Environmental Loads, Motions, and Mooring

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Environmental Loads, Motions, and

Mooring Systems

1. INTRODUCTION over time and distance into larger waves. Currents are
By definition floating solar power plants will have a very associated with the net transport of water and are
different support structure to their land-based versions. most obvious in rivers as the water flows downstream.
However, this difference is not only in the requirement However, they may also be significant in reservoirs close
that their supporting structure floats but also because to intake and outtake points as well as around coasts
the environmental forces that they experience will be due to tides or other marine currents. As with wind
different and that factors such as dynamic response loads, the temporal and spatial characteristics of the
and station-keeping requirements must also be consid- wave and current loads need to be considered in the
ered. The latter is not generally part of the design of design of floating solar power plants.
land-based systems. A comprehensive treatment of any one of these envi-
The environmental loads that are common to both ronmental loads would fill a book in its own right.
floating and land-based solar power plants are wind Accordingly, this chapter can only provide an initial over-
loads, self-weight, maintenance/access loads, and in view of these loads to allow the reader to understand their
some locations snow loads. However, in land-based fundamental characteristics and their potential impact on
systems it may only be the maximum wind load that the design of a floating solar power plant. To support this,
is considered in the design, whereas in a floating system this chapter also provides details on how the dynamic
it is also important to consider both the spatial and response of a floating solar power plant may be modeled,
temporal distribution of the wind loads. The require- together with the specification of key aspects of the dy-
ment to consider the spatial distribution of the wind namics that may influence the system design. In addition,
loads arises for the recognition that there is likely to this chapter considers the mooring systems for different
be far less connections to the ground through moorings types of floating solar power plant as they have a signifi-
in a floating solar power plant due to their cost. In addi- cant influence on the dynamic response of the array sub-
tion, the net load on these anchors will depend on the ject to all the environmental loads encountered. This
coherence of the wind loads across all of the panels chapter finishes with a bibliography for readers who are
restrained by a particular anchor. The temporal distribu- interested in studying these aspects of the design of
tion of the wind loads is important because these will floating solar power plants in more depth.
excite the dynamic response of the system, and the mo-
tion of the panels needs to be known to ensure that the
structure can cope with these induced motions. 2. WAVES
In addition to wind loads, floating solar plants will Physics of Waves
also be subject to loads due to waves and also due to A very good general description of gravity water waves
water currents. Waves can exist on any body of water can be found in Chapter 1 of the Open University
and are generated by the wind blowing across the water course book on Waves, Tides and Shallow Water Processes
surface, which starts by generating ripples that grow [1]. As floating solar plants are deployed in larger

Floating PV Plants. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817061-8.00005-1

Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 47
48 Floating PV Plants

bodies of water such as large lakes, inland seas, and that travel in the direction the wind is blowing. It is
coastal regions, waves become a much more significant perhaps not so obvious that this same action of the
aspect of the design for survival in storm conditions. In wind blowing across the surface of the ocean is respon-
order to appreciate the challenge of designing for more sible for the giant surfing waves of Hawaii. The only
energetic sea states, it is important to understand the fundamental difference between these two waves is
basic physics of wind-generated water waves. A water the duration in which the waves are growing due to
wave is not all that it seems to the observer seeing the the wind. If it is assumed that the wind is blowing
undulation of the water surface and the appearance of constantly, then the duration that the waves can grow
forward motion of the wave crests. Wave action is due depends on the length of water in the direction from
to energy imparted to the water by wind blowing over which the wind is coming from. This length is suffi-
its surface and although the wave has an obvious direc- ciently important in the generation of waves that it is
tion of travel the fluid itself does not move bodily from given its own termdFetch. The other fundamental fac-
A to B but in fact only moves locally. As shown in tor that is important in the generation of waves is the
Fig. 5.1, in deep water, the fluid particles beneath the wind speed, which when combined with the fetch can
surface move in circular orbits, the radius of which be used to define the characteristics of waves. A typical
decay exponentially with depth such that at a depth Nomogram which might be used for deep water
equivalent to half the wavelength the radius is only offshore sites with fully developed seas is given in
3% of that at the surface. As the water depth reduces Fig. 5.2 from the Shore Protection Manual (1984),
to less than half a wavelength, the fluid particle orbits SPM. By way of illustration consider the following
become more elliptical with the vertical component of example a site is has a fetch 2 km long in the North-
the motion reducing, as shown in the diagram for inter- South direction and 1 km wide in the East-West direc-
mediate and shallow water. Consequently, when a tion. Consider a constant wind blowing from North
floating body is placed in a wave it reacts not only to to South at a speed of 20 m/s. In this case the largest
the surface motion but also to the motion of the fluid waves will occur on the South shore with a significant
particles beneath. Therefore, the body is acted on by wave height of approximately 0.65 m. However, the
both the potential and kinetic energy in the waves. same wind blowing from East to West would result in
Small amplitude sinusoidal waves, as described above the largest waves being on the Western shore with a sig-
are the basic building blocks from which the more nificant wave height of approximately 0.45 m. The
complicated descriptions of “real seas” are built. Obser- nomogram also shows the substantial increase in signif-
vation of wind-blown waves in open water does not icant wave height with larger fetch distances and greater
show nice simple single frequency sinusoidal waves wind speeds. However, such a nomogram should only
but a much more complex conglomeration of wave pe- be used as a rough first approximation of wave climate.
riods and directions of travel. A full numerical analysis should be undertaken for each
site under consideration. This is because there are other
Wave Generation factors which limit wave height such as shallow water
Anyone that has looked at the surface of a body of water and white capping which occurs at higher wind speeds
such as a pond or swimming pool on a windy day will and is recognized by the tops of the wave crests being
have noticed that small waves or ripples are generated blown over. Other Nomograms exist which are better

Deep Water Intermediate depth water Shallow water

FIG. 5.1 Wave-induced water particle motions. (A) Deep water; (B) intermediate depth water; (C) shallow
CHAPTER 5 Environmental Loads, Motions, and Mooring Systems 49

FIG. 5.2 Relationship between wave height with fetch and wind speed from the Shore Protection Manual [2].

suited to the restricted bodies of water where most variability using a frequency spectrum of wave energy
floating solar plant have been deployed to date. For associated with the surface elevation at each frequency
example an alternative nomogram derived from the so that the energy in each frequency band is propor-
JONSWAP spectrum predicts wave heights around tional to the area in each segment, as shown in
30% lower than those in Fig. 5.2. Fig. 5.3. Wave frequency is the reciprocal of wave period
It may be noted that the term significant wave height so that longer period waves have a lower frequency. A
is used to define the waves. This term is used because common understanding of a frequency spectrum is
the waves generated by the wind will not have the that the surface is generated by the summation of mul-
same height but are continually varying. The significant tiple sinusoidal wave components, each with a different
wave height was originally defined as the average height frequency and with an amplitude defined by the energy
of the waves as estimated by an experienced observer. at each wave’s frequency and with a random phase rela-
Then, as measurements became more common, it was tionship to all the other waves in the spectrum.
first redefined as the average height of the third highest
waves and more recently redefined again as four times
the standard deviation of the surface elevation.
Although these different definitions can in some cir-
cumstances result in slightly different estimates of the
significant wave height, it is essentially a measure of
the size of the wave.

