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Chapter 1: Logic

Section 1.1: Propositions

(G1) 1. a. A proposition is a statement which can be clearly classified as true or false.
Proposition: “There are 100 cm in 1 m.”
b. An open sentence is a statement that cannot be classified as true or false
unless an additional condition is given.
Statement: x + 7 = 13
c. x ≠ 0

(G2) 2. a. The statement is false. Hence, the truth value is false.

b. The statement is true. Hence, the truth value is true.
c. The statement is false. Hence, the truth value is false.

Section 1.2: Negation ( ~ )

(G3) 3. a. ~ P: April has no thirty days. P is true and ~ P is false.

b. ~ R: The sum of 15 and 3 is not 18. R is true and ~ R is false.
c. ~ S: 25 < 15. S is true and ~ S is false.
d. ~ T: "Set" is not a four-letter word. T is false and ~ T is true.

Level J | 1
Geometry 1

Section 1.3: Conjunction ()

(G4) 4. a. A conjunction is a proposition (or open sentence) formed by joining other
propositions (or open sentences) by the word ‘and’.
b. i. P  Q = “Flowers are blue and insects are flies”
P is false, Q is true, therefore, P  Q is false.
ii. P  Q = “6 < 2 and 2 is a prime number”
P is false, Q is true, therefore, P  Q is false.
(G5) 5.

P Q ~P ~P  Q

Section 1.4: Disjunction ()

(G6) 6.

P ~P PP

(G7) 7. P  ~ Q = “5 is a composite number or 25 is divisible by 5”

P is false, ~ Q is true, therefore, P  ~ Q is true.

Level J | 2
Geometry 1

Section 1.5: A Special Property of ~P  Q

(G8) 8.

(G9) 9. ~P  Q = “3 + 5 ≠ 8 or 8  3 = 5”
~P is false, Q is true, therefore, ~P  Q is true.

Section 1.6: Equivalence

(G10) 10. a. P: “x = –3”, Q: “x is positive”
P is true, Q is false, and so, P  Q is false.
Q is true, P is false, and so, Q  P is false.
Therefore, P  Q is false.
b. P: “x > 3”, Q: “x  3”
P is true, Q is true, and so, P  Q is true.
Q is true, P is true, and so, Q  P is true.
Therefore, P  Q is true.

Level J | 3
Geometry 1

Chapter 2: Points, Lines, Planes

Section 2.1: Introduction to Geometry

(G11) 1. a. Point, line, plane

b. Points that belong to the same line are collinear points.
c. Points that belong to the same plane are coplanar points.

Section 2.2: Basic postulates

(G12) 2. a.




(G13) 3. a. Sometimes
b. Always
c. Sometimes
d. Always

Level J | 4
Geometry 1

(G14) 4. Use the diagram below to answer the questions.




 

 N

a. Q, R, S
b. Q, R, S and D
c. Z
d. QS
e. 2
f. Yes. Because, if two points are contained in a plane, then the line through them
is contained in the same plane.(Flat plane postulate)
 
g. RQ and NS
h. L, M

(G15) 5. [G1] Answer is 245

Level J | 5
Geometry 1

Chapter 3: Segments, Rays and Plane Separation

Section 3.1: Distance
(G16) 1. QM + MP = QP
5x + 2 + 2x + 3 = 26
x + 5 = 26
7x = 21

(G17) 2. QM + MP = QP
2x + 3x = 80
5x = 80
x = 16
So, AM = 2x = 2×16 = 32 cm, MB = 3x = 3×16 = 48cm.

(G18) 3. Point C is between points A and B.

(G19) 4. DR= |2  (4)| = | 2 + 6 | = 8

(G20) 5. [G1] CD = |8  (8)| = | 8 + 8 | = 16

(G21) 6. MU + MV = UV
8x + 1 + 5x + 9 = 62
13x + 10 = 62
13x = 52

Level J | 6
Geometry 1

Section 3.2: Segments and Rays

(G22) 7. a. MN  AD  K 
b. RS  AB  
c. AC  BD  AD
d. AC  BD  BC

(G23) 8. [G1] Choice 1 is correct. Both rays have the same end point and they extend in
the same direction on the same line. So the names describe the same ray.
Choice 2 is not correct because the two rays have different endpoints.
Choice 3 is correct because D is between A and G.
Choice 4 is correct.

Choice 5 is correct because D is the only point common to both rays AG and

CH .
Answer is 1345


(G24) 9. LK

(G25) 10. Answer 135


(G26) 11. The graph that represents the set of points x  4 is TV .
The graph that represents the set of points x = 4 is {T}.

The graph that represents the set of points x  4 is TP .
The graph that represents the set of points 4  x  4 is QT .

Level J | 7
Geometry 1

Section 3.3: Congruent Segments

(G27) 12.

Statement Reason

1) P is the midpoint of NQ , N is 1) Given

the midpoint of MP .

2) MN  NP and NP  PQ 2) Definition of a midpoint

3) MN  PQ 3) Transitive property of

4) MN  PQ 4) Definition of congruent

(G28) 13.

Statement Reason
a) M is between A and B;
1 a) Given
AM  AB .
b) AM  MB  AB b) Definition of betweenness
c) AB  MB  AB c) Substitution
d) MB  AB  AB d) Simplification
e) MB  AB e) Simplification
f) MB  AM f) Substitution

g) MB  AM g) Definition of congruent segments

h) M is the midpoint of AB h) Definition of midpoint

(G29) 14. The coordinate of M is equal to  8  12   2 . So, the coordinate of M is 2.

Level J | 8
Geometry 1

Section 3.4: Plane Separation

(G30) 15. a. Because points Q and P belong to one half-plane.
b. Because points P and B belong to different half-planes.
c. A and Q
d. A and B
e. H1  H 2  
f. Plane K

Level J | 9
Geometry 1

Chapter 4: Angles
Section 4.1: Basic Terms
(G31) 1. The intersection of their interiors is not empty.

(G32) 2. Their sides do not form two pairs of opposite rays.

(G33) 3. a. No. They have no ray in common.

b. No, the intersection of their interior is not empty.

c. DAB  BAC  AB

d. DCA  BCA  CA
e. EDF CDA  {D}

(G34) 4. a. 6
b. 1 or 3

Level J | 10
Geometry 1

Section 4.2: Measure of an Angle

(G35) 5. mDOE = 80 degrees

mEOG = 60 degrees

mEOF = 100 degrees

mDOF = 180 degrees

(G36) 6.

Statement Reason
a) CBF is right a) Given
b) If one angle in a linear pair is right so
b) FBA is right
is the other.
c) mFBA  90 c) Definition of a right angle

d) mFBA  mFBD  mDBA d) Angle addition postulate

e) 90  30  6 x  30 e) Substitution

f) 90  60  6x f) Simplification

g) 30  6x g) Subtraction property of equality

h) 5  x h) Division property of equality

i) x  5 i) Symmetric property of equality

(G37) 7. 1 and 2 are complementary, thus m1 + m2 = 90o

(5x + 7)o + (4x + 11)o = 90o  9x + 18 = 90
9x = 72  x = 8

(G38) 8. 3x + x + 60 + 8x = 180
12x = 120
x = 10

(G39) 9. a. Two angles form a linear pair if they have a ray in common and the other two
rays are opposite.
b. MNP and QNP form a linear pair  mQNP + mMNP = 180
70 + 5x + 10 = 180, 5x = 100, x = 20

Level J | 11
Geometry 1

(G40) 10. [G1] Choices 1 and 3 are correct since X, Y, and Z are collinear.

