Password Reset A2+ B1 UT 1A

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Total: ___ / 55

Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

Listening C SQUIGGLE
1 0 Listen a street interview with three young people Your strong creativity is a quality that makes you dislike
about first impressions. Complete the sentences. rules as you always think about new ways of doing things.
0 You don’t enjoy simple, daily tasks as you quickly lose
1 Emma believes that most people judge others by interest in them, so you often end up doing a lot of things at
______________. the same time but hardly ever finish anything on time.
2 Emma says that it is important to pay attention to people’s
3 Eric thinks that our first impressions are D CIRCLE
_____________________. You are a really sociable person, so others often
4 Anna suggests that it is not _________ to believe in first think you are the right person to talk to about their
impressions. problems or feelings. You like harmony, which
makes it difficult for you to argue and make unpopular
5 Anna usually ____________ when other people decisions. That’s why it is sometimes too easy for those
pay attention to her looks. around you to make you change your opinions just because
__ / 5 you don’t want to hurt their feelings.
__ / 6
2 Read the descriptions and answer the questions. Language functions
Write the letters A, B, C or D.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
Which description mentions somebody who in brackets. Add any necessary words. Use the present
1 isn’t good at making fast decisions? simple or present continuous.
1 What __________________ (you / think) the music here?
2 likes telling others what to do?
2 A So, __________________ (what / you / into)?
3 tries to avoid conflicts? B Well, I love sport.
4 likes to know what he/she has to do? 3 I __________________ (look / friends) who share my
5 often does things too late? 4 I __________________ (love / listen) good music.
6 is usually very confident? __ / 4

The symbol test can be quite useful to help you decide what Vocabulary
personality type you are. Take a look at the symbols below
and say which one you like best. Don’t think too much about 4 Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives.
it, just make a quick and simple choice. Read on and check 1 My brother is not always polite. In fact, he can be quite
what your symbol says about you. ____________ sometimes!
A TRIANGLE 2 Sue is a very ____________ girl. She works hard to
become rich and famous.
You are a true leader and don’t mind people saying
you are quite bossy. You are very sure of yourself 3 My uncle is a ____________ person. He gives a lot of
and your opinions, and you are not afraid to express money to the poor.
them to everybody around you. You enjoy popularity, and you 4 I always feel ____________ when I say something silly
love telling others about important things you’ve done in your in front of other people.
life. 5 Tina is very ____________. She likes going out and
meeting people.
__ / 5
You are well-organised and hate any situations
when you don’t know what other people expect you
to do. You are an individualist, so teamwork is not
something you enjoy much. Because you always try to look
at all possible options, sometimes you find it difficult to
decide quickly what you really want to do.

Password Reset A2+/B1 Tests © Macmillan Polska 2019 Photocopiable

Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________

5 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. English in use

1 I’m planning to ____________ involved in some charity
9 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.
work at the weekends.
2 I don’t like watching romantic films – I usually 1 What __________________ (chciałbyś robić) after you
____________ them boring. leave school?
3 I’d like to ____________ up a hobby in my spare time. 2 My friend __________________ (woli sport od)
computer games.
4 When I ____________ bored with a film, I usually fall
asleep in the chair. 3 Do you ever __________________ (spędzasz czas,
oglądając) soap operas?
5 She’s a shy person, so it’s difficult for her to
____________ in public. 4 We’ve got a lot of time now, so I __________________
(proponuję zobaczyć) the new exhibition in the art gallery.
__ / 5
5 She’s quite shy, so she __________________ (rzadko
6 Choose the correct prepositions. opowiada) about herself.

1 My best friend is the school swimming champion.

__ / 5
I’m really proud for / of / at him.
2 My sister is mad into / for / about rock music – she has
got hundreds of albums.
3 I’m not very keen on / of / with watching sport on TV. 10 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
4 My older brother is really with / into / over cars – he Na portalu społecznościowym nawiązałeś/nawiązałaś kontakt
knows a lot about them. z dziewczyną z Irlandii. Napisz do niej wiadomość
__ / 4 (100–150 słów) i:
• podaj podstawowe informacje o sobie (wiek, miejsce
Grammar zamieszkania);
• opisz swoje główne cechy charakteru;
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
• napisz, jak lubisz spędzać czas wolny;
in brackets. Add any necessary words. Use the present • wyjaśnij, dlaczego szukasz nowych znajomych
simple or present continuous. z zagranicy.
1 This is a great party! We __________________ (enjoy)
it a lot. _________________________________________________
2 Mike __________________ (not go) out very often. _________________________________________________
3 __________________ (you / write) emails every day? _________________________________________________
4 It’s my mum’s day off. She __________________
(not work) today.
__ / 10
5 How often __________________ (he / visit) his
6 __________________ (they / arrive) tomorrow morning?
__ / 6

8 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1 He hopes getting / to get into university next year.
2 My parents didn’t agree lending / to lend me the car
for the weekend.
3 I can’t stand studying / to study biology. It’s so boring.
4 Would you like travelling / to travel round the world?
5 He spends a lot of time playing / to play computer games.
__ / 5

Password Reset A2+/B1 Tests © Macmillan Polska 2019 Photocopiable

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