Wave Spectrum
However, greater wind speeds and fetch distances also
result in longer wave lengths and increased peak spec-
tral wave periods. To understand the definition of the
peak spectral wave period, it is necessary to first
consider how the variability of the waves in “real” sea
states is described. It is common to represent this FIG. 5.3 Example of wave spectrum.
50 Floating PV Plants

Although this is not an entirely accurate interpretation of waves is that they persist after the wind stops
of wind-generated waves, it is surprisingly good and blowing, continuing the travel in the direction from
can be used in virtually all conditions except for which they have been generated. Thus, in large bodies
breaking waves, where nonlinear coupling between of water, waves can leave the area where they are gener-
the wave components complicates the representation. ated and travel to other regions that may be a long dis-
The peak spectral wave period is the wave period asso- tance away from their source. For example, waves that
ciated with the maximum variance density. In the have been generated in the South Atlantic can propagate
spectra, the left-hand side of the curve is determined to the North Atlantic, where they impact the coastline of
by the maximum energy transfer from wind to wave North Africa. These waves can combine with waves that
(wave generation) while the right-hand side is governed may be generated locally or from somewhere in the
by the maximum wave steepness before the wave breaks North Atlantic to produce a complex wave spectrum
(breaking wave limit). that does not only vary with frequency but also with di-
A number of different spectra are available that rection. An example of a directional wave spectrum is
define the relationship between the spectral variance shown in Fig. 5.5, where waves from at least two different
density and the wave frequency. A commonly used sources can be clearly identified (a wind sea and swell).
spectra, which is suitable for a developing sea state, is In this plot, the wave color indicates the spectral energy
the JONSWAP spectrum. Fig. 5.4 shows the JONSWAP density, while the frequency of this energy is defined
spectrum for a 20-m/s wind with different fetch lengths by the distance from the center of the circle.
(or wind durations), which shows that as the sea state
grows the spectral peak shifts to lower frequency and Influence of Water Currents and Water Depth
the total spectral variance increases. The series of curves on the Wave Spectrum
from right to left shows how a sea state develops from The directional wave spectrum is also influenced by wa-
low energy high frequency or short period waves to ter currents and water depth, both of which have the po-
more energetic shorter frequency longer period waves. tential to change the wave frequency and the wave
Therefore, small ripples with increasing time and fetch direction. These processes are complex and typically
distance ultimately become large energetic ocean swells require a numerical model to provide an accurate esti-
as seen in the North Atlantic as weather systems travel mate of the change in wave spectrum. Notwithstanding,
from the east coast of North America to the western it is possible to make some general estimates of their
shorelines of Europe. potential by considering the underlying factors that in-
In reality, wind rarely blows at a constant velocity, fluence their effect on the waves.
and variations in the wind speed and direction result Water currents change the observed wave frequency
in more complex spectra. An important characteristic due to doppler shifts and also change the wave direction

FIG. 5.4 JONSWAP wave spectrum.

CHAPTER 5 Environmental Loads, Motions, and Mooring Systems 51

FIG. 5.5 Directional wave spectrum.

as the waves will tend to align with the direction of the shows that wave refraction concentrates the wave rays
water currents. Conservation of energy also means that off headlands increasing the wave energy and height
these currents can cause a change in the wave height as while reducing it in bays.
the wave energy can be concentrated or dispersed by the A potentially important impact of water currents
currents. Thus, where there is an adverse current to the and water depth is the generation of “hot” and
direction of wave propagation the speed of wave energy, “cold” spots where the waves are larger or smaller
propagation will reduce and so the density of wave en- than the surrounding conditions. This could clearly
ergy will increase leading to an increase in the wave have important implications for the siting of a floating
heights and in extreme cases to wave breaking. This is PV plant, as a location with smaller waves is likely to
evidenced by wave conditions known as overfalls off experience smaller wave loads. However, care must
headlands and at the entrance to channels where ocean be exercised in the exploitation of these localized con-
swells meet opposing currents. ditions as they are generally dependent on the incident
The water depth affects the speed of wave propaga- directional wave spectra, which are rarely consistent.
tion through a process called shoaling when the water Also potential changes in the bathymetry due to move-
depth is less than about half a wavelength. The speed ments of sands/mud can change the water depth and
of wave propagation reduces in shallow water, and con-
servation of energy means that this causes the wave
heights to increase, at least until the waves break. How-
ever, where the direction of wave propagation is not
orthogonal to the depth contours, the bathymetry can
also change the direction and amplitude of the waves
through a process called refraction. Wave refraction
can be explained by considering a long wave crest
approaching a coastline. If the crest and the bed con-
tours are not aligned initially, one end of the crest will
slow first due to shoaling thus slowing down while
the other end is still moving faster. Thus, the crest
changes its direction of travel so that the wave crests
will tend to align with the bottom contours. This is
the reason why waves are typically approximately paral-
lel to the shoreline when they reach the beach. Fig. 5.6 FIG. 5.6 Wave refraction.
52 Floating PV Plants

