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Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

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Modeling bioretention hydrology: Quantifying the performance of

DRAINMOD-Urban and the SWMM LID module
W.A. Lisenbee a, c, *, J.M. Hathaway a, R.J. Winston b
University of Tennessee, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 415 John D. Tickle Building, 851 Neyland Drive, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA
Ohio State University, Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering and Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering, 230B
Agricultural Engineering Building, 590 Woody Hayes Drive, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
Pennsylvania State University, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, 415 Agricultural Sciences and Industries Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA


This manuscript was handled by Nandita Basu, Bioretention systems have become a leading infiltration-based Low Impact Development (LID) practice to reduce
Editor-in-Chief, with the assistance of Claire J. urban stormwater runoff volumes and peak flows. Although these systems have performed well in many site-
Oswald, Associate Editor scale field studies, modeling of bioretention systems has received less attention. Additional studies are needed
which calibrate various models to field measurements to investigate and optimize the performance of individual
LID practices and effectively scale local interventions to the watershed. DRAINMOD-Urban has been successfully
applied to bioretention at the site-scale due to its advanced soil–water accounting using the soil–water charac­
Rain garden
Stormwater teristic curve and its ability to explicitly model underdrains and internal water storage (IWS) zones. At the same
Green infrastructure time, the U.S. EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) has become one of the most widely used urban
Low impact development drainage models. The latest version, SWMM5, included dedicated LID modules including a routine for bio­
Hydrologic modeling retention modeling.
In this study, DRAINMOD-Urban and the SWMM LID module were compared through detailed analysis of the
internal processes of each model as well as through model calibration and output investigation. The objective
was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each model and compare the performance of both models to a
single bioretention cell. Both SWMM and DRAINMOD-Urban were evaluated in calibrated and uncalibrated
scenarios since urban drainage models often remain uncalibrated for planning scenario analysis. Following
calibration, DRAINMOD-Urban was superior for replicating drainage hydrographs (NSE = 0.60) while SWMM
produced better overflow hydrographs (NSE = 0.57). Specifically, SWMM often output a maximum drainage rate
that caused rectangular drainage hydrographs, but DRAINMOD-Urban was better able to match the shape of
measured drainage hydrographs. While the DRAINMOD-Urban model output was in good agreement with
measured drainage and overflow event volumes when calibrated (drainage NSE = 0.83, overflow NSE =
0.57–0.66), SWMM was closer to measured volumes even when uncalibrated (drainage NSE = 0.70–0.93,
overflow NSE = 0.59–0.81). This study improved existing knowledge of the SWMM LID module by calibrating to
field-collected data from a single bioretention cell for the first time in literature. Furthermore, the results of this
study indicate an opportunity for model coupling that could combine the strengths and weaknesses of each
model and improve bioretention cell modeling.

1. Introduction Davis, 2013; Brown and Hunt, 2012; Davis et al., 2012; Brown and Hunt,
2011; Davis, 2008; Hunt et al., 2006). However, most bioretention
Bioretention systems have been widely accepted within the storm­ studies have centered on field monitoring and laboratory assessments
water engineering community due to numerous, geographically diverse (Liu et al., 2014; Davis et al., 2009). Computational models have been
field studies demonstrating substantial volumetric reductions and slower to develop for bioretention systems despite the advantage they
generally good pollutant removal (Tirpak et al., 2021; Olszewski and provide in quantifying bioretention performance as a function of design

* Corresponding author at: Pennsylvania State University, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, 415 Agricultural Sciences and Industries Building,
University Park, PA 16802, USA.
E-mail addresses: (W.A. Lisenbee), (J.M. Hathaway), (R.J. Winston).
Received 2 February 2022; Received in revised form 18 May 2022; Accepted 4 July 2022
Available online 11 July 2022
0022-1694/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

