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India – UK Study Decipher Physics Behind Solar Jet Streams

Why in news :- the scientist from India and UK researchers have deciphered physics behind solar plasma jet
through computer stimulation and lab experiment .

 Study is led by researchers at Indian institute of astrophysics (IIA), Bengaluru .

What is the finding

 The scientist observed how the paint placed over brass audio speaker ejected in form of jets

when a certain amplitude (speaker’s loudness ) and sound frequency were surpassed.

 When a paint is placed above a speaker and music is turned on free surface of liquid

become unstable beyond a particular frequency and start vibrating.

 The solar plasma can be envisaged as threaded

by magnetic field lines much like the long chains

in polymer solution.

 Scientist have found out the underlying physics

of paint jets when excited on a speaker is

analogous to solar plasma jet .

 Scientist have more elaborated about the plasma right below the visible solar surface

(photosphere) is perpetually in rotate of convention is similar to boiling water in a vessel

heated at the bottom.


 Spicules study challenges this belief which show that solar convention can by itself change

from all kinds of jets i.e. short as well as tall.

 The spicules come in all size and speeds the existing consensus in solar community has been

that physics behind short spicules is different from that of taller and faster spicules .
Relevant fact

 Jets of plasma occurring over the sun It is the fourth state of matter consisting of electrically

charged particles.

 What is sun’ chromosphere :- It is atmospheric layer just above the sun’s visible surface .

Solar plasma jets or spicules

 These are the powerful streams of plasma constantly ejecting from sun’s chromosphere .

 These solar jets or spicules appear as thin grass like plasma structure that constantly shoot up

from surface and are brought down to surface of earth by gravity.

 The fourth state of matter consist of electrically charged particles and occur everywhere in

sun’s chromosphere which is the atmospheric layer just above the sun's visible surface .

 But the scientist could not find out how the plasma is supplied to solar wind and solar

atmosphere is heated to million degrees Celsius .

 Some jets are so energetic that they propel into the solar corona and beyond .

 The four key ingredient which favour solar jets are the plasma’s fluid nature, gravity ,strong

quasi periodic trigger to eject the plasma and sun powerful magnetic field giving it specific

direction for ejection .

What is plasma

 Plasma is sometimes referred as the fourth state of matter. It is the state when there are

roughly equal number of positively & negatively charged , produced when the atoms in a gas

become ionized.

 The negative charge is carried by electrons which carry one unit of negative charge and positive

charge is typically carried by atom or molecules that are missing those same electrons.

 It has unique properties of solid , liquid and gases .

 At high temperature electrons are ripped from atom’s nuclei and become a plasma or an

ionized state of matter .

Solar photosphere

 The sun is made up of layer of material i.e. core, radiative zone , convention zone , photosphere

, chromosphere ,corona .

 The photosphere is the lowest layer of

the solar atmosphere .It is essentially the

solar surface that we see when we look at

sun in white (i.e. regular or visible) light .

 Sun inner layer has lot of similarities with earth layers. The earth inner layer consists of core

mantle , crust, troposphere , stratosphere, Ionosphere.

 The most dense or thickest material on the earth is in the middle of our planet (the core).

 The thinnest is at the very top of our atmosphere right next to outer space .The same is true for


Granulations:- The boiling nature of sun allows heat from core to be brought up through

convention zone and into photosphere just like heat from the bottom of pan ends up heating

the entire contents. The surface of sun is like the surface of boiling pot is constantly changing.

 The granule is convention cell in sun’s photosphere which are caused by convention current of

plasma in sun’s convention zone directly below the photosphere .

Question:- With regards to the solar plasma jet streams consider the following statements:

1.) Solar jet streams are the powerful streams of plasma constantly ejecting from sun’s chromosphere.

2.) The fourth state of matter consist of electrically neutral particle and occur everywhere in sun’s
chromosphere which is atmospheric layer just above the sun’s visible surface.

