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Learning Task #3: Read and Tell!

Literary Theme Subject Tone
1 Death and dying in their hope that Moon Agitated
they can no longer return to earth
2 Power and wealth, it shows how Wedding Luxurious
the wedding takes place in a grand
hotel and numerous of people
were invited.
3 Compassion of the teacher to Good Inspirationa
her/his students Grades l
4 Authenticity of the politician, on Peace Persuasive
how things must work without
5 Ambition, honor and the duty of a War Terror-
soldier to his country even it stricken
means to kill another human.

Learning Task #4: Very Short Story Time

Elements Story 1 Story 2
1. Plot
Exposition Kaitlin wants to buy a Scott wants to be a football
puppy player
Rising She roams around the Worrying he won’t make the
Action cages to find her future team
Climax At the end of hallway she He spends weeks working out
sees a small, sweet brown as hard as possible, preparing
dog with a white spot on for try outs. He amazes the
its nose coaches with his skills.
Falling In instant she knew she They ask him to be their
Action wants to adopt him starting quarter back and give
him the jersey
Denouement After all the medication Scott leaves the field ecstatic
she and the dog Berkley
go home together,
2. Point of Third Person Point of Third Person Point of View
View View
3. Charact Kaitlin and Berkley (the Scott, The coaches
ers dog)
4. Setting Pet Shop, Hallway Football field
5. Conflict Internal Conflict where Internal Conflict where Scott
Kaitlin must decide to doubt himself that he might
adopt one of the pets. not be good enough to the

Learning Task #6: Go Back with the Fifth

_5_ 1. They are in the cemetery visiting her wife and telling her child
the great
sacrifice and choice that people will get through.
_4_ 2. They have to decide who will live, whether Cora will get chemo
and the child
will die or Cora will die, and the Hope will save. Then Euston chose.
_3_ 3. Cora and Euston were on the Hospital and waiting for the result
of the test.
When the doctor arrived and tell the result they were shocked knowing
that Cora
has a cancer.
_2_ 4. The doctor received an email from a friend to help in a test. The
doctor was
going to see Cora Broehain and her husband Euston to deliver the news.
When he
read the result, he was shocked, and he thought it was just a mistake. He
at the hallway in a sad mood.
_1_ 5. The story starts by introducing and on discussing the job of the
doctor. The
feeling of saving people’s life and the happiness he brought to a mother
and father’s

Learning Task #7: Element Time

1. A point of view where the narrator is not included in the story. He is
not one of the
characters and uses the pronouns she, he, it, they are called Third Person

2. A third person point of view where the narrator told as though a

camera is
following the characters, going anywhere and everywhere and recording
only what
is seen and heard is called Third Person Omniscient.

3. It is a kind of plot that follows a conventional arrangement of the

events were
the story may begin in any part of the plot Linear Plot

4. A Plot device technique used to focus the readers, but not the
attention on an object, or location is called Flashing Arrow.

5. A Vision Technique where series of dreams which allows the

character to see
events that occur or have occurred in another time is called Dream

6. It is the narrative starts in the middle of the story instead of from its
Other events are often introduced through a series of flashbacks ‘In
medias res’

7. It prevents events from previous to the current time frame.

Flashbacks are
usually presented as characters’ memories and are used to explain their
background Analepsis (Flashbacks).

8. It is a plot dating back to ancient Greek theater, where the conflict is

through a means (god, or dues) that seem unrelated to the story. This
allows the
author to end the story as desired without following the logic and
continuity of the
story Deus ex machina.
9. The character’s Struggle takes place in his/her own mind. It is usually
something to do with a choice (choosing between right or wrong), or it
may have to
do with overcoming emotions or mixed feelings Internal Conflict.

10. In a piece of fiction is its controlling idea or its central insight, it is

the author's
underlying meaning or main idea that he is trying to convey Theme.

Learning Task #8:“T-M-L Phrase
The Topic was about
_ Various techniques, element and the Literary Devices uses in Various
Modes of Fiction.
It Matters because
_It will help us students to write appropriately, and to create an effective
literature and to express the thoughts and ideas we have in mind.
I’ve Learned today that
_There are different types of prose and literary device that can guide us
to make a creative and unique story in our writing. And I also learn that
the Prose can be use in novel, speeches and plays. As well as the vision
that may varies to different motives of the characters.

