Merger Controversy in Goa

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The territorial integration of Daman and Diu did not resolve the status of former Portuguese
colonies in India. The Goas merger issue became the principle issue to dominate politics after
the departure of Portugal. Goan society got divided on the communal line over the issue of
merger, with hidus supporting goas merger with Maharashtra and Christian supporting Goa as
separate state along with UGP.

In March 1963, advocate of merger founded Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party with an

objective of merging Goa with Maharashtra. The MGP believed that the language of Goa is
Marathi & claimed that Konkani is not a language but dialect of Marathi. It also considered Goa
to be historically & economically part and parcel of Maharashtra.

In reaction, the primary Konkani speaking Christian minority founded United Goans Party (UGP)
to preserve the dilution of their community distinct culture.

The hindus supports Goa’s merger with Maharashtra as they wanted to undo the exploitation
and discrimination done to them during the Portuguese period. They feared that the Christians
will continue to dominate the social and political life even after the liberation. The religious
divide was so clear that the hindus who spoke in favor of Goas separate political status were as
camp follower of Christians.

The Government of India much before the liberation of Goa made it clear that people of Goa
would be consulted in deciding the future status of their territory. It was made clear that govt
would try to maintain Goa as a centre of Portuguese culture & Pondichery as a centre of the
French culture. Indian National Congress in its 1962 election manifesto mentioned that whether
Goa should be merged with Maharashtra or not would ultimately decided in accordance with
the wishes of the people of Goa. The Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru durind first assembly
election in Goa pointed out that it is too early for Goans to decide on the political status of Goa,
people will take time to make up their mind. Thus it was informed that Goa would remain a
union territory for another ten years after which the future of Goa would be decided in
accordance with the wishes of the Goans.
The first assembly election in Goa was fought on the immediate issue of merger and verdict of
the electorate went in favour of MGP. The ruling MGP did not prefer to wait for another six
years and demanded for immediate merger of Goa with Maharashtra. Bandodkar argued that
the election is fought virtually like a referendum on the single issue of merger & party’s triumph
proved that majority goans have endorsed it.

Mergerist View

The mergerist view was represented by the MGP, low caste hindus. The Communist Party of
India, Maharashra Vilinikaran Agada, Praja Socialist Party and Jan Sang party also supported
Goas merger with Maharashtra.

An attempt was made to get the public opinion for ‘ Goa cannot be maintained as a separate
administrative unit because of its small area and as such its merger with the adjoining state is

Finding Shastri administration unresponsive, the MGP passed a private member resolution in
the assembly seeking merger. The resolution contained seven arguments regarding why Goa
should be merged with Maharashtra.

1. The first assembly election was fought on definite issue and the party which won the
majority of seats fought it on the definite issue of merger.
2. The union territory status involve very huge and wasteful expenditure on unnecessary
top heavy administration.
3. The nation had accepted linguistic basis for the formation of states and Goa is
predominantly populated by people with their mother tongue as Marathi or its dialect
4. Goa had geographical, cultural and historical links with the territories now forming parts
of the Maharashtra state.
5. Delay in the implementation of the promise of victorious party (MGP) was giving rise to
sense of discontentment amongst people.
6. The delay has caused frittering away of the energies of the people and preventing them
on concentrating on the developmental activities.
7. Merger of Goa with Maharashtra would complete process of integration of the former
colony (Goa) with the mother country.


The two sections of UGP, Goa Territorial Congress Committee, and Christian community of Goa
were against merger of Goa with Maharashtra. They raised the slogan ‘Merger means slavery&
union territory means freedom’

As per survey conducted 62.9% people expressed their opinion that Goa should be treated as a
centrally administrative unit for some years. 53.8 people expressed their legitimate fear of
being totally absorbed if merged with Maharashtra and will lose its identity. Goa will
deteriorate into a backward district of Maharashra such as Sawantwadi or Ratnagiri district in
that state.

The greatest fear that anti-mergerist had was, absolute prohibition of liquor which is a
prominent item of daily consumption in Goa. Toddy tappers would lose their means of

Apprehension was raised regarding employment opportunities as Shiv Sena was against merger
of Goa with Maharashtra.

It was felt that Konkani would be gradually displaced by increasing use of Marathi.

Another strong argument was when a part of Maharashtra was revolting against step-motherly
treatment then there is no reason left go for merger of Goa with Maharashtra.

fixed for opinion poll to find out the views of people in the territory about whether they would
like to merge with the state of Maharashtra or remain as a separate unit

The opinion poll campaign started about a month before the final date fixed for the poll.

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