Choice 2 is correct since the angles have YX as a common side and they have
disjoint interiors.
Choices 4 and 5 are not correct since V, Y, and W are not collinear.
Answer is 123

(G41) 11. [G1] If 1 and 2 are complementary, then m1 + m2 = 90
(4x + 5) + (5x + 13) = 90
9x = 72

(G42) 12. [G1] Since PQR and SQR form a linear pair,
then mPQR + mSQR = 180.
15 + (6x + 45) = 180
6x = 120
x = 20

Section 4.3: Congruent Angles

(G43) 13. Angle addition postulate
mDOF  mDOE  mEOF
122 = (2x + 5) + (2x + 5)
4x = 112
x = 28
(G44) 14. AD bisects CAB , then mDAB = mCAB
3x  5   70 
3x + 5= 35
3x = 30
x = 10

Level J | 12
Geometry 1

(G45) 15.

Statement Reason
1. mCMQ = mPMQ 1. Given

2. MR bisects PMQ 2. Given

3. CMQ  PMQ 3. Definition of congruent angles

4. PMQ is a right angle 4. If tow angles in a linear pair are

congruent, then they are right
5. mPMQ  90 5. Definition of a right angle
6. mPMR  mPMQ 6. Angle bisector theorem
7. mPMR   90  7. Substitution
8. mPMR  45 8. Simplification

(G46) 16. [G1] OH bisects MON, then mHOM = mMON = 45.
8x + 21 = 45
8x = 24

(G47) 17. [G1] FBA = 180  64 = 116.

Since BD bisects FBA, then FBD = 116  2 = 58.
Therefore, x = 58.

(G48) 18. (3x) + x + (x + 55) = 180

5x = 125
x = 25
(G49) 19. (x + 15) + 50 = 90
x = 25

Level J | 13
Geometry 1

Chapter 5: Triangles

Section 5.1: Definitions and Classification of Triangles

(G50) 1. a. B and C
b. A

(G51) 2. a. Equilateral
b. Isosceles
c. Right isosceles
d. Right
e. Obtuse

(G52) 3. a. Never
b. Never
c. Always
d. Sometimes

(G53) 4. a


b. B B
c. E

(G54) 5. [G1] HJK is isosceles with the vertex angle J, base angles H and K, legs
JH and JK , and base HK .
FDO is right with hypotenuse FD and legs DO and OF .
Answer is 124

Level J | 14
Geometry 1

(G55) 6. [G1]

Statement Reason
1. XYZ  XTZ 1. Given
Corresponding angles in
2. 1  4 2.
congruent triangles are congruent

3. XZ bisects YXT 3. Definition of angle bisector
Corresponding angles in
4. 2  3 4.
congruent triangles are congruent

5. ZX bisects YZT 5. Definition of angle bisector

The answer is: 1345

Section 5.2: Congruent Triangles

(G56) 7.

Statement Reason

1. QMN  PMN 1. Given

2. QMN  PMN 2. Corresponding parts of congruent

QNM  PNM triangles are congruent

3. NM bisects QMP and QNP 3. Definition of angle bisector

Level J | 15
Geometry 1

(G57) 8.

Statement Reason

1. ABC  DEF 1. Given

2. DEF  KLM 2. Given

3. ABC  KLM 3. Transitive property

4. ABC is isosceles with vertex A 4. Given

5. AB = AC 5. Definition of isosceles triangle

6. Corresponding parts of congruent

6. AB = KL, AC = KM
triangles are congruent

7. KL = KM 7. Transitive property

8. KLM is isosceles with vertex K 8. Definition of isosceles triangle

(G58) 9.

Statement Reason
1. XYZ  XTZ 1. Given
Corresponding angles of
2. 1  4 2. congruent triangles are
 Definition of angle
3. XZ bisects YXT 3.
Corresponding angles of
4. 2  3 4. congruent triangles are
 Definition of angle
5. ZX bisects YZT 5.

Answer 1345
(G59) 10. [G1] Answer 1236

Level J | 16
Geometry 1

(T28) 11. [G2] If quadrilaterals ABCD and MNOP are congruent, then AB = MN, BC =
NO, CD = OP, DA = PM; mA = mM, mB = mN, mC = mO, and
mD = mP.
Therefore, NO = BC and mO = 105.

Section 5.3: SAS Postulate

(G60) 12. By SAS theorem, DIA  BIE.
IA  IE , IB  ID , and DIA  BIE ( both have measures equal to 60).

(G61) 13. CBD  ADB.

AB  CD , DAB  DCB, and CDB  ABD
(G62) 14. a. Triangles ABC and MNQ are congruent.
b. mC = mQ
6x + 10 = 70
6x = 60
x = 10
(G63) 15.
Statement Reason

1. NP  QP , PM bisects QPN 1. Given

2. QPM  NPM 2. Definition of angle bisector

3. Reflexive property of congruent
3. PM  PM
4. QPM  NPM 4. SAS

5. QM  MN 5. CPCTC

6. MNP is isosceles 6. Given

7. NP  MN 7. Legs of an isosceles triangle

8. QP  QM 8. Transitive[steps 1, 5, 7]

9. MQP is isosceles 9. Definition of an isosceles triangle

Level J | 17
Geometry 1

(G64) 16. ABC is equilateral, thus ABC is equiangular.

mA = mB = 60

(G65) 17. ABC is equiangular, thus ABC is equilateral.

AC = AB = 10

(G66) 18. EFG is isosceles, EF = EG

EM = EM (reflexive)
FM = GM (given)
EMF  EMG by SSS theorem

(G67) 19. C  B, B  N, and N  Q, thus C  Q

70 = (6x + 10), 70 = 6x + 10, 60 = 6x, x = 10

(G68) 20.
Statement Reason

1. ABC is isosceles with vertex B 1. Given

2. BA  BC 2. Legs of an isosceles triangle

3. M is the midpoint of AC 3. Given

4. MA  MC 4. Definition of midpoint

5. MB  MB 5. Reflexive

6. AMB  CMB 6. SSS theorem

7. 1  2 7. CPCTC

(G69) 21. [G1] In XWY and VWZ, XW = VW, YW = ZW, and XWY  VWZ. SO, the
triangles are congruent by the SAS postulate. The correspondence between the
vertices is: W → W, X → V, and Y → Z.
In XWZ and VWY, XW = VW, ZW = YW, and XWZ  VWY. So, the
triangles are congruent by the SAS postulate. The correspondence between the
vertices is: W → W, X → V, and Z → Y.
The answer is 12.