Learning Task 9: End it on your own way!

Plot Device of the Vision of the Story Your Own Ending
The plot device that The story uses the If I have the chance to
was used is the vision Analepsis change the ending, I
Flashing Arrow, (flashback) where the would make it a
where it focuses the husband Euston talks happy ending where
readers not to the about the sacrifices Cora and her daughter
character but to the her wife make just to will both survive by
location where it takes have their daughter the miracle of God.
place in a hospital. Hope, while visiting As well as Cora will
his wife’s grave. receive her treatment
without harming her
daughter Hope. And
Hope will become a
beautiful lady with the
love of her mother
and father.
Learning Task 10: Try to Read some!
Appreciate the elements, literary techniques and forms used by the authors. Write your
general comments and reactions about the stories. Do this on your answer sheet.

Appreciate the elements, literary techniques and forms used by the

authors. Write your general comments and reactions about the stories. Do
this on your answer sheet.
Local The elements that was shown in the short story are: the setting takes
Writer: place in a house, were the two siblings was introduced. Eddie, Delia,
The Father and Berto are the characters in the story. The protagonist is a
Centipede dynamic character where Eddie’s attitude changes in the end of the
by Rony V. story. The plot of the short story begins when Eddie and Delia were
Diaz introduced, Delia was 8 years old when his brother Eddie was born,
and the time where their mother died. Eddie has a natural fond for
insects and animals, while his sister loathes him. Delia being the
oldest acted like a boss to Eddie and whatever she wants must obey.
Even though his sister destroyed everything he loves, he kept his
patience because he knew his sister has a weaken heart. But
everything has its own limitation, when he found out that his sister
stabbed the eye of his beloved dog. He could not keep his anger
anymore and his hatred spread in his body like a venom. So, he wants
to take revenge in his sister, by throwing the dead centipede in his
sister’s lap. But when Eddi realize what have he done, he eventually
regretted his action but what has happened has already happened. In
the short story the conflict can be fall under the internal conflict: Man
vs. Himself, where Eddie fights to control his self-contempt to his
sister. The story was told by the protagonist that is why the point of
view of the story is in the First Person. The theme of the story
portrays he “relationship between siblings”. And the tone that was
present in the story was guilt and remorse. The plot device that was
used is the “In medias res” where the story was introduced in a series
of flashback where Eddie talks about all the past things his sister did
against him. And the vision that was also used is the” Analepsis
(flashback)” where Eddie’s memories where use to explain their
situations. The ending in the story leaves incomplete, without
denouement, A cliff hanger ending was used.
After reading this short story my general insight, is the story was very
vivid and descriptive story, where the writer used different imagery
that helps to create a scenery while reading the story. The story talks
about the relationship between siblings which I can relate where me
and my siblings are always fighting but when someone was hurt, we
eventually feel guilty. This story leaves a lesson where we must
always be mindful and careful in treating our other family members
for we may not know what will be the consequences may hold, as the
title show “The centipede” it symbolizes fast-moving and
independent creature.
Foreign The settings takes place in cold winter of December. The story begins
Writer: with the little girl selling terribly cold evening in December. Where
The Little she only wear two pair of big slipper, too big for her she eventually
Match Girl lost its pair. Shivering with cold and hunger but the little girl did not
(1845) by dare to go back home where she has not sell a single cent of matches
Hans and she knew her father will surely beat her. And their house is as
Christian cold as outside for they had nothing over but a roof that has been
Andersen stuffed with straw and rugs. The little girl wants to warm her self with
the match she had that is why she take one and rub it in the wall and
warm her hands. Soon as the match lits the light reveals a table full of
foods, but as soon as the match dies the lavishly set of table also
vanish. A Christmas tree appears as the third match is struck, and the
girl reaches to touch a branch with a cold hand, but it vanishes when
the match expires. The tree was tall it merge in the sky, and a star
falls from the sky and the little girls’ late grandmother appear, the
only person who ever loved her. As she quickly struck the whole
bunch of matches, for she wanted her grandmother to stay with her
longer. The grandmother took the little girl in her arms and they both
flew in brightness and joy above the earth. And as the New Years
daylight rose, the child sat in the corner, stiff and cold. She has
matches in her stiff hands, half of which are burnt. Some onlookers
remark, "She tried to warm herself." We're informed that none of
them could have imagined the bliss she shared with her grandma on
that freezing New Year's Day.
In this story the protagonist experienced a hardship and dire poverty,
which the little girl experiences the “man vs. nature” conflict where
she suffers in the cold weather. The point of view of the story was
“Third Person” where the narrator did not participate in the action of
the story
as one of the characters but let us know exactly what the characters
feel. The theme in the story talks about the hope, dire poverty,
hunger, and resilience. And the tone that was present in the story is
agony. As well as the plot device that was used in the story “Flashing
Arrow” where the attention of the reader was in the object. And the
vision in the story was the “Dream Sequence” although the little girl
was not dreaming but more likely hallucinating, in the depths of her
despair. The ending was used is the twist ending where the story has
its unexpected finale that leaves the reader frustrated.
My own comment in the story is the story shows a very powerful yet
miserable life of a little girl, where every people encounter, specially
who is now in a dire poverty. The story was written in a
comprehensible manner where even a child can understand the
message of the story, it uses different techniques, elements and
imagery that makes the story very effective. The moral lesson of the
story is despite the status in the society we must at least show
affection and also respect, especially people in a minor age who
already experience abuse and hunger.