prior to implementation. Specifically, bioretention modeling is benefi­ examples of calibration and validation against field LID practices
cial to designers by informing bioretention cell design, optimizing de­ (Fassman-Beck and Saleh, 2021; Lisenbee et al., 2021). The research
signs for local conditions and objectives, and scaling impacts from a herein combined important aspects of each of the aforementioned
single cell to the larger watershed. studies: site-scale evaluation of the SWMM LID module, calibration of
There are many hydrologic models that have developed tools or hydrologic pathways in the SWMM LID module using field measured
routines for bioretention (Lisenbee et al., 2021). Low Impact Develop­ data, and comparison of SWMM to another promising bioretention
ment (LID) models may include bioretention as one of many LID prac­ model, DRAINMOD-Urban.
tices but mostly examine lumped performance of LID installations DRAINMOD is an agricultural drainage model that has performed
compared to traditional development under uncalibrated and calibrated well when applied to urban bioretention systems by addressing some of
scenarios (Kaykhosravi et al., 2018; Li et al., 2017; Elliott and Trow­ the limitations of other models related to infiltration modeling and
sdale, 2007). Often these models focus on runoff volume reduction to representation of the IWS zone (Winston, 2015; Hathaway et al., 2014;
describe the performance of bioretention cells. However, hydrologic Brown et al., 2013). Another advantage of DRAINMOD is the detailed
pathways within a bioretention cell (drainage, overflow, exfiltration, soil–water accounting procedure that estimates water level fluctuations
and evapotranspiration) should also be evaluated since they play a role in the cell using the soil water characteristic curve (SWCC). The SWCC is
in determining the fate of pollutants in bioretention and impact water­ a better representation of available pore space in the bioretention cell at
shed hydrology. various depths compared to the common assumption that storage ca­
Unfortunately, hydrologic pathways are not well-represented in pacity is simply the difference between water content at saturation and
many current bioretention models (Lisenbee et al., 2021). Underdrains field capacity (Brown et al., 2013). This is important in variably satu­
and restrictions to drainage, such as internal water storage (IWS) zones, rated bioretention systems, especially those employing IWS zones which
are not considered in some models and the hydrologic changes from elevate the internal water level. In addition to sophisticated soil-
these features are computationally simplified in other models despite moisture accounting, the SWCC is used in DRAINMOD for determining
widespread use in field applications (Lynn et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2014; the volume drained and the Green-Ampt infiltration parameters at
Brown and Hunt, 2011). Further, many models use infiltration processes various internal water levels within the bioretention cell.
that assume uniform saturation of the media, while bioretention systems DRAINMOD-Urban is a version of DRAINMOD adapted for urban
are variably saturated and unsaturated during and following rain events hydrologic response times. DRAINMOD-Urban produces hydrographs at
(Tu et al., 2020; Barbu and Ballestero, 2015; Akan, 2013; Brown et al., time steps as small as one minute for each hydrologic pathway in the
2013). Finally, the hydrologic flow paths in a bioretention model could bioretention cell (inflow, overflow, infiltration, drainage, exfiltration,
be calibrated to better represent field-measured drainage and overflow and ET). DRAINMOD-Urban has shown good prediction (NSE = 0.60) of
from a bioretention cell but these studies have been limited to column observed drainage hydrographs from a bioretention cell (Lisenbee et al.,
studies thus far (Gülbaz and Kazezyılmaz-Alhan, 2017; Liu and Fassman- 2020). While DRAINMOD-Urban appears to be well-suited for modeling
Beck, 2017). Additional studies are needed to determine how these bioretention, it also has some disadvantages compared to SWMM.
limitations in model processes may or may not affect the model SWMM has an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) and graphing
outcomes. functions for built-in visualization of outputs. Conversely, DRAINMOD-
The U.S. EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) is one of the Urban outputs text files that must undergo rigorous post-processing with
most widely used models for bioretention, especially since the release of an external program. Furthermore, SWMM is a watershed-scale model
SWMM5 which includes dedicated LID modules (Rossman, 2010). that can capture dynamics between catchments, sewers, hydraulic
SWMM has many applications for catchment hydrology, provides structures, and other bioretention cells upstream and downstream of any
several methods for hydrologic and hydraulic processes, and reports given bioretention cell. It also incorporates routing procedures to ac­
hydrographs from flows in sewers, open channels, or LID features. count for travel time and friction losses between these objects. At pre­
SWMM has been widely applied to watershed studies investigating sent, DRAINMOD-Urban can only model a single bioretention cell. This
lumped LID benefits compared to traditional stormwater management site-scale modeling allows users to evaluate the performance of a spe­
(Bai et al., 2018; Avellaneda et al., 2017; Sun et al., 2014; McCutcheon cific bioretention cell or design feature, whereas watershed-scale
and Wride, 2013; Bosley, 2008). Fewer studies have calibrated SWMM modeling is useful for determining effects on a larger catchment.
to observed total runoff reduction specifically provided by bioretention Watershed-scale models for bioretention often lump parameters and
at the watershed scale (Bai et al., 2018; Avellaneda et al., 2017; Li and make simplifications to allow for quick analysis of many contributing
Lam, 2015; Rosa et al., 2015). However, bioretention models must first factors without cumbersome input requirements. To combine the best of
be evaluated at the site scale to ensure they provide reliable estimations these methods, site-scale models can be incorporated as add-in tools for
of performance at the watershed scale. larger watershed models.
Some studies have focused on performance of a single bioretention This study addressed the need to understand the performance of the
cell (or rain garden) in SWMM compared to column or pilot-scale studies SWMM LID module in representing an individual bioretention cell by
(Gülbaz and Kazezyılmaz-Alhan, 2017; Liu and Fassman-Beck, 2017; Li calibrating SWMM to field-measured bioretention cell hydrology. The
and Lam, 2015; McCutcheon and Wride, 2013). Only a few recent resulting model performance was compared with that of DRAINMOD-
studies have evaluated SWMM compared to bioretention cells installed Urban. Evaluating hydrographs produced by each model was impor­
in field but were primarily focused on sensitivity analysis (Fassman-Beck tant to consider the effect bioretention has on flow dynamics of urban
and Saleh, 2021; Platz et al., 2020). Thus, evaluation of the SWMM LID watersheds, combined sewer overflow (CSO) mitigation, and treatment
module performance for site-scale bioretention studies is needed to trains that consist of multiple LID strategies which require accurate
better understand how the model represents internal flow processes of a hydrographs (Liu and Fassman-Beck, 2017). This study identified
bioretention cell. strengths and weaknesses of each model’s ability to represent event
Further studies have compared SWMM with other bioretention volumes and hydrographs of drainage and overflow pathways in a bio­
models such as HYDRUS-1D (Tu et al., 2020; Lynn et al., 2018), Win­ retention cell. Acknowledging advantages and applications best suited
SLAMM (Tiveron et al., 2018), HM-RWB (Gülbaz and Kazezyılmaz- to each model bears potential for combining these strengths in future
Alhan, 2017), RECARGA (Sun et al., 2011) and HydroCAD (Lucas, bioretention modeling efforts.
2010). These studies have established that SWMM is capable of
modeling bioretention cells under a variety of conditions, but it has
limitations such as limited underdrain placement and design, simplistic
infiltration routines using a bucket model approach, and scarce

W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

2. Material & methods simulation models which account for antecedent moisture conditions.
SWMM also has the benefit of being applicable to the larger urban
2.1. Site description watershed, employing routing procedures such as the kinematic wave
equation which accounts for runoff travel time to the bioretention cell.
A single site-scale model was created in both DRAINMOD-Urban and The routing procedures in SWMM also allow for outflow to be routed to
SWMM and calibrated to the Ursuline College (UC) bioretention cell another LID component or pipe network downstream.
located near Cleveland, Ohio, USA. This site was used for previous To allow direct comparison to DRAINMOD-Urban, the bioretention
evaluations of DRAINMOD and DRAINMOD-Urban performance LID module in SWMM was evaluated as its own subwatershed. This
(Lisenbee et al., 2020; Winston, 2015). A 3600 m2 drainage area reduced the SWMM model to a single bioretention cell similar to
comprised largely of parking lot (77% impervious) produced storm­ DRAINMOD-Urban and provided valuable analysis of the capabilities of
water runoff that entered the UC cell which had a surface area of 182 m2 the LID module for bioretention cell modeling. Before modeling these
(Fig. 1). The bioretention media layer (60 cm) in the UC cell was 87% bioretention cells in SWMM, the governing equations used for various
sand, 4% silt, and 9% clay according to sieve analysis (ASTM, 2007). The hydrologic pathways in SWMM and DRAINMOD-Urban were compared
UC cell had a 30 cm ponding zone that was topped with a 7.5 cm layer of in the following sections. For specific model inputs, see Table 4. More
mulch. Below the bioretention media was a choking sand layer (15 cm) information on model processes can be found in model documentation
and a gravel storage layer (30 cm) which contained an underdrain with (Rossman and Huber, 2016; DRAINMOD 6.1 Help File, 2013; Skaggs
an upturned elbow, creating a 60 cm deep IWS zone (Fig. 2). The bio­ et al., 2012) and the bioretention modeling review paper (Lisenbee
retention media was not expected to experience clogging or compaction et al., 2021).
over the monitoring period due to recent construction, a forebay to
collect fine sediment entering the cell, and the growth of vegetation and 2.2.1. Inflow
roots. SWMM was used to model a continuous runoff hydrograph from the
Precipitation was measured on-site with a tipping bucket rain gauge catchment area at 1-min intervals. For DRAINMOD-Urban, this runoff
at 1-minute intervals. Inflow to the UC cell was unable to be directly hydrograph was entered as inflow to the bioretention cell without
measured on-site so catchment properties were entered into SWMM to modification. In the SWMM simulations, the same method was used to
model an inflow hydrograph that was used in both SWMM and determine bioretention inflow with the addition of a potential evapo­
DRAINMOD-Urban models. The combined drainage and overflow were transpiration (PET) file using the Penman-Monteith method which
measured with a 60-degree, sharp-crested, v-notch weir, and a bubbler reduced the inflow to the bioretention cell by 10%.
flow module attached to an ISCO 6712 sampler that collected data every
two minutes (Fig. 1). Drainage and overflow were separated in SWMM 2.2.2. Overflow
using a rating curve based on the internal water level (Winston et al., DRAINMOD-Urban has a surface storage input that represents the
2016). A total of 12 drainage events and four overflow events were bioretention ponding zone. If ponding exceeds this level, then overflow
measured over the seven-month monitoring period. Additionally, volu­ is equal to the sum of direct precipitation on the bioretention cell and
metric soil moisture was measured in the UC cell using time domain inflow minus infiltration. SWMM includes a ponding zone (denoted
reflectometer (TDR) probes at 15, 30, 60, and 90 cm depths (Fig. 1). The berm height) in the LID module for bioretention but also includes a
15 and 30 cm depths described the bioretention media whereas the 60 vegetation volume fraction to account for the space that vegetation
and 90 cm depths described moisture in the IWS and sand/gravel storage occupies in the ponding zone. Overflow is calculated in SWMM as the
zones. water level above a maximum freeboard for each given timestep.

