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General Intelligence &

Reasoning - Syllogism

Syllogism is a Greek word that does mean What we notice in all above-Mentioned
„inference‟ or „deduction‟. The problems of sentences that they are condition free. These
syllogism are based on two parts:
1. Proposition / Propositions
2. Conclusion / Conclusions drawn from given type of sentences are called Categorical
propositions Propositions. In other words a categorical
WHAT IS A PROPOSITION? Propositions has no condition attached with it
Just consider the sentences given below: and it makes direct assertion. It is different
(i) “All lions are pigs” from non-categorical proposition which is in the
format “If M then P”
Subject Predicate Types of space categorical proposition:
(ii) “ No cat is rat”
It can be understood by the diagram given below
Subject Predicate Categorical proposition
(iii) “Some girls are not beautiful”

Subject Predicate
(iv) “Some kites are not birds” Universal Particular

Subject Predicate
All the sentences mentioned above give a
Positive Negative Positive
relation between subject and predicate. Here, it
is clear from the sentences that a subject is the All M are P No M are P Some M are P
part of a sentence something is said about, while Some M
a predicate is the term in a sentence which is (A type) (E type) (I type) are
related to the subject. not P
Now, let us define the proposition: (O
A proposition is a sentence that makes a type)
Therefore, it is clear, that universal propositions
statement giving a relation between two terms. It
either completely include the subject (A type) or
has three parts:
completely exclude it (E type). On the other
(a) the subject
hand, particular propositions either only partly
(b) the predicate
include the subject (1 type) or only partly
(c) the relation between subject and predicate
exclude the subject (O type). Now we can
summarise the four types of propositions to be
used while solving the problems of syllogism:
Let us see the sentences given below:
Format Type
“All M are P”
All M are P - A
“No M are P"
No M are P - E
“Some M are P"
Some M are P - I
“Some M are not P” .
General Intelligence &
Reasoning - Syllogism

Some M are not P - O

Venn Diagram:
All A, E, I and O type of propositions can also
be represented in pictorial way and this method
is known as Venn diagram.
(i) Representation of “All M are P” (A
Here it is clear from the picture that
shaded part of M is some part of P and
P shaded part of P is some part of M. Thus
“Some M are P". Similarly, unshaded
M part of M is not P and unshaded part of
P is not M. Thus it represents “Some M
are not P”.
Here, the whole circle denoting M (all Or (b):
M) lies inside the circle denoting P. The other
possibility is as picture given below:


Here, only shaded part of M is P also.

(ii) Representation of “No M are P” (E Thus we can say “Some M are P.”
type): (iv) Representation of “Some M are not
P” (O type):
M P This representation will be in three
Either (a):
Here, the circle denoting M and P do not
intersect at all and therefore, truely
represents “No M are P”
(iii) Representation of “Some M are P” (I
This representation will be in two ways:

Either (a):
Here, unshaded part of M is not a part of
P. Thus it represents “Some M are not
P.” But the shaded part represents
“Some M are P”.
Or (b):
General Intelligence &
Reasoning - Syllogism

[Some M are not P]


Here, shaded part of M is not a part of P.

Thus it represents “Some M are not P”
and the circle denoting P represents “All
P are M”.
Some M are not P(All pare M)
M P How to identify hidden propositions.?
(i) A type: Apart from „all‟ it starts with
It is clear from this pictorial every, each and any.
representation that this represents EXAMPLE:1.
“Some M are not P” and “No M are P” Every girl is beautiful.
as well. [All girts are beautiful.]
Now we can make a summary of Venn Each of them is healthy.
diagram: [All (of them) are healthy.]
All M are P (A type): Any one could kill the lion.
[All can kill the lion.]
Further, let us see the sentences given below:
M and M, P
He should be amended Bharat Ratna

Subject Predicate
No M are P (E type (Possibility)
Amitabh Bacchan is not a great
M P actor.

Some M are P (I type) Subject Predicate

Either Thus, a positive sentence with a
particular person as its subject is A type.
Also, a sentence in the following format
is A type:
definite exception

“All girls except Reeta are healthy.”

(ii) E type: Apart from „no‟ this type of
propositions starts from „no one‟,
„none‟, „not a single‟ etc.
Some M are P EXAMPLE: 2.
General Intelligence &
Reasoning - Syllogism

No one (student) is studious. [Some girls are beautiful].