thus the temporal location of “hot” and “cold” spots an additional constraint on the wave height in deeper
should also be considered. water. However, it is possible to exceed the breaking
wave height limit if wave crests from different locations
Extreme Waves combine at a specific location.
Identifying the largest wave that is likely to occur at the
deployment location of the floating photovoltaic (FPV) Wave Loads
plant is an important element of the design specifica- The wave loads on a floating structure can be character-
tion. In a relatively small body of water, such as a reser- ized as being the combination of one or more of the
voir or inland sea, which is only affected by a single forces due to diffraction, drag, and inertia. Diffraction
wind field, then the largest theoretical significant wave (and radiation) forces are important when the structural
height and associated peak wave period can be esti- volume is sufficiently large to create waves, which be-
mated using an appropriate approximate method such comes important when the dimensions are larger than
as a Nomogram based on the maximum wind speed about half a wavelength (l). If the wave heights
and fetch length. Large deployments in larger bodies (H) and body motions are small relative to the body di-
of water may require a more detailed analysis that con- mensions (D), then the effect of drag forces can become
siders the spatial and temporal variation of the wind negligible so that inertial forces are dominant. Fig. 5.7
field across the body of water together with hindcast illustrates the different wave force regimes that are
models that allow the largest significant wave height important to consider based on the wave height and
and peak period at a particular location to be estimated wavelength relative to the body dimensions.
based on historical data. Typically, a minimum of 10 Diffraction forces arise from the reflection and radi-
years of data are assumed to be required to provide a ation of waves caused by the presence and motions the
relatively stable estimate of the wave climate. Extreme body. Although analytical solutions exist for the diffrac-
value analysis can then be used to estimate the extreme tion forces for idealized bodies such as spheres, these
sea state that can be expected to occur once every 50 or forces are generally estimated using a linear potential
100 years (the 50-year or 100-year return sea state). flow solver such as WAMIT (www.wamit.com/). Linear
However, it is important to recognize that whether the
Nomogram or the wave climate is used, what is pre-
dicted is not the largest wave, but the largest significant
wave height and associated peak period.
The standard definition for the significant wave
height is that it is “the average height of the third highest
waves.” From this definition, it is possible to make an
estimate of the largest wave height, which is expected
to be approximately twice the significant wave height.
For example, the largest wave height in a sea state
with a significant wave height of 2.0 m is expected to
be approximately 4.0 m. It is clearly important that
there is no confusion between the maximum and signif-
icant wave heights as this could lead to serious underde-
signing of the structure.
A final consideration for the specification of a
maximum wave height is that waves greater than about
80% of the water depth are unstable and will break,
thereby losing some of their energy and height. For
example, in a water depth of 5.0 m, the maximum
wave height will be 4.0 m. Waves bigger than this, as
predicted by the wind speed and fetch length, will
have broken before they reach the specified water depth
and thus limiting the maximum wave height at that
location. The maximum steepness of waves is also
limited to about 1/7, that is the wave height must be
less than about 1/7th of the wavelength, which provides FIG. 5.7 Different wave force regimes [3].
CHAPTER 5 Environmental Loads, Motions, and Mooring Systems 53

potential flow solvers calculate the frequency- locations. In a large array, the panels which are facing
dependent wave force coefficients, which define the the approaching waves are the most vulnerable to
forces per unit wave amplitude or body motion. wave slam, and it may be necessary to protect the lead-
Because these forces are linear (proportional to the ing panels by setting them back from the edge and
wave amplitude and body motion) it is possible to placing structure in front to take potential impacts.
calculate the total diffraction force as the sum of forces Even panels within the body of the array could be sus-
due to the individual wave components in the wave ceptible to wave slam from below as the structure will
spectrum. tend to follow the vertical motion of the water surface
The drag and inertia forces are defined as the two with potentially relatively little attenuation of the
contributing components in the semiempirical Morri- wave as it passes beneath.
sons equation (see for example [4]). By definition, the
drag force is in phase with the instantaneous relative
flow velocity U and proportional to the relative flow ve- 3. WIND
locity squared, with the drag force always acting to Characterization of Wind
oppose the relative motion. Also, by definition, the in- Wind is generated by the differential heating of the
ertial force is in phase with and proportional to the earth’s surface, which leads to a pressure gradient and
instantaneous relative flow acceleration U. _ Thus, the then air moving from areas of high pressure to areas
Morrisons equation is given by of low pressure. Although it is common to refer to a
particular constant wind speed and direction, in actual-
F ¼ rCD AUjUj þ rCA V U_ ity the wind is continually changing with time due to
gusts and turbulence. Consequently, wind speed data
where r is the water density, A is a representative cross- are typically characterized by a temporal mean magni-
sectional area, V is the body volume, and CD, CA are the tude and direction. The standard deviation of the
drag and inertia coefficients, respectively. Values for the wind speed during this time is a measure of the vari-
drag and inertia coefficients in the Morrisons Equation ability of the wind speed and defined as the turbulence
are typically obtained from experiments. In the majority or gustiness. The ratio of the standard deviation of the
of cases, experimental data for the exact shape will not wind speed to the mean wind speed is termed the turbu-
exist. However, typically an experienced designer is lence intensity. The most common duration used for
able to make a reasonably good estimate of the drag defining the mean wind speed and direction is 10 mi-
and inertia coefficients by making some simplifying nutes because this provides sufficient data to obtain a
assumptions. In the cases where relevant experi- relatively stable estimate of the mean and in most cir-
mental data do not exist, then it is usually required cumstances the wind can be considered to be statisti-
that appropriate wave tank testing is undertaken to pro- cally stationary for this duration.
duce estimates of these coefficients, with particular The wind speed is also typically defined at a partic-
consideration given to potential scaling issues. ular height above the ground or sea surface. A common
reference height to use for the wind speed is 10 m
Wave Slamming because in most circumstances the wind at this height
An additional source of infrequent wave loads on a is not strongly affected by local sources of disturbance
floating structure can be due to wave slamming. A such as trees and buildings, which means model predic-
wave slam will occur when there is a sudden retardation tions of the wind speed at 10 m above the ground are
of a volume of water, such as when a plunging wave relatively accurate. However, what is typically required
breaks onto a flat surface, or when the water surface is the wind speed close to the height of the solar panels,
hits the underside of a flat surface. The rapid decelera- which is likely to be much less than at 10 m elevation.
tion of the water can result in a considerable force on In this case, the wind speed at the height of the solar
the structure. Consequently, it is common to design panels can be calculated by assuming a particular wind
the structure so that any flat surfaces are sufficiently profile, although clearly measuring the wind speed at
high above the water surface to eliminate the possibility the appropriate height is the preferred approach if this
of the water reaching the flat surface, or to avoid the use option is available.
of large flat surfaces so that there is never a rapid decel- A number of different empirical wind profiles, which
eration of the water. This is obviously a challenge for provide relationships between winds speeds at different
floating solar PV arrays which tend to have low free- heights, have been proposed with the most common
board and as they are deployed in more exposed wave being the logarithmic profile model, the power law
54 Floating PV Plants