3.) The four key which favour solar jet are plasma’s fluid nature, sun powerful magnetic field, strong
quasi periodic trigger to eject the plasma and negative particles giving it specific direction for ejection.

Which of the statement given above is /are incorrect?

A) 1only

B) 3only

C) 2 and 3only

D) 1, 2 and 3

Answer:- c

Explanation :- Solar Plasma Jets or Spicules

 These are the powerful streams of plasma constantly ejecting from sun’s chromosphere solar jet

or spicules appears as thin grass like plasma structure that constantly shoot up from surface and

are brought down to surface of earth by gravity (Hence statement 1 is correct)

 The fourth state of matter consist of electrically charged particles and occur everywhere in sun’s

chromosphere which is the atmospheric layer just above the sun's visible surface some jets are

so energetic that they propel into the solar corona and beyond (Hence statement 2 is incorrect)

 The four key ingredient which favour solar jets are the plasma’s fluid nature , gravity, strong

quasi- periodic trigger to eject the plasma and sun powerful magnetic field giving it specific

direction for ejection (Hence statement 3 is incorrect)


Question:-what is solar plasma jets? Assess the importance of India- UK

research and how it can revolutionize the field of physics?

Answer:- Solar plasma jets are the powerful streams of plasma constantly ejecting from sun’s


• These solar jets or spicules appear as thin grass like plasma structure that constantly shoot

up from surface and are brought down to surface of earth by gravity.

• The fourth state of matter consist of electrically charged particles and occur everywhere

in sun’s chromosphere which is the atmospheric layer just above the sun's visible surface.

• The four key ingredient which favour solar jets are the plasmic fluid nature ,

gravity,strong quasi periodic trigger to eject the plasma and sun’s powerful magnetic

field giving it specific direction for ejection

Solar photosphere:-

• Sun is made up of layer of material i.e. core , radiative zone , convention zone ,

photosphere , chromosphere, corona

• The photosphere is the lowest layer of the solar atmosphere.

Importance Of the research :-

• Research help the scientist to understand how the particles in the sun atmosphere are

excited and how they are ejected from the surface of the sun.

• Spicules study challenges this belief which shows that solar convention can by itself

change from all kind of hers i.e. short as well as tall.

• The scientist have also found out that physics of paint jets when excited on a speaker is

analogous to solar plasma jets.

• Physics play important role in supporting economic growth, modernised industrial

strategy , physics based industry contribute to the productivity and growth.

• These research can directly and indirectly applied to business and their applications and

technologies can be applied in future

• Using physics model it help to understand to new field of econophysics and sociophysics.

• Study of matter , energy and their interaction is an international enterprise which play

key role in progress of human kind.

• Physics is exciting intellectual adventure that inspire the young people of the country and

expand their knowledge about nature.

• Physics is important element in education of chemists , Engineers and computer scientist

as well as practitioner of other physical and biomedical sciences.

• Physics provide more understanding on the new instrumentation and techniques for

medical applications such as computer tomography , magnetic resonance , imaging ,

positron emission tomography, ultrasonic imaging and laser surgery.

Way forward :-

• India should Increase its engagement with the private sector and research institute in

order to create human resource and innovative products for its growing space research.

• Some scientists hold view that private player have much more flexibility , freedom and

risk taking abilities than the state owned agencies thus there should be more participation

of private players in space research

Should government quash the sedition law?

Why in the news:-

 In a brief affidavit ministry of Home affairs said that prime minister has shownhis view

in protection of civil liberties , respect of human rights and giving meaning to the

constitutional freedom to people of the country .

 In year 2021 CJI had questioned even after 75 years of independence why a colonial law


survive. Further CJI has said section 124A of IPC was prone to misuse by the Government.

Historical background :- genesis of section 124- A of Indian penal code 1860 & pre

– independence jurisprudence

 Sedition clause is the footprint of British colonial rule introduced originally tosuppress

critical voice from Indian freedom movement.