[No student is studious] Seldom are women not housewife.
None of the girl is beautiful. [Some women are housewife].
[No girl is beautiful] It is clear from the above examples that
Not a single girl is healthy. negative sentences begining with words
[No girl is healthy]. like „few‟, „rarely‟, „seldom‟, etc. (Also
Further, let us see the sentences given below: „hardly‟, „scarcely‟, „little‟ etc.) are to be
reduced to I type. Just see the other formates
given below :
He does not deserve Bharat Ratna
Not a definite exception as name of
Subject Predicate girls are not given.
Amitabh Bacchan is a great actor.
All girls except a few are beautiful.
Subject Predicate [Some girls are not beautiful]
Thus, a negative sentence with a particular Not a definite exception as name of
person as its subject is E type proposition. girls are not given.
Also, sentences in following formats are E type:
definite exception All girls except 5 have passed.
[Some girls have passed]
“No student except Reena has failed” Therefore, a positive proposition with an
“Is there any truth left in the world” indefinite exception is reduced to I type.
[No truth is left in the world.] (iv) O type: Apart from “Some ... not‟ this
(iii) I type: A part from some it also starts type of statements start with words like
with words such as often, frequently, „all‟, „every‟, „any‟, „each‟, etc.
almost, generally, mostly, a few most EXAMPLE:4.
etc. All girls are not beautiful.
EXAMPLE:3. [Some girls are not beautiful]
Almost all the girls are beautiful. Every boy is not present.
[Some girls are beautiful]. [Some boys are not present.]
Most Of the garments are handmade. Further, let us see the following
[Some of the garments are handmade]. sentences:
Usually girls are beautiful. Poor are usually not healthy.
[Some girls are beautiful.] [Some poor are not healthy]
A few money are left in my wallet. Almost all the girls are not beautiful.
[Some money are left in my wallet]. [Some girls are not beautiful.]
Further, let us see the sentences given Most of the garments are not handmade.
below: [Some of the garments are not
Few girls are not studious. handmade.]
[Some girls are studious.] Girls are not frequently short tempered.
Rarely is a girl not beautiful. [Some girls are not short tempered].
General Intelligence &
Reasoning - Syllogism

Now, it is clear from the above mentioned All M are p (A type)

examples that negative propositions with words No M are P (E type)
such as „almost‟, „frequently‟, „most‟, „mostly‟, Some M are P (I type)
„a few‟, generally, etc. are to be reduced to the Some M are not P (O type)
NOTE: General format given above are
O-type propositions.
frequently asked formats in the examinations.
Again, positive propositions starting with words
But students must be ready for other hidden
like „few‟, „scarcely‟, „rarely‟, „little‟, „seldom‟
etc. are said to be O-type. formates of A, E, I and O types of propositions
as problems in hidden formates can also be
given in question papers.
Seldom are women jealous.
[Some women are not jealous] Conversion of proposition:
Before solving the problems of syllogism it is
Few girls are beautiful.
must to know the conversion rules of all A, E, O,
[Some girls are beautiful]
and I types of propositions:
Rarely is a wealthy person worried.
[Some wealthy person are not worried.] Conversion of A type:
Also, see the following formates: Subject Predicate
No a definite exception as name of
“All M are P ” (A type)
girls are not given.
After conversion it becomes.
No girls except three are beautiful.
Subject Predicate
[Some girls are not beautiful.]
No definite exception as name of
“Some P are M ” (I type)
women are not given.
Therefore, it is clear that A type of propositions
get converted into I type.
No women except a few are housewife.
Conversion of E type:
Therefore, a negative proposition with an
Subject Predicate
indefinite exception, is reduced to O type.
“No M are P ” (E type)
After conversion it becomes.
Such propositions start with „only‟, „alone‟,
„none else but‟, „none but‟ etc. and they can be
Subject Predicate
reduced to either A or E or I format.
“No P are M ” (E type)
Only graduates are Probationary Officers.
Therefore, E get converted into E. “sss”
⇒ No graduate is Probationary Officer (E type)
Conversion of I type:
⇒All Probationary Officers are graduates (A
Subject Predicate
⇒Some graduates are Probationary Officers (I
“Some M are P ” (I type)
General format of sentences given in the
After conversion it becomes.
Subject Predicate
General Intelligence &
Reasoning - Syllogism

