WM July Report

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ACTIVATED CARBON (Manufacture and structure)...................................................................3
Factors affecting gold adsorption....................................................................................................3
The Effect of Cyanide Concentration..........................................................................................3
The Effect of pH..........................................................................................................................3
The Effect of Particle Size...........................................................................................................3
Pulp Densities..............................................................................................................................4
The C.I.P adsorption circuit.............................................................................................................5
Carbon movement............................................................................................................................7
Carbon inventory..........................................................................................................................7
Carbon activity.................................................................................................................................9
Construction of CIP reagent dosing charts....................................................................................11
Cyanide dosing chart..................................................................................................................11
Hydrogen peroxide dosing chart................................................................................................12
The oxygen plant (pressure swing adsorption plant).....................................................................15
This report outlines work done and activities done by the trainee in the month of July. The
trainee worked at the Carbon in Pulp (C.I.P) section where he learnt the day-to-day operation and
activities done at this section. A fully detailed report of the activities carried out is shown below.
ACTIVATED CARBON (Manufacture and structure).
Naturally occurring carbonaceous materials such as coal, wood, coconut shells or bones are
decomposed in an inert atmosphere at a temperature of about 800K to form activated carbon. The
initial stages involve the mixing of the raw material by a dehydrating agent (NaCO3, NaOH, Ca
(OH)2 etcetera). The resulting mixture is dried at temperatures in the range of 200- 650oC which
results in the formation of a carbon skeleton. Activating agents such as zinc chloride or
phosphoric acid, salts of sodium or magnesium are then added and the mixture is heated to 350-
650oC which promotes the development of the pore structure. How Mine carbon-in-pulp process
makes use of coconut shell activated carbon. This is due to the good impact hardness and wet
abrasion resistance coupled with a large capacity for small gold dicyanoaurate complex
adsorption because of its extremely micro porous structure.

Factors affecting gold adsorption.

The Effect of Cyanide Concentration
High free cyanide concentrations have a detrimental effect on gold adsorption. Nevertheless, it is
well known that free cyanide prevents soluble copper from loading on the carbon. Hence, a
compromise on free cyanide concentration is recommended for copper-containing gold ores.

The Effect of pH
Since both hydrogen and hydroxide ions tend to be adsorbed by carbon, pH affects the
adsorption capacity of the carbon. The equilibrium gold loading on the carbon increases with
lower pH. The effects of calcium cation and hydroxyl anion are antithetic in practice, where pH
is adjusted with lime high calcium concentrations will enhance gold adsorption, while high pH
will decrease it.

The Effect of Particle Size

The adsorption rate is affected significantly by the size of the carbon particles. Smaller particle
size, for the same mass of carbon, enhances the gold adsorption (as expected by the increase in
surface area). Carbon sizes between 600µm and 2360µm is used at BMC.

Pulp Densities
Higher pulp densities cause the carbon to float whilst very low pulp densities to sink hence
retarding the adsorption kinetics of the carbon hence at BMC the pulp densities are maintained
between 49-50% to avoid the above-mentioned problems.
The C.I.P adsorption circuit.
The How Mine adsorption circuit includes six adsorption tanks that is tank 2,3,7,14,17 and 18.
Each tank has a different amount of carbon per unit time. All of the carbon tanks are equipped
with a number of equalized pressure-air cleaned internal launder 600µm screens, these screens
retain the granular carbon so that it does not migrate to the other leaching tanks.

Determination of the amount of carbon in each adsorption tank.

To determine the amount of carbon in each adsorption tank, the trainee used a 2.5litre sample
cutter to collect carbon from the tanks. The sample cutter was dipped twice for about 10 seconds
in each adsorption tank so as to extract the sample. The sample was the put in a sieve tray and
washed so as to remove pulp (clean the carbon). The washed carbon was then put in a 1000ml
measuring cylinder so as to determine the amount of carbon in each adsorption tank.

The following results were obtained.

Tank Number Volume of carbon in Tank volume (m3) Amount of carbon
1000ml cylinder. (t)
2 240 159.12 3.82
3 240 152.58 3.66
7 400 71.10 2.84
14 400 70.90 2.83
17 120 241.60 2.90
18 150 236.15 3.54

Mass of carbon in each tank = mass per litre of sample cutter × tank volume

Mass per litre= volume of carbon × bulk density

Bulk density

The bulk density of carbon is defined as the mass of a unit volume, including pores and spaces
between particles by using a known mass of sample in graduated cylinder. It is equal to the mass
(weight) of a quantity of carbon divided by the volume it occupies (including pore volume and
interparticle voids). This can be measured simply by measuring the volume occupied by a given
weight with the aid of a graduated cylinder. A weighted amount of granular carbon was added to
a 1000 ml graduated cylinder. The cylinder was tapped constantly until there was no volume
change and bulk density was calculated as equation

weight of material (g)

Bulk density (g/ml) =
volume of packed dry material( ml)

Bulk density of carbon =


Therefore, mass per litre = 0.576 x volume of the measured carbon.