 Enacted in 17th century in England.

 Introduce by Thomas Macaulay in 1837 man credited for bringing English

education in India.

 But section 124A was inserted by sir James Stephen in 1870 by amendment whenhe felt

that there is need for specific section to deal with offence.

 The next use of sedition law is on the BAL GANGADHAR TILAK & KESHAV

MAHADEVBAL (1897) for alleged incitement through speech which led to killing of

two British Official.

 About two decades later TILAK was again tried when he wrote on article

“attainment of swaraj (self -rule) for Indians.

 Today sedition is crime under section 124A.

Section 124A (IPC ) sedition law

 Sedition is defined as the offence committed when any person by words, either spoken or

written or by sign or by visible representation brings or attempt to bringinto hatred or

contempt or excited or attempt to excite disaffection toward the government established by


 Disaffection include disloyalty and all the

feelings of enmity .however comments

without exciting or attempt to excite hatred ,

contempt or disaffectionwill not constitute an

offence under this section.

 Sedition law is non-bail able offence and the

punishment may vary from 3 yearsto life term

imprisonment and fine.

 A person charged under section 124A cannot apply for government job, cannotapply for

passport and they must present themselves in court when required.

What is disaffection towards government

 Disaffection includes disloyalty and all feelings of enmity.

Significance of sedition law

 It help in maintaining the unity and integrity , combating anti -national andterrorist


 It helps in maintaining stability of elected government from attempts to overthrowwith

violence and illegal means. Law help in maintaining the stability of the state.
 The constitution of India prescribes restriction under article 19(2) that can alwaysbe

imposed in this right in order to ensure its responsible exercise and to ensure that it is

equally available to all citizens

Issues with sedition law

 Colonial government used this law against freedom fighter such as LOKMANYA TILAK,
writing activities under British rule.
 Even the constitution assembly argued that sedition law turned into weapons to suppress

people’s constitutional freedom guaranteed under right to protest

 The law has been often used by government

to suppress the voice of the citizen and law is

taken as deshdroh or anti- national act as

against rajdroh or an anti-government act.

 The law suppresses the democratic value of

the country its seeds are sown incolonial times

and described as draconian law.

 In 1979 India ratify international covenant on civil and political right (ICCPR) which

could be seen as right step toward freedom of expression. Hence sedition law could lead to

wrong use of law where people are charged for expressing theirthoughts and opinions.

Fresh challenges to the sedition law?

 Petition were filed by journalist KISHORE CHANDRA WANGKHEMCHA


involved 7-judge bench toconsider whether the KEDARNATH ruling was correctly decided

or not .
 Initially government defended the provision stating that “isolated incident ofmisuse

does not necessitate removal of provision itself.

 The court’s intervention is crucial because in case it strikes down the provision it will

have to overrule the KEDARNATH ruling and uphold the earlier ruling that wereliberal is

free speech.

 If the government review the law it could still bring back the provision of law indifferent


Need of the hour

 SC has observed that parameter and ambit of provision of section 124A, 153A and 505of

Indian penal code require interpretation in context of right of electronicand print media to

communicate news.

 The strength of nation doesn’t lies in the uniformity of opinion of citizen or public

profession of patriotism but it lies when citizen doesn’t feel threatened by expressing

revolutionary views

 Free and open press who can criticize the government is the important part of the

democracy i.e. when we will have achieved liberty of speech then we will be trulyfree.

Relevant fact

Supreme Court judgments

 BALWANT SINGH v/s State of Punjab (1995) case :- SC clarified that only

slogans as in the case of khalistan zindabad account to sedition law .

KEDARNATH SINGH v/s State of Bihar :- laid down that every citizen has a right to
Say or write about the government by way of criticism or comment as long as it
Does not incite people or violence against government, established by law orintention

of creating public disorder.