model, and the Frøya model. All of these models have spectrum, similar to the wave spectrum (see Wave Spec-
additional parameters that modify the wind profile trum section), is a representation of how the wind
based on local conditions, including the proximity of speed varies in time. The magnitude of the spectrum
buildings and trees on land and including the presence at a particular frequency indicates how much the wind
of waves above water, which define a roughness param- speed varies at that frequency. Ideally data should be
eter. Essentially, the smoother the surface over which collected that enable the frequency content of the
the wind blows, the smaller the roughness parameter. wind to be reproduced accurately. However, in the
Examples of possible wind profiles for three different absence of measured data, several empirical model
roughness parameter values are shown in Fig. 5.8 for a spectra exist to represent the frequency content of the
10 m/s wind at 10 m above the ground. It can be seen wind speed. An example of a wind spectrum, the Harris
that depending on the roughness parameter the wind spectrum [5], is shown in Fig. 5.9. This shows that the
speed at 1 m above the ground could vary from about largest variations in wind speed occur at the lowest fre-
6.5 to 8.0 m/s. Thus, converting a wind speed from quencies and that as the frequency of variation increases
the reference height to a wind speed at the height rele- the amount of variation in the wind speed reduces. This
vant for the design of the structure requires determining can be understood by recognizing that the inertia in the
a suitable roughness parameter and calculating the ex- air means that large high frequency variations in the
pected wind profile. wind speed are not possible.
While the expected mean wind speed, direction, and All the empirical model spectra are scaled by an
standard deviation may be sufficient for the design of a integral length scale, which is a measure of the size of
land-based PV plant (as these can be used to estimate the turbulent structures in the wind. Small obstruc-
the maximum wind speed), the temporal and spatial tions in the wind will typically cause small turbulent
variations in the wind field are also likely to be impor- structures and so result in a small integral length scale.
tant for floating PV plants due to the significance of the Conversely, large obstructions will typically cause large
wind spectrum and spatial coherence of the wind speed turbulent structures and so result in a large integral
on the design of floating structures. length scale. Various expressions exist for estimating
The wind spectrum is important because it defines the integral length scale that are functions of the rough-
the frequency content of the wind loading that will in- ness parameter and the height above the ground or
fluence the dynamics of the floating structure, which sea surface.
could result in significant structural damage if not The spatial coherence is important because it defines
adequately accounted for in the design. The wind the expected difference of the instantaneous wind speed

FIG. 5.8 Potential wind profiles.

CHAPTER 5 Environmental Loads, Motions, and Mooring Systems 55

FIG. 5.9 Example model spectral variance density of the wind speed.

at two different locations, which will influence the net vary in unison. However, the correlation between
load on the floating structure. The spatial coherence of 0.2 Hz variations in the wind speed for two points sepa-
the wind speed from one point in space to another rated by 10 m is approximately 0.25, which is a rela-
can be defined by the correlation between their respec- tively low correlation and so the wind at these two
tive wind speeds. This correlation can be expressed as a points will tend to vary independently.
coherence spectrum, which is a frequency and distance- As would be expected, the coherence between two
dependent measure of the spatial correlation of the points decreases as both the separation and the fre-
wind speed. A high correlation between two points quency increase. In addition (not shown), the coher-
means that the wind speed tends to increase and ence tends to decrease with the wind speed, so that at
decrease at both points at the same time (a correlation lower wind speeds there is less coherence between the
of 1.0 would mean that the wind speed variations are wind speeds at two locations.
completely correlated and so increase and decrease in
tandem). Conversely, a low correlation between two Extreme Winds
points means that the wind speed variation at one point The expected extreme mean wind speed for a partic-
occurs largely independently of the wind speed varia- ular site can be estimated using the long-term distribu-
tion at the other point (a correlation of 0.0 would tion of the wind speed. In hurricane-free areas the
mean that the wind speed variations are totally inde- two-parameter Weibull distribution can be used for
pendent of each other). As for the frequency spectrum, this distribution, where the scale and shape parame-
it is preferable that the spatial coherence spectrum of ters of the Weibull distribution depend on the site
the wind field is determined through measurement, conditions. Specifically, the scale parameter is a mea-
but a model coherence spectrum can be used in the sure of the average mean wind speed, and the shape
absence of these data. Again, a number of empirical parameter is a measure of the mean wind speed vari-
model coherence spectra exist to represent the spatial ability. An example of a Weibull distribution is shown
coherence of the wind field. The exponential IEC coher- in Fig. 5.11 for an annual average wind speed of 6.2 m/
ence spectrum for a wind speed of 25 m/s and an inte- s. The Weibull distribution can then be used directly to
gral length scale of 100 m is shown in Fig. 5.10 for the estimate the expected 50-year 10-minute mean wind
along-wind correlation. For example, for the conditions speed, which is equivalent to a 0.4  106 probability
shown in Fig. 5.10, the correlation between 0.1 Hz var- of occurrence and so equates to a 10-minute wind
iations in the wind speed for two points separated by speed of approximately 32 m/s. Where hurricanes
3 m is approximately 0.8, which is relatively high corre- occur, the wind speed distribution for the estimation
lation, and so the wind at these two points will tend to of extreme mean wind speeds should be obtained
56 Floating PV Plants

FIG. 5.10 Exponential IEC coherence spectrum.

FIG. 5.11 Weibull distribution of mean wind speed.

using the available hurricane data because the Weibull 3-second (factor ¼ 1.5) average speed will be 25 
distribution is typically not suitable for these 1.5/1.05 z 36 m/s.
For calculating wind loads, it is often necessary to es- Wind Loads
timate the maximum wind speed for durations that are Structural loads due to the wind can be due to the dy-
shorter than 10 minutes. This can be achieved using the namic pressure, associated with the reduction in the
Durst [6] Curve or similar, which provides an empirical normal wind speed to zero orthogonal to the surface,
relationship between the maximum wind speeds for lift forces due to a variation in wind speed over the sur-
different durations. An example of the Durst Curve is face of the body, shear forces due to viscous boundary
provided in Fig. 5.12. The ratio of maximum speeds layer forces, and vortex shedding due to flow separation
for two different durations can be calculated by taking from the body. In general, all bodies are likely to be
the ratio of the two factors. For example, if the affected by all of these forces, but typically one of these
maximum 10-minute (600 seconds e factor ¼ 1.05) forces will be dominant and likely to dictate the struc-
average speed for a site is 25 m/s, then the maximum tural wind loads.
CHAPTER 5 Environmental Loads, Motions, and Mooring Systems 57

FIG. 5.12 The Durst Curve.

Dynamic pressure loads will typically be dominant force reduces rapidly with the onset of flow separation.
on large flat surfaces. If you have ever tried to carry a Thus, the accurate estimation of lift forces is extremely
large flat board on a windy day you will be familiar challenging as it depends both on the large-scale flows
with this force. The dynamic pressure of a fluid is pro- around the body as well as the small-scale flows close
portional to the velocity squared and so doubling the to the body surface that dictate whether the flow sepa-
wind speed is likely to result in a quadrupling of the dy- rates from the body. In many cases reference to physical
namic pressure load. In addition, dynamic pressure modeling results are required to make a reasonable es-
loads tend to increase faster than the area of the flat sur- timate of the lift forces.
face because the pressure generated is related to the Viscous boundary layer forces and vortex shedding
obstruction of the wind. Thus, providing small vents forces are both associated with the wind flowing past
in a large flat surface can result in a dramatic decrease a body and although they are fundamentally different,
in the dynamic pressure load as air can escape through with different characteristics, they are often combined
these vents and thereby reducing the pressure. In addi- to produce a single load source. This is partially a prag-
tion, a decrease in the spatial coherence of the wind matic solution because it reduces the complexity of the
speed is also likely to reduce the maximum dynamic calculation, but also because it is not simple to separate
pressure load as the pressure on the surface will not the two forces as the vortex shedding will influence the
all act at the same time. However, it is important to shear velocity and thus there is coupling between these
note that a large surface is likely to have an influence two forces that cannot be entirely separated. This load is
on the wind speeds and their spatial coherence and so also generally proportional to the square of the wind
detailed modeling or testing is likely to be required to speed and influenced by the shape of the body and its
produce a reliable estimate of dynamic pressure loads proximity to other bodies that are either adjacent to it,
for large surfaces. or in-front/behind it.
Lift is the force that supports aeroplanes in the sky Slender bodies can also be influenced by the shed-
and so can be very large. In this case, aerofoils are espe- ding of vortices on alternate sides to produce what
cially designed to generate large lift forces, but they can is known as a Kármán Street Vortex. The creation of a
be generated by any body where the surface wind speed Kármán Street Vortex depends on the Reynolds number,
differs for opposite sides of the body. However, the for which a limiting value of about 90 (based on the cyl-
extent to which lift forces are generated on a body de- inder diameter) is required before the street starts to
pends on the characteristics of the body boundary layer form. The shedding of these forces results in an alter-
and whether the flow separates from the body. The ef- nating force that is orthogonal to the direction of flow
fect of flow separation is known as stall, where the lift and the axis of the slender body. Support struts and
58 Floating PV Plants