2.2.3. Evapotranspiration
2.2. Model description
Both DRAINMOD-Urban and SWMM accept user-input PET but
DRAINMOD-Urban can also calculate PET using the Thornthwaite
Both DRAINMOD-Urban and SWMM are long-term, continuous

Fig. 1. The inflow, outflows, and monitoring equipment for the Ursuline College (UC) bioretention cell (blue area) and its drainage area from a parking lot (green).
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

Fig. 2. Comparison of the drainage configuration used in DRAINMOD-Urban (a) and SWMM (b) to represent the internal water storage zone (IWS) present in the
Ursuline College (UC) bioretention cell. *Image
adapted from Lisenbee et al., 2020.

method. In DRAINMOD-Urban, PET is used to represent ET from the soil and storage ET are set to zero when surface infiltration is occurring.
system when soil water is not limiting. If ET is limited by soil water
conditions, then ET is equal to the upward flux of water as a function of 2.2.4. Infiltration
internal water level (determined from the SWCC soil input). When this The Green-Ampt method was used to represent surface infiltration
upward flux is not enough to meet ET demand, water is removed from through the bioretention cell in SWMM and DRAINMOD-Urban. This
the root zone. method is a simplification of Richards’ equation which employs certain
In SWMM, ET is calculated for the surface, soil, and storage layers assumptions such as one-dimensional, vertical flow and total saturation
consecutively such that any remaining PET is available to the subse­ behind a sharp wetting front. These assumptions are not always valid in
quent layer. The surface ET is calculated as the minimum of the PET and bioretention cells which operate under variably saturated and unsatu­
the ponding depth at a given timestep. The ET from the soil layer is rated conditions. For the LID module in SWMM, the Green-Ampt equa­
calculated from the moisture content and the depth of the soil. Both the tion was adjusted to account for ponding depth which is an important

W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

component of bioretention cells. where Ksat is the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil layer,
DRAINMOD-Urban requires the user to input the SWCC of the bio­ HCO is the conductivity slope, ϕ is the soil porosity and θ is the soil
retention media to account for variable soil moisture; this is especially moisture. If the native soil layer is saturated, the percolation is limited to
important for cells with an IWS zone where the internal water level may the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the bioretention media. If the
be close to the surface. The SWCC provides a more detailed relationship moisture content of the soil layer falls below field capacity, then the
between moisture content fluctuations and depth to the internal water percolation rate is set to zero (Rossman and Huber, 2016).
level than traditional methods of assuming an initial moisture deficit
(which is the procedure used in SWMM; Brown et al., 2013). This was 2.2.6. Drainage
especially true when the water level was close to the surface as it often is DRAINMOD-Urban represents drainage in bioretention systems
in a bioretention cell during a storm event. For SWMM, infiltration ca­ (Fig. 3) using the Hooghoudt equation (Eqn. (2)) that accounts for flow
pacity recovery is modeled using the hydraulic conductivity in Green- convergence near drains:
Ampt instead of a soil-accounting method like DRAINMOD-Urban
q = 4Ke m(2de + m)/L2 (2)
(Bosley, 2008). SWMM assumes all soil moisture is evenly distributed
throughout the soil layer (Rossman and Huber, 2016), which may not be where q is the drainage rate (cm/h), m is the midpoint water level
an appropriate assumption (Barbu and Ballestero, 2015). above the drain, Ke is the equivalent lateral hydraulic conductivity of the
DRAINMOD-Urban and SWMM require different inputs although profile (cm/h), de is the equivalent depth from the drain to the restric­
they both employ the Green-Ampt equation (Table 4). To estimate tive layer (cm), and L is the drain spacing (cm).
infiltration parameters, the SWMM reference manual provides a table of DRAINMOD-Urban’s soil-moisture accounting is also used to esti­
suggested bioretention soil parameters based on sand, loamy sand, and mate the change in internal water level. When water begins to pond on
sandy loam soil textures using the SPAW model (Rossman and Huber, the soil surface and the soil is fully saturated, the Kirkham equation
2016; Saxton and Rawls, 2006). In DRAINMOD, infiltration parameters (1957) is used to calculate drainage instead of the Hooghoudt equation
are derived automatically from the measured SWCC entered in the (Skaggs et al., 2012). However, the drainage rate could be limited by
model, but they can be adjusted manually if desired (Skaggs et al., other hydraulic constraints which are accounted for through the
2012). Overall, deriving infiltration parameters from a measured SWCC drainage coefficient parameter which sets the maximum drainage ca­
is hypothesized to improve infiltration estimation in DRAINMOD-Urban pacity. DRAINMOD-Urban also provides a “controlled drainage” option
compared to SWMM which does not require sophisticated soil charac­ that uses weir settings to control drawdown in the bioretention cell and
teristic parameterization but instead relies on empirical estimation represent an IWS zone, a common design in practice.
based on soil texture. SWMM can model underdrains in the LID module but the drainage
inputs required are not measurable quantities, and the drain advisor that
2.2.5. Percolation assists users in determining the correct values for these inputs is limited
After the initial surface infiltration, percolation refers to flow in scope (EPA SWMM Help File 5.1, 2017). According to the SWMM LID
through soil layers within the bioretention cell. DRAINMOD-Urban user manual, SWMM models the underdrain using an empirical power
employs the Green-Ampt parameters derived from the SWCC and satu­ law weir equation unless the maximum drainage rate is reached:
rated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) for each soil layer in the model are
used to find an effective Ksat (Keff) at each time step based on the internal q = CD (h)η (3)
water table depth. In SWMM, Darcy’s law is used to simulate percolation Where q is the drainage rate (ft/s), h is the hydraulic head (ft), CD is
through subsequent soil layers in the bioretention cell. This is applied in the underdrain discharge coefficient, and η is the underdrain discharge
the same manner as SWMM’s groundwater routine using the coefficient, exponent (Rossman and Huber, 2016). The hydraulic head on the
HCO, to describe the exponential decrease in hydraulic conductivity underdrain is defined by the offset height, which is an input in the LID
with decreasing moisture content (Rossman and Huber, 2016). The module; drainage does not begin until the water level in the storage
equation used for the percolation rate through each soil layers is: layer reaches the drain offset height. The maximum drainage limit is
equal to the drainage coefficient (as represented in DRAINMOD-Urban)
f2 = Ksat e(− HCO(ϕ− θ))
if the exponent is set to zero. If the underdrain is not limiting the

Fig. 3. Schematic of DRAINMOD water balance including variables for the Hooghoudt drainage equation. .
Adapted from Lisenbee et al., 2020