I. Characters (Consider the kinds of characters)

 Joanna (“Johnsy”) A young artist from California. The girl who let herself
believe that her life will end if the last leaf will fall but at the end of the story,
she changes her perspective and start to have hopes again, therefore she is a
Dynamic character.
 Sue. A young artist from Maine. Has a Flat Character whereas she stayed in
Joannas’ side
 Old Behrman. An artist who lives downstairs from Sue and Johnsy. He can be
considered as a Dynamic Character, where his values and attitudes are
affected by the events in the story.
 Doctor. A busy doctor with “shaggy grey eyebrows” who attends to Johnsy
and Behrman. A Static Character whereas his personalities remained fixed.

II. Setting (Consider the elements of setting)

The setting takes place in an area of Greenwich Village that functions as
an artists' colony. The It is where the two artists live and shares a same
III. Plot (Identify the five parts of a plot)
Sue and Johnsy live together in a studio like apartment. The two-share
compassion in art.
Johnsy fell critically ill in November. She suffered from pneumonia and used to
lie in her bed without moving. Sue, her companion, turned out to be
exceptionally stressed She called the doctor.
Rising Action: The doctor confirmed that Johnsy was not willing to live. As a
result, the medicines were ineffective to cure her ill-health.
Johnsy was sure that she would die as soon as the last leaf falls. That is why Sue
rushed to seek help from an old painter, was name is Behrman where he dreams
to paint a masterpiece. The old man condemned Johnsy for being silly after he
was told that she will not survive after the fall of the last leaf. However, he agrees
to paint the last leaf for Johnsy
Falling Action: Johnsy woke up in the morning, to her surprise the last leaf
survived an still clinging to the creeper. She realized that it was a sin to think
about death and decide to live again.
Resolution: After the doctor declare that Johnsy was out of danger, that afternoon
Sue tell her that "Mr. Behrman died of pneumonia in the hospital” And why she
did not wonder why the last leaf did not flutter, and told her that because it was
Behrman’s masterpiece.

IV. Theme, Tone, Subject, Motif

The theme of the story is the sacrifices and hope for Johnsy to continue her life
with her passion in art. The tone that was present in the story was ironic
detachment while the subject was their friendship and how strong they become
after the resolution of the story. While the Motif of the story was the “last ivy
leaf on the wall” was, meaningfully repeated in the story.
V. Conflict and Point of View
The conflict can be identified as the Man Vs. Fate, where Johnsy knew what will
her fate but unexpectedly she was free from inevitable of dying.
VI. Plot Device, Vision and Finale used in the story
The story uses red herring where there was the unexpected twist, that
maintain the tension and uncertainty. As well as the vision that was used
is more like foreshadowing as the last leaves of ivy was never die, and
the old Behrman mysteriously die out of acute pneumonia. And the
finale used in the story is the twist ending where as a reader I was shock
to finally reveal the reason why the old Behrman is because he sacrifices
his self to paint his final masterpiece and because of that Johnsy believe
that there will always hope in her situation. This unexpected turn of
events was amazingly written.

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