mooring lines are common structural elements that can tides, a number of marine currents associated with
be affected by Kármán Street Vortexeinduced loads. ocean circulation patterns also exist. The characteristics
The frequency of the alternating force also depends on of these ocean circulations patterns are generally related
the Reynolds number and can be important when to larger global meteorological conditions and their ef-
considering the dynamics of the structure (see Analysis fect specific to a particular site.
of System Response Section). As noted, some locations will be affected by more
than one source of water current. For example, the water
currents in an estuary will be affected by the river flow
4. WATER CURRENTS downstream and the tides. Unfortunately, the resulting
Source of Water Currents water current is unlikely to be the simple addition of
The source of water currents that may affect an FPV these two currents, but they are likely to interact in a
plant will depend on where it is located. With respect complex fashion to produce a potentially complex
to the types of water currents, potential locations for flow pattern.
an FPV plant include on a river, in a reservoir, and in
the sea, each of which is affected by a different source Current-Induced Loads
of water current. In addition, there are locations that The main sources of structural loads due to water cur-
may be affected by more than one source of water cur- rents are similar to those for wind loads; dynamic pres-
rent, such as estuaries and lakes with significant inflows sure, associated with the reduction in the normal
and outflows of water. In these cases, the combined ef- current speed to zero orthogonal to the surface, shear
fects of the different sources of water currents need to be forces due to viscous boundary layer forces, and vortex
considered. shedding due to flow separation from the body,
The water currents in a river are primarily due to the together with an additional structural load due to the
flow of water downstream. However, meanders in a river wave-making resistance of the body. However, because
can cause eddies and recirculation patterns that can result the water velocities are much smaller than those of the
in local flows that go against the bulk flow of the water. wind, the dynamic pressure effects tends to be less
Generally, the more complex the course of the river, with important (as these are proportional to the velocity
sharper and more extensive bends, the more complex the squared) and the viscous boundary layer forces (pro-
flow patterns. For a given water flow rate these patterns portional to velocity) tend to be more important. The
are likely to be relatively stable and predictable. These load due to the wave-making resistance of the body is
patterns are also likely to be dependent on the bulk related to the energy in the waves generated when
flow rate of the river and so may vary throughout the diverting the water around the body and so depends
year as changes in rainfall cause changes in the amount on the shape of the body as well as its displacement.
of water flowing downstream. Where there are also significant wave-induced veloc-
The water currents in a reservoir will be primarily ities then the current velocity should be combined with
due to the filling and emptying of the reservoir. Away the wave-induced current velocities to produce an esti-
from intakes and outtakes the water currents are likely mate of the total local velocity. This is particularly
to be small, but close to these points relatively high- important for small bodies where the current-induced
speed water currents may occur. Obviously, the magni- load is typically proportional to the square of the rela-
tude of the water currents will depend on the rate of tive velocity because it is generated by vortex shedding.
filling and emptying of the reservoir, which will vary
with the time of year as well as potentially other roles
of the reservoir, such as irrigation, power production, 5. SYSTEM DYNAMICS
and/or flood control. Numerical Modeling
Away from the mouths of rivers, the primary water In cases where a body can be considered as stationary,
currents in the sea are likely to be due to the tides or then the environmental loads can be used directly to
wind-driven surface currents. The water currents due calculate the stresses in the structure. However, an FPV
to tides are typically very regular with an approximately plant cannot be considered to be a stationary structure
12.5-h cycle that increases and decreases in magni- and so it is necessary to define the equations of motion
tude twice every lunar cycle (approximately every for the structure, which can subsequently be used in a
29.5 days). Although the tides are relatively predictable, numerical model to determine the system dynamics.
along complex coastlines or in estuaries, the tide- The equations of motion can be constructed using
induced water currents can be complex. In addition to Newton’s Second Law, which states that a body’s
CHAPTER 5 Environmental Loads, Motions, and Mooring Systems 59