(a) Apart from above 6 pairs of

“Some P are M ” (I type) propositions, no other pair will give any
Therefore, 1 get converted into I. conclusion.
Conversion of O type: (b) The conclusion drawn out of two
O type of proposition can‟t be converted. propositions is itself a proposition and
Note: In each conversion, subject becomes its subject is the subject of the 1st
predicate and predicate become subject statement while its predicate is the
In fact, conversion is an immediate inference predicate of the 2nd statement. The
that is drawn from a single proposition while common term get disappeared.
inference drawn from two propositions are (c) (O)R does mean that the conclusion is O
called mediate; inference. type but is in reverse order. In this case,
Now we can make a short table of conversion to the subject of the inference or
remember. conclusion is the predicate of the 2nd
Table of conversion: proposition and the predicate of the
Type of Get converted conclusion is the subject of the 1st
proposition into sentence or statement.
A .............. I (d) The conclusion table gives correct
E .............. E conclusions or inference if and only if
I .............. I
O .............. Never get the two propositions are aligned
converted properly.
Rule to draw conclusion: WHAT IS ALIGNING?
After knowing conversion of propositions, we Let us see the following examples:
must learn the rules to draw conclusions. In EXAMPLE 7.
problems of syllogism, conclusions are drawn Statements:
either from single propositions or from two I. All girls are beautiful.
proposition or from both. But a conclusion from II. Some girls are Indian.
single proposition is just a conversion of that EXAMPLE8.
proposition while to get conclusion from two Statements:
propositions a certain table is used that tells us I. No pen is chair.
what type of conclusion (in form of proposition) II. Some tables are pen.
we get out of two propositions. To understand it, EXAMPLE9.
let us see the following conclusion table: Statements:
Conclusion Table I. Some women are men.
I Proposition II III II. No men is chair.
Proposition conclusion In all the above mentioned example, we
A A A notice that in two statements of every example,
A E E there is a common term. In example 7 the
E A (O)R word „girl‟ is common; in example 8 the word
E I (O)R
„pen‟ is common while in example 9 the word
„men‟ is common.
General Intelligence &
Reasoning - Syllogism

Now, the aligning of the two statements Again we do conversion for II and the
(propositions) does mean that the pair of aligned pair takes the form as
statements must be written in such a D. Some cats are (bats).
way that the common term is the L All (bats) are chair.
predicate of the 1st sentence and the subject Therefore, as per the requirement and nature of
of the 2nd. the sentence the alignment is done.
Just think over the following examples: (i) only by changing the order of sentences,
Statements: or
I. Some girls are cute. (ii) only by converting of the sentences.or
II. All cute are tall. (iii) By changing the order of the statements
Here, the common term cute is the predicate of and then converting one if the sentences.
the I statement and subject of the 2nd statement. IEA Rule:
Therefore, the two statements (I& II) are Alignment must be done in IEA order. It does
properly aligned. mean that if the two statements are I & E then
But see another example. the conversion must be done for I and for E & I
Statements: it will be done for E.
I. Some bats are chairs. After discussing all the minute things about this
II. Some cats are bats. chapter, now we have come at the position of
Here, the sentences are not aligned as the solving the problems of syllogism. This chapter
predicate of the 1st statement is not the subject suggests two methods:
of the 2nd. (1) By Analytical Method
Then how to align it? In such type of cases we (2) By Venn Diagram
change the order of sentences. In another words (1) Analytical method:
we put I sentence in place of II and II in place of This method has two main steps:
I: (a) Aligning the pair of sentences.
III. Some cats are bats. (b) Using conclusion table to draw
I. Some bats are chairs. conclusion.
Let us consider another pair of statements.
I. All bats are chair.
II. All bats are cats.
Then how to align it ? In fact, in such cases we
do alignment in two ways: EXAMPLE10.
I. by converting statement 1 as . Statements:
I. Some chair are bats. I. All rats are cats.
II. All bats are cate. II. All rats are men.
and When aligned it takes the form as
II. by changing the order of the sentences I. Some cats are rats [I type]
and then converting the statement II. II. All rats are men [A type]
Now 1st change the order as Now we use the conclusion table given in this
I All bats are cats. chapter that says
II All bats are chair. I + A = 1 type of conclusion.
General Intelligence &
Reasoning - Syllogism

