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Introduction to Advantage and Disadvantage essay:

The advantages and disadvantages of an essay paper are one of the

many inquiry types that can be posed in your IELTS writing module.
There are three things to recall when writing formative sections for this
sort of article.

• Each section in the body talks about one part of the primary
• Each point in the sections should discuss the favorable
circumstances and orchestrate them in a logical order in
order to have an appropriate stream.
• The formative passages ought to have coherence and flow.
• The controlling thought in the formative section should
recall the central thought in the proposition explanation.

Organizing the essay

When you are writing the task 2 answers, a structure based on the
following elements could be used: an introductory paragraph, body
paragraph, and a concluding paragraph.

The following is the fundamental structure to follow while writing an

Essay organization for paragraph 1 - Advantages

A topic sentence is the primary concern of the section. This ought to

incorporate a proper connective word.
Supporting sentence 1 – Logical inference
Supporting sentence 2 - Examples
Supporting sentence 3 - Summary

Essay organization for paragraph 2 - Disadvantages

A topic sentence is the primary concern of the section. This ought to

incorporate a proper connective word.
Supporting sentence 1 – Logical inference
Supporting sentence 2 - Examples
Supporting sentence 3 - Summary

Conclusion (2-3 sentences)

A connecting word
A rundown of the primary points, or a rephrasing of your thesis in
various words.
Your last remark/assessment regarding the matter on the data

Note that for an advantage-disadvantage essay, the conclusion can be

inclining towards one side of the idea or summarizing both the ideas in
one statement which can be up to 2 sentences.
Planning your essay

Before you begin to compose your essay, you need to gather your
reasons, models, or thoughts identified with the theme, and you need
to design your presentation and body passages. This is the most
significant piece of composing. Recall a decent author consistently
knows where and when to complete a bit of composing prior to
beginning to compose.

While conceptualizing thoughts, attempt to take a gander at the theme

from various purposes of perspectives. For instance, if the theme is
about whether understudies should wear uniforms at school, attempt
to take a gander at it from the social, financial, social, and mental
purposes of perspectives. Don't simply depend on what you actually
may think about the issue. Assemble your thoughts, organize them, and
make a decent activity plan. In the event that a topic appears to be
troublesome, attempt to locate some applicable models for it and
afterward discover a title for the models you have found.


Here is the tip of ideal planning for Task 2. In the event that you can't
make it for the first couple of your works, don't freeze. It will require
some investment and practice to arrive at a decent level.

You don't need to be an author to compose a decent essay. This

assignment may look much harder than letters or diagrams; however, it
is just an early introduction. Simply observe the guidelines, keep the
correct structure, and utilize some shrewd and point explicit words.
Practice a bit. This way, you can without much of a stretch arrive at a
level, where regardless of what subject they give you, following 40
minutes, you can turn a delightful 2 pages essay and leave the exam
with a tremendous grin all over!

Let us look at some sample essays. Take a good look and understand
the whys and hows of drafting your essay.

Model 1

There are more vehicles on the streets nowadays and more mishaps.
Thus, a few legislators have proposed that individuals should step
through ordinary driving examinations for the duration of their lives, as
opposed to one single test.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon?

Advantages (merits)

1. Useful if there should be an occurrence of more seasoned drivers

2. Good for individuals who don't drive routinely

3. Keep drivers in the know regarding street rules

4. Raises driving guidelines

5. May keep youngsters from driving excessively quick

6. Reduce mishaps
Disadvantages (demerits)

1. Extra costs

2. Learner drivers may need to stand by longer for a test

3. It may not be conceivable to incorporate a composed test without


4. Difficult to sort out

Model 2

In some countries, people are forced to retire when they reach a certain
age. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

Mandatory retirement is normal in numerous nations when individuals

from the labor force arrive at 65 or 70, and this has the two advantages
and disadvantages as will presently be thought of.

The fundamental favorable position of expecting individuals to find

employment elsewhere at a specific age is that it gives occasions to
more youthful individuals from staff to join the organization, regularly
implying that the organization profits by having lower wages to pay for
the newcomer and furthermore having more youthful, possibly more
unique workers. This thusly could well give the organization the
necessary lift to keep being beneficial.
Another bit of leeway is that some more established individuals may
decide to continue working more habitually than pleasure, and
subsequently, a compulsory retirement may urge them to make the
most of their life more, having the spare chance to participate in
diversions and interests, for example, cultivating, which they might not
possess recently had energy for up to that point.

However, there are huge drawbacks to constrained retirement. More

seasoned staff individuals regularly have more insight and may want to
find employment elsewhere. Expecting them to leave could mean an
ability deficiency for the organization just as a sensation of discontent
from the worker. Added to that is the rising number of more
established individuals and the resulting channel on assets on the off
chance that they are not working; if there are all the more older
individuals on annuities or different advantages, the expanded taxation
rate falls on the more youthful age.

To recap, there are both social and monetary advantages in permitting

more established individuals to stay in business if so wanted, so
obligatory retirement would not be suggested.

(282 words)
A 250-300 word essay is an acceptable word count.
Model 3

Computers have changed the way people study. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of using computers as study aids?
Advancements in innovation have had a critical effect on the manner by
which individuals can learn, and however this is generally
advantageous, there are additionally some negative perspectives that
will likewise be thought of.

Starting with the positive focuses, the capacity to work on evaluations

and coursework on a personal computer (PC) implies that work can be
saved securely and shipped here and there. Prior to the appearance of
PCs, understudies customarily had records and organizers with their
course notes, and this took up a lot of room and was hard to monitor;
presently, complete talk notes and considerably more can be put away
on a blaze drive that can be effortlessly placed in a pocket or pack.

Similarly, talks and learning material can be made accessible web

based, taking into consideration a sight and sound instructive climate.
This is probably going to draw in a more extensive scope of
understudies as it can cook for a more extensive scope of learning
styles. For instance, a few understudies concentrate best by more than
once tuning in to an educator, and this would now be able to be
accomplished all the more helpfully by having recordings accessible.

On the other hand, there are events where data put away carefully can
be erased, overwritten, or undermined, all circumstances that don't
happen on customary paper-based work. There is additionally the
worry that material can be collected from the Internet and made look
like the understudies' own work, making literary theft a possible issue.
Notwithstanding, the idea of counterfeiting has for quite some time
been an issue, and there are PC programs accessible today that will
pinpoint the wellspring of non-unique work.

In conclusion, although there are potential disadvantages, they are

outweighed by the positives.
(289 words)
A 250-300 word essay is an acceptable word count.

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