TARA SINGH GOPI CHAND v/s the state (1951) and Allahabad high court in ram
NANDAN v/s state of Uttar Pradesh (1959):- declared that section 124A of IPC

was primarily tool for colonial masters to quell discontent in the country anddeclared the

provision unconstitutional.

 VINOD DUA v/s union of India :- SC quashed FIR with charges of sedition against

The journalist for criticizing PM handling COVID-19 crisis and cautionedunlawful

application of the provision.

Sedition Law in other countries

 India is only country using the same definition of sedition law that was introducedby

colonial government in 1870

 The other countries such as US , UK, Australia have either abolished , restrictedor

modernized their sections on sedition

 In 2010 Australian govt. repealed sedition law and Singapore government also

repealed the law stating that several new legislation can sufficiently address theactual

need for sedition law.

 In US sedition is crime under federal criminal code section 2384 but it does not

forbids any restriction on free speech and speech is not considered as sedition .

 In United Kingdom sedition law was officially repealed under section 73 of

coroners and justice act 2009 citing a chilling effect on freedom of speech and

Question:- which of the following statements is /are incorrect with regard to section 124A (sedition law)

1.) Section 124A is defined as the offence committed when any person by word either spoken or written or
by sign or by visible representation brings or attempt to excite disaffection toward government .

2.) It was introduced by Thomas Macaulay in 1837 but inserted by sir James Stephen in 1870.

3.) A person charged under this law cannot apply for visa, cannot apply for government and private job and
they must present themselves in court when required.

Select the correct answer using the code given below

A) 1only

B) 3only

C) 2and 3

D) 1, 2 and 3


Explanation :- Sedition Law

 Sedition is defined as the offence committed when any person by words , either spoken or

written or by sign or by visible representation brings or attempt to excite disaffection

toward the government established by law.(Hence statement 1 is correct )

 Sedition law was enacted in 17th century in England .and introduce by Thomas Macaulay in

1837 man credited for bringing English education in India but section 124A was inserted by

sir James Stephen in 1879 by amendment when he felt that there is need for specific section

to deal with offence.(hence statement 2 is correct )

 A person charged under section 124A cannot apply for government jobs , cannot apply for

passport and they must present themselves in court when required but they can apply in

private sector jobs (hence statement 3 is incorrect )


challenge supreme-court-7911041
Question:- It is crucial to bring to an end the sedition law on the view that it is used to

repress freedom of speech and expression discuss?

Answer:- Sedition is defined as the offence committed when any person by words ,either spoken

or written or by sign or by visible representation brings or attempt to excite disaffection toward

the government established by law.

• Sedition law is non – bailable offence and punishment may varies from three years to life

term imprisonment and fine.

• Colonial government used this law against freedom fighter such as lokmanya tilak

,Mahatma Gandhi , Jawaharlal Nehru , Bhagat Singh etc for there speech , writing and

activities under British rule.

• In recent times there has been increase in instances in which sedition charges are used to

curb dissent against the government action


• In a brief affidavit ministry of Home affairs said that PM has shown his view in

protection of civil liberties, respect of human rights and giving meaning to the

constitutional freedom to people of the country.

• Even after the 75 years of independence sedition law is being misused as a tool to

persecute political dissent the strong criticism against government policies and

personalities ,Slogans voicing disapprobation of leaders are all likely to be treated as


Significance of sedition law:-

• It help in maintaining the unity and integrity , combating anti- national and terrorist

• It help in maintaining political stability of elected government from attempting to

overthrow with violence and illegal means further law also help in maintaining the

stability of the state .

• The constitution of India prescribes restriction under article 19(2) that can always be

imposed in the right in order to ensure its responsible exercise and to ensure that it is

equally available to all citizens.

Issue with sedition law:-

• Colonial government used this law against freedom fighter such as lokmanya tilak ,

Mahatma Gandhi , Jawahar Lal Nehru , bhagat singh etc for their speech , writing and

activities under British rule.

