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In almost all the traditions of the ancient peoples, from very old times, there was the
perception of the other world and the other life.
However, the coming of Christ to earth, and the informing of people about
the ``other'' world in every detail, increased this problematization and explained
the need for preparation ...
Christ, in the parable of the rich man and his poor servant, who
symbolically named Lazarus, he outlined what happens ``after death'', and
he warned what awaits those people who will ignore him

He also spoke of sending these people to eternal fire,

saying those characteristic words,

...depart from me, you cursed into the eternal fire prepared for
devil also his angels and elsewhere, ...,
speaking of the great Judgment, in the Second Presence, he warned,

ÿand these (sinners) are thrown into eternal Hell... He also mentioned, (Matt. KE¨41-46).
ÿthe outer darknessÿ, concluding, ÿThere is the gnashing of teeth and
the gnashing of teeth... (Matt. KB'30)
In the Apocalypse he also speaks of "a lake burning with fire and brimstone..." as well as that "the The

smoke of their torment goes up for ever and ever, and they have no rest
(the punished souls) day and night... (Revelation 14:11)
He gave tangible and understandable images of the world we live in, so that we can
somehow to understand the eternal horror.
He spoke, like a mountain village teacher once, addressing the students
who had never seen the sea, he had told them. -- The sea, guys, is
like a big cistern. Like the one where you water the sheep, but incomparably bigger. Imagine a
plain, full of water...
-- And the ship, sir, how is the ship?
-- The ship, guys, is like a big boat sailing in the cistern...
But whatever incomparable difference there is between a cistern and the sea, boats and
tanker, just as much and more is the difference of facts and situations where
we will be called upon to face ...

in an audio document, tape of miracles, of Panagia Malevi, an icon
with a strange way of behaving, of which we refer in detail, in
column "I am here" It is a
testimony that another world awaits us, through a process of control and judgment...

The patient speaks:

ÿI was very well when I had a small hemorrhage. They also pressured me
I went to the doctor, I thought it was a joke, but a small fibroid was actually found. But then, the
doctor told me, that the blood is not from the fibroid, but comes from
from polyps. You'll do a scraping and you'll be fine, reassure me...

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I did the scraping, we also did some other analyses, they were found
relatively good, and we concluded with the doctor that if I wanted, I could not
the operation.
However, one night I saw in my dream that they had me in the operating room. That's what got me into it
thoughts, as if it was some kind of warning. I was then working in a clinic and talking
with a colleague, she told me to go and have an operation. I was begging the Virgin Mary
a week earlier to help me, and to show me if I should operate or not. I had quite a bit of difficulty in
preparing for anesthesia, so much so that they were also puzzled
doctors seeing me awake.
was awake, lying in bed, I see in front of me two
unknown persons, not doctors. They tell me, -- Let's
go... -- Where are we going, I tell them, an
operation will take place now. -- Let's go, the operation will also
take place... However, at the time when they were telling me
this, something like music started from their mouths,
with words constantly repeated ÿthe operation will be done..., the operation will be done...ÿ
It was words mixed with music as we walked down the hall. We arrived somewhere, and going up
three steps, I counted them, he opened a door and
we entered an office. A man was sitting there. I couldn't make out his face,
but I could see his body and hands
on the desk. Next to him was a package, like a pad of accounting receipts. He was holding open a book,
the size of a Gospel, which he consulted before me
asked, --
Are you married? I say yes
-- Do you have kids; I say yes again
-- How many children
have you got; -- Three.
-- Were you true to your crown? I tell
him -- Yes! He tells me immediately,

-- Why 3 children?
I tell him again, crying, --
Three. -- I want you to explain
to me, he says, why only three? Have you had an abortion? -- No. I did one, but I
didn't know it was a sin. However, I confessed it
to a
priest... As soon as I said that I confessed to a priest, he hurriedly signed the form
receipts, cut the paper and gave it to my right companion. -- Let's go, my
companions tell me. (Meanwhile, the music and the words
``the operation will be done'' were heard
constantly). We entered a second office. They ask me again. --
Do you go to church? -- Yes, yes. -- Are you confessing?
-- Yes. -- Do you socialize? -- Yes, yes.

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-- Are you
fasting? I
say again --
Yes. He also signed the receipts in front of him, cut the paper and it
gave to my right companion. We now set out for the third office. There, I saw
different lights, different decorations...
I began to think that the operation had taken place and I had died and was in
another life, because I saw other things, another world, outside of the daily life
let's see. I was trying to figure out if I was in a place that was with God, or
they were going to Hell.
Suddenly a strong wind arose, like a siphon, and I looked between the
jumbled tree leaves, colorful little crosses twirling
airborne. The sight of the Crosses reassured me. I entered the third office. They ask me
LOVE EACH OTHER ... -- Do you
help? (charities)
I say,
-- I am poor, but I do what I can.
-- Do you visit the disabled, the poor, the sick?
I tell him,
-- I also work as a nurse, and I like to take care of the sick, that's why I go...

He also signed this receipt and gave it to my companions. We went to

fourth office. They ask me there,
-- Are you a ÿharpaonisÿ (Cypriot dialect, ÿgraponeis, arpazesisÿ).
However, personally, I had never heard this word. I say to him, --What does that
mean, sir? I don't know this word...
-- ÿ Harpaonis, harpaonis ? ÿ he tells me.
-- So if I grab, if I steal, do you want to say?
-- Yes.
-- If it is and I'm hungry, I tell him, I'll take it. If it is, and something I don't have,
but I find it double, (at my work or elsewhere), and that's what I take...
He drew a line for me on the paper, as if noting something, not
he signed, (as the others signed earlier), cut the paper and gave it. I entered
in the fifth office. Question,
-- Are you criticizing my brother?
I tell him,
-- Excuse me sir, I don't know your brother.
He got angry and told me again,
-- Do you criticize your brother, your fellow man? I tell him,
-- Yes, sir, I criticize him. -- Why
do you criticize him?
-- Why, I don't like his actions...
-- Do you criticize your own actions?
I say to
him, -- Sir, let me explain to you...
-- No, he tells me, tell me why you criticize? --
I criticize, I tell him, trying to justify myself...
-- How are you with your colleague?