Level J | 18
Geometry 1

Chapter 6: Transformations

Section 6.1: Translations

(G70) 1. a. (2, 4  4) = (2, 0)
b. (5  2, 3) = (3, 3)

(G71) 2. a. (0 + 3, 2  5) = (3, 7)

b. (4 + a, 9 + b) = (4, 0)  a = 8, b = 9
Thus, the translation is 8 units to the left and 9 units downwards.
c. (x  5, y  2) = (2, 2), x = 3, y = 4, R(3, 4)

(G72) 3. a. The image of AB is AB with A(2 + 2, 4 + 4) = (4, 0) and

B(3 + 2, 0 + 4) = (1, 4).
b. S(4 + a, 2 + b) = (5, 0), a = 9, b = 2
T (2 + 9, 3  2) = (11, 5)

(G73) 4. A translation of 2 units to the right and 1 unit upwards.

(T41) 5. [G2] Since ABC is the image of DEF under a translation, ABC  DEF.
Hence, mDEF = mABC = 40 and mDFE = mACB = 50 as they are
corresponding parts of congruent triangles.
The Angle Sum Theorem for GCE yields mCGE = 180 – 50 – 40 = 90.
Therefore, mCGE = 90.

Level J | 19
Geometry 1

Section 6.2: Reflections

(G74) 6. a. The image of a point under a reflection about line l is at the same distance from
line l as the point itself. A point on l is at a distance of zero from l. Hence, its
image is also at a distance of zero from l. Therefore, a point on l is its own
image under a reflection about l.
b. The image of MN is M N  where M(3, 0) and N(0, 3).

(G75) 7. A(3,0), B(0, 4), and C(3, 2)


C 2

 A
4 3 2 1 O 1 2 3 4 x


4 B

(G76) 8. a. The image of M under a reflection about the x-axis is M´(2, 3)

b. The image of M under a reflection about the y-axis is M´´(2, 3).

(T29) 9. [G2] The obtained shape is an isosceles triangle with base length 6 cm.

Level J | 20
Geometry 1

Section 6.3: Rotations

(G77) 10.
A A
B D

C C

(G78) 11.

A C


(G79) 12. A(0, 3)



4 3 2 1 O 1 2 3 4 x




Level J | 21
Geometry 1

Section 6.4: Elements of Symmetry

(G80) 13. Six lines of symmetry. Three lines through opposite vertices (colored green) and
three through the midpoints of opposite sides (colored black).

(G81) 14.
A C

C B B A

An equilateral triangle has rotational symmetry about its center. A rotation of

120o about the center would produce an image that coincides with the
original triangle
120 1
Therefore, the smallest fraction of a turn is  .
360 3

(G82) 15. 90

(T30) 16. [G2] If we rotate rectangle STXA counterclockwise about vertex T by 90,
then it lands on rectangle LTBK. Hence, T could be the center of this rotation.

(T32) 17. [G2] When we rotate the original picture 180 counterclockwise around the
point O, we obtain the fourth figure.

Level J | 22
Geometry 1

(T33) 18. [G2]Since line a is a line of symmetry, it divides figure XYZWQ into two mirror
Therefore, mXYT = mZYT = 35.
mXYZ = 2  35 = 70
(T34) 19. [G2] Note that tiles A and B are symmetric about PQ and tiles C and D are
symmetric about PQ .
This gives the following:






Note that tiles C and B are symmetric about RS and tiles A and D are
symmetric about RS .






(T35) 20. [G2] A figure has symmetry about a line or has an axis of symmetry if the
reflection of the figure across the line coincides with the original figure.
The first shape has one line of symmetry and the third shape (hexagon) has
more than one line of symmetry.

Level J | 23
Geometry 1

Section 6.5: Similar Figures

(G83) 21. a. All angles are right, so all of them are congruent.
Corresponding side lengths are proportional:
UV VX XY YU 6 12 2
     
AB BC CD DA 9 18 3
Therefore, the two rectangles are similar.

(G84) 22. a. Corresponding side lengths are proportional so  .
5 10
Substituting values, we obtain:  . So, 5z = 6  10 = 60.
6 z
Therefore, z = 12.

6 8 2
(G85) 23. Corresponding side lengths are proportional:   .
9 a 3
So, 2a = 3  8 = 24. Hence, a = 12.
Therefore, the length of the kitchen in the design is 12 cm.

Level J | 24
Geometry 1

Section 6.6: Dilation

(G86) 24. a. P is the image of P under this dilation, because the image of the center of the
dilation is the center itself.
P, R, N are collinear and PN = PR + RN = 2PR.
Therefore, N is the image of R.
P, Q, M are collinear and PM = PQ + QM = 2PQ.
Therefore, M is the image of Q.
P, S, O are collinear and PO = PS + SO = 2PS.
Therefore, O is the image of S.
b. So, rectangle PMNO is the image of rectangle PQRS under this dilation.
c. The two rectangles PMNO and PQRS are similar because their corresponding
angles are congruent as angle measures are preserved under a dilation.
Moreover, corresponding side lengths are proportional:
   

(G87) 25. K is at (9, 12). Its image is K1(0.4×9, 0.4×12) which is (3.6, 4.8).
L is at (3, 12). Its image is L1(0.4×(–3), 0.4×12) which is (–1.2, 4.8).
M is at (3, 6). Its image is M1(0.4×(–3), 0.4×(6)) which is (–1.2, 2.4).
N is at (9, 6). Its image is N1(0.4×9, 0.4×(6)) which is (3.6, 2.4).
A polygon and its image under a dilation are similar.
ThereforeK1L1M1N1 is rectangle.

(G88) 26. CBA is the image of KCM under dilation with scale factor 2 and center
O(0,0). PRS is image of CBA under translation 8 units to the left and 2 units

27. [G2] T1 is a rotation of of a turn counterclockwise.
T2 is a reflection about a vertical line.

(T36) 28. [G2] Corresponding side lengths are proportional:  .
40 15

8 x
Cross-multiplication gives 40x = 8 × 15 or x = 3.
Therefore, x = 3 cm.

3 4 6
(T37) 29. [G2] In the first triangle, we have   .
9 12 18
Since the corresponding side lengths of the first triangle and the given one are
proportional, the two triangles are similar.

Level J | 25
Geometry 1

Chapter 7: Writing up Proofs

Section 7.1: More Use of direct Reasoning

(G89) 1.

Statement Reason

1. a  b 1. Given

2. ma = mb 2. Definition of congruent angles

3. a and c are complementary 3. Given

4. b and d are complementary 4. Given

5. ma + mc = 90° 5. Definition of complementary angles

6. mb + md = 90° 6. Definition of complementary angles

7. ma + mc = mb + md 7. Substitution

8. mc = md 8. Subtraction property of equality

9. c  d 9. Definition of congruent angles

Level J | 26
Geometry 1

(G90) 2.

Statements Reasons
a) 1 and 3 are complementary
a) Given
3 and 4 are complementary
b) Complements of the same angle
b) 1  4
are congruent

c) m1 = m4 c) Definition of congruent angles

d) 1 and 2 are supplementary d) Given

e) m1 + m2 = 180° e) Definition of supplementary angles

f) m4 + m2 = 180° f) Substitution

g) 2 and 4 are supplementary g) Definition of supplementary angles

Level J | 27
Geometry 1

(G91) 3.