• Even the constitution assembly argued that sedition law turned into weapon to suppress

people’s constitutional freedom guaranteed under right to protest

• The law suspress the democratic value of the country as it seeds are sown in colonial

times and described as draconian law .

• In 1979 India ratify international covenant on civil and political right (ICCPR) which

could be seen as right step toward freedom of expression. Hence sedition law could lead

to wrong use of law where people are charged for expressing their thought and opinion.

Supreme court judgement

• Balwant Singh v. State of Punjab (1995) :- SC clarified that only shouting slogans as

in the caseof Khalistan zindabad account to sedition law.

• Kedarnath Singh v state of Bihar :- laid down that every citizen has right to say or

write about the government by way of criticism or comment as long as it doesn’t incite
people or violence against government,, established by law or intention of creating public


• Tara Singh Gopi Chand v. State (1951) and allahabad high court in ram Nandan v.

State of Uttar Pradesh (1959) declared that section 124A of IPC was primarily tool for

colonial masters to quell discontent in the country and declared the provision


• Vinod dua v union of India :- SC quashed FIR with charges of sedition against

journalist for criticising PM handling COVID-19 crisis and cautioned unlawful

application of the provision.

Sedition Law in other countries :-

• India is only country using the same definition of sedition law that was introduced by

colonial government in 1870.

• The other countries such as US ,UK , Australia have either abolished , restricted or

modernised their section on sedition.

• In 2010 Australian Government repealed sedition law and Singapore government also

repealed the law stating that several law legislation can sufficiently address the actual

need for sedition law.

• In US sedition is crime under federal criminal code section 2384 but it doesn’t forbids

any restriction or free speech and speech is not considered as sedition.

• In United Kingdom sedition law was officially repealed under section 73 of coroners and

justice act 2009 citing a chilling effect of speech and expression.

Need of hour :-
• Balancing freedom of expression with collective national interest is one of key

ingredient of the law.

• SC has observed that parameter and ambit of provision of section 124A ,153A and

505 of Indian penal code require interpretation in context of right to electronic and

print media to communicate news.

• Free and open press who can criticize the government is the important part of the

democracy i.e. when we will have achieved liberty of speech then we will be truly


Conclusion:- The strength of nation doesn’t lies in the uniformity of opinion of citizen

or public profession of patriotism but it lies when. Citizen doesnot feel threatened by

expressing revolutionary views.

Cabinet accept amendment to national policy on biofuel 2018

Why in the news

 The governments accept amendment to national policy on biofuel
reaching the target of 20% ethanol -petrol blending by 5 years to
2025. The decision was taken recently in national biofuel co-
ordination committee meeting.

Change after amendment

 The amendment reduce import of petroleum products the new policy
will permit more feedstock for production of biofuels and it will also
encourage the production of biofuel under Make in India programme.
The following are the main amendments approved to the National
Policy on Biofuels:
 To allow more feed stocks for production of biofuels.
 To advance the ethanol blending target of 20% blending of ethanol in
petrol to ESY 2025-26 from 2030.
 To promote the production of biofuels
in the country, under the Make
in India program, by units located in
Special Economic Zones (SEZ)/
Export Oriented Units (EoUs).
 To add new members to the NBCC.
 To grant permission for export of
biofuels in specific cases, and
 To delete/amend certain phrases in the
Policy in line with decisions taken
during the meetings of National
Biofuel Coordination Committee.
 This proposal will increase the indigenous technologies and make the
way for make in India drive and hence generate more employment
The national policy on biofuel 2018 was notified by ministry of
petroleum and natural gas. recently amendment add new member to
biofuel co-ordination committee and delete some of the phrase in the

