Development of A High-Temperature Optical Coating For Thermal Management On Solar Probe Plus

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10th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference AIAA 2010-4661

28 June - 1 July 2010, Chicago, Illinois

Development of a High-Temperature Optical Coating for

Thermal Management on Solar Probe Plus

Elizabeth A. Congdon1 and Douglas S. Mehoke 2

The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, 20723

Mark Buchta,3 Dennis Nagle,4 and Dajie Zhang5

The Johns Hopkins Applied Technology Laboratory, Baltimore, MD


James B. Spicer6
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

NASA’s Solar Probe Plus (SPP) is approaching within 9.5 solar radii from the center of the
sun. The SPP thermal protection system (TPS) is a 2.7 meter heat shield. The heat shield
reaches temperatures of 1400˚C on its front surface, its worst thermal case, and is subjected
to launch loads, its worst mechanical case. The front surface of the thermal protection
system is coated with an optically white coating in order to reduce the front surface
temperature of the TPS and reduce the resulting heat flow into the spacecraft. At the
temperatures experienced by the TPS, the optical properties are influenced by temperature
more than in standard thermal control surfaces. Being able to accurate predict the optical
performance of the coating at the temperature extremes of the mission is critical to
understanding the thermal capabilities of the spacecraft and thermal protection system. A
coating has been developed that can meet the requirements of the SPP TPS and it has been
engineered to improve its optical properties at high temperature.

α = absorptivity
αS = solar absorptivity
αλ = wavelength-dependent absorptivity
dλ = wavelength step
ε = emissivity
εIR = infrared emissivity
ελ = wavelength-dependent emissivity
Ebλ = energy radiated from a perfect blackbody
ρ = reflectivity
ρλ = wavelength-dependent reflectivity
Q = energy flux
τ = transmissivity

TPS Materials Test Lead, JHU/APL, 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD, 20723.
TPS Lead, JHU/APL, 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD, 20723.
Research Engineer, 800 Wyman Park Dr., Baltimore, MD, 21211.
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, 800 Wyman Park Dr., Baltimore, MD, 21211.
Associate Research Scientist, 800 Wyman Park Dr., Baltimore, MD, 21211.
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD, 21218.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Copyright © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Under the copyright claimed herein, the U.S. Government has a royalty-free license
to exercise all rights for Governmental purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copy-right owner.
I. Introduction

T HE Solar Probe Plus (SPP) mission will

fly within 9.5 solar radii from the center
of the sun. In order to withstand this extreme
environment, the spacecraft will be shielded
by the Thermal Protection System (TPS).
The TPS will act as a barrier between the
spacecraft and the sun preventing heat from
flowing to the spacecraft, see Fig. 1. The
TPS consists of a sandwich panel of carbon
foam between two facesheets with the carbon
foam acting as the primary insulator. In
addition, the thermal performance of the TPS
is influenced by the optically white coating
that will be on the front surface of the sun- Figure 1. The Solar Probe Plus Spacecraft. The Thermal
facing facesheet. Solar Probe Plus is starting Protection system is on the sun-facing side of the SPP Spacecraft. It
Phase A. This paper discusses the work done is connected to the spacecraft by a system of struts. The sun-facing
on the optical coatings during Pre-Phase A. side of the TPS is coated with an optically white surface.
The white coating is on the forward
facesheet. This coating must remain optically white throughout the mission including when the shield reaches
maximum temperature. If the white coating performs at a desired αS/εIR of 0.6, then the TPS front surface will reach
a temperature of approximately 1400°C. Without the white coating, the front surface will more closely resemble a
blackbody causing the front surface temperature to be approximately 1600°C. With Solar Probe Plus currently
entering Phase A, a coating that meets the requirements and survives heat treatment to 1400°C has been developed.