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-- No, not good. Where I work there are misunderstandings and fuss. However, I
confess regularly and tell my spiritual...
He looked at the paper, noted something, and did not sign the receipt, (as he had not
the other person also signs in the previous office). Even though I said that
I regularly confess to a priest, (but I do it again...)
He did not sign the "harpaonis-thieves" and the criticisms... We went
out and marching to the next, sixth office, the music and the words
they changed. where I used to hear theconstantly
will be done,
that ÿ the
I heard, at
willa be
ÿ the operation is over..., the
operation finished ... TAKE HER . ÿ

BACK .... We entered a new

office. There was no one, only a large armchair and
every little while I saw, sometimes a little star, sometimes a colorful cross, appear
on this chair and the moon shines with lightning...
From a small, low door entered a face, like a girl, very beautiful, with
big eyes (she reminded me of an angel), and the only thing I noticed in particular were the gold ones
bracelets that he had in his hands (indicative of some authority), with a large stone
upon them where he issued lightnings. He entered with a modest air, sat down in the chair, and
he looked at me searchingly from face to feet. He held out his hand and the attendant gave me
the papers that concerned me. I saw this face very clearly, as well
read the notes. He stopped suddenly, and turned towards the exit door
he said patiently three times, as if asking someone.
-- Pass it, pass it, pass it?
I didn't hear the answer. He only turned and shouted, pointing to the exit.
-- Take her back, take her back...
It was still in my ears the echo of the words ``take her back, take her
back', when I felt a hand on my forehead. I heard a voice.
-- Mom, mom, your operation is over, it's over. She was my daughter, and I started to
I gather.
Why didn't you leave me, I told
them. The nurses descended on me, demanding to know what had happened. Throughout
during the operation, they told me, about three and a half hours, we were listening to you where
you talked. Who were you talking to and shaking hands with? Tell us what happened?
About 50 nurses, almost all the staff, gathered and asked
I insisted on telling them. What was I seeing during those hours in the operating
room? Although I remember everything vividly, I asked for a pen and paper so I wouldn't forget them. He came
a theologian also interviewed me.
In a conversation I had with spiritual people, they told me that all this happens to souls
after death. There will be a Crisis. For reasons that do not
we know, they told me, the angels who ministered as attendants to your soul, took
at the last moment, an order from God to return me to the world, to correct myself and
to repent...
ÿ Take her back....ÿ
My psychic told me.
According to the Tradition of the Orthodox Church, since ancient times
to date, there are 9 checkpoints, checkpoints for dying souls. You passed five, with the last
three unsigned. (Supposedly, however, in a way, didactic, and so that he does not get too
scared - L.M.D.). The control at the sixth station
has been repulsive to your soul. You had to pass the rest as well. You had the
suitable projects to pass?

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A friend, an eyewitness to the event, narrates.

... my mother was dying, he told me. And at the end he didn't even recognize her
us, her children. Her eyes closed. And only her breath showed one
remnant of life he still had. Then, up there at the end, the battle began. We too
her children, the watchers. That is, while his eyes were closed, and he did not recognize either
we are her children, but she was ``seeing...''.
He was "seeing" others. Who; People who had come to "receive" her. And
then, in the funeral silence of the environment, he began to shout.
- Go away. Go away. Don't take me. Don't judge me. I did not do anything ...
What psychology, what sociology, what philosophy, what ... could
say, what did this poor woman see, with her eyes closed, or what faces did she understand, where
she did not even know her children?
Yes, my friend said. It's a fact, I saw it with my own eyes. There is another
world. And they come to receive our soul there, on the deathbed, there
in the place of the traffic death-carrier, through the sheets and irons, either angels
good or evil demons.
Depending on our projects...


the only survivor, of
a helicopter
in the
in the
past, narrates.

ÿIn a moment I saw my fellow soldiers drowning, after we were carried away by the
rapid current of the river at the waterfall. I stayed at the bottom of it
waterfall. I made my cross and said.
-- Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me. Now the angels or the demons will come
receive my soul. Tragic moments...
But God let me live with my large family. Beside me, in the current of the river, the fireman
and the soldiers of the
special forces...ÿ.
For this terrible time of our exit from the earthly borders, of customs clearance
of the baggage of our lives, and of the ``passport consideration'' the Orthodox
The Church has also compiled the following prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Immaculate, undefiled, undefiled, undefiled, pure Virgin, Theonymph Despina... and in

at the time of my exit, my wretched soul was surrounded by the dark faces of
of evil demons I drive (away) from her driving away (moving away)...ÿ (Dinner)

Rejection of the soul from the kingdom of God, means Hell, and
cohabitation after the demons. Because, unfortunately, the places of the other life are two. It is
neither three nor five. Either with Christ who will judge the world, or with him
devil who deceived us in this world, and we faithfully served him...
Think of the many people who die in traffic accidents in the world. From interruptions and
blockages, from electric shocks and accidental events. People
where at night they will sleep in the bed and in the morning others will accompany them to the
long journey of parting.
People who leave unprepared, thinking we're dying too
we're done...', and they don't even have the foresight of an 'other point of view'.
Whatever we finished Universities, Masters, Languages, Specialization, Studies
time-consuming and costly. What if we sat at the desks for endless years, at night
on the books, in hours of work and learning.

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"Vanity, vanities, everything is vanity," says David somewhere. And this is,
the wisest and most settled view of man, in up to 100
about years of this journey, where he is called to live...

Too many people today do not believe that there is another life. They think that
it all ends here, under the tombstone, and nothing further. The Orthodox
Christian Religion, by many proofs, for those who want without
prejudices to see the truth, teaches that our life is a temporal nothing, before the other life.
However, we must be careful, because after death we will
sequel Crisis! Man as a perfect creation has a Creator. Coincidentally not
nothing happened, and it is true insanity to accept that a house or a
car was designed and made by man, while entire solar systems
moving at dizzying and constant speeds, they happened by themselves, by chance, and by
the nothingness... Many still talk, and believe that there really is another life, and that
we will all go there for sure. Just and unjust, faithful and unfaithful, thieves, murderers, and
honest! All together!
But is this happening?
Below, we will quote excerpts from a real, contemporary one
history, where a man lived, where he believed in nothing. A veteran of
of war, the Serb Dusan. It happened in these years. In our years...