Statements Reasons

1) a and c are vertical angles Given

 

2) AB and AD are opposite rays Definition of vertical angles

 

3) AC and AE are opposite rays Definition of vertical angles

4) a and b form a linear pair Given

5) a and b are supplementary Angles in a linear pair are supplementary

6) c and b form a linear pair Given

7) c and b are supplementary Angles in a linear pair are supplementary

Supplements of the same angle

8) a  c
are congruent

Level J | 28
Geometry 1

(G92) 4.

Statement Reason
 

1) AP bisects MAQ and AR bisects 1) Given

2) MAP  PAQ and NAR  RAQ 2) Definition of angle bisector

3) mMAP = mPAQ and mNAR =

3) Definition of congruent angles

4) NAR  MAP 4) Definition of vertical angles

5) mNAR = mMAP 5) Definition of congruent angles

6) mRAQ = mPAQ 6) Transitive property

7) RAQ  PAQ 7) Definition of congruent angles

(G93) 5.

Statements Reasons

a) 1 and 3 are supplementary a) Given

b) 1 and 2 form a linear pair b) Given

c) 1 and 2 are supplementary c) Definition of supplementary angles

d) Supplements of the same angle

d) 3  2
are congruent

e) ∆ABC is isosceles e) Definition of isosceles triangle

Level J | 29
Geometry 1

(G94) 6.

Statement Reason

1) A and B are complementary Given

2) mA + mB = 90° Definition of complementary angles

3) mB = 90°  mA Subtraction property of equality

4) mB > 0 Property of the angle

5) 90°  mA > 0 Property of equality

6) 90° > mA Subtraction property of equality

7) A is acute Definition of the acute angle

Level J | 30
Geometry 1

(G95) 7.

Statements Reasons

a) 1  2 a) Given

b) 2 and ABC form a linear pair, 1

b) Given
and ACB form a linear pair
c) 2 and ABC are supplementary and c) Angles in a linear pair are
ACB and 1 are supplementary supplementary
d) Supplements of the same angle
d) ACB  ABC
are congruent

e) ∆ABC is isosceles e) Definition of an isosceles triangle

(G96) 8.

Statement Reason
a) 1 and 2 are supplementary a) Given

b) 3 and 2 are supplementary b) Linear pair

c) Supplements of the same angle
c) 1 and 3 are congruent
are congruent
d) (3x + 50) = (5x + 10)
d) Substitution
 3x + 50 = 5x + 10
e) 40 = 2x e) Addition property of equality

f) x = 20 f) Division property of equality

Level J | 31
Geometry 1

(G97) 9.

Statement Reason
a) ABC and EFD are right angles a) Given

b) ABC  EFD b) Right angles are congruent

c) 2 and 3 form a linear pair
c) Given
1 and 4 form a linear pair
d) 2 and 3 are supplementary d) Angles in a linear pair are
1 and 4 are supplementary supplementary
e) 1  2 e) Given
f) Supplements of congruent angles are
f) 3  4
g) BC  DF g) Given

h) ABC  EFD h) ASA

i) AB  EF i) CPCTC

Level J | 32
Geometry 1

(G98) 10. [G1]

Statement Reason
1. XZ  VZ and YZ  UZ . 1. Given
X, Z, and U are collinear
2. 2. Given
Y, Z, and V are collinear
3. 1 and 2 are vertical angles 3. Definition of vertical angles
Vertically opposite angles are
4. 1  2 4.
5. XYZ  VUZ 5. SAS postulate
Corresponding parts of congruent
6. Y  U 6.
triangles are congruent

The answer is1234.

(G99) 11. [G1]

Statement Reason
G, O, and K are collinear.
1. 1. Given
J, O, and H are collinear.
1 and 2 form a linear pair.
2. 2. Definition of a linear pair
1 and 3 form a linear pair.
1 and 2 are supplementary. Angles in a linear pair are
3. 3.
1 and 3 are supplementary. supplementary.
Supplements of same angle are
4. 2  3 4.
The answer is 1234.

(G100) 12. Supplements of the same angle are congruent

(5x  15) = (2x + 33)
3x = 48
x = 16

(G101) 13. Complements of the same angle are congruent

(3x  15) = 75
3x = 90
x = 30

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Geometry 1

(G102) 14. (4x + 1) = (3x + 13) (Vertical angles are congruent)
x = 12
y = (2x + 4) (Vertical angles are congruent)
y = 2×12 + 4 = 28

(T25) 15. [G2] Using the fact that vertically opposite angles are congruent,
2(145) + x + y = 360
x + y = 360 – 290
x + y = 70.

(T27) 16. [G2] By the angle addition postulate,
mKON = mMOK + mLON – mLOM.
160° = 80 + 110 – mLOM
mLOM = 110 + 80 – 160 = 30

Section 7.2: The Exterior Angle Theorem

(G103) 17.

Statement Reason

1. EDA is exterior to ADC 1. Given/Definition of an exterior angle

2. The measure of an exterior angle is
2. mEDA  mDCA larger than the measure of each of its
remote interior angles
3. DCA is exterior to ACB 3. Given/Definition of exterior angle
4. The measure of an exterior angle is
4. mDCA > mCAB larger than the measure of each of its
remote interior angles
5. mEDA > mCAB 5. Transitive property of inequality

Level J | 34
Geometry 1

(G104) 18.

Statement Reason

a) AMR is exterior to QMR a) Given

b) mAMR = 90o b) Given

c) The measure of an exterior angle is
c) m AMR > mMRQ larger than the measure of each of its
remote interior angles
d) mMRQ < 90 d) Substitution

(G105) 19. 5

Section 7.3: Indirect Proofs

(G106) 20.

Statement Reason

1. AB > BC 1. Given

2. Assume B is the midpoint of AC 2. Indirect proof assumption

3. AB  BC 3. Definition of midpoint

4. AB = BC 4. Definition of congruent segments

5. Given AB > BC contradicts the
5. There is a contradiction
assumption AB = BC

6. Hence, B is not the midpoint of AC because the assumption that B is the

midpoint of AC is false.

Level J | 35
Geometry 1

(G107) 21.
Statement Reason

1. B  C 1. Given

2. Assume AB  AC 2. Indirect proof assumption

3. ABC is isosceles with vertex at A 3. Definition of isosceles triangle

4. B  C 4. Isosceles Triangle Theorem

5. B  C contradicts the given

5. There is a contradiction
B  C

6. Hence, AB  AC because the assumption that AB  AC is false.

(G108) 22.
Statement Reason

1. Assume CMA is a right angle 1. Indirect proof assumption

2. If one angle in a linear pair is right so

2. CMB is a right angle
is the other

3. CMB  CMA 3. All right angles are congruent

4. M is the midpoint of AB 4. Given

5. AM  MB 5. Definition of midpoint

6. Reflexive Property of congruent

6. CM  CM figures

7. ACM  BCM 7. SAS

8. CA  CB 8. CPOCTC

9. Congruent segments have equal

9. CA = CB

10. CA  CB 10. Given

11. There is a contradiction 11. CA = CB and CA  CB

12. Hence, CMA is not a right angle because, the assumption that CMA is a
right angle is false. It leads to a contradiction.

