teaching with instructional media is no exception to this
rule. Hence, when a teacher systematically plan for the effective use of instructional media, the first thing that he has
to apply is to
A. state objectives C. analyze learners
B. select media and materials D. utilize materials
Correct answer C
60. _________ is a board with multiple small holes into which pegs can be inserted in different arrays so as to form
hooks from which to hang tools or other objects for convenient access.
A. Pegboard C. Cloth board
B. Magnetic board D. Multi-purpose board
Correct answer A

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