In all my exhibitions I try to honestly present them

events I experienced in my 48 years of life. On July 11, 1976, shortly before 10 a.m
in the morning I started with my car from Kragujevic for the Baths of
Mataruska. Arriving at the bridge of Ibar, in Kraljevo, I turned left six
cause of a collision which had blocked the road, taking direction for the
monastery. This is how this shocking story begins. On the way, he takes to
two unknown persons in his car. A priestly monk and a respectable one
single. On the street they tell him everything about his life, even details. He is surprised... -
Dusan, you are coming back from the memorial service in Kragujevic, aren't you? Where

did they know my name and where i came from? They were completely unknown to me...
- Yes. -
And now you go to the Baths of Mataruska, while you don't take baths... -
I don't dare, because the water is too hot. As soon as the monk stopped, me
asks the nun. -
Where are you from Dusan? From Zakuta? Your father is Dimitri, h
your mother Derinka, the ... They believe in God, but only when they anger him
they blaspheme. Your brother, Milovan, is highly educated but an atheist. Big atheist. He was
silent for a moment and continued:
- And you, Dusan, believe deeply in God, despite all the apostasy
you. You stopped and picked us up, while others walked by and spat at us. It would have been
better if they hadn't been born than treated like this...
I was trembling with fear. Through the driver's side mirror I also turned them
I was trapped. Horror seized me. Two large halos of blinding light, above
their heads blinded me. Really, I wasn't dealing with ordinary people
people... They went on telling me about the wasted life I was leading. Fear and
shame had overtaken me. In the courtyard of the Monastery I stopped for them to get off.

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I ran to open the doors for them. I pulled the knob and leaned in. The seats were empty!


Overwhelmed, anxious, terrified, I arrive at my hotel. I lay down on the bed in a daze. A
pain, like a stitch, pierced my chest
throwing me into a deep sleep. As if in a dream, the door to my room opened. The walls
they glow strangely, and a bright angel, the same ancient image, enters. My
- Dushan, get up and let's walk. Do you know who you moved today? The Saint
Apostle Peter, and Saint Petka (Friday) which your family honors separately
… We reached a mountain. We entered a cloud and began to rise to it
space, like in a fairy tale. The angel said to me; - Look
down at the Earth. What do you see; The whole earth was like a sphere, but I recognized by
full height, faces of people, animals, etc
- Dushan, God watched over you to receive a small sample of the other life
and the resurrection of the dead when Christ comes to judge the world. So it will
happened even then... As in a movie I saw bright Archangels blowing trumpets, graves
they are opened to all the earth, and the dead come out of them whole and whole. I saw men,
women, children coming out of seas, lakes, fires, etc. such as
they had died. The strangest thing was that in front of everyone, as if on paper, it was
many or few words written. The angel took the floor: - Why
do you admire Dusan? What you see written are everyone's works
even their thoughts are written. Nothing is going to be hidden...
Among the dead I saw friends, relatives, acquaintances. They were stretching out their
hands, talking, but I couldn't make out their words. Another crowd of shadowlike creatures
was moving in the air around us. I could see clearly human features. What is it?
you -These are human souls, the angel told me, deepening my thought. The soul that
comes out of man contains sight, hearing, speech, memory, emotions. Without a soul man is
but a mass of meat. No soul
there is no life. When the soul leaves the body (death) then, for 40 days it passes
again the whole life she lived and she is shown everything she did, the places she lived, but
also the places where she sinned, where she benefited, etc. Then it rises into the sky for
crisis. You must know Dusan, in hell there are sinners, but also the
so-called ``good'' people, according to the world's standards...They are the people who
they consciously did not want to hear anything about Christ and their salvation. They were
indifferent, thinking that it did not concern them!
We've traveled through space, but I'm not in a position and neither is it
possible to describe details. We ended up in a place with endless
huge walls. A gate in the shape of a cross flashed. There were many souls, more or less
luminous, multitudes of angels, but also demons and monstrosities
forms, as in the hagiographies, which tried to prevent the souls from entering
inside. We passed this gate and arrived at a second station, where the ferocity of the
of demons to seize souls, you were filled with horror. Through the gate, however, a strong,
crystal clear light, which no man of his kind had seen, illuminated everything. Houses, rivers,
trees, flowers, and Churches with chants, shone indescribably….The ground of
Heaven was like glass, crystalline I should say, while huge green smelling
gardens covered the surrounding areas. Hymns and Praises to Christ filled the air. Still,
through a great distance, on a hill, I saw a huge Cross and
upon him Christ, while a blinding light sprung up around him. Angels and
saints were beside him.

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-Dushan, here is the throne of God... You are not worthy to go any further. Make sure you
take advantage of the little life you have left, get baptized, and be saved with
fasting and prayer keeping every commandment of God... Watch out!


came out of Heaven as in a dream and were transported to a place, as
abyss, darkness. No earthly darkness can be like it. A
terrible stench, the stench of Hell was suffocating me. I felt that we were in front of
something awesome, but I didn't know what it could be. The guiding angel directed me. In the
distance, a vast sea was seen, boiling from the surface
huge fires erupted. I realized that we are facing an endless one
wall, while a few meters beyond our feet the waters were boiling like in a volcano. Words cannot
describe this. Woe to those who will go to hell, and
which will burn in this place for endless years. Woe to those who
Satan deceives them and tells them that the devil and Hell are their fairy tales
priests, and throws them into prostitution, adultery, suicides, drugs, homosexuality, abortions, etc.,
and reassures them by telling them: ``God is good'' or ``and where
they will all fit in Hell'. When they land in these parts forever and they will
doors close behind them, then they will realize their fatal mistake.
I saw innumerable terrible animals, huge snakes, with many heads, yes
twisting, straightening, and clutching the sinners, dragging them, through shouts and screams, into
the depths of the sea of fire. Through the mouths
of the monstrous animals human arms and legs could be seen as they butchered. In between
in them, scorpions and worms leaped madly, biting the sinful souls with
rabies you would say. And when these hordes devoured the last crippled one
piece, then the bodies were again made again as before to begin again himself
cycle of torture. ***
- Don't be afraid Dusan, said the angel and explained. Snakes and animals that
swim in this boiling water, God made them so that they would not be destroyed. Eternally they will
bite and suck the blood of sinners. They will all boil together
they will be roasted in this fire, but they will never boil, and neither will they be baked….. Her
it will also be their punishment.
The sight of suffering was unbearable. Several times I closed my eyes, but when I turned
them into the darkness, then there I was greeted by black monsters, with fire
eyes, screaming and flying around us. I was scared... -Don't
worry, Dusan. They are demons that we disturb. The whole world
today he does not believe that demons exist. He considers them fairy tales and laughs. He will come
the hour, however, if they do not repent, if they do not confess sincerely, and
commune regularly, who will live in these parts, and then they will believe... Remember that
this Dusan!
Let me know if you like it! Just the change of life
can save them, before death of course overtakes them. With these words,
angel brought me out of hell and its darkness. Returning to Earth with
crossed and disappeared….
Since then, the evolution of my life in repentance and life change has been rapid. Today,
close to Christ and His mysteries, I feel secure against
another life, so much so that no security of human life can offer. I hope that many people will think
like this, and that it was necessary
this true story to be made public…

