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– 104 – 62271-1  IEC:2007

Annex B


Determination of the equivalent r.m.s. value of a short-time

current during a short circuit of a given duration


The method illustrated in Figure B.1 should be used to determine the short-time current (refer

to 6.6.2).


The total time t t of the test is divided into 10 equal parts by verticals 0 – 0,1... 1 and the r.m.s.

value of the a.c. component of the current is measured at these verticals.

These values are designated: 

Z 0 , Z 1 ... Z 10




Z = X / 2 and X is the peak value of a.c. component of current. 

The equivalent r.m.s. current during the time t t is given by:

[ ]

( ) ( )

It = Z 2 + 4 Z 12 + Z 32 + Z 52 + Z 72 + Z 92 + 2 Z 22 + Z 42 + Z 62 + Z 82 + Z 10

30 0

The d.c. component of current represented by CC' is not taken into account.




Z0 A' 

Z10 !


C' !

% &


Normal zero 




0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 (

IEC 1951/07 

AA ′

Envelopes of current wave 

BB ′

CC ′ Displacement of current wave zero line from normal zero line at any instant 

Z 0 ... Z 10 RMS value of a.c. component of current at any instant measured from normal zero; d.c. component is neglected
Xo Peak value of a.c. component of current at instant of initiating short circuit
BT Duration of short circuit, t t

Figure B.1 – Determination of short-time current

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