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Cantelever beam PBEAML Make sure you save it on your personal drive or in My documents to have enough space for

computation. PART 1 a. Create nodes-1st: 0,0,0, 2nd:1000,0,0 *press F in order to fit the points in your window b. Create line from each node to the other and rename it for example line beam c. Create material (call it Steel) and choose as card image MAT1. Press card/edit and assign default E,G,NU,RHO press return. d. Go to Properties choose Hyperbeam select standard section and change from Hyperbeam to Optistruct and standart type to box - press create . A new window will pop out. Define your dimensions as in below picture


Close the window (file-exit). Be sure you save your file. f. Delete the temporary nodes created before as they were used only to define your line (geometry-delete-nodes-clear all and press return in order to go back to main menu).

g. Create material property (call it Steel Box for example), choose card image PBEAML (pbeaml property defines the properties of a beam element by cross-sectional dimensions that are used to create beam elements) and material Steel. Press card edit , press beamsec and select your beam (the values that were defined before will be displayed) press return. The description of the property can be seen in below picture.

h. Create a suitable mesh for the model. Mesh-create-line mesh. Select your line, select property (steel box) and as element configuration use bar2.

Switch from auto to vectors and select Z-axis. Press mesh in order to create the mesh.

Press return until you come to the main menu . You can display the geometry 3D switching the element display as in below figure

! Switch it back to 1D view, this in order to apply the forces and boundary conditions i.

Create loadcollectors (call them BC for example) Create loadcollectors (call it Force). Change the default colour to a different one from the BC this in order don`t get confused with the BC colour.

k. Make the BC current. From the analysis panel select constraints select 1st node and check dof 1,2,3,4,5,6 (this means that the point is constrained in X,Y,Z translational and rotational it cannot move or rotate in any directions). Play with values for uniform size in order to see the force graphically smaller or bigger. Press create.

Make the Force current. Enter analysis panel select forces, select 2th node, choose the Y-axis and give a magnitude of -1000 (it represents a force of 1000N that acts on Y downwards axis on the 2th node). Play with values for uniform size in order to see the force graphically smaller or bigger. Press create

m. Create control card. Setup-Create-Control cards-ELFORCE-Format H3D. Press return. The control card has been created in order to see the results output in Hyper3D format. n. Create Loadstep from analysis panel. Name it Bend. Select SPC-BC and Load-Force. Press create. o. From analysis panel go to OptiStruct and press Optistruct. Be sure it is saved on a writable disk with enough space. p. Wait until in the black-white screen it will say process completed successfully. q. Press HyperView button under the OptiStruct and wait until a new window (HyperView) is opened. r. You can change the line to be visualise as a cylinder if you go under OptionsVisualisations-Rod and change it to Cylinder. s. From the contour tab the displacement, Element Stresses (CBAR/CBEAM Long. Stress SAMAX tensile stress), Element Force (CBAR/CBEAM Shear Plane-2-A) can be visualised. A plot of the simulation due to -1000N acting on Y-axis (Fb) is shown on the next page.

PART 2 Go back to hypermesh and additional to the -1000N load (Fb) on Y apply a load of -10000N on X-axis (Fc). This can be performed if you make the forces current and as done previously, set the -10000 on X axis. Run Optistruct and compare your stresses results with the theoretical ones from the Lecture. They should be very similar.

You can apply only Fc (-10000N on X-axis) this in order to see if the stress results correlate with the ones from Lecture notes.

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