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Name:_________________________________Grade & Sec: _____________________Score:__________

School:___________________________Teacher:_____________________Subject: Entreprenuership
LAS Writer: Magealona G.Tan Content Editor: _____________________________
Lesson Topic: Introduction to Entrepreneurship Quarter 3 Wk. 1 LAS 1
Learning Targets: Identify Successful Entrepreneurs in the Philippines
Reference(s): 15 Business Quotes From The Philippines' Best Businessmen". 2021. Esquiremag.Ph.

Concept of Entrepreneurship

The word “entrepreneur” was derived from the French verb enterprendre, which means “to undertake.”
This is pinpointing to those who “undertake” the risk of enterprise. The enterprise is created by an
entrepreneur and the process is called “Entrepreneurship”. Entrepreneurs are innovators, willing to take
risks and generate new ideas to make it unique and profitable solutions to the present-day problems.


Successful Entrepreneur in the Philippines

• Tony Tan Caktiong- owner and founder of “Jollibee Corporation”. If you dream big and put
your dreams into action, you will indefinitely make mistakes. But don't be scared to make mistakes.
Just be quick to recognize them and learn from them as fast as you can." “It was a dream, one day to
build Jollibee into one of the largest company in the world.
• Socorro C. Ramos- founder of “National Bookstore” “You have to adjust to the flow of business. If
you’re not open to change, your business can’t move on.”
• Lucio Tan- is a Filipino billionaire businessman and educator with interests in banking, airline, liquor,
tobacco, real estate industries, beverages, and education. Entrepreneurs should never give up due
to failure. Not just entrepreneurs, but people of whatever profession – all of us- should learn from our
setbacks. We should never surrender to despair.”
• Andrew Tan- of Megaworld Corporation. Do not rush into a business just because you have the
capital. You’d lose your shirt if you jump into it recklessly. Do your homework first. Study the market
and look for that golden opportunity. Whatever business you choose to go into, it must be something
that you can pursue with passion.
• Ben Chan- of “Bench”. The real test of an entrepreneur is how far he can go when the tides of
business turn for the worse. It is in times like these when he should be unafraid. Be aggressive. Know
your market’s needs and serve them.”

Direction: Identify the successful entrepreneur in the Philippines. Write the correct answer on the space
provided before the number.

________________________ 1. You must adapt to the business environment. Your company can't progress
if you're not willing to change.”

________________________ 2. Do not rush into a business just because you have the capital.

________________________ 3. If you dream big and put your dreams into action, you will indefinitely make

________________________ 4. Entrepreneurs should never give up due to failure.

________________________ 5. Be aggressive and now your market’s needs and serve them.

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