National policy on biofuel 2018

 The national policy on biofuel 2018 approved by the government
envisaged an indicative target of 20% blending of ethanol in petrol
and 5%blending of biodiesel in diesel by 2030
 The policy categories biofuel into first generation, second generation
and third generation and fourth generation
 The policy increase the use of the raw material for ethanol production
by increasing use of sugarcane juice, sugar containing material like
sugar beet, sweet sorghum, starch containing material like corn,
cassava, damage food grains like wheat, broken rice, rotten potato
 With thrust on advanced biofuel the policy indicates viability gap
funding scheme for 2G ethanol bio refineries of Rs 5000crore in 6

Way forward:-
 Globally biofuel have caught the attention and it is important to keep
up with pace of development in the field of biofuel
 If help in doubling the farmers income , import reduction,
Employment generation, waste to wealth creation
 US and Brazil are top producer of ethanol fuel with 2,818 billion
cubic meter and 5661 billion cubic meter respectively India has only
1,446 billion cubic meter per year according to food and agriculture
organization but for India to achieve 20% petrol - ethanol rate almost
10% of net sown area will have to be diverted to sugarcane
 India ranked 102 of 116 countries on world hunger index 2021 with
Implementation of this programme land can be used far more
efficiently for generating renewable power for electric vehicles than
Growing crop.
 Nitti Aayog has estimated ethanol demand of 10.16 billion liter
by 2025 based of growth of vehicles it will require 6 million metric
tons of sugar and 16.5 million MT of grains per annum by ESY

 Ethanol blending target will not reduce earth global warming emission
drastically it may affect India's food security India should also focus on
other sources to meet his fuel requirement.

Relevant fact

About biofuel

 Biofuel is fuel whose energy derives from biological carbon fixation these
fuels are produced from organic matter (living or once living material) in
short period of time.
Types of fuel (biofuel can be solid, liquid and gaseous)
 Solid: wood, dry plant material and manure
 Liquid: bioethanol and biodiesel
 Gaseous: biogas

Category of biofuel

 First generation biofuel: are made from sugar, starch, vegetable oil,
corn, wheat, grain, oil seed, vegetable oil and rendered animal fats. These
are formed through yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) fermentation.

 Second generation of biofuel: are made from nonfood feed stock, waste
vegetable oil, forest residue, industry residue
 Third generation of biofuel: these are made from algae fuel or oil age.
the generation biofuel also help in maintaining environmental balance by
absorbing CO2 from surrounding
 Fourth generation of biofuel: these are gnomically prepared
microorganism and genetically engineered feedstock .e.g. genetic
engineering of cyanobacteria to increase the oil field. The main reason
for shifting to biofuel is the rise in oil price, increase in emission of
greenhouse gases

Advantage of biofuels
Biofuel has lubricating properties and made from renewable resources
and is less - flammable
 It cause less harm to the environment and reduce CO2 production.
according to renewable fuel association ethanol industry outlook report
ethanol remains the highest octane lowest cost motor fuel on the planet
 It will create new jobs in rural areas especially for the farmers and hence
it provide economic stimulation
 To farmers Biofuel can be used as renewable sources as the planet
can be replanted again and again.

Disadvantages of biofuel
 The cost of production is so high this prevent use of biofuels
 It increases the practice of monoculture and hence same crop is
grown by farmers again and again and hence reduce the fertility
 Genetic engineering of crop does not easy to get completely pest free
plant Large quantities of use of water to irritated the biofuel crops.
Ethanol blending programme:
 The programme was launched in 2003 with focus to promote the
renewable and environmentally friendly fuels and reduce India's import
dependence for energy.
 Beginning with 5% blending the government has set a target of
10%ethanol blending by 2022and 20%blending by 2030 under this
programme oil marketing companies will obtain ethanol from domestic
source at price fixed by the government
 Till 2018 only sugarcane was used to derive the ethanol but
government has increased its coverage to food grains like maize , bajra
, fruits and vegetables waste to produce ethanol.
 Ethanol blend is defined as a blended motor fuel containing ethyl
alcohol that is at least 99% derived from Agricultural products, and
blended exclusively with petrol
 The department of food and public distribution (DFPD) is nodal
department for promotion of fuel grade ethanol producing distilleries.