acceleration is proportional to the net force acting on balanced by the computational resources available
the body and inversely proportional to the body’s and the development phase of the system model. That
mass. An FPV plant is likely to consist of multiple is, a simple model of the moorings may be sufficient
bodies, and Newton’s Second Law can be applied to to support design during the early phases of develop-
each of these bodies to define its equations of motion. ment, while a more complex model may be required
To solve Newton’s Second Law for each body, it is during the final design phase.
necessary to know the environmental loads that act Once all the equations of motion for the system have
on the body, as well as loads through connections to been defined, it is possible to generate a suitable numer-
other bodies and any mooring forces that act directly ical model. There are two basic methods for solving the
on the body. equations of motion; time-domain models or
In general, the number of equations of motion or de- frequency-domain models. A time-domain model cal-
grees of freedom required to completely define the culates the response of the system at consecutive
response of the system is equal to six plus the number discrete time steps, with the results of the previous
of independent joints in the structure plus any equa- time step used to inform the conditions for the next
tions of motion associated with the moorings. The 6 time-step. A frequency-domain model assumes that
of freedom relate to the whole system movement in the response of the system can be represented as the
the three translational and three rotational degrees of summation of a set of sinusoidal oscillations in each
freedom. For example, a plant that consists of 20 rigid of the degrees of freedom. Typically, both types of
floats, each connected to at least one other float using model would be expected to be used in the design of
a hinge joint, would have a total of 25 degrees of an FPV plant. A time-domain model can provide accu-
freedom (ignoring any associated with the moorings). rate estimates of the expected motions and loads in
The state of each degree of freedom can be defined by the system, which can be used to assess whether the
its displacement and its velocity (or rotational equiva- design is fit-for-purpose. However, a time-domain
lents), so that the number of variables required to model is typically computationally expensive, espe-
define the system is 12 plus twice the number of inde- cially for a system with multiple degrees of freedom.
pendent joints. So, in the example of the plant that con- On the other hand, a frequency-domain model is
sists of 20 hinged floats, the equations of motion that is computationally less demanding and is capable of iden-
required to fully define its motion would have 50 inde- tifying potentially problematic issues in the design that
pendent variables. can be defined by response amplitude operators (RAOs)
Flexible structures present a potentially more com- and resonant frequencies (see Analysis of System
plex case as the structural deformation could theoreti- Response section).
cally adopt a multitude of different shapes. The As well as whole system numerical models, it can
equation of motion for a flexible structure is typically also be useful to produce models of particular subsys-
defined either by discretizing the structure into n rigid tems that would benefit from more detailed analysis.
bodies or by defining m mode shapes that can be super- Specifically, these subsystem models could provide
imposed to produce an approximation of the potential valuable information directly or parameterized to pro-
shapes of the flexible structure. Essentially the larger the vide appropriate characterization to be used in the
value of n or m, the more accurate the model of the flex- whole system numerical model. An example of a sub-
ible structure becomes. However, this must be balanced system that could be modeled is a single float. The re-
against the increase in the computational effort in solv- sults of this analysis could help to identify any
ing the equations of motion which also increases with particular load concentration or hydro-elastic interac-
the value of n or m. tions or provide better estimates of added mass and
It is important to include the forces on the bodies drag coefficients to be used in the whole system model.
due to moorings in the system model. This could be Importantly, a highly computationally demanding
as simple as including a horizontal spring term that technique such as Computational Fluid Dynamics
stops FPV plant from drifting away from its station (CFD) could be used for this, which would not be prac-
plus an additional set of equations of motion that pro- ticable for modeling the whole system due to limita-
vide an accurate representation of the mooring system. tions in the available computational resource.
Typically, the requirement for a more accurate represen-
tation of the mooring system increases with the Physical Modeling
inherent nonlinearity of the moorings and the potential The production of a numerical model of the system re-
for complex mooring dynamics. This needs to be quires making a number of assumptions and
60 Floating PV Plants

approximations with a range of accuracies. Where suffi- inertial and gravitational forces is maintained in the
cient knowledge and experience has been developed in scale model. This is the most common scaling law
the application of a particular numerical model it may used for wave tank testing because waves are defined
be possible to consider the results reliable without addi- by a balance between inertial and gravitational forces.
tional validation. However, in many cases the design of Reynolds scaling ensures that the ratio of the inertial
FPV plants is likely to include elements for which there and viscous forces is maintained in the scale model.
is limited knowledge and experience, which increases This is typically used in aerodynamic modeling because
the uncertainty in the model and the risk in the applica- gravitational forces can normally be neglected. Unfortu-
tion of the modeling results. Physical modeling can be nately, it is not generally possible to satisfy both Froude
used to reduce the uncertainty and risk by providing scaling and Reynolds scaling in the same model. Thus,
calibration or validation of the numerical models, as care needs to be taken in the design of the scale model
well providing relevant design data (such as maximum and the interpretation of data from physical modeling
expected loads) directly. to ensure that it provides an accurate indication of the
Physical modeling typically involves constructing a expected loads and dynamics of the full-scale system.
scale model of the proposed plant and testing this in
a wave tank, where the waves are generated by a set of Analysis of System Response
computer-controlled paddles. An example of this type It is usual to start the analysis of a floating structure us-
of facility is the QUB wave tank at Portaferry, which is ing a frequency-domain analysis. This analysis provides
shown in Fig. 5.13. Air blowers may also be used to two very useful results; the system natural frequencies
simulate the effect of wind and currents can be created and the system RAO. As a frequency-domain analysis
in some wave-tanks to simulate the effect of water cur- is fundamentally linear these results are often not suit-
rents. Alternatively, specific components of the plant able for detailed design (where nonlinearity may have
may be modeled to provide additional insight into a significant effect) but provide insight into how the ex-
these elements where modeling the whole plant would pected loads and dynamics of the system may vary with
be either too complex or too expensive. Whether the frequency.
whole plant or a component is modeled, it is necessary A natural frequency of a system is a frequency at
to design the model and convert the loads and/or dy- which the body will oscillate in the absence of an
namics measured in the scale model, to expected loads exciting force. Each natural frequency will have a
and/or dynamics of the full-scale system based on an mode of oscillation, defined by the relative motion in
appropriate scaling law. The appropriate scaling law is each of the degrees of freedom in the system. Typically,
defined by the relative importance of the types of forces a system will have multiple natural frequencies and
in the system. Except in very particular cases, the three generally, the greater the number of degrees of freedom
important types of force that act on an FPV plant are in- the greater the number of natural frequencies. Natural
ertial forces, gravitational forces, and viscous forces. frequencies are important because excitation at these
The two main scaling-laws associated with FPV frequencies can cause very large displacements that
plants are based on the Froude number and Reynolds have the potential to damage or even destroy a system.
number. Froude scaling ensures that the ratio of the A more complete representation of the system response
is provided by the RAO, which provides the frequency
response of a system to excitation, where the amplitude
of response has been normalized by the amplitude of exci-
tation. An example of a RAO is shown in Fig. 5.14 for the
heave response of a floating body to wave excitation. It is
common to calculate the RAO for a range of damping
values as the damping is often nonlinear and so cannot
be easily approximated in a frequency-domain model.
However, because damping can have a significant effect
on the response it is useful to determine the sensitivity
of the system response to damping to provide additional
insight into the system response.
The RAOs can be used with the excitation spectra
from the waves, wind, and currents to help identify po-
tential areas of concern in the design, where the basic
FIG. 5.13 QUB wave tank at Portaferry.
CHAPTER 5 Environmental Loads, Motions, and Mooring Systems 61

FIG. 5.14 Example of wave heave response amplitude operator for range of damping coefficients.