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***Note (L.M.D) Apart from the passive punishment of sinners in Hell, which is mainly
the full consciousness of alienation from God, of the deprivation of
communion after the Saints (angels and men) and the lack of enjoyment
of the brilliant Paradisiacal and incorruptible Heaven, it seems that there is also
active punishment, according to how much one actively and consciously did, or
he generally supported evil in every way while he lived, and left unrepentant.
Although the reason seems harsh, apart from the testimony we saw above, there is also
a logical explanation for it. We must first accept that it exists
Hell as a consequence of the autonomy of the individual.
If a man decides to refuse God's gifts and fall away
final grace, this does not mean that he can live with substitutes. Because source
good in the absolute sense is only God. If, however, he does not share in his goods
God, that he may find all the imaginable goods, for the sake of which he spent needlessly
this life? Where to find money and what to do with it, where to find material pleasures
no longer having a material body, etc. This is why there were warnings from God, personally
to the first creators, and then to posterity through the
prophets, through the Son and Word of God K. I. Christ, the Apostles, and
Saints. This explains the necessity of the existence of Hell. Of course
there is still hope, because there are still people living on earth and
can the Church, or even individual virtuous individuals, help the soul
after death. Hell is the place they first wanted for themselves
fallen angels, the and now unrepentant demons, together with their leader the
Satan, for where the grace of God is taken away there is Hell, which
indeed it is eternal!
"A„ènia d kaˆ ¢teleÚthta t¦ par¦ toà Qeoà ¢gaq£, kaˆ di¦ toàto kaˆ ¹ stšrhsij aÙtîn a„ènioj kaˆ ¢teleÚthtoj".
(St. Irenaeus)*
Since we have seen that there are many testimonies about life after death, let's do it
assumption that God allowed, in order to be considered "good" according to minds
of some mindless sinners, after physical death, the existence of many "worlds" according to
the passions of each one, so that those who do not
they interfered with virtue. Then what happens in movies would happen
of scientific fantasy is sometimes presented, i.e. man living in a
utopian situation as in a dream, disguised by his intelligence, because otherwise
he couldn't help but be sad. But then what is the reason to create the
sane person? Of course not to play around like this. So there is need
even according to logic, or after death
situation to be realistic for human souls, and therefore to lack malice
from sinners. For this reason the All-Wise God who possesses all virtues uses judgment to
prevent the perpetuation of evil. So the more
actively and consciously sinned, the unrepentant, punished sinner (i.e. as long as
rather he sought to acquire the eternally non-existent material "goods" and as much
rather he obliterated from him, in general, the virtues which alone are eternal, and
e.g. instead of love he showed hatred, committed murders, etc., instead of charity he appeared
a thief, robber, abuser, etc.), the more violent and active sufferings await him, so that yes
but he is allowed as long as he chose to live without God so it may happen, not whatever
Hell is not contained and controlled by God, but is allowed to live out of
the grace of God. But on the other hand, God's justice prevails
of the violent suppression of vice.
We have all noticed that in cases of malpractice, even from a simple one
illness, eg a flu with headaches and fever, many of our desires
disappear. There is no appetite for food, nor are we attracted to nice sweets. The memory of
them is almost extinguished.

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Ultimately, since sin is a disease of the soul, trials (afflictions) are the medicine to cure
it. In the present world trials (suffering, distress, sickness, deprivation, etc.) are educational,
and if people are
amenable to therapeutic treatment, i.e. if they patiently accept them, then they benefit. In the
next century the variability has passed irretrievably. So if then
some soul has remained incurable, the corresponding for it is constantly exerted on it
her illness (i.e. her wickedness) drug treatment but now as a punishment, because
it is never possible for him to be cured, since he did not will it while he was alive, that is, when
there was time to express her free will. So the sufferings of
Hades will not allow sinners, not to live, but neither to sin as sinners! It is necessary that
the greater the wickedness
greater violence to be used to suppress it! For example those in their knowledge
they do not do what is right, they have developed within themselves greater wickedness than those
out of ignorance they sin, so they must be punished more. And those
who are ignorant are punished if they are diverted into sins, because they are not
there is a person who is born without a conscience.
Fortunately, however, God is not pleased with punishments, but seeks them
our transgression and never ceases to remind us with his Cross sacrifice, the greatness of
of His love, because by it He redeemed us definitively from all future sufferings, and the
all that is left for us to do is to demonstrate with a little effort from
on our part, that we want to be with Him.
Because therefore there is no rest for rational beings except after it
God's communion, because no other kind of bliss is possible without God himself
the manifested Lord Jesus Christ warned people and
indeed he mentioned the kinds of punishments that await unrepentant sinners, as far as one
can certainly imagine them:
(Ev. Matt. "as the tares are gathered and fire is kindled, so shall
at the end of this century. 13-41 the son of man will send his angels, and they will collect from
his kingdom all scandals and those who do
iniquity, 13-42 and cast them into the furnace of fire; there is the cry
and the gnashing of teeth".
Evag. Math. ch. 25-44 "then they also answered him, saying, Lord, when
I saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not
did i serve you? 25-45 then he answers them saying: I say to him, if not
You were one of the least of these, not me. 25-46 and these are dismissed
to eternal hell, but the righteous to eternal life". Evag.
Mar. ch. 9-43 "and if it offends in your hand, cut it off; good
for you to enter life with one hand, or with both hands to enter the
Gehennan, into the lime fire, 9-44 where their wormwood does not end and the fire does not
extinguished." Evag. Luke "and the rich man also died and was buried. 16-23 and in Hades beyon
his eyes, being in torment, he sees Abraham from afar and
Lazarus in his bosom. 16-24 And this voice of yours said: Father Abraham, have mercy
with five Lazarus to paint the tip of his finger with this water and freeze my tongue, because I
am suffering in this flame. 16-25 And Abraham said, son, remember
for you yourself received your good things in your life, and Lazarus likewise the bad things; but now here
he begs, but you suffer; 16-26 and on all these between us and them
great chasm is supported, as those who want to pass through to us are unable, not even
they will break through to us from
there". Evag. Luke ch. 19-27 "except those my enemies, the ones who did not want me
you reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them in front of me."
And St. John the Theologian, sees through time, and records in
Revelation of the punishment of sinners: Rev. ch. 20-15 "and if he was not found written in the
book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire".) Also from
ecclesiastical books, such as that of the Triodius, we have, among others, the following
Crisis tropes:

