History, Arbo

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Name: Arbo, Jayson I.

Section Code: PCBET-18-101a

1. Why is the evolution of man considered as a complex process?

- Because the human body is composed of a million different systems. - Different, specialized cell types exist in
humans. - Life processes can be effectively carried out when cells are organized properly.

2. How does the Philippine government show that it values its human resources?

- They value it in the way they helps a company to achieve its objective from time to time by creating positive attitude
among workers, Reducing wastage and making maximum use of resources. Why is

3. Why is Tabon Man considered as the oldest human remain excavated in the Philippines?

- Based on my own opinion they considered as the oldest human excavated here in the Philippines because the team of
archaeologists confirmed that the remain which is the foot bone is atleast 67,000 years old , which has long thought to
be the archipelago's earliest human remains at 50,000 years old and so far this could be the earliest human fossil found
in the Callao Cave in Cagayan province. And that's why it is considered the oldest human remains excavated in the

4. The Filipinos were civilized even before the coming of the Spaniards? Explain.

- No, because people in these islands before the Spaniards came are already civilized. They have about 16 writing
scripts used in these islands, used by different languages and many of traders also knew how to speak Malay, the trade
language of Southeast Asia during those days.

5. The culture during pre-colonial period was shaped as a consequence of continued contacts with the great traditions of
Asia. Explain.

- Filipino identity evolved primarily as a result of pre-colonial cultures, colonial influences, and foreign traders mingling
and gradually merging. The Philippines was a divided set of nations, islands, and tribes ruled by their kings, chieftains,
lakes, rajahs, and datu sand sultans prior to colonial times. The culture of the Philippines is a synthesis of East and West
cultures. Every country has its own identity, and some are even part of a larger empire that exists outside of what is now
the Philippines. For example, Manila was once part of the Islamic Sultanate of Brunei, and the Sulu Archipelago was part
of the Hindu Majapahit. The establishment of colonial rule on the islands signaled the birth of the Philippines as a
distinct entity, a collection of Southeast Asian countries united under the Spanish Empire.

6. How large was the barangay was the barangay during the ancient period? Compare this with the present barangay.

- The barangay during the ancient period have only thirty to one hundred houses and the population varies from one
hundred to five hundred persons while the present barangay there are currently a little over 42,000 barangays all over
the country.
7. The significant of History to our times is being told in this saying “The neglect of the past wouldbe the failure of the
present time.” Explain

- The study and knowledge of the past is referred to as history. It is a historical narrative and a type of collective
memory. History tells the story of who we are and where we came from, and it may reveal where we are going in the
future. What happened in the past is immutable in time. In contrast, history is constantly changing. The past is concrete
and unchangeable, but history is an ongoing dialogue about the past and its significance. History teaches us how past
events shaped the world we live in today. Lessons from the past teach us not only about ourselves and how we came to
be, but also how to avoid mistakes and forge better paths in the future.

8. Can we stand as a State even without having the existence of other countries in the world?

- Yes, it is entirely possible. The lack of international trade will stifle progress and development, but it is still possible for
a country to be self-sufficient. It all depends on the type of government.

9. What is the reason why there is a need of having different culture and values?

- Culture and values are the most important aspects of a society, so they must be respected and valued. As a result of
the people who live here, there are cultural and value differences. People all over the world are quickly realizing the
importance of learning, understanding, and embracing different cultures in today's ever-changing world. Why is this
required? It is critical in the development of communities that excel at problem solving and improving a wide range of
situations. Let us discuss the benefits of knowing people from different cultures. Exposure to different cultures, if
possible, helps you welcome and respect people who are different from you. Furthermore, the more your children
interact with children from different cultures, the more respect and importance they place on them.

10. What approach is necessary in order to put as one the diversified culture and values?

- Cultural responsivity is the ability to learn from and relate respectfully to people of your own culture as well as others.
Being culturally responsive necessitates being open to the perspectives, ideas, and experiences of others. This isn't
about making others more like you. Instead, it is about exploring and respecting others' differences. Developing a
culturally responsive attitude is an ongoing process. It can be a significant challenge for people and cultures when others
have values, beliefs, and certain conventions that differ significantly from yours. Because others may not understand or
trust you, differences can lead to increased resistance and change. The range of human differences, including but not
limited to race, ethnicity, and gender, is referred to as diversity.

11. Is being an archipelago a hindrance to Nation’s progress?

- Yes, because the Philippine archipelago is surrounded by a large body of water it leads to the issue of illegal
importation and exportation of products into and out of the country and the outcome is the government loses their
revenue sources and also no appropriate taxes.

12. What is the guarantee that a President of a country unit its people? Is that still possible?

- Yes, it is possible because, as president, he has the authority to do or implement a task that he believes will bring him
closer to the people he serves. It should be easy to understand the difficulties that a national leader faces when
attempting to rally a country's population behind him or her. The President is in charge of enforcing laws and appointing
the heads of federal agencies, including the Cabinet. The President is referred to as the chief of state because he is the
head of the government. He represents the entire population.
13. Why was Magellan’s expedition to the East a significant development in the history of mankind. How did the
Spaniards carry out the conquest and Christianization of the Philippines?

- Though the stated goal of Magellan's expedition was to find a route through South America to the Moluccas and
return to Spain with spices, at this point in the journey, Magellan seemed to develop a zeal for converting the local
tribes to Christianity. Magellan's voyage rewrote the maps and geography books. He was the first to discover the strait
that now bears his name, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans at the southern tip of South America. It opened
doors in the places where they passed, where people, ideas, and goods were coming and going. It established
commercial contacts between East and West that lasted for centuries. It also encouraged the exchange of various types
of scientific, cultural, and religious experiences. -The Philippines' legacy of Spanish conquest and colonial rule. Spain's
policy toward the Philippines, its only Asian colony, had three goals: to gain a share of the spice trade, to establish
contacts with China and Japan in order to further Christian missionary efforts there, and to convert Filipinos to
Christianity. On top of this indigenous religious foundation, two foreign religions, Islam and Christianity, were
introduced, and a process of cultural adaptation and synthesis began, which is still ongoing.

14. Why is Catholicism in the Philippines influenced by the early beliefs of Filipinos?

- Catholicism and the Spanish state were inextricably linked, and religion contributed significantly in the Philippine
administration. As a result, they became deeply engaged in the exploitation of Filipinos' adaptation and interpretation,
which is still in progress. Catholicism, which was introduced to the Philippines either by the Spanish during the early
colonial period, is the religious tradition of Christianity that has become most pervasive in Filipino culture. Catholic
concepts, such as the sanctity of life and respect for hierarchy, continue to influence beliefs in Filipino society.

15. What made Legaspi decide to transfer the Spanish settlement from Cebu to Manila?

- After Legazpi overthrew a local muslim monarch, he chose Manila as the site of his capital because it was adjacent to
a big population, an excellent port in Manila Bay, and the rice-growing regions of central Luzon.

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