frequency response is calculated as the product of the the low-frequency response velocities are typically
excitation spectra and the RAO. If the excitation is small small.
at the natural frequencies and the peaks of the RAOs, Another consideration associated with the resonant
then this normally suggests that the response should response of the system is vortex-induced vibrations
be acceptable. The major advantage of this approach and flutter. It has already been noted that constant
for the initial design of the structure is its relative flow past a slender element can result in an alternating
computational simplicity and speed; major issues can transverse force due the asymmetric shedding of
be identified early, and alternative designs investigated vortices (see Wind Loads section). This can be particu-
with a relatively small amount of effort. This technique larly problematic if the slender element has a natural
is especially useful because the RAO can more easily be frequency that is similar to the vortex-shedding fre-
linked to key characteristics of the design, which may be quency. The induced motion of the slender element is
obscured in the construction and interpretation of a called “flutter.” An important consequence of these
time-domain model. vortex-induced motions is a potential increase in the
In addition to first-order excitation, where the loads, especially fatigue loads. Drag coefficients may
response is at the same frequency as the excitation fre- also increase, which could affect the global analysis of
quency, low-frequency resonances can occur with the system.
coupling to second-order difference-frequency excita- Although significant progress in design can be made
tion, which is proportional to the square of the wave using a frequency-domain analysis of the system, a
amplitude. The difference-frequency excitation can time-domain analysis is typically required to determine
result in a problematic low-frequency response when the fatigue and extreme loads. However, a time-domain
the system has low-frequency resonance that is mini- analysis for a system with a large number of degrees of
mally damped. A common case where this may need freedom (as would be typical for an FPV plant) is
to be considered is in the use of compliant moorings computationally expensive and so the number of simu-
that have a natural period of response in surge/sway lations that can be completed is likely to be limited. A
in the region of 40e120 seconds for large offshore careful choice of a set of simulation conditions in terms
structures, and the damping force is typically low of sea state and wind/current speed will generally be
because it is proportional to the velocity squared and sufficient for generating data that can be used for a
62 Floating PV Plants

fatigue analysis; however, estimating the extreme loads of the distribution of the extreme loads for the given
is more complex. conditions. These data are then used in an extreme
Extreme loads are typically defined as the maximum value analysis, which processes these data to provide
loads that can be expected during a specific duration, an estimate of the maximum loads that may be ex-
e.g., the 50-year design loads. That is, the maximum pected to occur for the specified return period. For
loads that are expected to occur during a period of 50 example, Fig. 5.15 shows an extreme value analysis for
years. Accurate prediction of the 50-year design loads re- a 3-hour simulation. If these conditions are expected to
quires consideration of two distinct aspects. The first occur for a total of 30-hour within the specified return
aspect is the conditions that are likely to generate the period, then the curve can be extrapolated to estimate
maximum loads and their frequency of occurrence, the maximum load for this longer duration of these
while the second aspect is the accurate prediction of conditions. A key point to note in this graph, which is
the maximum loads from the simulation data. Unfortu- typical for extreme loads, is that the probability scale
nately, identification of the conditions that are likely to is logarithmic and so that a 10-fold increase in the dura-
generate the maximum loads requires a full understand- tion of the simulation will only increase the expected
ing of how the wind, waves, and currents affect the sys- maximum load by approximately 10%.
tem dynamics and subsequently the loads. In particular, A particularly important aspect of the estimation of
it is important to consider the constant wind or current extreme loads is the case where there is a sudden in-
loads that may offset the operating location so that crease in stiffness. There are two common situations
snatch loads are then generated by the waves. Typically, where this may occur at the motion limit of a joint,
more than one set of conditions are identified as poten- which is often call the “end-stop” problem and when
tially causing the maximum loads, and these need to be the mooring lines suddenly become taut, where it is
simulated and the resultant loads investigated. considered to generate snatch loads. In both cases the
Unless a suitable design code approximation can be fundamental issue is that the preceding compliance
identified, for each set of conditions, a time-domain means that there is the potential for a significant
simulation of a 3-hour event that contains approxi- amount of momentum to be generated. Effectively,
mately 1000 waves can be used to generate a suitable reaching an end-stop or a mooring line limit of exten-
data set. A 3-hour simulation is typically considered sion results in the requirement for a significant deceler-
to generate sufficient data to provide a good estimate ation (assuming that the end-stop or mooring line does

FIG. 5.15 Extreme value analysis.

CHAPTER 5 Environmental Loads, Motions, and Mooring Systems 63

not break) and the combination of significant mo- position of the floats. In the case of plants with tracking,
mentum and rapid deceleration results in very large it is also important that the moorings are designed to
forces. Thus, where the potential for end-stop or snatch allow the PV panels to track the sun where the move-
loads exist it is important that the modeling undertaken ment originates in the floats supporting the PV panels.
correctly represents the nonlinearity that will define The joint requirement of station-keeping, together
these loads and thus provide accurate specifications with allowing particular movements necessary for the
for the structural and/or mooring requirements. effective operation of the FPV plant makes the design
of the moorings particularly challenging.
The optimal combination of the number of mooring
6. MOORING SYSTEMS points and the floating structure design will be that
Introduction to Mooring Systems which provides the lowest cost of energy solution. It is
A mooring or anchoring system is required to keep the anticipated that this will depend on a large number of
FPV plant within an acceptable range of motion; this is factors including the type of floating structure, the
called station-keeping. This range of motion should be type of moorings, the plant size, the water depth, and
such that the plant presents no threat of damage or haz- the characteristics of the environmental loads. As there
ard to itself or other users of the body of water, and this are a wide range of possible designs of FPV plants, it
would normally be achieved by defining a maximum is not possible to provide guidance on an appropriate
horizontal displacement. Examples of damage to itself mooring design for every particular scenario. Moreover,
would include collisions with the shore and seabed/ it is anticipated that the optimal combination of
lakebed, while hazards to other users would include mooring points and load transfer may change as the
occupying seaways and colliding with other watercraft. technology in FPV plant advances. Thus, the mooring
In addition, the mooring or anchoring system should and structural design for each proposal of FPV plant
be such that it does not allow the potential for damage will need to be assessed based on its unique combina-
to the plant’s electrical connection. tion of situational and environmental factors.
A key requirement of station-keeping is the transmis- Although the optimal design of moorings for FPV
sion of the loads to ground because without transmit- plants is still a long way from being resolved, the
ting the loads to ground it is not possible to keep the mooring of other structures can be used to provide an
plant in the right location when it is subjected to loads indication of the types of moorings that are available.
consistently acting in one direction. These loads will be These can be considered as fundamental building
generated across the whole of the FPV plant, although blocks or options around which a specific mooring
not necessarily with a consistent magnitude, and so design can be developed. This should not be considered
the transmission of the loads to ground does not only to preclude other possibly novel solutions that may
concern the mooring system, but must also consider arise as a better understanding of the particular de-
the transfer of the loads in the floating structure mands and costs for FPV plants is developed. Rather,
to the mooring system. Thus, the selection and design these current solutions should be considered as poten-
of the mooring system is closely linked to the design tial starting points for actual mooring designs.
of the floating structure. At one extreme, it would be
possible to include a mooring point for each float, Rigid Mooring System
which would minimize the requirement for load trans- A completely rigid connection between the ground and
fer in the floating structure but may be expected to in- a PV plant would mean that it is not floating; however,
crease the cost and complexity of the mooring system. it is possible to have rigid elements that allow move-
At the other extreme, a single mooring point could be ment in heave, so that it is an FPV plant but limit mo-
used to anchor the plant, but then this would increase tions in sway and surge to provide the required
the requirements for load transfer throughout the entire station-keeping characteristics. An example of a rigid
floating structure. mooring system is shown in Fig. 5.16 and can be
In addition to station-keeping, it is necessary that the commonly found in marinas to secure the jetties and
moorings are designed so that they allow the structure walkways. In the design of a rigid mooring the heave
to move vertically with variations in water level. In motion could be achieved by allowing rotation of one
some circumstances, especially where the body of water or more connecting arms, or by translation along a ver-
is a reservoir that experiences significant changes in vol- tical column. Both of these solutions are common in
ume throughout the year, this can result in a require- the mooring of floating pontoons, with connecting
ment of several tens of meters vertical variation in the arms normally used when the range of vertical motion
64 Floating PV Plants

