Portuguese Colonial Period

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 Portuguese turned Goa into a colony. It was no longer a part of India. It was a part of
 The king of Portugal was the head of state. The Viceroy or Governor General of Goa was
appointed by him and was responsible to him.
 The political system that developed was very much similar to that of in Portugal.
Departments such as Legislature, executive and local administration were established.
 All the most important administrative posts were occupied by the Portuguese. The locals
had little chance of holding good positions.
 Afonso de Albuquerque allowed hindus to practice their religion. He banned Sati but did
not touch othercustoms and traditions.
 Allowed village administration to remain in the hands of Communidades
 Reduced taxes and replaced existing coins
 Established hospitals and Muncipal Councils

Dissemination of Christianity
After the death of Albu. His policies were completely reversed
Arrival of Missionaries
Missionaries arrived in Goa from Portuguese to spread Christianity. They converted
people on large scale
Court of Inquisition
A Court of Inquisition was set up in Goa to punish those who went against the church
The Jesuits and Franciscans promoted education in Goa. They set up educational
The Jesuits introduced in Goa India first printing press of the movable type.

Rise of political Parties and elections
With the introduction of constitutional government in Goa in 1821, Goans were granted
representation in the Portuguese Parliament. Bernado Peres da Silva was the first of the
three elected members of parliament to be sent to Lisbon from Goa in 1822.
Elections were held for local bodies like municipalities but these elections were marked
by continous attempt on the part of the govt. to browbeat the electorate into voting for the
govt.backed candidates.
Emergence of political Parties
Elections led to the establishment of two major political parties in Goa namely Partido
Indiano and Partido Ultramarino. These two parties hadgrown around two newspapers ,
‘A India Portuguesa and O Ultramar’.
Anglo-Portuguese Treatyof 1878
An Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1878 was entered into by the Portuguese with British
India to improve the sorry state of goan economy.
Development of Press and Education

With the rise of Constitutional phase, one saw an introduction of govt. printing press.
Several newspapers and periodicals were printed at these press such as Gazeta de Goa,
Chronica Constitutional de Goa etc. Private presses such as O Ultramar, A India
Portuguesa etc were also started.

Development in education
Since 1820s onw saw rapid development in the field of education. In 1820s-1830s, five
primary schools were established. The central library was established. Several English
medium schools such as St. Joseph’s School, St. Thomas School and Sacred Heart School
came in Goa. Various Marathi medium schools were established in Goa such as
Saraswat Vidyalaya, Damodar Vidyalaya etc.
Development in Communication
The first telegraph line connecting goa with the outside world at Belgaum was introduced
in Goa in 1859. A telephone line joining main towns of Goa came in Goa in 1886. These
development in communication caused goans to move out of their shelter and interact
with friends and relatives in India and abroad.
Introduction of Uniform Civil Code
A milestone development for the cause of Goan women was the introduction of Uniform
Civil Code of 1867. It fixed the age of marriage at 16 years.

Portuguese witnessed the fall of the monarchy and the establishment of the republic in
1910. This brought about crucial changes in the political situation in Goa.
Elimination of discrimination between hindus and Christians
Discrimination between hindus and Christians was completely withdrawn and all the
people started enjoying equal rights as the citizens of Portuguese.
Extension of right to contest elections to all
The hindus under republican phase contested elections and became the meber of
Portuguese Parliament.

A charter was proclaimed promising autonomy to Portuguese India

By 1920,the govt. constituted govt. council with greater representation to the elected
members. This council worked smoothly till the end of republic in 1926.
With the advent of Salazar dictatorship, republican phase in Goa as in Portugal came to
an end.

The Republican rule was overthrown in Portugal and military dictatorship was
established in 1926. Dr. Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, Professor of Economics who took
charge as Finance minister in 1928 became Prime Minister by acquiring dictatorial power
in 1932.
In 1930, the govt. issued the Acto colonial that introduced racial discrimination. It treated
the citizens of the colonies earlier placed on par with the people of Portugal as people to
be assimilated in the mainstream and therefore inferior.
The year 1937 proved to be the most significant in the history of repression in Goa,
sringent restrictions were imposed on civil liberties in Goa, Daman and Diu.
The citizens were denied freedom of press, right of speech and assembly. No public
meetings could be held without prior permission. The holding of meetings could be
rejected without assigning any reasons.
Again to hold political meeting was almost impossibility. It was the sole privilege of the
National Union, the party formed under the direct patronage of Dr. Salazar.
Even legal, social and sports organizations were forbidden to hold meetings although
they had nothing to do with the political and nationalist aspirations.
Signboards displaced on school buildings, other institutions, houses and shops were
ordered to be painted in Portuguese.
The press was subject to to censorship. A special commission was appointed to by
governor to General to which had a power to suppress any article or a sentence or even a
word which according to it was not conducive to the wellbeing of the state.
The Governor General had a power to force the closure of any printing press, stoppage of
publication and to take punitive measure against publishers.
Tremendous pressure was put on the editors of the newspaper to publish official
statement. Those who does not listen to them would invite the anger of the govt. and
closure of the newspaper agency and heavy fines.
Any printing material in Portuguese language was to be dispatched along with its printed
translation in Portuguese. The wedding cards were also censored to find out if anything is
written against the Salazar regime. Circulation of nationalistic material was banned.
The right to vote in the colonies was only on paper. The colonies were deprived of their
right to elect members to the parliament in Lisbon.

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