II. Coating Requirements

The TPS optically white coating has a few unique requirements due to the environment in which it will be
operating. Chiefly, the optical properties of the coating at temperature must be characterized in order to determine
the performance of the coating at the sun. The desired optical performance at temperature is αS/εIR of 06. For the
purposes of the Pre-Phase A study, room temperature optical properties of heat treated samples were used to down-
select potential coatings. Also, two methods are being developed to measure optical properties at temperature.
The coating must also survive the temperature extremes and cycling of the mission profile. The maximum
temperature experienced on closest approach is 1400°C and the mission requires that the spacecraft will be subjected
to 24 thermal cycles. These cycles range in temperature from 70°C to 600°C in the first orbit and from 130°C to
1400°C in the final orbit. The final orbit is the closest approach when the coating must perform in order to reduce
the front shield temperature. The mission design is shown in Fig. 2. The TPS, and the coating in particular, must
survive the thermal cycles leading up to
closest approach during the seven year
mission and then survive the temperature
extreme during the last three orbits.
In addition to remaining optically white
during the mission, the coating must stay
adhered to the substrate during these
environments. Therefore, the coating and
substrate must have enough structural
integrity to remain bonded throughout
launch, during the thermal cycling, and
finally at closest approach. The integrity of
this bond through each of these
environments must be characterized.
Figure 2. The Mission Design Profile for SPP. The SPP TPS will Finally there are constraints placed on
undergo 24 thermal cycles ranging in temperature from 70°C to the coating due to manufacturing. The TPS
600°C in the first orbit and from 130°C to 1400°C in the final orbit. is approximately 2.7 m in diameter and
approximately 11.4 cm thick when
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assembled. The coating must be applied as the final step of the manufacturing process in order to guarantee that it
remains as white as possible before launch. The process that is selected for coating application must be useable on
the scale of the TPS.
The requirements presented above cause challenges to the development of a coating for the TPS flight unit. The
first challenge is an aspiration to not only measure the optical properties at temperature but control them. By
understanding the microstructure of a given coating, the desire is to manipulate parts of the coating to improve its
adhesion and optical properties. The second challenge is to measure the optical properties of a given coating at
temperature. Due to the temperature, it is important to measure the reflectance of the coating over the solar flux and
spectral distribution of the sun. The system level interactions between materials are also a challenge in developing a
coating to meet the Solar Probe Plus mission requirements. Due to the temperature extremes, the interactions among
the substrate, possible barrier coatings and the alumina occur in ways that not experienced at room temperature.

III. Coating Design

In Fig. 3, a chart outlines the general path
undertaken in order to choose a coating for
Solar Probe Plus. In 2006, a study explored
possible white coatings and manufacturing
methods for the Solar Probe mission. This
study concluded that plasma sprayed alumina
was a feasible coating that could potentially
meet the requirements outlined above. Four
major areas of improvement were identified
as part of this study: measurement
techniques, designing the alumina coating,
adhesion and exploring non-alumina
coatings. These paths were investigated
simultaneously. Measurement techniques for
optical properties and microstructure were Figure 3. The Approach for Developing the SPP TPS Coating.
surveyed. Hundreds of samples of alumina This chart outlines the path from the 2006 feasibility study to the
were sprayed at The Johns Hopkins current set of final stage 1 coatings.
University Applied Technology Laboratory
in order to understand the relationships between alumina microstructure and optical properties. A bi-material system
inverted beam test was developed at The Johns Hopkins University to quantify the structural integrity of the bond
between the substrate and the coating. Throughout these studies non-alumina and improved alumina coatings were
sprayed to identify candidates that could out-perform the alumina coating.

IV. Measurement Techniques

The coatings effort on the Solar Probe Plus mission is focused on determining the optical properties of a surface in
the solar environment. The optical properties of the front surface of the TPS along with the known energy fluxes at
9.5 solar radii determine the temperature of the sun-facing side of the shield.

A. Calculating Energy Fluxes

In order to determine the sun facing shield temperature, the at-temperature optical properties must be known.
Due to constraints on testing equipment, determining optical properties of a material at these temperatures is
difficult and expensive. Therefore, the SPP TPS optical coating study focuses on two measurement types. First, the
usual technique was used to estimate the optical properties of a material based on the room temperature optical
properties of that material. This calculation involves integration of the room temperature wavelength dependence
reflectance in relation to the solar flux and the blackbody flux for that temperature. The second type of measurement
technique is a way to measure the optical properties at temperature. Currently a plasma lamp test and a high
temperature BRDF facility are in development. However, due to the ease of taking room temperature data, the focus
of the first portion of this study was to narrow down possible candidates and engineer the alumina coating based on
the estimates made from the room temperature method.

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The optical properties of interest are the αS, the solar
absorptivity, and εIR, the IR emissivity. Using the radiant heat
transfer calculation, they represent the integration of
wavelength dependent energy transfer between surfaces. These
two properties include the wavelength dependent absorptance of
the surface and the wavelength dependent distribution of the
incident energy. The energy radiated from a perfect blackbody
is defined by Planck Radiation Law1:
Ebλ = (1)
e C2 / λT − 1
T = temperature (K)
C1 = 3.743 x 108 W µm4/m2 Figure 4. The spectral energy distribution
C2 = 1.4387 x 104 µm K from a blackbody source at 300K, 400K, and
Equation 1 demonstrates that the blackbody spectral energy 500K. As the body increases in temperature the
distribution has a strong dependence on temperature. Figure 4 curve rises and moves left.
shows the blackbody curves from 300 K (room temperature) to
500 K. At these temperatures, almost all of the radiated energy is in the IR region of the spectrum. However, as
temperatures increase, this blackbody curve shifts and grows towards the solar flux spectrum. Therefore, a
temperature dependent emissivity must be calculated. If the surface is assumed to be a blackbody then the integrated
energy flux in W/m2 is related to the temperature of the body to the fourth power by the Stefan-Boltzmann constant:
Q = σT 4 (2)
σ = 5.6704 x 10-8 W/m2 K4