 Under this programme supply of ethanol has increased from 38 crore
liters during 2013- 14 to 173 crore
Liters during 2019-20 resulting in increase in blend percentage from
1.53% to 5% respectively
The programme aims to reduce the auto fuel import bill by a yearly $
4billion or Rs 30,000crore

International initiative:-
 US government has taken advanced biofuel feedstock incentive
programme in which US government provide financial help to land
owner who deliver biomass feedstock crop.

 US government also provide biodiesel education grant which educate
government and private entities
About the benefits of biodiesel
 Biofuel are the important part in Brazil's national energy policies the
country has potential to support other country in developing their
Question: - With regards to the national policy on biofuel 2018 consider the following statement

1.) The National policy on biofuel was notified by ministry of environment, forest and

Climatechange in 2018 to expand the scope of raw material for Ethanol production.

2.) The government has also launched ethanol blending programme in 2003 with focus to

promote renewable and environmental friendly fuel and reduce India’s import dependence on


3.) The ministry of Petroleum and natural gas is the nodal department for promotion of fuel

gradeethanol producing distilleries.

4.) The fourth generation biofuel are made from algae fuel or oil age .It also help in maintaining

environmental balance by absorbing CO2 from surrounding.

Which of the statement given above is /are Incorrect?

A) 1,3and 4only

B) 1and 3 only


D)1,2,3and 4


Explanation: - National policy on biofuel 2018

 The national policy on biofuel was notified by ministry of petroleum and natural gas in


 The policy expand the scope of raw material for ethanol production by allowing use of

sweet sorghum, sugar beet ,broken rice ,rotten potatoes, wheat.

 The policy allows use of surplus food grains for production of ethanol for blending

withpetrol with approval of national biofuel co-ordination committee.

 With thrust on advanced biofuel the policy indicates a viability gap funding scheme for

2G ethanol bio refineries of Rs 5000crore in 6 years.

 Recently in national biofuel co-ordination committee meeting the government amended

the national policy on biofuel reaching target of 20%ethanol blending by 5 years to 2025(

Hence statement 1 is incorrect)

 The government has also launched ethanol blending programme in 2003 with focus to

promote renewable and environmental friendly fuel and reduce India’s import

dependence on energy. Beginning with 5% blending the government has set a target of

10% ethanol blending by 2022 and 20% blending by 2030 under this programme oil

marketing companies will obtain ethanol from domestic source at price fixed by the

government .( Hence statement 2 is correct )

 The department of food and public distribution (DFPD) is nodal department for

promotion of fuel grade ethanol producing distilleries.(Hence statement 3 is incorrect )

 Fourth generation of biofuel is gnomically prepared microorganisms and genetically

engineered feedstock e.g. genetically engineering of cyanobacteria to increase the oil

field. (Hence statement 4 is incorrect)


Ques:- The government has recently amended the national policy on biofuel Does this

policy help to meet the India’s energy demand ? What are the challenges involved ?

Suggest a roadmap ?

Answer:- The national policy on biofuel was notified by ministry of petroleum and natural gas

in 2018.

• The policy expand the scope of raw material for ethanol production by allowing use of

sweet sorghum, sugar beet ,broken rice ,rotten potatoes, wheat.

• The policy allow use of surplus food grains for production of ethanol for blending with

petrol with approval of national biofuel co-ordination committee.

• With thrust on advanced biofuel the policy indicates a viability gap funding scheme for

2G ethanol bio refineries of Rs 5000crore in 6 years.

• Recently in national biofuel co-ordination committee meeting the government amended

the national policy on biofuel reaching target of 20%ethanol blending by 5 years to 2025.

Rationale behind the amendment :-

• By doing this government will foster more feedstock for production of biofuel and

promote the production of biofuel under make in India programme.