W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

hydraulics, the drainage coefficient can be any number larger than the the effort required to measure or estimate inputs.
Ksat. In this case, the drainage rate is equal to the rate of percolation SWMM requires fewer inputs than DRAINMOD-Urban, but more
entering the underdrain from the adjoining soil layer minus the seepage inputs are simply estimated with guidance from the model or left as
rate as long as the maximum drainage limit (represented by the drainage defaults (Table 1). We described “estimated” inputs as those using model
coefficient) is not reached. defaults or documentation whereas “measured” inputs come from field
Other drainage restrictions can be incorporated by adjusting the or laboratory testing of site-specific properties. Soil properties play a big
drainage exponent to 0.5 to represent the standard orifice equation role in both bioretention models. In SWMM, a total of 15 inputs are
(Rossman and Huber, 2016). Under this scenario, the drainage coeffi­ required for the LID module and six of these are soil parameters
cient can be used to represent slotted pipes (that act as orifices) or an (Table 4). DRAINMOD-Urban has fewer estimated parameters than
orifice at the outlet of the underdrain. These adjustments to Equation (3) SWMM but requires more detailed collection of soil characteristics such
offer more flexibility in how the drainage hydraulics are calculated by as the SWCC and hydraulic conductivity of each layer which require
considering multiple drains, valves, cap orifices, slotted pipes, etc. extensive laboratory testing (Tables 1 & 4).
which are not considered in many bioretention models. However, an
upturned elbow (for creation of an IWS zone) is one drainage configu­ 2.3.2. Calibration parameters
ration that is still not readily modeled in the SWMM LID module. One The calibration parameters used in DRAINMOD-Urban were the
study has shown how to represent an elevated outlet in SWMM by saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) of the bioretention media, Ksat of
creating a rating curve using HYDRUS to represent both unsaturated the sand layer, the drainage coefficient, the piezometric head of the
zones and saturated sections of the bioretention media (Lynn et al., aquifer, and the thickness of the restricting layer (Table 2). The cali­
2018). However, this study was conducted using the original SWMM bration parameters used in SWMM were Ksat and soil suction of the
framework. bioretention media, the conductivity slope (HCO), the void ratio of the
Ours is the first published study to model an IWS zone in the SWMM5 storage layer and the seepage rate (Table 2). The Ksat was sensitive in
LID module using the following model setup. In the SWMM LID module, both DRAINMOD-Urban and SWMM to the amount of infiltration
the soil layer (or bioretention media) can only be placed above the allowed through the bioretention cell. The void ratio for the storage
storage layer and the underdrain is typically placed at the top of the layer and the soil suction also affected the infiltration in SWMM but
storage layer. In this study, for comparison to DRAINMOD-Urban, the were not as sensitive as Ksat. The parameters that controlled the exfil­
cell configuration had to be adjusted in SWMM to account for storage tration from the bioretention cell were the piezometric head of the
available in the IWS zone. The storage layer depth was input as the aquifer and the thickness of the restricting layer in DRAINMOD-Urban
depths of gravel and sand layers (45 cm), and the depth of bioretention and the seepage rate in SWMM.
media remained at 60 cm. For this study, the underdrain was placed at There were two unique calibration parameters: the drainage coeffi­
the top of the IWS zone (60 cm above the bottom of cell) to accommo­ cient and the HCO parameter. The initial drainage coefficient in
date the proper underdrain invert elevation. Therefore, the underdrain DRAINMOD-Urban was increased to avoid restricting drain flow since
was placed in the soil layer 15 cm above the storage layer to match as- measured hydrographs did not show any evidence of drainage restric­
built conditions (Fig. 2). tion. For comparison, the same was done in SWMM. The HCO parameter
This representation of the IWS zone in SWMM is simplified to fit is suggested to fall in the range of 30 to 60 based on its soil texture (EPA
within the constraints of the LID module, i.e. using an elevated under­ SWMM Help File 5.1, 2017). Several studies have shown much smaller
drain instead of an upturned elbow configuration. We anticipate HCO values than suggested by SWMM documentation in bioretention
increased use of SWMM for IWS bioretention designs because IWS is simulations (Lynn et al., 2018; Liu and Fassman-Beck, 2017; Rosa et al.,
becoming a standard design in some states, and SWMM is a prominent 2015). Therefore, although the HCO was calculated to be 49.4 based on
bioretention modeling tool (NCDEQ, 2020). Studying model behavior SWMM recommendations, several smaller HCO values (ranging from 7
with this IWS setup will demonstrate the best possible model outcomes to 60) were tested during calibration.
using the model as is and highlight areas for improvement in the LID
module. Updating the SWMM model to address IWS is paramount to 2.3.3. Calibration process
broaden the scope of bioretention practices that can be modeled using When calibrating both models to measured drainage and overflow
SWMM. hydrographs, it was important to simultaneously evaluate the effect of
calibration on event and total volumes. Sometimes these processes
2.2.7. Exfiltration couple such that calibrating hydrographs also improves event volumes.
In SWMM, exfiltration from the bottom of the storage layer into the However, an attempt to match volumes sometimes distorts the hydro­
underling soil is simply set to a user-supplied saturated hydraulic con­ graph shape (Lisenbee et al., 2020). Therefore, calibrations were per­
ductivity of the underlying soil. DRAINMOD-Urban uses Darcy’s law formed to optimize fit to either hydrographs (hydrograph-calibrated) or
with the Dupuit-Forchheimer assumptions to calculate vertical seepage volumes (volume calibrated) in DRAINMOD-Urban and SWMM. Results
at the transition from the storage layer to the underlying soil. for model performance for matching both hydrographs and volume were
DRAINMOD-Urban also requires seepage inputs such as the piezometric recorded regardless of the output being optimized. An additional
head of the aquifer, the thickness of the restricting layer and the vertical assessment was completed to document performance of each model in
conductivity of the restricting layer, which are often used as calibration an uncalibrated state, which is the way bioretention models are
parameters since they are difficult to measure. commonly used in practice for preliminary design analysis due to
limited data availability or modeling experience. We believe that the
2.3. Modeling methods

2.3.1. Inputs Table 1

Understanding model inputs aids the user in determining if the Summary of inputs required for both SWMM and DRAINMOD-Urban (DM-
Urban) for the Ursuline College (UC) bioretention cell (BRC).
model utilizes mechanistic or empirical functions to estimate bio­
retention hydrology. Furthermore, the complexity and number of Summary of Inputs DRAINMOD-Urban SWMM
required inputs can discourage use of a model especially for designers Total Required Inputs (minus inflow) 26 24
that are less familiar with hydrologic modeling or have limited access to Total Estimated 12 14
descriptive data for the system (Lisenbee et al., 2021). The right balance Total Measured 14 10
Total Calibration Parameters 5 5
must be struck between accurately representing the system and reducing

W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

Table 2
Comparison of calibration parameters for uncalibrated, volume-calibrated, and hydrograph-calibrated simulations using SWMM and DRAINMOD-Urban (DM-Urban)
for the Ursuline College (UC) bioretention cell.
Method (cm) (cm) (cm/hr) (cm/hr) COEFF. (cm) hr)

