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Solution of Case Study

Course Code: ExMBA-5103

Case Study: Arnold Schwarzenegger: Leader of California?

Prepared & Submitted By Group-06

Name Student Id 1 st year

Md. Ershad Shaikh ExMBA- 210329
1st term
Debashis Paul ExMBA- 210304

Date of Submission:
Answer to the Questions for Discussion
Questions for Discussion:
Q-1: What words would you use to describe Arnold Schwarzenegger’s personality? Do any
of this fit into Big Five Taxonomy of personality? How might these personality traits
influence Schwarzenegger’s leadership skills? How might these traits have helped
Schwarzenegger get to where he is now?
Answer to the question no- 01
Questions for Discussion:

What words would you use to describe Arnold Schwarzenegger’s personality?

As far as concerned, Arnold Schwarzenegger is practical, disciplined, independent, self-confident,
and optimistic with a unique charismatic character. He is very strong goal oriented person such as
once committed, he solves difficulties with deliberate and logical actions, not easily giving up.

As per Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Arnold Schwarzenegger is an ENTJ (Extroverted, Intuitive,

Thinking and Judging) personality type.

Do any of this fit into Big Five Taxonomy of personality?

To Big-Five Model of Personality Dimensions he has the personality of both and
Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience. His high level of responsibility,
acknowledgement of his goals that he needs to achieve, his high self-confidence and security of
what he is doing shaped his Conscientiousness personality.
"This is not to move out of here. I want to be rich. I want to be somebody.” This statement of
Arnold clearly indicates the curious and imaginative mind to explore new unknown dimension
shaped his Openness to Experience personality.

How might these personality traits influence Schwarzenegger’s leadership skills?

Schwarzenegger was able to transform these abilities and others to a successful political career. He
had taken advices from different powerful person of his network from various professions and got
ideas how to improve the California’s economic crisis and made strategic goals to make it stable.
We believe that restless in bodybuilding, outstanding traits in acting and having good networking
skills, along these aspects he got lot of influent friends and they helped him.

How might these traits have helped Schwarzenegger get to where he is now?
When he was governor, he broke the tradition by taking various clear and ambitious goals, even he
had a problem. His name recognition, popularity, strong network power, negotiation skill and
charismatic personality made him successful governor in California.
Q-2: Based on the case, as a governor of California, what types of power is Schwarzenegger
likely to have? What types of influence tactics does Schwarzenegger appear to use?
Answer to the question no- 02
Based on the case, as a governor of California, what types of power is Schwarzenegger likely
to have?

Schwarzenegger doesn’t like just word power, because it tends to have a negative connotation.
He tends to use influence power, the influence of making changes and improving things.

What types of influence tactics does Schwarzenegger appear to use? –

The types of influencing tactics Schwarzenegger appear to use are:
 He depended on his own charisma, popularity and his network of powerful friends to inch
closer each day to his vision.
 Infuriating the critics and electrifying the crowd of his opponents.
 Persuade the teacher’s union to revise the way it hires, pays and fire teachers.
 Persuade the state’s legislator to pass a bill overhauling worker’s compensation
 Breaking traditions by going from his 1st floor office to the upstairs offices to meet with the

The type of influence which Schwarzenegger appears to use based on having a clear vision of how
he wants to improve things. The main idea is not only whether he can create beneficial policies but
also whether he has the ability and support to implement those policies.
Q-3: How would you describe Schwarzenegger’s leadership style using the leadership
theories covered in this textbook? What details of the case lead you to these conclusions? Is
Schwarzenegger’s leadership style likely to be effective? Why or why not?
Answer to the question no- 03
How would you describe Schwarzenegger’s leadership style using the leadership theories
covered in this textbook?

Schwarzenegger’s leadership style is charismatic leadership.

What details of the case lead you to these conclusions?

Following statements are the clear evidence regarding charismatic leadership.
“His name recognition and charismatic personality made him a leading candidate”
“All in all, the newly elected ‘governor’, using his charisma and network of powerful friends
closer each day to his vision”

“Schwarzenegger knew that his popularity and his charisma were an asset to the Republican

Is Schwarzenegger’s leadership style likely to be effective? Why or why not? Yes, it is

effective due to he can see goals very clearly and with confidence to resolve them.
Schwarzenegger handle with Effective leadership style.
Power and influence theories of leadership take an entirely different approach – these are based on
the different ways that leaders use power and influence to get things done, and they look at the
leadership styles that emerge as a result.

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