Mass of carbon in each tank = mass per litre of sample cutter x tank volume.
0.576 ( )
× volume of measured carbon(ml )
x tank volume(l)

volume of measured carbon(ml)

=0.1(g/ml) x x tank volume(ml) x 103
1000 ml

=0.1 x volume of measured carbon x tank volume.

Carbon movement.
The movement of carbon is counter current, meaning that as pulp moves from tank 1 to tank 18
carbon will be moving from tank 18 to tank 2 in the carbon tanks.

When transferring carbon to the elution plant carbon is first pumped from tank 2 using a carbon
transfer pump. The carbon is first passed through a sieve bend so as to remove pulp and from
there the carbon goes through a trommel screen with water sprays to wash the carbon. From the
trommel the carbon goes to the elution plant, 2 tonnes of loaded carbon go to the elution plant.
When the required amount of carbon has been sent to the elution plant, the carbon in tank 3 is
then moved to tank 2 and when the 3.82t of carbon are now in tank 2 the transfer of carbon from
tank 7 to tank 3 starts until the required amount is attained (3.66t).

When the transfer from tank 3 is done, carbon movement is done from tank 14 to tank 7 until the
required amount of 2.84t is there. Carbon movement from tank 17 to tank 14 starts until the 2.83
have been transferred. Carbon in tank in tank 18 then goes to tank 17. After elution the
regenerated carbon is pumped into tank 18 so that the low values of the gold are adsorbed.

Carbon retention time

Two tonnes of carbon are transferred each and every twelve hours a day hence

Carbon retention time = number carbo tanks × time for elution

= 6 × 12hrs


Carbon inventory
Carbon inventory checks are done daily after the carbon transfer process to elution has just
completed it is done in order to account for gold adsorbed on carbon.

The 2.5 litre sample cutter is dipped 2 times to collect 5 litres of pulp in each and every carbon
tank. The carbon is first dried in ovens at the elution plant. The carbon is then sent to the Assay
laboratory where it is further dried and weighed. The amount of gold adsorbed is calculated as

amount of carbon ( t ) × assay value of carbon( )
Amount of gold (kg) = t
1000 g

Results and Analysis.

Tank number. Carbon volume Carbon (kg) Mass of Assay value

(ml) adsorbed (g/t)
2 20 280 0.13496 482
3 240 3360 1.23648 368
7 400 3200 0.7424 232
14 400 3200 0.4736 148
17 120 2160 0.30024 139
18 150 2700 0.3267 121
Total 14900 3.21438 1490


A total of 3.21438kg of gold were contained in 14900kg of carbon.

Carbon activity.

To measure the adsorption capacity of carbon before regeneration using virgin carbon as a
standard. If the carbon is still >95% active its use can be continued but if the activity falls below
90%, the carbon is regenerated in the kilns.

Gold solution of known concentration (400ml)

1g of virgin carbon and 1g of carbon under test

Magnetic stirrer’s x 2

Stop watch, syringe (10ml)

Collecting bottles labelled virgin carbon and A for the carbon under test. The time at which the
solution is collected is also written on the bottle.

200ml of a gold solution of 20.37g/t were measured into two separate beakers. 1 g of virgin
carbon was placed into the other solution and 1g of the carbon under test was placed into the
other beaker. The beakers were placed onto the magnetic stirrers and the stirrers were switched
on. Solution samples after 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes were taken using a syringe from the
beakers into their respectively/corresponding bottles. The solutions collected together with the
standard gold solution were sent for assaying.

VIRGIN CARBON Carbon before regeneration

Time (min) Gold remaining in Time (min) Gold remaining in
solution(g/t) solution (g/t)
5 11.54 5 13.27
10 8.30 10 9.70
15 5.60 15 6.92
30 1.09 30 1.29
45 0.21 45 0.46
60 0.18 60 0.41

Standard gold solution = 20.37 g/t

Amount of gold adsorbed by used carbon = 20.37 – 0.18 = 20.19

Amount of gold adsorbed by virgin carbon = 20.37 – 0.41 = 19.96

amount of gold adsorbed by used carbon

Carbon activity = x 100%
amount of gold adsorbed by virgin carbon
= ×100 %



The activity of the carbon is still high as shown by the value above (%) hence it can still be used
for the adsorption of gold in the tanks. If the value falls below 95% the carbon has to go for

Construction of CIP reagent dosing charts

Cyanide dosing chart

The CN strength which is being fed into the system has a cyanide strength of 22% which is
prepared by adding 480kg of NaCN into a 2.19m3 steel tank.