B. Grey Body Calculations

However, in reality surfaces have wavelength dependent properties that govern absorbtion, reflection and/or
transmission of radiant energy. Three optical properties are defined to account for these energy transfers:
Absorptivity, α = ∫ α λ E λ dλ (3)

Reflectivity, ρ = ∫ ρ λ E λ dλ (4)

Transmissivity, τ = ∫ τ λ E λ dλ (5)
These properties are indicative of the energy interaction on a surface, thus defining its temperature. Therefore,
this temperature calculation is dependent on the properties of the surface and the energy spectrum incident on that
surface. The surface properties are integrated over all wavelengths so they are dependent on the spectral content of
the incoming radiation as well as the wavelength dependent material properties. For space applications, two sources
of energy are considered. The first source is the sun which operates about 5777 K and emits most of its energy in the
visible range. The second source is everything else. These non-solar sources emit mostly in the IR range. So for
space applications, two properties are defined independently: the solar absorptivity, αs, and the IR emissivity, εIR.
These calculations are made with Eqs. 6 and 7:

αS =
∫ α λ E λ dλ
∫ E λ dλ

ε IR =
∫ ε λ E λ dλ
∫ E λ dλ

It is common practice to use the ratio of the solar absorptivity to the IR emissivity, αs/εIR as a measure of the surface
optical properties.
Due to the temperature peak of the SPP mission at 1400°C, the solar energy flux and the blackbody energy flux
overlap in wavelengths. The spectral dependence of these fluxes at 800 K, 1100 K, and 1400 K is graphed in figure

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5. The overlap of the spectra between approximately 500
nm and 3500 nm means that the αs and εIR will be related.
As the reflectance curve of a sample changes over these
wavelengths, both αs and εIR are affected.

C. Room Temperature Data Collection

Using the methodology described above, the optical
properties of the material at 1400°C are calculated from
room temperature measurements. For an opaque surface
the transmissivity is zero so by energy balance
α λ = ελ = 1− ρ λ (8)
α λ = wavelength-dependent solar absorptivity
Figure 5. Solar and Spectral High-Temperature ε λ = wavelength-dependent emissivity
Energy Distributions . At temperatures experienced by
SPP, these distributions are overlapping. ρ λ = wavelength-dependent reflectivity
In order to determine the α λ and ελ for the energy
calculations above, the ρ λ , or wavelength-dependent reflectivity, is taken for each sample. A total integrated scatter
(TIS) method is employed for these samples since they are diffuse. The Perkin Elmer Lambda 950 is used to take
reflectivity values in the ultraviolet (UV) and visible range (0.2 to 2.5 µm). A Labsphere SRS-99-020 is used as a
baseline with a known reflectivity. The resulting reflectivity curve from the Lambda 950 is a ratio of the standard
and the sample. The room temperature wavelength-dependent reflectivity measurements from 2.5 to 15 µm are taken
on a Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100 with an integrating sphere from Pike Technologies, Inc. The Spectrum 100 is a
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer in which infrared (IR) light passes through the sample and is
analyzed using an interferometer. A Fourier transformation is performed on the resulting signal producing a
spectrum. This instrument uses a gold reference standard, Labsphere IRS-94-020.
Combining the measured room temperature reflectances, a spectrally complete curve for each sample is
constructed. Using this reflectance curve, the estimated at-temperature αs and εIR are calculated. The solar flux is
defined and the emitted IR is calculated using the procedure outlined previously.2 During this first phase of the
coating study, a temperature exposure test was used as a screening for potential coatings. These coatings were heat
treated in a vacuum of 10-3 torr to 1400°C using a six-hour ramp and six-hour hold. Then the αs and εIR of the as-
sprayed candidate and the 1400°C heat-treated candidate are compared to determine the likelihood of degradation.
During this phase of the study various elements of the alumina coating were investigated in order to determine how
each element affected the reflectance curve. The culmination of this effort is an understanding of how to manipulate
the properties of the alumina and a set of coatings, referred to as the Final Stage 1 coating set, that will move into
stage 2 to determine the effects of the environment on the coatings.

V. Elements of a Coating
A focus of this investigation was on the elements that form the coatings. A cross section of a coating that was
sprayed at plasma processes is shown in Fig. 6.
A variety of parameters were studied in order
to determine their influence on the optical
properties: purity, particle size, barrier
coatings, and additives.
Coating samples were sprayed on
substrates at the Advanced Technology
Laboratory of The Johns Hopkins University
and Plasma Processes, Inc. As stated
previously, the desire is to understand what the
optical properties of a coating are at elevated
temperatures. However, tests to determine
Figure 6. Cross-Section Image of the Plasma Sprayed these values are complicated and expensive.
Coating. There are multiple parameters that can influence the So the goal of the first round of testing was to
optical performance of a coating. develop a method that could screen hundreds
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Table 1. Effect of Environment on Samples Exposed to 1400°°C.