FIG. 5.16 Examples of rigid mooring systems.

is relatively small and translation along a vertical col- Taut Mooring System
umn normally used when there is the potential for large A taut mooring system consists of a number of cables
low-frequency vertical motions, e.g., variations with the that are usually held in tension using the excess buoy-
tide. ancy of the floats as shown in Fig. 5.18. The cables
In circumstances where the variation in the mean themselves are connected to the ground using piles or
water level is relatively small then it may be possible clump weights. The cables in taut moorings are typically
to provide rigid moorings to the shore, which could aligned vertically so that there is some freedom for the
also be used to provide access to the plant for opera- floats to move in a horizontal plane, but with a limited
tions and maintenance. However, except is the special amount of motion available in the vertical direction. To
case where there is a conveniently sized bay in the avoid excessive variations in cable tension due to
shoreline, a rigid connection to the shoreline is likely changes in surface elevation (due to waves or tides)
to experience high yaw moments due to the distance be- the water-plane area of the float is normally kept rela-
tween the shore and an environmental force that has a tively small. The fundamental characteristics of taut
line of action approximately parallel to the shoreline. moorings means that in their traditional configuration
A rigid mooring to a point within the body of water they are only likely to be suitable for circumstances
can be achieved by the installation of one or more piles. where there is only a small amount of vertical variation
A particularly interesting possibility is the installation of
single piles, or groups of piles, around which the FPV
array can rotate to allow tracking of the sun. However,
without supplementary moorings, the use of piles is
likely to be limited to relatively shallow water due
to the large pitch/roll moments in deeper water due
to the vertical distance between the water surface (where
the loads will primarily act) to the bed (where the pile is
Fig. 5.17 shows an example of a floating solar array
located centrally by a single pile held by a large concrete
block on the bottom of the basin, which is 4 m deep. In
this case, the plant has an installed capacity of 200 kWp
and is equipped with a tracking system. The complete
system rotates around the central pile driven by a small
thruster. FIG. 5.17 Single pile mooring system.
CHAPTER 5 Environmental Loads, Motions, and Mooring Systems 65

FIG. 5.18 Example of a taut mooring system.

in water depth. Moreover, the low cost of cable means of the links defining the amount of self-weight. The
that they could be particularly suitable for deployments characteristics of catenary moorings are that the
in deep water. mooring stiffness will increase as the float moves
Although taut moorings most commonly use verti- away from the catenary mooring anchor point. Because
cal cables, other cable inclinations are also possible. catenary mooring will produce a horizontal load on the
By varying the inclination of taut moorings, it is float, they are generally deployed with mooring lines
possible to vary the relative constraint between the extending in at least three different and opposing direc-
vertical and horizontal motions of the floats. By replac- tions. The shape of a catenary mooring means that
ing the traditionally steel cables with modern fiber mooring lines generally lie along the ground for a dis-
ropes, it is also possible to provide a larger amount tance before it connects with the anchor. Thus, the
of compliance, which could be exploited in the mooring load exerted on the anchor is essentially hori-
mooring design to avoid potentially problematic zontal, which may influence the choice of the anchor to
mooring resonant frequencies and reduce structural be used with these types of mooring system.
loads. A possibly interesting solution that could be The required length of a catenary mooring line de-
applied in relatively small bodies of water would be pends on the water depth and the required range of mo-
to have virtually horizontal taut mooring lines that tion. A significant consideration in the design of
restrict motion in the horizontal plane but allow rela- catenary mooring systems is the rapid increase in the
tively large amounts of motion in the vertical direction.
In this case, the tension would not be maintained by
excess buoyancy, but by tension in opposing ropes/ca-
bles. It would also be possible to use a set of at least
three inclined taut moorings to provide a rotation point
about which floats could rotate to provide PV tracking
with the sun.

Catenary Mooring System

A catenary mooring system uses the self-weight of the
mooring line to provide a variable vertical and horizon-
tal spring rate to the moored float; the term catenary re-
fers to the shape that the mooring line adopts due to its
self-weight as shown in Fig. 5.19. For this reason, cate-
nary mooring lines are typically chains, with the size FIG. 5.19 Example of a catenary mooring system.
66 Floating PV Plants

FIG. 5.20 Examples of compliant mooring systems.

mooring stiff as the mooring line becomes almost important for water quality or otherwise that the bed ex-
straight, which can result in significant snatch loads as periences minimal disturbance.
discussed in Analysis of System Response section.
Thus, the required range of motion is often dictated
by the requirement to avoid snatch loads. In addition, REFERENCES
although catenary mooring systems can be suitable for [1] Open University, Waves, Tides and Shallow Water Pro-
moorings where there are significant variations in water cesses (Chapter 1), second ed., published by Open Univer-
depth, care is required in their design. Specifically, the sity & Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999. ISBN 0750642815.
[2] Coastal Engineering Research Centre, Shore Protection
characteristics of a catenary mooring system can change
Manual, fourth ed., US Army Corps of Engineers, 1984.
significantly with changes in the water level and so it is
[3] S.K. Chakrabarti, Hydrodynamics of Offshore Structures,
clearly important that the different characteristics of the WIT Press, Southampton, UK, 1987.
moorings are considered in the design process. [4] T. Sarpkaya, Wave Forces on Offshore Structures, Cam-
bridge University Press, 2010. ISBN 9780521896252.
Compliant Moorings [5] R.I. Harris, The Nature of the Wind, the Modern Design of
A compliant mooring system consists of one or more Wind Sensitive Structures, CIRIA Publications, London,
floats and/or weights that are connected to the mooring 1971.
cable/rope in between the FPV plant and the ground as [6] C.S. Durst, Wind speeds over short periods of time, The
shown in Fig. 5.20. Compliant mooring systems have Meteorological Magazine 89 (1960) 181e186.
many of the characteristics of catenary mooring systems
but can generally be deployed with less space and create
less disturbance to the bed of the water body as the FURTHER READING
mooring lines are not continually lifting, replacing, [1] DNV, Environmental Conditions and Environmental
and moving on the bed. This could be a significant fac- Loads - Recommended Practice, DNVGL-RP-205, 2017.
tor in the design of the mooring system where it is

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