The budget of BMC plant is 0.9kg of NaCN should process 1 ton of dry solids

Hence when milling at x t/hr

Amount of NaCN which is going to be consumed= milling rate ×0.9

= 0.9x kg

0.9x kgs of NaCN is used for 3600s

0.9 x
Therefore, the amount NaCN used per second =

= 0.25xg

The CN flowrate is measured by timing the time CN solution takes to reaches a 500ml mark in a
measuring cylinder.

With a CN strength of 22% it implies that 22g of CN are found in 100ml of water

hence in 500ml of solution has 110g of CN

therefore if 0.25xg of NaCN are used per second

time required to fill 500ml = s
0.25 x

= s

The diagram below shows different milling rates with their corresponding CN solution dosing

Milling rate (t/hr.) Time to fill 500ml with NaCN solution(s)

55 8
50 8.8
45 9.8
40 11
35 12.6
30 14.7
25 17.6
20 22
15 29.3
10 44
9 48.9
8 55
7 62.9
6 73.3
1 440

Hydrogen peroxide dosing chart

180kgs Hydrogen peroxide of 50% strength was used to process 1150t of dry ore therefore
Hydrogen peroxide budget is 0.156kg of Hydrogen peroxide process 1ton of ore

But Hydrogen peroxide strength from the manufacturer is 50% hence the actual budget is
0.078kg of Hydrogen peroxide for 1ton of ore

Amount of Hydrogen peroxide used at x milling rate = milling rate ×0.078

= 0.078x kg
0.078xkg of Hydrogen peroxide are used for 3600 s

0.078 x
Hence for one second amount of Hydrogen peroxide consumed =

= 0.021667x kg

The Hydrogen peroxide flowrate is measured by timing the time Hydrogen peroxide solution
takes to reaches a 500ml mark in a measuring cylinder.

With a CN strength of 7.5 % it implies that 7.5g of CN are found in 100ml of water

hence in 500ml of solution has 37.5g of Hydrogen peroxide

therefore if 0.0216667xkg of Hydrogen peroxide are used per second

time required to fill a measuring cylinder up to the 500ml mark = s
0.021667 x

= s

Milling rate (t/hr.) Time to fill 500ml with H202solution(s)

55 31.5
50 34.6
45 38.5
40 43.3
35 49.5
30 57.7
25 69.2
20 86.5
15 115.4
10 173.1
9 192.3
8 216.3
7 247.3
6 288.5
1 1730.8

The oxygen plant (pressure swing adsorption plant)

Enriched oxygen can be generated onsite by several methods such as chemical, electrolytic and
cryogenic. How Mine has a Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) plant. This is an onsite oxygen
generating system managed by BOC Gases. The components of the oxygen plant are: an air
compressor, an air dryer, buffer tank, air/oil filters, pressure swing adsorption beds. The air we
breathe contains 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 9% argon with the balance being other gases. The
oxygen is separated from the air using PSA technology. The process centers around molecular
sieve called Zeolite. Zeolite will adsorb nitrogen and the other gases preferentially. Air
compressor- takes in air from the atmosphere and compresses it

Air dryer - dries the air using a refrigeration system. The air is first cooled by a shell and tube
heat exchanger. Further cooling and expansion is achieved by the refrigerant-this causes the
moisture to condense

Buffer tank - it is located just outside the oxygen plant to adjust and maintain air coming from
the dryer at 6 bars before it reaches the filters.

Air/ oil filters- these remove oil and dust picked up in by the air as it moves around the
machinery The Oxygen generating system –the generating system consists of two beds/tanks
filled with zeolite Sieve. At high pressure the sieve adsorbs all other gases except oxygen and at
low pressures the sieve desorbs or releases the adsorbed gases.

As pressured air (72 psi nominal) is introduced into the first bed, it passes through the bed and
nitrogen is adsorbed. The remaining oxygen and trace gases are piped to a buffer of surge tank.

Just before the first bed becomes completely saturated with nitrogen, feed air is redirected to the
second bed which then repeats the above process. An equalization step incorporated to optimize
performance. The first bed is then vented to the atmosphere which allows the nitrogen to desorb
or release from the sieve.

To complete the regeneration of the first bed, a small amount of oxygen is used to purge it. The
process is repeated over and over again until the demand of oxygen is met.

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