Level J | 36
Geometry 1

(G109) 23.

Statement Reason

1. Assume 1 is a right angle 1. Indirect proof assumption

2. 1 and 2 form a linear pair 2. Given/Definition of a linear pair

3. If one angle of a linear pair is right so

3. 2 is a right angle
is the other

4. 2 is not a right angle 4. Given

5. 2 is a right angle contradicts the

5. There is a contradiction
given that 2 is not a right angle
6. Hence, 1 is not a right angle because the assumption 1 is a right angle is

Level J | 37
Geometry 1

Chapter 8: Perpendicular and Parallel Lines

Section 8.1: Perpendicular Lines

(G110) 1.

Statement Reason

1.   m 1. Given
2. One of the 4 angles formed by
2. Definition of perpendicular lines
 and m is right, say 1 is right

3. 2 and 1 form a linear pair 3. Definition of a linear pair

4. If one angle in a linear pair is right, the
4. 2 is right
other is right
5. 3 and 1 are vertical angles 5. Definition of vertical angles

3 is right 6. Vertical angles are congruent [steps 2,5]

7. 4 and 2 are vertical angles 7. Definition of vertical angles

8. 4 is right 8. Vertical angles are congruent [steps 4,7]

(G111) 2.

Statement Reason
 

1. Given
1. MN  AB
2. AMN and BMN are right 2. Two perpendicular lines form four right
angles angles
2. 1and 3 are complementary
2. Definition of complementary angles
and 2and 4 are complementary
3. 3  4 3. Given
4. Complements of congruent angles are
4. 1  2

Level J | 38
Geometry 1

(G112) 3.

Statement Reason
1. ABC is
1. Given
2. AB = AC 2. Defintion of an equilateral triangle

3. AM = AM 3. Reflexive property
4. M is the midpoint
4. Given
of BC
5. BM = CM 5. Definition of midpoint

ABM  ACM 6. SSS

7. AMB  AMC 7. CPOCTC

8. AMB is a right 8. If angles in a linear pair are congruent then each one
angle of them is right

9. AM  BC 9. Definition of perpendicular lines

(G113) 4.
Statement Reason

1.  1 is right 1. Given

2.  2 is right 2. Indirect proof assumption

3. AC  BD and AB  BD 3. Definition of perpendicular lines

4. Through a given point only one

4. Contradiction
perpendicular can be drawn.

Hence, our assumption that  2 is right is false. So,  2 is right is not right.

(G114) 5. (5x) = 45

(3x + y) = 90
3 × 9 + y = 90
y = 63

Level J | 39
Geometry 1

(G115) 6. Answer: 23

(G116) 7. (x + 35) = 90

x = 55
(x + 5y) = 90
55 + 5y = 90
(z + y) = 90
z + 7 = 90
z = 83

Section 8.2: Medians, Altitudes, Angle Bisectors, and Perpendicular Bisectors

(G117) 8.
Statement Reason

 1) Given
1) MS is the perpendicular bisector of RQ
2) Points on  bisector are equidistant from
2) MR = MQ
endpoint of segment

3) RP  NQ 3) Given

4) RP = NQ 4) Definition of congruent segments

5) MR  RP = MQ  NQ 5) Property of numbers

6) MN + NQ = MQ 6) Def. of betweenness
MP + PR = MR
7) MN = MQ – NQ
7) Subtraction prop of equality
MP = MR – RQ

8) MP = MN 8) Substitution

9) MP  MN 9) Definition of congruent segments

Level J | 40
Geometry 1

(G118) 9.
Statement Reason

1. A is equidistant from B and C 1. Given

2. A point equidistant from the end points

2. A belongs to the  bisector of BC of a segment belong to its perp bisector

3. M is equidistant from B and C 3. Given

4. A point equidistant from the end points

4. M belongs to the  bisector of BC
of a segment belong to its perp bisector
5. AM is the perpendicular bisector of
5. Two points determine a unique line
(G119) 10. [G1]

Statement Reason
t is the perpendicular bisector of
1. 1. Given
KM .
Points on the perpendicular bisector
2. FK = FM and EK = EM 2. of a segment are equidistant from the
endpoints of this segment
3. FK  FM and EK  EM 3. Definition of congruent segments
4. FE  FE 4. Reflexive property of congruence
5. FKE  FME 5. SSS theorem
Corresponding parts of congruent
6. 1  2 6.
triangles are congruent

The answer is 12345.

(G120) 11. [G1] Answer: 124

(G121) 12. BN is a median, AP is an angle bisector, CH is an altitude.

(G122) 13. x =10

y = 14
So, x + y = 24.
(T42) 14. [G2] ABC is isosceles with base BC . In an isosceles triangle, the altitude to
the base is also the median, so AX = CX = BX.

Level J | 41
Geometry 1

Therefore, triangle ABX is a right isosceles triangle, and mB = 45.

Level J | 42
Geometry 1

Section 8.3: Parallels and Transversals

(G123) 15. a. Two coplanar lines are said to be parallel if they have no point in common.
b. A transversal of two coplanar lines is a line that intersects the two lines in
two different points.

(G124) 2. a. 9 and 2
b. 1 and 2

(G125) 16. [G1] The answer is 25.

Section 8.4: Lines that are Parallel

(G126) 17.

Statement Reason
1. MP and QN bisect each
1. Given
2. MR  RP and QR  RN 2. Definition of segment bisector

3. mMRN = mPRQ 3. Vertically opposite angles

4. MRN  PRQ 4. SAS

5. M  P 5. CPOCTC
6. M and P are alternate
6. Definition of alternate interior angles
interior angles
7. If a transversal intersects two lines and
forms a pair of alternate interior angles
7. MN // QP that are congruent, then the two lines are

Level J | 43
Geometry 1

(G127) 18.

Statement Reason

1. 1  3 1. Given

2. 1 and 4 are supplementary 2. Angles in a linear pair are

2 and 3 are supplementary supplementary
3. Supplements of congruent angles
3. 4  2
are congruent
4. If a transversal intersects two lines and
4. AB // CD forms a pair of congruent corresponding
angles, then the two lines are parallel

(G128) 19. [G1]

Statement Reason
1. HK and JG bisect each other 1. Given
2. O is the midpoint of HK and JG 2. Definition of segment bisector
3. HO  OK and JO  OG 3. Definition f midpoint
4. 1  2 4. Vertical angles are congruent
5. HGO  KJO 5. SAS Theorem
Corresponding parts of congruent
6. H  K 6.
triangles are congruent
If transversal intersects two lines
and form a pair of alternate
7. HG is parallel to JK 7.
interior angles that are congruent,
then the two lines are parallel
The answer is 123.