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"Trumpets will sound and graves will be emptied

and people will be resurrected with a trembling and desolate nature;
those who do good rejoice in joy, expecting a reward to be received;
and of the chosen ones
separated. Lord of glory, accept us as good
and deserve the portion of those who love you".

"I cry and sleep when I come to

eternal fire, outer darkness
and the tartar, the wormy feeling, the
gnashing of teeth and the unceasing pain
mellousan ÿsesthai ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
and in the overbearing opinion they were wickedly enraged;
where I am first and foremost the sufferer, but,
judge, you are begging me to save you, as a merciful one".
Note The longest passage of the text of Saint Irenaeus is as follows: ""Osa t¾n prÕj QeÕn thre‹ fil...an,
toÚtoij t¾n „d...an paršcei koinwn...an; koinwn...ad Qeoà zw¾ kaˆ fîj kaˆ ¢pÒlausij tîn par' aÙtoà ¢ gaqîn.

“Osa ¢f…stantai kat¦ t¾n ÿÿÿÿmhn aÙtîn toà Qeoà, toÚtoij tÕn ¢p' aÙtoà cwrismÕn ™p£gei· cwrismÕj d Qeoà
q£natoj, kaˆ cwrismÕj fwtÕj skÒtoj, kaˆ cwrismÕj Qeoà ¢pobol¾ p£ntwn tîn par' aÙtoà ¢gaqîn. Oƒ oân di¦ tÁj ¢postas…
aj ¢pobalÒntej t¦ proeirhmšna, ¤te ™sterhmšnoi p£ntwn tîn ¢gaqîn, ™np£sV kol£sei katag…nontai, toà Qeoà mn
prohghtikîj m¾ kol£zontoj, ™pakolouqoÚshj d ™ ke…noij tÁj kol£sewj di¦ tÕ ™sterÁsqai p£ntwn tîn ¢gaqîn.

A„ènia d kaˆ ¢teleÚthta t¦ par¦ toà Qeoà ¢gaq£, kaˆ di¦ toàto kaˆ ¹ stšrhsij aÙtîn a„ènioj kaˆ ¢teleÚthtoj, æj,
dihnekoàj Ôntoj toà fwtÒj, oƒ tuflèsantej ˜autoÝj À kaˆ ØpÕ ¥llwn tuflwqšntej dihnekij ¢pestšrhntai tÁj toà fwtÕj ¢polaÚsewj,
oÙ toà fwtÕj ™pifšrontoj aÙto‹j t¾n ™n tÍ tuflèsei timwr…an, ¢ll' aÙtÁj tÁj tuflèsewj ™pagoÚshj t¾n mocqhr…an.

'Epeˆ oân ™n tù a„îni toÚtJ oƒ mn prostršcousi tù fwtˆ kaˆ di¦ tÁj p…stewj ˜noàsin ˜autoÝj tù Qeù, oƒ d ¢f…
stantai toà fwtÕj kaˆ ¢for…zousin ˜autoÝj toà Qeoà, ™kdšcetai Ð LÒgoj toà Qeoà to‹jp©sin t¾n ¡rmÒzousan o‡khsin
™p£gwn, to‹jmn ™n tù fwtˆ prÕj tÕ ¢polaÚein aÙtoÝj tîn ™n aÙtù ¢gaqîn, to‹jd ™n tù skÒtei prÕj tÕ metšcein aÙtoÝj
tÕj ™n aÙtù mocqhr…aj.

Di¦ toàtÒ fhsi toÝj mn ™k dexiîn ¢nakalšsasqai e„j t¾n toà PatrÕj basile…an, toÝj d ™x ¢risterîn e„j tÕ a„ènion
pàr pšmyein; ˜autoÝj g¦rp£ntwn ™stšrhsan tîn ¢gaqîn» . Agios Irenaios of Lougdou, 2 AD centuries

(TLG: 1447 IRENAEUS Theol. - AD 2: Lugdunensis -)

But let us see some more experiences of people who do not come from
Greek space, who were on the threshold of death or returned from death, and
describe what they experienced. They are examined by spiritual (Orthodox Christian) but also
scientific point of view.

One such case is a nurse who was seriously ill and did
attempted suicide because he was in terrible pain. Dr. Rawlings when he went
to visit her in the room where she was being treated, he found her hanging in the
toilet. He immediately lowered her to the floor. Her face was bruised and
her breathing had stopped for some time. He began her rescue efforts after his
they wore an oxygen mask. She was transferred to an intensive care unit where