Therefore, the drawn conclusion must be “Some (i) some cats are rats. I-E pair
cats are men” (ii) No cats are rats
It is clear that the conclusion drawn “Some cats Apart from I-O, A-O and I-E pair the two
are men” is a mediate inference as it is the result sentences must have same subject and predicate
of two propositions. But in actual problem as are the above Mentioned pairs. For these pairs
immediate inferences are also given in we write the form Either (i) or (ii) follows
conclusion part and that format is given below: For example, see the following format:
Statements: Statements:
I. All rats are cats, 1. Some dogs are cats II. Some cats are
II. All rats are men. rats. Conclusions:
Conclusion: (i) Some cats are dogs.
(i) Some cats are men. (ii) Some rats are cats.
(ii) Some men are cats. (iii) All cats are rats.
(iii) Some rats are cats. (iv) Some dogs are rats.
(iv) Some cats are rate. (v) Some dogs are not rats.
(v) Some rats are men. Answer options:
(vi) Some men are rats. (a) All Follow.
Answer options: (b) Only (i) follows.
(a) only (iii) follows (c) Only (ii) and (iii) follow.
(b) only (i), (ii) and (iii) follow (d) Either (iv) or (v) and (i) & (ii) follow.
(c) only (iv) follows Here, option (d) is correct because conclusion (i)
(d) all follow is the immediate inference (conversion) of
(e) none of these statement I while conclusion (ii) is the
Here, the correct option is (d). immediate inference of II. Conclusion (iv) & (v)
Conclusion (i) follows because it is the mediate make complementary pair of I+O type.
inference of statements I & II. Conclusion (iii) is not correct because I and II
Conclusion (ii) is the conversion of conclusion are I type of statements and I + I does not give
(i). Conclusion (iii) is the immediate inference any conclusion. Further, A type of conclusion
(conversion) of statement I while conclusion (iv) can not be find from the immediate inferences
is the conversion of conclusion (iii). (conversion) of I type of statements as I & II are.
Conclusion (v) is the immediate inference Now, the complete process of solving Syllogism
(conversion) of statement II while conclusion problems can be summaried as below:
(vi) is the conversion of conclusion (v). (a) 1st step is aligning the sentences.
Further, in some problems complementary pairs (b) 2nd step is using conclusion table.
are also seen in the conclusion part in the forms (c) 3rd step is checking immediate
of sentence given below: inferences.
(i) Some cats are rats. I-O pair (d) 4th step is checking through the
(ii) Some cats are not rats. conversion of immediate inferences &
(i) All cats are rats. A-O pair mediate inferences.
(ii) Some cats are not rats. (e) Checking the complementary pairs.
General Intelligence &
Reasoning - Syllogism

(2) Venn diagram method for solving

Students will have to adopt three steps to solve
the syllogism problems through Venn diagram
(a) 1st step is sketching all possible,
pictorial representation for the
statements separately.
(b) 2nd step is combining possible pairs of
these, representations of all the
statements into one,
(c) 3rd and final step is making 3rd step:
interpretation of this combined figure. When we interpret the pictures in step
Conclusions, are true if they are supported II, we find that all the pictures support both the
by/all the combined figures in 2nd step. conclusions. Therefore, conclusion I:
Now let us solve a problem. “Some ties are books” and conclusion II.
EXAMPLE13. “Some ties are chairs” both are true.
Statements: Important Note: In the Venn diagram method,
A. All chairs are books. any conclusion given with any problem will be
B. All books are ties. true if and only if it is supported by all the
Conclusions: combined pictorial representations through 2nd
1. Some ties are books. step. If any pictorial representation contradicts
2. Some ties are chairs. the given conclusion, it will be put in the
1st Step: category of incorrect or wrong conclusion.

Here, 1A and 2A are representations for

statement A while 1B and 2B are
representations for statement B. In these
b = books
c = chairs
T = ties
2nd Step:
Let us combine all the possible pairs of
this pictorial representation:

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