Uncalibrated 53 55 15 16 25
Volume-Calibrated 23 26.5 30 17 120
Hydrograph- 12 20 45 35 300
Uncalibrated 16.8 300 49.4 0.51 6.10 0.44
Volume-Calibrated 13.3 300 23.0 0.30 25.4 1.3
Hydrograph- 16.8 300 23.0 0.30 11.0 0.44

*PIEZO. Head = Piezometric head, RESTRICT. LAYER = thickness of the restricting layer, VOID = void ratio of the storage layer, SEEP. = Seepage.

uncalibrated scenario was valuable to provide insight on the model however, all calibrations performed poorly. The lower NSE statistics for
performance in cases where calibration data may be constrained. overflow were likely due to the emphasis on matching peak flow by the
This process resulted in three calibration states for each model: un­ NSE statistic (Broekhuizen et al., 2020; Lisenbee et al., 2020; Krause
calibrated, volume-calibrated, and hydrograph-calibrated. Optimization et al., 2005). For instance, modeled timing and duration of overflow
of modeled volumes and hydrographs was determined using the Nash- were very close to measured, but peak flow was overestimated in all
Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) and percent bias (PBIAS) as goodness-of-fit DRAINMOD-Urban simulations (Fig. 5).
tests. Other statistics such as the index of agreement (d), its relative Visualization of drainage and overflow hydrographs is a key step in
error counterparts (d1) and the relative NSE (E1) were calculated as evaluating DRAINMOD-Urban performance (Saraswat et al., 2015;
supplements to the NSE and PBIAS during calibration (Moriasi et al., Moriasi et al., 2007). The performance of DRAINMOD-Urban drainage
2007). After these statistics were used to narrow the number of viable hydrographs varies depending on the calibration method. The volume-
scenarios, drainage and overflow hydrographs were visually inspected, calibration had the worst drainage hydrograph fit based on visual
and characteristics such as peak flow, time to peak, and event duration assessment of a representative storm event (Fig. 4c). This simulation had
were compared. These assessments aided in determining a final a truncated peak that was much lower than measured, and the duration
hydrograph-calibrated simulation for the UC cell. of the first two peaks was extended to compensate for this loss in vol­
ume. Although the peak and duration of the uncalibrated drainage
3. Results & discussion hydrograph was still poorly represented, the shape of the hydrograph
was better than the rectangular shape observed under the volume-
3.1. DRAINMOD-Urban performance calibration (Fig. 4a). Also, notably, in both the uncalibrated and
volume-calibrated simulations, the third peak was not detected for the
3.1.1. Hydrographs event depicted in Fig. 4. The hydrograph-calibrated drainage hydro­
When calibrating DRAINMOD-Urban to measured hydrographs graph for this representative event was visually improved in multiple
(hydrograph-calibration), good performance was achieved with NSE = ways. The peak drainage was closer to measured (albeit still under­
0.60 for drainage hydrographs at a 2-minute timestep (Table 3). When estimated), the timing of rising and falling limbs was much closer to
the UC cell was calibrated to achieve the best fit to measured drainage measured, and the third peak corresponded well to measured timing and
and overflow volumes (volume-calibration), the hydrograph perfor­ peak drainage (Fig. 4e). Drainage hydrographs clearly benefited from
mance was reduced to NSE = 0.31, even smaller than NSE = 0.39 for the hydrograph-calibration in DRAINMOD-Urban. For overflow hydro­
uncalibrated simulation (Table 3). According to Skaggs et al. (2012), an graphs, the improvements across calibrations were less evident. In
NSE greater than 0.4 is acceptable model performance at a daily time­ general, the peaks were reduced, and the timing was improved under
step. Thus, for a much smaller 2-minute timestep, both the uncalibrated hydrograph-calibration. This is demonstrated in the representative
and volume-calibrated drainage hydrographs could have acceptable overflow event, particularly for the second smaller peak (Fig. 5a, c, e).
model performance at 0.39 and 0.31 NSE. For overflow hydrographs,

Table 3
Goodness-of-fit tests for measured drainage and overflow volumes and hydrographs compared to uncalibrated, volume-calibrated, and hydrograph-calibrated sim­
ulations in DRAINMOD-Urban (DM-Urban) and SWMM.
Goodness of Fit Tests


DM-Urban Volumes Hydrographs

Uncalibrated Drainage 0.50 41.3 0.39 − 1.62 0.88 0.60 0.30
Overflow − 1.77 72.8 − 1.60 − 73.01 0.38 0.64 − 0.06
Volume-Calibrated Drainage 0.83 –23.4 0.31 16.7 0.86 0.60 0.32
Overflow 0.57 − 58.4 − 1.82 − 96.8 0.37 0.64 − 0.01
Hydrograph- Calibrated Drainage 0.83 − 46.6 0.60 5.19 0.93 0.75 0.52
Overflow 0.66 67.0 − 0.10 − 18.5 0.68 0.74 0.36
SWMM Volumes Hydrographs
Uncalibrated Drainage 0.86 29.5 0.34 − 28.76 0.92 0.76 0.46
Overflow 0.70 24.9 0.54 24.87 0.85 0.76 0.47
Volume-Calibrated Drainage 0.93 16.6 0.47 − 6.29 0.92 0.77 0.52
Overflow 0.81 16.9 0.12 − 0.26 0.73 0.74 0.38
Hydrograph- Calibrated Drainage 0.70 43.1 0.42 − 42.90 0.92 0.75 0.45
Overflow 0.59 30.7 0.57 30.67 0.86 0.76 0.48

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Table 4
Comparison of initial uncalibrated inputs required for both SWMM and DRAINMOD-Urban (DM-Urban) for the Ursuline College (UC) bioretention cell (BRC). Cali­
bration parameters are denoted and the change in these parameters can be found in Table 2.
Input Parameters DRAINMOD-Urban SWMM Measured (M) or Calibration
Estimated (E) Parameters

Catchment Geometry Catchment Area (m2) 3600 M

Catchment Width (m) 43.6 M
% Slope 4.49 M
Land Cover % Imperviousness 77 M
Impervious Manning’s n 0.01 E
Pervious Manning’s n 0.1 E
Depression Storage (cm) 0.127 E
% of Impervious Area w/o Depression 25 E
Runoff User-defined Inflow From SWMM n/a
BRC Design Geometry BRC Area (m2) 182 M
BRC Area:Catchment Area Ratio 19.7 M
BRC Width (m) 7.01 M
Ponding Ponding Layer Depth (cm) 30 30 M
Surface Slope 0 E
Drainage Underdrain Diameter (cm) 10 M
Underdrain Flow (Drainage) Coefficient 25 300 E DM-Urban
Underdrain Flow Exponent 0 E
Underdrain Offset Height (cm) 60 E
Depth from Soil Surface to Drain (cm) 107 M
Drain Spacing (cm) 597 E
Weir Depth from Soil Surface (for IWS 52 M
BRC Media BRC Media Depth (cm) 60 45 M
BRC Surface Roughness (Manning’s) 0.1 E
Initial Water Table Depth (cm) 112.5 E
Input Parameters DRAINMOD-Urban SWMM Measured (M) or Calibration
Estimated (E) Parameters
BRC Design Storage Storage Layer Depth (cm) 45 60 M
Properties Layer Storage Void Ratio 0.514 E SWMM
Clogging Factor 0 E
Piezometric Head (cm) 53 E DM-Urban
Thickness of Restricting Layer (cm) 55 E DM-Urban
Seepage Rate (cm/hr) 0.437 0.437 M SWMM
Climate Precipitation 1-min measured M
Temperature Daily min/max M
Heat Index 50 E
User-input PET n/a Penman- E
Soil BRC Media Soil Texture Loamy Sand E
Porosity 0.331 0.331 M
Initial Moisture Deficit 0.154 E
Field Capacity Moisture Content 0.177 0.177 M
Wilting Point Moisture Content 0.02 0.047 E
Suction Head (cm) 6.10 E SWMM
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (cm/ 16 16.8 M DM-Urban/ SWMM
Soil-Water Characteristic Curve required M
Other Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of 60 E
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of 15 E DM-Urban
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of 200 E
Hydraulic Conductivity Slope (HCO) 49.4 E SWMM
Vegetation Root Layer Depth (cm) 30 E
Vegetation Volume Fraction 0.01 E