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he remained in a coma for four days. The second day after her recovery from the coma
said to Dr. Rawlings, "I remember you taking off your brown jacket, throwing it in the
floor, you loosened your tie and worked on me. I remember you wearing
white tie. I still remember the nurse who came to help you and it seemed
very upset. I was trying to communicate with her and tell her that I am
Okay*. Then I remember two people who came and took me on a stretcher". Must
keep in mind that this woman at that time was clinically dead and remained
in a coma for four days. Dr.
Rawlings reports that he radically changed his views on life
after death: “More and more patients who are recovering from
serious illnesses tell me that life goes on after death and that it exists
heaven and hell. I always thought that death was a painless extinction of life
and I bet everything on it. Now I have reconsidered my own destination and
I found that dying might not be so painless after all…
The decisive turning point in my thinking occurred because of one event. A patient
suffering from chest pains underwent a stress test, where while he runs at an increasing
pace, his heart rate is measured. This patient was a 41-year-old male rural postman of
medium build
and a very pleasant personality. During the test she had a heart attack
insult, he fell to the floor and his heart stopped beating completely, without having any
convulsions as it usually does. I couldn't even hear with my ear
beats in his heart, nor could I catch any pulses in his hand. His muscles had
some convulsions, while he was beginning to bruise.
While I started heart massage by pressing on his chest, a nurse who was
there, he began mouth-to-mouth breathing. Another nurse brought an oxygen mask
and a pacemaker. Unfortunately, however, we did not achieve anything, because the heart did not
could keep up the pace. As soon as we put the pacemaker on, the patient would come to
life, but as soon as we interrupted he would again lose consciousness, his eyes would turn towards the
above, he would arch his back with a spasm, stop breathing and die again. Every time he
regained his breath, and his heart beat again, he screamed
"I'm in hell!" He looked very terrified and begged me to help him. Then he made a very
strange plea: "Don't stop!" This was very strange, because most people in similar situations,
as soon as they come back to life, say to me: "Take your hands off my heart, you're hurting
me!". His method is also physical
external heart massage can break ribs. But this patient of mine
he said: "Don't stop!". I noticed a really scared look on his face
of him, worse than the expression of those who die. He had a huge one
formation of absolute terror. His pupils were wide open, he had
he was sweating, shaking, and his hair seemed to stand on end.
At that moment he shouted: “Don't you understand? I'm in hell! Don't me
let me go back to hell!' Because I was used to patients under
such emotional pressures, I ignored his words and said, “I am
busy. Don't bother me with your hell until I finish my job
with the pacemaker". But the man was so serious that finally it seemed to me that
they were really in trouble. I had never seen such a state of panic before. So I started working
feverishly. By this time there had been 3 or 4 episodes of dot anesthesia during which he
was clinically dead from
of heart and breath.** Then he cried out again: "How shall I stay out of hell?" Of
I replied: “I suppose it will be the same principle I learned in seminary – Fr
Jesus Christ is the one you should ask to save you." Then he answered me: "I don't know
how. Pray for me!" To pray for him! What audacity! I told him
that I was a doctor and not a clergyman. But he repeated: "Pray for me!" I knew I had no
choice. It was the wish of a dying man

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I told him to repeat the words of a simple prayer. I didn't know much about
prayer and so I said to him: "Lord Jesus I ask you to keep me out of it
hell. Forgive my sins. I give my life to you. If I die I want to go
in Heaven, if I live I will live for you forever.' After that,
the patient's condition stabilized thereafter
was taken to a hospital. When I went home I dusted off the Holy Bible and
I started reading it. I wanted to find out exactly what it says about hell. I was facing
always death as a routine occurrence in my medical practice, without
i am worried about it. But now I was convinced that there was something in this case. The ideas
I needed revision. I had to find more evidence. I discovered that the
Bible was not just a history book but every word of it proved to be alive.
Two days later, I approached my patient with paper and pencil in hand to tell him
I'm interviewing. I asked him to remember what he saw in hell, but he couldn't
remember nothing. I reminded him of all the details he had described to me, but
apparently the experiences were so terrifying and so painful that the conscious part
of his mind he could not contain them and they had been pushed deep into the
subconscious. This man, however, dedicated his life to God and now he is
fervent Christian. I still remember the prayer we said together. He remembered that
he was standing at the back of the clinic, watching us work on the dead body
of the
body. In one of the subsequent death episodes he remembered meeting his mother
and his matrimony in a place with beautiful colors. This experience was very pleasant
and it happened in a valley with luxuriant vegetation and a brilliant illumination from one
huge beam of light. It is remarkable that he saw his mother for the first time, because
he had died when he was 15 months old and his father had remarried. He hadn't seen
never before a picture of his mother, and after that, his aunt, his
he showed some photo where his mother had exactly the same features as her
woman he had met. Although
only about 20% of patients who were clinically dead, have experiences
to report, the interviews immediately after the rescue can give us
precious truths. Such interviews have convinced me, beyond any doubt, that
there is life after death, and that it is not always good."
Of course, many have questions such as: Are these experiences not?
nothing but hallucinations arising from the disease or their influence
drugs? Could it be that even in those cases where people were not sick, did their religion play
an important role? People with different
religious background did they have similar or dissimilar experiences?
To answer these basic questions, Dr. Osis and his colleagues
they did two surveys. One in the US and one in India. Responses were obtained from 1000
doctors and nurses who had dealt particularly with patients who had died. The
conclusions from the research were the following:
1. Those patients who take drugs or sedatives that cause
hallucinations, were the least likely to have afterlife experiences, compared to
those who did not take any medication at all, which was the majority. Besides, the
hallucinations from sedatives referred to the present world and not to another
world or different dimension.
2. Diseases that cause hallucinations, such as his destruction
brain damage, or chemical poisoning, are reported in far fewer cases
patients who had post-death experiences, in relation to other diseases.
3. Patients who had such experiences did not see heaven or hell
in the form they previously believed. For others, what they saw was something completely different

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unknown, and for others who had some general and vague conception of him
heaven and hell, the details they saw were beyond them
imagination, i.e. what they saw they did not expect in any way. 4. These
experiences did not appear to be related to previous thoughts or
desires of these people. They happened to people who were waiting to die, and to others who
were in recovery, and to people who were not before
people. 5. Religion or culture did not change the order of experience. Patients who
were dying and in the US and in India they claimed to have gone through a tunnel, emerged into
a bright light, seen a luminous being as well as relatives who had
die in the past. 6. It
should be noted, however, that religious beliefs did influence
people in giving the corresponding name to the beings they had met. Beings often do not reveal
their identity, and so man gives it
own explanation.


