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Activity 1.

Talk to your family and friends and discuss the following questions:
• The gender inequalities of China were men do not consider as their intellectual equals.
(https://journals.openedition.org/chinaperspectives/6013? HYPERLINK
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&id=6013&file=1"id=6013 HYPERLINK
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Name: Albert Panotes
Their opinion:
Even though there has been significant progress in the autonomy of Chinese women, it is clear
that there is still much work to be done to put an end date to discrimination. For me, one of the
major issues is the reality that women are boxed into the perception that they should only be
doing household activities. Chinese women are regarded as the yin to the yang, considered the
Chinese men. This traditional viewpoint caused some Chinese women to face discrimination and
inequality. To forward the end of gender inequalities not only in China but in every part of the
world, we should begin telling new stories, reshaping their perspectives, and enlightening them
about women's potential and brilliance. These women deserve the right to stop feeling inferior to
men and to feel empowered to take up their spaces. Perhaps men do not regard women as their
intellectual equals because women are far greater than them?
• Cultural Relativist point of view
Chinese men do not consider Chinese women as their intellectual women because of their belief
that men are more capable and dependable than women. Women in China can work but has
limitations and they mostly do house chores for their husband. However, not all of the men in
China disrespect women and think of them as low kind instead they show their equality.
• One of the most polluted rivers in the world is Ganges River. In India, they worship this
river and even take a bath and drink water from it. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Name: Regine Colico
Their opinion:
Every country has its own "kuro kuro" or belief but in India one of their beliefs is the Ganges
River or they also call it "Ganga ma or mother Ganges" According to the Myth of the Ganges,
the goddess Ganga descended from heaven to dwell in the waters of the Ganges River to protect,
purify and bring to heaven those who touch it. That's why they worship it. But polluted water is
bad for their health, they can experience stomach ache or more severe than that.

• Cultural Relativist point of view:

People in India are earth-centered religion, they worship Ganges River because it will purify and
bring those who touch it to heaven . Even though they knew that the water is dirty they still
believe that it will heal them and wash their sins. I respect their beliefs because we all have
different belief as well.
• The legalization of same sex marriage in Canada.
Name: John Daryll Tolentino
Their opinion:
Love comes in all forms. I am agree in legalizing same sex marriage in Canada because i know
for myself that love is genderless.

Cultural Relativist point of view:

Same sex marriage is permitted in Canada since 2003. They allowed same sex marriage even if
non-residents of their country, however did live in Canada. Same sex marriage in Canada is same
in normal wedding happens, a couple must have permission of their parents and they both need
to take a vow in order for them to be married.

• Learning Task
What is Culture? 5 points each.

Culture is the sum of total of the learned behavior of a group of people that are generally
considered to be the tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation.
Expanding on these categories, culture is made up of our knowledge, common sense,
assumptions, and expectations. It is also the rules, norms, laws, and morals that govern society.

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