3.1.2. Volumes The hydrograph-calibrated DRAINMOD-Urban model described in

Higher NSEs were observed for event volumes than for hydrographs Lisenbee et al. (2020) achieved an NSE = 0.83 for drainage event vol­
for all calibration sets except for the uncalibrated overflow which umes. The NSE of drainage volumes under the volume-calibration was
showed poor performance for both volumes and hydrographs (Table 3). actually the same as the hydrograph-calibration (0.83) but with slightly
This was expected because event volumes were summed over the entire better PBIAS. The uncalibrated DRAINMOD-Urban simulation has the
event as opposed to hydrographs which were evaluated at each 2-minute worst performance for drainage and overflow event volumes among the
interval (Moriasi et al., 2007). Small shifts in the modeled hydrograph three calibration methods (Table 3). Drainage and overflow volumes
compared to the measured hydrograph led to disparities in the hydro­ were mostly overestimated when DRAINMOD-Urban was uncalibrated
graph NSE but may have had little impact on the modeled volume. except for a few storms with the greatest measured volumes (Fig. 6a &

W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

Fig. 4. A representative drainage event was used to demonstrate modeled and measured drainage hydrographs from both DRAINMOD-Urban (a, c, e) and SWMM (b,
d, f) under three simulations: uncalibrated (a, b), volume-calibrated (c, d), and hydrograph-calibrated (e, f).

b). Overflow event volumes in DRAINMOD-Urban showed good per­ 3.2. SWMM model performance
formance under the volume and hydrograph calibrations even when
overflow hydrograph performance was poor (Table 3). Unexpectedly, 3.2.1. Hydrographs
overflow event volumes under the volume-calibration had a lower NSE The uncalibrated SWMM model simulated overflow hydrographs
compared to the hydrograph-calibration. However, both volume and (NSE = 0.54) almost as well as SWMM under hydrograph-calibration
hydrograph calibrations substantially improved drainage and overflow (NSE = 0.57). Drainage hydrographs showed greater improvement
volumes suggesting that, for DRAINMOD-Urban, calibration is highly with hydrograph-calibration (NSE = 0.42) from an uncalibrated model
recommended. Both calibration techniques (i.e., volume or hydrograph (NSE = 0.34; Table 3). However, when visually examining drainage
calibrated) yielded reasonable fit between drainage volumes and event hydrographs, the difference between the uncalibrated (b) and
measured volumes, though they were still slightly overestimated (Fig. 6c hydrograph-calibrated (f) simulations were less obvious, with the NSE
& e). With only four overflow events for comparison, it was hard to likely improving due to improved prediction of drainage timing (Fig. 4).
detect trends in overflow volumes across calibration methods (Fig. 6). When Ksat and seepage rate were adjusted in SWMM to better match
drainage and overflow volumes (volume-calibration), the maximum

W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

Fig. 5. A representative overflow event was used to demonstrate modeled and measured overflow hydrographs from both DRAINMOD-Urban (a, c, e) and SWMM (b,
d, f) under three simulations: uncalibrated (a, b), volume-calibrated (c, d), and hydrograph-calibrated (e, f).

drainage rate was underestimated, unlike with other calibration explains the sensitivity of this parameter in SWMM despite an ambig­
methods (Fig. 4). This change was not represented by the cumulative uous effect on event hydrographs. When the soil layer is saturated, the
NSE which only changed from 0.42 to 0.47 from hydrograph-calibration percolation rate (Eqn. (1)) is equal to the Ksat and the drainage rate
to volume-calibration. becomes the Ksat minus the seepage rate.
One noticeable characteristic of SWMM drainage hydrographs is that This effect was observed in eight out of 12 event hydrographs
many reach a maximum drainage limit where the peak drainage is simulated, but when examining soil moisture measured in the bio­
truncated. The peak drainage rate could be adjusted in SWMM by retention cell over the course of the monitoring period, the soil layer was
modifying the drainage coefficient, Ksat, or seepage rate, but these rarely fully saturated. The measured soil mositure remained near field
changes had no effect on the rectangular shape. This behavior is capacity during the majority of time the bioretention cell was draining.
explained by the percolation equation in SWMM (Eqn. (1)). When the The maximum measured moisture content in the bioretention media was
water level exceeds the top of the storage layer and the soil moisture of 0.312 cm3/cm3 and in the IWS/storage layer was 0.354 cm3/cm3
the bioretention media is between field capacity and saturation, the compared to a measured porosity of 0.331 cm3/cm3 for the bioretention
drainage can be calculated using the HCO parameter (Eqn. (1)). This media (Supplementary material). One explanation for the lack of

W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

Fig. 6. Measured and modeled drainage (a, c, e) and overflow (b, d, f) volumes from both DRAINMOD-Urban (red triangle) and SWMM (blue circle) under three
simulations: uncalibrated (a, b), volume-calibrated (c, d), and hydrograph-calibrated (e, f). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

saturation in the UC bioretention cell was that it was oversized calibration and uncalibrated simulations, but other goodness-of-fit
compared to typical design recommedations in the region, fully treating tests do not demonstrate as drastic a decline in performance (Table 3).
29.5 mm in the ponding zone without overflow (Winston et al., 2016). In Again, this is likely due to the NSE being highly influenced by peak
a related study, the SWMM-modeled soil moisture reached saturation matching. The representative event overflow hydrograph produced by
multiple times in the 95% predictive uncertaintiy bounds using Monte SWMM in Fig. 4 (b, d, f) do not considerably vary across calibration
Carlo anlysis but the extent of observed soil moisture values across seven methods except for a larger second peak in the volume-calibration which
bioretention cell never reached saturation (Avellaneda et al., 2017). explained some of the change in NSE.
Another explanation is the potential for preferential flow pathways that
are not modeled but could drain the bioretention cell faster than 3.2.2. Volumes
assumed with an average soil moisture (Liu and Fassman-Beck, 2017; Statistical evaluation of model fit (Table 3) demonstrates impressive
Carpenter and Hallam, 2010). performance from SWMM in estimating event volumes even when un­
Lastly, the cumulative NSE for overflow hydrographs dropped sub­ calibrated. All SWMM simulations had an NSE for drainage and overflow
stantially under the volume-calibration compared to the hydrograph- volumes greater than 0.59 which is considered satisfactory model