POSSESSION? The experience of meeting a being of light who investigates his meditations
human and radiating love, in a beautiful environment, is often mentioned. Even people who were
avowed atheists have reported similar experiences, the
which convinced them of the existence of God and the afterlife.
Sometimes those who have had an out-of-body experience say no
they feel there is something like hell, because as they say all they feel is a
an immense sense of love, without any trace of severity or punishment. To each one
description however, the person returns to his body before he is taken or his
no judgment decision is announced. So this initial contact could
it merely represents a first warning to man, a kind of proof
for the existence of a soul, life after death, God, etc. However, it could also be
an illusion, created by a demonic entity that has transformed into
angel of light (as the apostle Paul says in II Corinthians 2:14 - "Satan
transforms into an angel of light”), to create an illusion in
man that he does not need to change his life because he is not going to be judged or to
punished for nothing.
Fr. Seraphim Rose, writes, among others, in his book "THE SOUL AFTER
"The world into which the soul immediately enters when it leaves the body and begins
to lose touch with what we know as "material reality", or after it
death or during an "out-of-body" experience, neither is o
heaven nor hell, but an invisible world close to the earth […] o
subheavenly aerial world inhabited by the digestive spirits, who have
in order to mislead people with the aim of their eternal loss. Not
it is about the 'other world' that awaits man after death, but only for
the invisible part of this world, through which man must pass in order to
reach the truly 'other' world of heaven or hell. For those who
they actually die and are led by angels out of earthly life, he
is the world where the Partial Crisis begins at the aerial "customs", where the wicked
spirits reveal their true nature and their hostility towards her
humanity. …
The beings that people come into contact with in the aerial world are
always, or almost always, demons... These beings are not angels, since angels are
they dwell in the heavens and only pass through the aerial world as messengers
God's. Neither are the souls of the dead, since the souls of the dead are in

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a temporary state in which they foreshadow heaven or hell and

pass through the aerial world only immediately after death, on their way to
Judgment for their deeds in this life…
Man should not trust the experiences he has in the air
world and certainly should not believe that they are what they seem. Even those
have a solid foundation in Orthodox Christian teaching they can easily
be deceived by the ravenous aerial spirits as to any 'visions' or
'apparitions' that are likely to present themselves to them. The
"temporality" of death may be real, but nowhere
case is not necessarily connected with the final course of the soul, which may
may well end up in eternal torment. The above applies
even more in the case of the "light" vision. This may also be a simple reflection of the true light
condition for her
which man was created... Consequently, the 'natural' experiences of the soul […] - either
these are experiences of 'peace' and indulgence, light, or 'super-sensual perception' – they are only the
'raw material' of expanded consciousness, yet provide […] little concrete information about the post-
death state of the
soul, and too often lead man to the formation of untrustworthy
of interpretations for the 'other world', as well as in direct contact with the pepto-chickens
spirits that dominate there".
Note LMD: In other words, yes, but post-death experiences advocate the
necessity of accepting another, certainly not of the material world, since the senses
work outside the body, but the interpretation of the quality of experience (the
evaluation and drawing reliable conclusions on the details) is
very dubious and indeed not even worth considering for a
simple reason: that it does not concern the final position of the soul (Heaven or Hell), but
a first "look" at what we call "another life"!
* Of course the nurse had not been led to Crisis, she was simply allowed the initial one
experience of another life, without the body. Because if he finally died like a suicide, he wouldn't
that would be totally fine! **
How difficult it is to define "scientifically" when death occurs is shown by cases like this. Is it
ridiculous to talk about science outside?
of the "supervisor"?! (LMD)
Bibliography: Beyond Death's Door - Dr. Maurice Rawlings, END TIME HANMAIDENS -
Christian magazine in the USA, THE SOUL AFTER DEATH - Fr. Seraphim Rose, published by

St. Gregory the Dialogue considers the closeness of death to be a great gift from God
experiences, as mentioned in Evergetinos:
Peter's question:
HOW WILL I EXPLAIN the phenomenon that happens to many, in which
are they taken from the body (though this seems to be a fallacy) and considered dead for the
moment, as long as they become inanimate, do they again return to life?
Answer of St. Gregory: THIS
PHENOMENON, Peter, if one understands it well, is not an error, but
divine admonition to man. Because this phenomenon is realized by compassion
of God, economically, and offers it as the greatest free mercy, so that many, after the departure of
their soul from the body, may return to the dead body again, to see for themselves, with the eyes of
their soul, the torments of Hades, the ones that don't
they believed when they heard it from others, and thus they were afraid.

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The struggle of the souls of the dying against the wicked spirits of the "air" in order to succeed
in entering Heaven, is vividly described by the Great
1. ONCE upon a time Antony the Great was preparing to eat at the appointed time. Accordingly,
according to custom, he got up to pray; and it was then the ninth
time. At that very moment, however, he felt himself mentally rapt. And the paradox was this: as he
stood, he saw himself. as if they had
leave the body and let his soul be led by some into the air. Afterward
he sees some ugly and terrible faces standing before him in the air
and want to block him, so that he does not pass. The
guides of his soul then began to quarrel with the terrible ones, the
who demand an account, whether the soul, which accompanied them, was responsible to
of some debt. Because the latter wanted to start the control from
of the birth of Antony, those accompanying Antony hindered them saying. Whatever mistakes Antonius
committed from birth, the Lord erased them; from
then, however, when he became a Monk and dedicated himself to God, it is permitted to
examine his works. Because
the demons accuse Antony but they could not
prove their accusations, the road was left free of obstacles; and immediately
he saw himself returning to the body and coming to his senses; and he became o again
Antonio as he was before.
But such was his agitation that he forgot to eat and remained
the rest of the day and the whole night sighing and praying.
He was amazed, for he thought how many temptations we had to contend with and
with how much effort one must pass the aerial demons. And they said that this
meaning is the saying of the Apostle Paul, "according to the ruler who rules over
the air" (Eph. bÿ, 2).
Because this is the only power the enemy of our souls has, that is to fight, and to try to prevent
souls ascending to heaven. Hence
counseled after much persevering, saying, Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to
resist the devil in the evil day, and
let the enemy be humiliated, because he will not have to say anything shameful about you (Eph. 5, 13).
2. After this apparition, he was once visited by some people and
began to discuss with him about the soul, and who, after its exit from
of the body, is the place that passes. The very next night he heard her calling him
a voice said; - Antony,
get up, get out of your cell and see. Indeed, Antony the Great
went out (for he knew in what voice
he had to obey) and after he raised his eyes to heaven he saw the following vision: Someone very
tall and terrible, hideous in form, was standing; the
his height reached up to the clouds, while many rushed before him, as if
they had wings; then that terrible one spread out his hands and prevented others
to fly, while others managed to overtake him and fly higher and
to continue their path without obstacles.