Level J | 44
Geometry 1

(G129) 20. [G1]

Statement Reason
PVU  QWU, W is
1. 1. Given
2. mW = 90 2. Definition of a right angle
Corresponding parts of congruent
3. W  V 3.
triangles are congruent
4. mW = mV 4. Definition of congruent angles
5. mV = 90 5. Substitution
6. V is right 6. Definition of a right angle
PV  VW and If two lines intersect forming one right
7. 7.
QW  VW angle then they are perpendicular

Two lines perpendicular to the same line

8. PV is parallel to QW 8.
are parallel

The answer is 1235.

(G130) 21. (3x + 5) = 50 (Alternate angles and the lines are parallel)
3x = 45
x = 15

(G131) 22. (4x – 7) = (3x + 21) (Corresponding angles and the lines are parallel)
x = 28

(G132) 23. (3x + 15) + 45 = 180 (co-interior angles and the lines are parallel)
3x = 120
x = 40

Level J | 45
Geometry 1

(T11) 24. mDEC = mQEK = 40 as DEC and QEK are vertical angles.
So, x = 40.

Applying the Angle sum theorem in OCE, we obtain

mO + mOCE + mOEC = 180. So, z = 180  32  40 = 108.
DBC and BCE are supplementary. Therefore, mDBC + mBCE = 180, so
mDBC = 180  108 = 72.
Also, MBO  DBC as they are vertical angles. Therefore, y = 72.

(S76) 25. The angle corresponding to angle q is complement to angle v.

Therefore, q = 90  35 = 55.

 
(T38) 26. [G2] Given that AD // CB .
3 and 7 are supplementary as interior angles on the same side of the
transversal are supplementary.

(T39) 27. [G2] my + mb = 180 – 40 = 140 as corresponding angles of parallel lines
are congruent.
my = 70 (vertically opposite angles)
Therefore, mb = 140 – 70 = 70.

Level J | 46
Geometry 1

Section 8.5: The Parallel Lines Postulate

(G133) 28. Suppose (by way of contradiction) m // n, then pairs of interior angles on the
same side of the transversal are supplementary. Hence, ∠1 and ∠2 are
This contradicts the given. Therefore, m is not parallel to n.

(G134) 29. l // m, 1  2 (Corresponding angles)

n // k, 1  5 (Corresponding angles)
Therefore, by the transitivity property of congruence of angles 5  2.
(G135) 30.

Statement Reason

1. n // k 1. Given

2. 1  3 2. Corresponding angles

3. Angles in a linear pair are

3. 3 and 2 are supplementary

4. m3 + m2 = 180° 4. Definition of supplementary angles

5. m3 = m1 5. Definition of congruent angles

6. m1 + m2 = 180° 6. Substitution

7. 1 and 2 are supplementary 7. Definition of supplementary angles

(G136) 31.

Statement Reason

1. 1  2 and t  m 1. Given
2. If two lines cut by a transversal with
2. m // n alternate interior angles congruent, then
the lines are parallel
3. If a line is perpendicular to one of 2
3. t  n parallel lines, then it is perpendicular to
the other

Level J | 47
Geometry 1

(G137) 32.

Statement Reason

1. 1  2 and t  m 1. Given
2. If two lines cut by a transversal with
2. m // n alternate interior angles congruent, then
the lines are parallel
3. If a line is perpendicular to one of 2
3. t  n parallel lines, then it is perpendicular to
the other

(G138) 33. 2x + 52 + 2x = 180

4x + 52 = 180
4x = 128
x = 32

(G139) 34. a. 2x = 132 as the two angles are vertically opposite

x = 66
b. y + 2x = 180 since corresponding angles formed by two parallel lines and a
transversal are supplementary.
y + 2(66) = 180 (Substitution)
y + 132 = 180
y = 48

(G140) 35. [G1] 4k + 6k = 180 (co-interior angles are supplementary).

k = 18

(G141) 36. [G1] m3 + m1 = 180, 68 + k = 180, k = 112

Level J | 48
Geometry 1

Chapter 9: Geometric Measurements

Section 9.1: Angles of a Triangle

(G142) 1. 2x + 2x = 120
4x = 120
x = 30
(G143) 2.

Statement Reason

1. CEF  B 1. Given

2. ECF  ACB 2. Reflexive Property

3. Two angles in EFC are congruent to

3. EFC  A two angles in BCA. Therefore, the
third pair of angles are congruent.

Level J | 49
Geometry 1

(G144) 3.
ABC is right at C.


Prove: A and B are complementary.

Statement Reason

1) In ABC, m  A + m  B + m  C = 180 1) Angle Sum Theorem

2)  C is right 2) Given

3) m  C = 90 3) Definition of a right angle

4) m  A + m  B + 90 = 180 4) Substitution [Steps 1, 3]

5) m  A + m  B = 90 5) Subtraction property of equality

6)  A and  B are complementary 6) Definition of complementary angle

(G145) 4.

Statement Reason

1. A  C, ABD  BDC 1. Given

2. If two angles in a triangle are congruent

2. ADB  DBC to two angles in another, then the third
pair of angles are also congruent.
3. Two lines cut by a transversal forming
3. AD // BC two congruent alternate interior angles
are parallel.

Level J | 50
Geometry 1

(G146) 5. [G1] Using angle sum theorem in a triangle we get:

10k + 3k + 7k = 180
20k = 180

(G147) 6. [G1] Using the exterior angle theorem we get k + 62 = 80, k = 18.

(G148) 7. [G1] k + 6 + 5k = 90
6k = 84
k = 14

(G149) 8. mR = 90 − 57

(G150) 9. mC = (2x  34) = 60, x = 47.

(G151) 10. [G1]

Statement Reason
1. W, X, and Y are collinear. 1. Given
2. 2 and 3 form a linear pair. 2. Definition of linear pair
Angles in a linear pair are
3. 2 and 3 are supplementary. 3. supplementary

Definition of supplementary
4. m2 + m3 = 180 4.
5. m1 + m2 + m4 = 180 5. Angle sum theorem
6. m2 + m3 = m1 + m2 + m4 6. Substitution [Steps 4, 5]
Subtraction property of
7. m3 = m1 + m4 7.

The answer is 2345.

(T40) 11. [G2] By the exterior angle theorem, mECD = 55  45  100.
By the angle sum theorem, mCED = 180  (100  33)  47.
mCED = mx = 47 as they are vertically opposite angles.

Level J | 51
Geometry 1

Section 9.2: Polygons

(G152) 12.a. Six sides and it is a hexagon.
b. MP , MQ , MR . There are 3 diagonals.
c. Nine diagonals.
d. Convex

(G153) 13. a. The sum of measures of all interior angles of an octagon is:
(8  2)  180 = 6  180 = 1080o.
The measure of an interior angle of a regular octagon is  135 .
b. The sum of measures of all exterior angles of any polygon is 360o.
If the number of sides is n then  40 , n  9 .
c. The sum of measures of all exterior angles of any polygon is 360o.
x + 2x + 3x + 4x + 5x = 360o.
15x = 360o , x = 24
(G154) 14.