W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

performance at a monthly time step and even stronger model perfor­ 2015). The NSE for event drainage volumes decreased from 0.86 (un­
mance at the event level (Moriasi et al., 2007). However, the uncali­ calibrated) to 0.70 under hydrograph-calibration of the SWMM model
brated SWMM simulation did appear to underestimate event overflow due to overestimation (Table 3, Fig. 6a and e). Similarly, the NSE of
volumes (Fig. 6) which was also found in a study where an uncalibrated overflow event volumes was reduced from an uncalibrated 0.70 to 0.59
SWMM model underestimated weekly surface runoff of an LID water­ under hydrograph-calibration. For all simulations, the measured
shed (Rosa et al., 2015). drainage and overflow volumes closely matched the SWMM model
Drainage and overflow event volumes had the best performance outputs as seen by the proximity to the 1:1 line in Fig. 6.
(NSE = 0.93 and NSE = 0.81, respectively) when SWMM was calibrated
specifically for event volumes (as opposed to hydrographs). Similarly, a
3.3. Comparison of SWMM and DRAINMOD-Urban
previous study of a pilot-scale bioretention system found excellent
model performance (NSE = 0.97) for SWMM overflow volumes over a
Both SWMM and DRAINMOD-Urban performed reasonably for
range of rainfall depths (58 events, approx. 0.3–100 mm) (Li and Lam,
modeling the UC bioretention cell, but different advantages existed for

Fig. 7. Decision flowchart to determine which model and calibration method is better suited to different modeling objectives with relative NSE model perfor­
mance ratings.

W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

each model. A decision flowchart was created based on this study to were compared against the 1:1 line to find patterns in under- and
signify model performance under different model objectives (Fig. 7). overprediction (Fig. 8). This was only performed for the hydrograph-
The following sections describe advantages for each model when eval­ calibration as that simulation provided drainage and overflow hydro­
uating event volumes and hydrographs. graphs closest to those measured for both DRAINMOD-Urban and
3.3.1. Hydrograph performance Peak simulated drainage rate reached a maximum threshold in both
With respect to reproducing drainage hydrographs, a hydrograph- models (Fig. 8a). For SWMM, the maximum drainage rate was 8.3 L/s
calibrated DRAINMOD-Urban (NSE = 0.60) performed better than a which is equal to the measured Ksat (16.8 cm/hr) minus the seepage rate
hydrograph-calibrated SWMM (NSE = 0.42). DRAINMOD-Urban also (0.44 cm/hr). This maximum drainage rate occurred during rainfall
better mimicked drainage hydrograph shape by visual inspection which events with depths greater than 25 mm; therefore, most drainage events
was attributed to better timing and response during peak drainage (eight out of 12) reached this maximum causing a rectangular shape and
(Fig. 4). SWMM produced rectangular drainage hydrographs (i.e., overestimated peaks in the drainage hydrographs. For DRAINMOD-
truncated, elongated. Urban, the maximum drainage rate was 4.8 L/s (or 9.5 cm/hr over the
duration peaks) when the bioretention cell was saturated which bioretention area) which occurred during events with rainfall depths
occurred more often in SWMM than observed in soil moisture mea­ greater than 42 mm (six out of 12 drainage events). During DRAINMOD-
surements collected in the UC cell. Urban calibration, this maximum drainage rate was shown to vary with
Conversely, SWMM performed better than DRAINMOD-Urban for changes in the bioretention media Ksat but was not simply equal to the
overflow hydrographs (Table 3). The overflow peaks predicted by Ksat minus the seepage rate as it was with SWMM. In fact, the maximum
SWMM were smaller and closer to measured peaks than those predicted drainage rate for DRAINMOD-Urban was smaller than the calibrated Ksat
by DRAINMOD-Urban (Fig. 4). It has been shown that peaks have a large used for the bioretention media. For overflow, the peak flow was over­
effect on the NSE statistic (Broekhuizen et al., 2020; Lisenbee et al., estimated by both models, but SWMM tended to be closer to measured
2020; Krause et al., 2005). The calculation of overflow in each model overflow peaks (Fig. 8d).
was very similar, simply identifying when the water level exceeds the The drainage time to peak was slightly underestimated by both
specified maximum ponding depth and attributing excess stormwater to SWMM and DRAINMOD-Urban (Fig. 8b). The average difference be­
overflow. Therefore, the better prediction of overflow hydrographs by tween the time to peak measured and simulated by DRAINMOD-Urban
SWMM may be due to differences in other hydrologic processes such as was only 19 min with no difference larger than an hour. In SWMM,
percolation and exfiltration or the infiltration capacity at the surface. the average difference between measured and modeled time to peak was
35 min with a maximum difference of 3.3 h. This is attributed to the
3.3.2. Hydrograph characteristics plateaued peaks in many SWMM drainage hydrographs which reached a
The peak flow, time to peak, and event duration were also used to maximum drainage flow rate faster than a single peak flow. Another
characterize measured and modeled hydrographs. For each of these consideration is that the IWS of the UC cell is not represented in SWMM
hydrograph characteristics, the measured and simulated values from as well as in DRAINMOD-Urban. A column study of free drainage versus
SWMM and DRAINMOD-Urban for each drainage or overflow event IWS showed a delay in peak drainage under IWS conditions (Liu and

Fig. 8. Measured hydrograph attributes (peak flow, time to peak and duration) for drainage (a, b, c) and overflow (d, e, f) compared to modeled hydrograph at­
tributes from hydrograph-calibrated DRAINMOD-Urban (DM-Urban, red triangles) and SWMM (blue circles) simulations. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