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For those who escaped, that towering demon gnashed his teeth;
on the contrary, he rejoiced over those who were hindered by him from
ascending and falling. Immediately then a voice was heard: - Antony, try
to understand well what you see. And immediately
his mind cleared and he realized that what he was seeing was the passage of souls
to heaven, and that the tall and terrible wild man, who stood upright, was the devil, who envies
the faithful. Those of them who are responsible for
sin, holds them back and prevents them from passing, but those who did not accept the
on his advice, he cannot detain them and that is why such people manage to
rise higher than him and go to heaven. When the Great
Antonio saw this vision, remembered the previous one, and acted
daily to advance in the virtuous life. Of course, the
Saints receive special supplication during his difficult moment
separation of the soul from the body, and during their journey to Heaven, as in
examples mentioned below, and which were obtained from
In Rome there once lived a Nun named Redepta. Close
she also had two students, one of whom was called Romilla. All three
Living alone in her own house, she becomes impoverished by her material possessions
of this life, however, is enriched in piety and virtue. Romilla however
exaggerate her classmate in the exercise and work of virtue;
for her admirable patience and extreme obedience. Holds attention
her mouth closed and she remained silent practiced in silence, and insisted
earnestly in prayer. Romilla,
therefore, fell into a physical illness, which the doctors
they call paralysis, from which he became immobile and remained lying on
many years. However, the plagues of the disease were not able to bend her
her piety and drag her account into impatience, against
they added spiritual power to it. The more he lost weight because of her
sickness, in physical works and physical exercise, on this he became
greater in piety and prayed without ceasing.
One night she called the old man to her side and her teacher
Redebtan, as well as her classmate. So at midnight, while he was sitting
standing near her bed, I saw an amazing and wonderful sight. Completely
suddenly light came down from the sky and filled the whole space with its light
of the cell. That light was so blinding that their hearts
representing Gerontissa and the sister to experience great fear
and to freeze their members, as after this they narrated.
So while they stood amazed, a great noise began to be heard at the same time, as if a
great multitude were entering the cell, and the doors were creaking from the
overcrowding of arrivals. Gerontissa and her classmate from
excessive fear they experienced, and the blinding brightness of the light, they did not
they could not see any, for their eyes were closed from fear, and from the
blinding glare of light dazzled. And that blinding light accompanied

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a strange and admirable fragrance, so that their souls, though they were frightened by the
shine, nevertheless from the smell of the fragrance they rejoiced.
Romilla saw that Gerontissa and her sister could not sell
suffer the blinding brilliance of that strange light and that the
An old woman stood by her scared and trembling, he consoles her with a sweet voice. -
Don't be afraid, mother - he told her, I'm not dying now. While Romilla was
constantly repeating these consoling words, the
that strange light that was sent there slowly receded, but that ineffable
fragrance remained. Meanwhile, the second and third days passed, and her smell
of mysterious fragrance, which had filled the cell, remained with the same intensity. According to
on the fourth night, she called her Gerodissan to her and begged her to
giving, through the Divine Assumption, the Despotic Body, as a companion for the journey
of eternity, which they certainly received. Suddenly, in the square, in front of you
the doors of the cell, two dances were presented and they began to sing.
As her Gerontissa later recounted, but also her classmate, they discerned, from the
chanting of the hymns, that both men and women chanted
antiphonia, i.e. sometimes the men's team and sometimes the women's team. During
while this overwhelming and otherworldly chant was heard outside the
cellion, that holy soul of Romilla was freed from the bonds of the body. In
As long as this blessed soul ascended to heaven, so too did the
dances of the singers, so that the chanting is heard from on high now, until
they were completely removed and both the sounds and the
fragrance were extinguished. An Agioreite monk fell asleep invoking his last moments
Holy Spirit, saying: the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit. He said it three times and
cooled down. Equally wonderful is this, which was told to me by a pious man,

Provos, through Musan's sister. Musa, a young and innocent daughter, saw one night, through
an apparition, the Virgin Mary, pointing to her
girls her age, whom Musa wanted to approach, but did not dare. He was asked by the Mother
of God if he wanted to be with those virgins and
rank in her escort. And when Musa replied that this is what she wishes
vehemently, the Mother of God commanded her henceforth not to do anything childish or
untimely, but also to refrain from laughter and games, knowing full well that after thirty days,
together with those daughters whom he saw, he will come to the
by her. Indeed, from that day the young woman changed all her habits, and
behave with prudence. The parents of the young, when I saw so suddenly that the daughter
completely changed, asking her what was the cause of this change.
news then they told her parents what the Virgin commanded her during the night
apparition, and revealed to them the day on which he is to depart, to
rank among the escort of the virgins who follow her.
On the twenty-fifth day he was seized with fever and on
thirtieth, when the hour of the soul's departure from the body approached, the young woman saw
again the Theotokos coming towards her, accompanied by the girls she had seen
the first wear, and invite her to her.

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The little daughter with a red face out of respect and with a calm voice
- Here, Lady, I come, here, Lady, I come. And
with these words she gave up her spirit; thus the pure soul came out of
virginal body and was classified in the dance of the Holy Virgins.

THE FATHERS used to say the following about the latter through Abvan Sissoin
moments of his life. When Abba Sisoi and the fathers were about to die
sat down near his bed, suddenly his face shone very brightly and
he says to them joyfully: Behold, Abbot Antonios has come. After a moment with
With a bright face again he said: Lo, now the dance of the Prophets has come, and the
his face shone brighter. After a few moments with a bright face again
said: Behold now came the dance of the Apostles, and appeared as if conversing with
some invisible visitors.
The present elders him
they begged and said to him:
— Father, who are you talking
to? He answered; Now they have come
may the Angels receive me and
please leave me alone for a while
repent The
fathers answer him: Father, you
have no need to
With their deep humiliation
says Osios Sisoi again. Your
I assure you, I really don't
I know, if I set a principle of repentance.
Meanwhile, everyone knew he was perfect. Suddenly his face twisted
like the sun and everyone was afraid. To the astonished elder Abbas Sisoi
says: See? The Lord came and said: "Bring me the vessel of the desert".
Immediately, with these reasons, he gave up his spirit. Not at the moment
exit of his blessed soul, a blinding light appeared, like lightning, and the cell
I was filled with fragrance.

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