Statement Reason

1) ABCDEF is a regular
1) Given

mD 
 6  2  180  120 2) In a reg. Poly. all int angles have the same measure
3) m1   60 3) In a regular Polygon all exterior angles

4) m1 + mD =180 4) Substitution

5) 1 and D are
5) Definition of supplementary angles

Level J | 52
Geometry 1

(G155) 15. Complete the table below.

Number of sides Name of polygon
3 Triangle
4 Quadrilateral
5 Pentagon
6 Hexagon
7 Heptagon
8 Octagon
9 Nonagon
10 Decagon

(G156) 16. b and d

(T12) 17. Each interior and its corresponding exterior angle of a polygon form a linear
pair. Therefore, the sum of the measures of the exterior and the interior angle is
equal to 180. Thus,
8x + 4x = 180
12x = 180
x = 15
Thus, the exterior angle is equal to 4  15 = 60.
The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a polygon is 360. Therefore,
the number of sides of this polygon is  6 , so it is a regular hexagon.

(T13) 18. a. Denote by x the measure of the exterior angle. Then, the measure of the
interior angle is (8x).
The interior and its corresponding exterior angle of a polygon form a linear
pair, so we get x + (8x) = 180 giving, x = 20.
The sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a polygon is 360. Since the
polygon is regular, the number of its sides is  18 .

b. The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a polygon with n sides is
180(n  2). Therefore, the sum of the measures of the interior angles of the
given polygon is 180  (18  2) = 2880.

Level J | 53
Geometry 1

(T14) 19. The sum of the interior angles of an octagon is equal to 180  (8  2) = 1080.
The measure of each obtuse interior angle, a, is equal to
1, 080  (36 4)
 234.
x + a = 360, thus x = 360  234 = 126.

(T43) 20. [G2] The sum of the measures of the angles of a convex quadrilateral is 360°.
Therefore, the fourth angle measures 360°  130°  130°  70° = 30°.

(T44) 21. [G2] Since all angles of a regular polygon have equal measures and supplements
of congruent angles are congruent, then all exterior angles of a regular polygon
have equal measures.
In the case of a hexagon, there are 6 exterior angles with a sum of measures
equal to 360.
x = 360  6 = 60

(T45) 22. [G2]. The sum of the measures of the angles of a convex polygon of n sides is
(n – 2) × 180º.
A convex quadrilateral has 4 sides, so the sum of the measures of its angles is
2 × 180º = 360º.es of the angles of a convex polygon of n sides is (n

Level J | 54
Geometry 1

Section 9.3: AAS and HL Congruence Theorems

(G157) 23. a) AAS. If two angles and the side opposite one of these angles in one triangle
are congruent to the corresponding parts of another triangle, then the
triangles are congruent.
b) HL theorem. If the hypotenuse and a leg of one right triangle are congruent
to the corresponding parts of another right triangle, then the triangles are
(G158) 24.

Statement Reason

1. KJI and LIJ are right angles 1. Given

2. KJI and LIJ are right 2. Definition of a right triangle

3. JL  KI 3. Given

4. JI  JI 4. Reflexive property

5. KJI  LIJ 5. HL Theorem

6. KIJ  LJI 6. CPOCTC

7. Converse of the isosceles triangle

7. JHI is isosceles

Level J | 55
Geometry 1

(G159) 25.


Statement Reason

1. MNP is isosceles 1. Given

2. Base angles of an isosceles triangle are

2. HNP  NPD congruent

3. NP  NP 3. Reflexive property

4. PH and ND are altitudes 4. Given

5. NHP and NDP are right angles 5. Definition of an altitude

6. PHN  NDP 6. HA theorem

Statement Reason

1. Base angles of an isosceles triangle are

1. PNH  NPD congruent

2. SNP is isosceles 2. Definition of an isosceles triangle

(G160) 26. BAD  DCB by AAS theorem

Level J | 56
Geometry 1

Section 9.4: Inequalities in One Triangle

(G161) 27.

Statement Reason
1. AB > AC 1. Given
2. If the lengths of 2 sides of a triangle are unequal,
2. m  C > mABC the measures of the angles opposite to them are
unequal in the same order
1 1
3. mC  mABC  mABC 3. Substitution
2 2
1 1
4. mC  mABC 4. mABC  0
2 2
5. mDBC = mABC 5. Angle bisector theorem
6. m  C > mDBC 6. Substitution
7. If the measures of 2 angles of a triangle are
7. DB > DC unequal, the lengths of the sides opposite to them
are unequal in the same order
(G162) 28.

Statement Reason
1. AD = AC 1. Given
2. Base angles of an isosceles triangle are
2. mC = mADC
3. The measure of an exterior angle is
3. mADC > mB greater than the measure of any of its
interior remote angles
4. mC > mB 4. Substitution

Level J | 57
Geometry 1

(G163) 29.

Statement Reason
1. B is a right angle 1. Given
2. mB = 90° 2. Definition of a right angle
3. If a triangle has one right angle, then its
3. C is acute
other angles are acute

4. mC < 90o 4. Definition of acute angle

6. If the measures of 2 angles of a triangle
are unequal, the lengths of the sides
6. AB < AC
opposite to them are unequal in the same

(G164) 30. The triangle inequality implies that

8.5 < 6.2 + y, y > 2.3
6.2 < 8.5 + y, y > –2.3 (always true)
y < 6.2 + 8.5, y < 14.7
Therefore, we have 2.3 < y < 14.7

(G165) 31. a. 4
b. 12

Level J | 58
Geometry 1

Section 9.5: Inequalities in Two Triangles

(G166) 32.

Statement Reason

1. m1 > m2 1. Given

2. m1 = mBEC
2. Vertical angles are congruent
m2 = mDEC

3. mBEC > mDEC 3. Substitution

4. AC bisects BD 4. Given

5. DE = EB 5. Definition of a bisector

6. CE = CE 6. Reflexive property

7. BC > DC 7. The hinge theorem

(G167) 33. a. The hinge theorem

b. The converse of the hinge theorem

Level J | 59
Geometry 1

Chapter 10: Geometric Measurements

Section 10.1: Areas of Plane Figures

(G168) 1. The figure is made up of a square of side 2 cm and 4 triangles each of height 2
cm and base of length 2 cm. Since the polygons are not overlapping, then the
area of the figure is the sum of the areas of the polygons.
Or Area of the polygon = Area of the square + Area of the triangles
1 
22  4   2  2   4  8  12cm2
2 

(G169) 2. The two semi-circles are each of radius 2 cm.

1 
Their total area is 2    22  =4 =4  3.14= 12.56 cm2
2 
The rectangle is of length 7 cm and width 4 cm.
Its area is 74 = 28 cm2.
The total area of the figure is 28 + 12.56 = 40.56 cm2.

(T57) 3. [G2] a. The area of one square is equal to 294  6  49 cm2.

b. The area of a square is A  s2, where s is the length of a side of the
Hence, s2 = 49 cm2 which implies s = 7 cm.
c. The perimeter of the given shape consists of 14 side lengths of the
squares making up the shape. Therefore, the perimeter is equal to
14  7  98 cm.