Fassman-Beck, 2017). The time to peak for overflow hydrographs was layer through each of these methods affects the rate and amount of water
estimated almost perfectly by both models (Fig. 8e). The duration of reaching the storage layer and the underdrain.
drainage hydrographs seemed to be underpredicted for some storms Once water reaches the underdrain, differences in drainage equa­
events with DRAINMOD-Urban and SWMM, but overall, both models tions affect modeled drain output (as described in section 3.2.6).
had good results compared to measured values (Fig. 8c). For the four Without drainage restrictions, SWMM assumes all percolation that rea­
overflow hydrographs evaluated, it was difficult to detect a pattern ches the underdrain minus the user-defined seepage rate becomes
among the duration predicted by DRAINMOD-Urban and SWMM drainage. DRAINMOD-Urban uses the Keff from the soil layer to calculate
(Fig. 8f). the drainage rate with more physically based equations. SWMM over­
Although studies evaluating drainage and overflow hydrographs estimated drainage peak flow while DRAINMOD-Urban often under­
from the SWMM LID module are rare, one study showed similar rect­ estimated drainage peak flow (Fig. 8). By overestimating the drainage
angular hydrographs from SWMM compared to a column study under a rate in the bioretention cell, SWMM provides more infiltration capacity
variety of rainfall intensities and durations (Gülbaz and Kazezyılmaz- which reduced the volume and intensity of stormwater converted to
Alhan, 2017). In this study, SWMM underestimated peak drainage rates; overflow such that overflow peaks were closer to measured peaks than
however, the drainage rates from the UC cell were two or three orders of with DRAINMOD-Urban (Fig. 5). Therefore, the improved overflow
magnitude higher than those in this column study. The most notable performance in SWMM could be an artefact of the drainage design and
finding by Gulbaz and Kazezyilmaz-Alhan (2017) was that there was no leaves the question: if drainage is improved will overflow perform as
change in the peak flow of SWMM-predicted drainage hydrographs well?
across different rainfall intensities and durations. Therefore, SWMM was Another consideration regarding drainage and overflow prediction is
predicting the columns would reach saturation and thus their maximum how the IWS zones are represented in each model. DRAINMOD-Urban
peak drainage regardless of variations in inflow. Another study showed simply allows for controlled drainage at a given weir height which
SWMM drainage hydrographs with very sharp peaks, slow rising limbs, directly matches to the IWS configuration in the UC cell (and most
truncated receding limbs, and mismatched duration compared to bioretention cell with an IWS zone). The drainage configuration in
measured drainage from a bioretention cell column (Liu and Fassman- SWMM had to be adjusted to represent the IWS which increased the
Beck, 2017). These hydrograph characteristics do not align with find­ storage zone to include the sand layer and raised the height of the
ings from this research due to the lack of an IWS zone in this column. underdrain to the top of the IWS layer (Fig. 2). This IWS configuration
could affect the drainage calculated by SWMM but warrants more
3.3.3. Volume performance investigation. With the exception of the volume calibration in SWMM,
SWMM consistently predicted event volumes better than overestimation in drainage volumes also led to an underestimation of
DRAINMOD-Urban as shown through goodness-of-fit tests; the excep­ overflow volumes (Fig. 7). Therefore, the water balance under the un­
tion was drainage volumes under the hydrograph-calibration (Table 3). calibrated and hydrograph-calibrated simulations could be better rep­
The best fit for overflow volumes from DRAINMOD-Urban occurred resented in SWMM if IWS configurations were improved in the model.
under hydrograph-calibration (NSE = 0.66) which had the worst over­ We recommend more testing of underdrain configurations in the SWMM
flow volume performance in SWMM (NSE = 0.59). LID module to better understand the connection of the IWS model rep­
In DRAINMOD-Urban, drainage volumes improved as the model was resentation to the drainage and overflow outputs.
calibrated to match the measured and modeled hydrographs, but in
SWMM, drainage volume performance decreased as the hydrograph 4. Summary and conclusions
performance improved. Therefore, the user must decide whether to
calibrate SWMM to achieve more accurate volumes or hydrographs (i.e., The intended application of a bioretention model has a significant
timing and rate of flow); in DRAINMOD-Urban, calibrating to the impact on model selection and how or if the model is calibrated. If the
hydrograph improved both factors. objective of the application is to understand event drainage and over­
flow volumes from bioretention, then SWMM is a good choice. SWMM is
3.3.4. Effect of model processes capable of modeling event volumes with good to excellent fit in both
The differences in hydrographs and event volumes created by uncalibrated and calibrated simulations ranging from NSE = 0.70 to
DRAINMOD-Urban and SWMM can be explained by internal processes of 0.93 for drainage and NSE = 0.59 to 0.81 for overflow.
the models. The soil water distribution in each model led to substantial The performance of both models suffered when attempting to model
differences in modeling infiltration through the media, drainage calcu­ a high temporal resolution time series, performing much better for
lations, and representation of the IWS layer. aggregated event volumes. However, drainage or overflow hydrographs
While DRAINMOD-Urban and SWMM both use the Green-Ampt are necessary for applications considering flow dynamics such as stream
equation for surface infiltration, the Green-Ampt equation in the LID response, combined sewer systems, or flooding. The hydrograph-
module of SWMM was modified to account for the effect of ponding calibrated DRAINMOD-Urban performs better than SWMM for
(Rossman and Huber, 2016). Meanwhile, DRAINMOD-Urban accounts drainage hydrographs which is not surprising when comparing drainage
for ponding in its soil water distribution procedures (Skaggs et al., equations employed by each model. SWMM performs better than
2012). This means that surface infiltration could be very similar in these DRAINMOD-Urban for overflow hydrographs primarily by more closely
two models if there is adequate infiltration capacity in the rest of the predicting overflow event peak flow rates.
bioretention cell, which is determined by how easily water flows DRAINMOD-Urban benefits more from calibration of drainage and
through the soil layer. If this becomes limited, then it will influence overflow hydrographs in comparison with SWMM. Interestingly, in
ponding and eventually overflow. SWMM, calibration to optimize one hydrologic objective (event volumes
For percolation through the bioretention media, DRAINMOD-Urban or hydrographs), led to diminished performance of the other objective.
uses Green-Ampt with a Keff at different water level depths which is This presents a choice for SWMM users: are volumes or hydrographs
recalculated at each time step as the water moves through the soil more important for drainage and/or overflow given the application? For
media. SWMM uses the percolation equation ((1)) which often is DRAINMOD-Urban, the hydrograph-calibration improves both the vol­
simplified to the Ksat when the soil is assumed to be saturated as seen in umes and hydrographs of drainage and overflow eliminating a decision
the truncated drainage hydrographs (Fig. 4). When not saturated, the between better predicted volumes or hydrographs.
percolation in SWMM depends on the average soil moisture and HCO Future bioretention research requires further calibration of
parameter which is a highly uncertain, empirical parameter that is DRAINMOD-Urban and SWMM for additional bioretention sites, espe­
estimated by most users. The change in water holding capacity in the soil cially with data sets containing more than four overflow events. More

W.A. Lisenbee et al. Journal of Hydrology 612 (2022) 128179

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be modeled to understand how these models behave across a variety of Bioretention Models Using SWMM 5.1.012. J. Sustain. Water Built Environ. 7 (3).
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Performance of EPA SWMM for Bioretention. Water Sci. Technol. 76 (11),
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SWMM needs to be investigated further and improved in the model to Hathaway, J.M., Brown, R.A., Fu, J.S., Hunt, W.F., 2014. Bioretention Function under
increase the applicability of the LID module to all bioretention systems. Climate Change Scenarios in North Carolina, USA. J. Hydrol. 519, 503–511.
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Sensitivity analysis could also improve understanding of how mea­ Hydrology and Nutrient Removal at Three Field Sites in North Carolina. J. Irrig.
surement or estimation of model inputs affect the accuracy of output Drain. Eng. 132 (6), 600–608.
hydrographs. In future work, utilizing DRAINMOD-Urban as an add-on Kaykhosravi, S., Khan, U., Jadidi, A., 2018. A Comprehensive Review of Low Impact
Development Models for Research, Conceptual, Preliminary and Detailed Design
tool for SWMM would improve drainage hydrographs in SWMM and Applications. Water 10 (11), 1541.
allow for better representation of bioretention cells in watershed-scale Krause, P., Boyle, D.P., Base, F., 2005. Comparison of Different Efficiency Criteria for
models. Hydrological Model Assessment. Adv. Geosci. 5, 89–97.
Li, C., Fletcher, T.D., Duncan, H.P., Burns, M.J., 2017. Can Stormwater Control Measures
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