• The government has added National biofuel co-ordination committee (NBCC) and it

is added under chairmanship of ministry of petroleum and natural gas.

• Government has also granted the export of biofuel in specific case.

Advantage Of the biofuel

• Biofuel has lubricating properties and made from renewable resources and is less

– flamable .
• It cause less harm to the environment and reduce CO2 production. According to

renewable fuel association ethanol industry outlook report ethanol remains the

highest octane lowest cost motor fuel on the planet.

• It will create new jobs in rural areas especially for the farmers and hence it

provide economic stimulation to farmers.

• Biofuel can be used as renewable sources as the plant can be replanted again and


Challenges involved in the amendment:-

• The cost of production is so high this prevents use of biofuel production.

• It increases the practice of monoculture and hence same cropis grown by

farmers again and again and hence reduce the fertility.

• With use of genetic engineering technology we donot get completely pest free


• Water footprint i.e. water required to produce a litre of ethanol include

rainwater is quite more Infact India use more surface ground water

• Production of second generation of biofuel has more challenges than first

generation of biofuel because of production of biomass.

• Biomass material which has the high moisture content is not adequate

feedstock for conventional thermochemical conversion technologies such as

gasification and pyrolysis.

• Some of biocrops such as water hyacinth can provide a ground for mosquito

due to large amount of stagnant water.

• It will further reduce CO2 emissions slowly by not drastically.

• The efficiency of biofuel is much less compared to fossil fuel as fossil fuel

produced more energy on burning.

• The genetic modified crops used for the production of fourth generation of

biofuels could result in loss of biodiversity.

• In the case of second generation biofuel the crop used are mostly non- food

crops thus the production of biofuel require a lot of space

Yes this policy help India to meet the country bio- energy demand:-

• India currently import 84% of oil and 56% of gas needs substituting some of fuel with

biofuel will help to cut import dependency

• Biofuel are produced from renewable feedstock thus they can be produced and used again

and again.

Recent initiative by government :-

• The ministry of science and technology sucessfully developed 2G ethanol and

transferred the technology to oil marketing companies.

• Mission innovation and biofuel platform has strengthened and accelerate innovation

in sustainable biofuel.

• Pradhan mantri JI- VAN yojana 2019 which focus to create ecosystem for building up

commercial project and development in 2G ethanol sector.

• Repurpose used cooking oil (RUCO) launched by FSSAI ( food safety and standard

authority of India ) which focus on conversion of used cooking oil to biodiesel.

• The sustainable alternative toward affordable transportation (SATAT) scheme

launched in October 2018 aim to established an ecosystem for production of

compressed biogas from various waste biomass source in the country. Many of the
proposed plants under SATAT scheme will use crop residues such as paddy straw and

biomass as feedstock for the production of compressed biogas especially in haryana

and Punjab and Uttar pradesh.

Way forward

• Globally biofuel have caught the attention and it is important to keep up with pace of

development in the field of biofuel.

• It help in doubling the farmers income , import reduction , employment generation ,

waste to wealth creation.

• US and Brazil are top producers of ethanol fuel with 2,818 billion cubic metre and

5661 billion cubic metre respectively India has only 1,446 billion cubic metre per

year according to food and agriculture organization but for India to achieve 20%

petrol ethanol rate almost 10% of net sown area will have to be diverted to sugarcane


• India ranked 102 of 116 countries on world hunger index 2021with implementation of

this programme land can be used far more efficiently for generating renewable power

for Electric vehicles than growing crops.

• Niti Aayog has estimated ethanol demand of 10.16billion litre by 2025 based on

growth of vehicles it will require 6 million metric tonne of sugar and 16.5million MT

of grains per annum by ESY 2025.

Conclusion:- Ethanol blending target will not reduce earth global warming emission

drastically it may affect India’s food security India should also focus on other sources to

meet his fuel requirement.

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