Level J | 60
Geometry 1

Section 10.2: The Pythagorean Theorem

(G170) 4. Suppose x is the length of each leg.

 
Then, 20 2  x2  x2
800  2x2
400  x2
x = 20 cm.
Since the legs are perpendicular to one another, then one can be used as a base
while the other as a height.
Therefore, the area of the triangle is
(1/2)(20)(20) = 200 cm2

(G171) 5. The side opposite 30o is half the hypotenuse:  10 cm .
The side opposite 60o is times the hypotenuse:
 20  10 3 = 101.732 = 17.32 cm
The perimeter is 20 + 10 + 17.32 = 47.32 cm.

3 2
(G172) 6. The area is: s
  3 3 3
  3  3  cm2
4 4 4

(G173) 7. a. 82 + 152 = 64 + 225 = 289 = 172

Therefore, (8, 15, 17) is a Pythagorean triplet and hence, they can be the sides
of a right triangle.
b. 502 + 1202 = 2500 + 14400 = 16900 = 1302.
Therefore, (50, 120, 130) is a Pythagorean triplet and hence, they can be the
sides of a right triangle.
c. 52 + 122 = 25 + 144 = 169  289 = 172.
Therefore, (5, 12, 17) is not a Pythagorean triplet and hence, they cannot be
the sides of a right triangle.

Level J | 61
Geometry 1

(S77) 8. Applying the Pythagorean Theorem in the given triangle gives 64 = 16 + x2,
hence x  4 3 m.

(T46) 9. [G2] The area of the rectangle is z  (z  9) = z2  9z.

(T47) 10. [G2] The area of the rectangular garden is s(s  4)  s2  4s square meters.
The area of the path is 5s square meters.
Therefore, the area of the shaded region of the garden is
s2  4s  5s  s2  s square meters.

(T48) 11. [G2] The area of the swimming pool along with the walkway is
70 m  14 m  980 m2.
The area of the swimming pool is 50 m  12 m  600 m2.
Therefore, the area of the walkway is 980 m2  600 m2  380 m2.

(T49) 12. [G2] Since circles are inscribed, the width of the rectangle is 6  6  12 cm and
the length of the rectangle is 6  6  6  6  24 cm.
Therefore, the area of the rectangle is 24 × 12  288 cm2.

(T50) 13. [G2] Area of square = side2 = 169 cm2

So, side = 13 cm.
Therefore, the perimeter is equal to 4  13  52 cm.

(T51) 14. [G2] The area of the rectangle is 18 × 6  108 cm2.

The area of the unshaded region(triangle) is  6  9  27 cm2.
Therefore, the area of the shaded region is 108 cm2  27 cm2  81 cm2.

(T52) 15. [G2] 152  82  225 + 64 = 289 = 172

By the converse of the Pythagorean theorem, triangle GEF is a right angle

Level J | 62
Geometry 1

Section 10.3: Volumes and Surface Areas of Solid Figures

(G174) 16. The volume of the big rectangular prism is 8  3  5 = 120 cm3.
The volume of each of the four small cubes is 13 = 1 cm3.
The total volume is 120 + 4 = 124 cm3.
The surface area of the big rectangular prism is
2(83 + 35 + 85) = 2(24 + 15 + 40) = 2(79) = 158 cm2.
The lateral area of each of the four small cubes is
412 = 4 cm2.
The total surface area of the solid is 158 + 44 = 158 + 16 = 174 cm2.

(G175) 17. The lateral area is the sum of the area of the four triangles making up the faces
of the pyramid.
Each face has an area of h  b .
1  1 1
The lateral area is 4  h  b    h  4b   hp where p is the perimeter of
2  2 2
the base and h is the height of the face, which is the slant height.

(G176) 18. Volume = hr2 = (4)(102) = 3.144100 = 1,256 cm3.

Surface area = 2rh + r2 = r(2h + r) = 3.1410(8 + 10)
= 31.4  18 = 565.2 cm2

(G177) 19. a. The top part is a pyramid with height

h = 28  16 = 12 cm and a square base of side 10 cm
13 cm
12 cm

5 cm
16 cm
16 cm

10 cm

10 cm

The bottom part is a rectangular prism of dimensions 101016

1 
V   12 102   10 10 16   400  1,600  2,000 cm3
3 
The surface area is the sum of the lateral area of the pyramid and the
surface area of the rectangular prism (exclusive of its top). The slant height
is 13 cm (as illustrated in the diagram). Hence, the lateral area of the
pyramid is (1/2)hp = (1/2)(13)(40) = 260 cm2.

Level J | 63
Geometry 1

The lateral area of the prism is 4(1016) = 640 cm2.

The area of the base of the prism is 102 = 100 cm2.
The surface area of the solid is, therefore,
260 + 640 + 100 = 1000 cm2.
b. The top part is a cone with height
h = 20  12 = 8 in. and a base of radius 6 in.
10 in

8 in
6 in

12 in
6 in

The bottom part is a cylinder with height h = 12 in. and a base of radius 6
1 
in., V     8  62    12  62 
3 
 96  432  528 in 3
The surface area is the sum of the lateral area of the cone and the surface
area of the cylinder (exclusive of its top).
The slant height is 10 in. (as illustrated in the diagram).
Hence, the lateral area of the cone is rl = (6)(10) = 60 in2.
The lateral area of the cylinder is2rh = 2(6)(12) = 144 in2.
The area of the base of the cylinder is r2 = 36 in2.
The surface area of the solid is, therefore,
60 + 144 + 36 = 240 in2.

(G178) 20. The volume of each hemisphere is

1 4  16
   23    mm3
2 3  3
The volume of the cylindrical part is: (4)(22) = 16 mm3.
The total volume of the solid is:
16 80
2  + 16 =  mm3.
3 3
The surface area of each hemisphere is
 4  22   8 mm2.
2 
The lateral area of the cylindrical part is:
2rh = 2(2)(4) = 16 mm2.
The total surface area of the solid is:
28 + 16 = 32 mm2.

Level J | 64
Geometry 1

(T58) 21. [G2] The volume of a rectangular prism is V  lwh.

V = 10  x  7
420  70x

(T59) 22. [G2] All the books are of the same size.
The volume of each book is 20  10  5 = 1,000 cm3.
The volume of the rectangular box is 40  20  10 = 8,000 cm3.
Therefore, Olivia can pack 8,000  1,000 = 8 books in the box.

(T93) 23. [G2] Surface area = 4πr2 = 4 × 3.14 × 52 = 100 × 3.14 = 314 cm2

(T94) 24. [G2] The base of the cone is a circle with area 100π.
Then 100 π  r 2 π , implies r = 10 m.
The slant height of the cone, l, can be obtained using Pythagorean theorem.
l2 = 82 + 102 = 164, implies l  13 m.
The surface area is: πr(l + r) = 3.14 × 10(13 + 10) = 722.2 m2.

The volume of each book is 20  10  5 = 1,000 cm3.

The volume of the rectangular box is 40  20  10 = 8,000 cm3.
Therefore, Olivia can pack 8,000  1,000 = 8 books in the box.

Level J | 65

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