αs (%)/εεIR(%) αs (%)/εεIR(%)
Coupon Alumina Particle size Argon Vacuum
032409-1 Metco 105NS 15-45 micron 110.9%
022709-4 Metco 105NS 15-45 micron 82.7%

of samples. This process must indicate how the samples would perform at temperature. The method that was chosen
was to measure optical properties after temperature treatment. Taking optical measurements after heat treatment
means that the degradation of optical properties due to chemical reactions is captured. In addition, loss of adhesion
due to heat treatment eliminates a sample from further testing, which is easily identified using this method. All
samples were heat treated to 1180°C and 1400°C. The former was chosen as an intermediary between the latter,
which is the use temperature, and room temperature. Once heat treated, the samples that survived were elevated at
room temperature. Standard procedure was to heat treat the samples in vacuum. Early studies showed that the
environment affected the optical properties of the samples and adhesion was also affected. Table 1 lists a sample set
that was exposed to 1400°C in a 10-3 torr vacuum and 1400°C in an argon cover gas. The resulting room
temperature measurements of optical properties are also numerated. These values were determined using the room
temperature method described above. For further testing, vacuum was chosen as the environment to expose all
samples since this most closely simulated the anticipated mission environment. The results of the room temperature
measurements and the modeling that was done as part of this study determined successful samples. All successful
samples remain adhered to the substrate throughout all temperature exposures and have room temperature optical
properties corresponding to αS/εIR of 0.6. Parameters of the coating were manipulated and tested in this manner to
determine how they influenced the optical properties of an alumina coating. The factors examined included purity,
particle size, barrier coatings, and additives.

A. Purity Purity Effects

Plasma Processes, Inc. prepared samples to
study the effect of purity on the optical
properties of the samples. As described
previously, the samples were heat-treated then
% Reflectance

the room temperature optical properties were 99.95%
measured. The effect of purity on αS is shown 30

in Fig. 7. The sample with the lower purity, 20

99.8%, has a reflectance curve that sits above 10
its counterpart in the 250-2500 nm range in the 0
as-sprayed condition (no heat treatment).
Therefore, the lower purity sample has a lower Wavelength (nm) 2450

αS for the as-sprayed condition. For this Figure 7. Purity Effects on as-sprayed samples. The sample
mission, a low αS is desired. However, the with lower purity has a lower absorptivity.
difference is not apparent on the reflectance
curve for the heat-treated samples, shown in Purity Effects with 1180 C
Heat Treatment
Fig. 8. These samples have been heat treated to
1180°C. The advantage that the lower purity 80

sample has seems to be eliminated with heat
% Reflectance

B. Particle Size 30

The effect of particle size of the sprayed 20

alumina was also investigated. PS 052609-4 is 10

sprayed with Metco 105NS which has a 0


starting particle size of 15-45 micron. The Wavelength (nm)

alumina sprayed on PS 052709-1 is Metco
105SFP with a starting particle size of 4-30 Figure 8. Purity Effects on a sample that has been heat
micron. Both samples have a barrier coating of treated to 1180°°C. The advantage of the lower purity disappears
TaN at 0.003” and 0.003” of alumina. The after heat treatment in room temperature optical properties.
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Particle Size Comparison


PS 0526509-4
60 PS 052709-1

% Reflectance



























Wav e le ngth (nm)

Figure 9. Comparison of the reflectance curves of various particle sizes of samples that have been taken to
1400°°C. The optical properties are affected by starting particle size.
Table 2. Effect of Environment on Samples Exposed to 1400°°C.

αs (%) εIR(%) αs(%)/εεIR(%)

Coupon Alumina Particle size
052609-4 Metco 105NS 15-45 micron 42.7% 64.9% 65.7%
052709-1 Metco 105SFP 4-30 micron 53.5% 70.5% 75.9%

graph of each reflectance curve of samples taken to 1400°C then measured at room temperature is shown in Fig. 9. It
appears that the particle size influences the visible part of the curve most dramatically. Then, the reflectance curves
come together in the far IR. Therefore particle size can influence the αs more than the εIR thus changing the αs/εIR.
Table 2 lists the value for each of these properties for these two coatings after a 1400°C heat treatment. Both the αs
and εIR are changed by the lower reflectance between 250 and 6700 nm for the PS 052709-1. The αs gets larger due
to the smaller reflectance and the εIR gets larger. Overall, the αs/εIR is smaller for the larger average particle size
sample, PS 052609-4 which is what is desired. Modeling of porosity related effects indicates that porosity is
important over the lower wavelengths. The differences in porosity between coatings with differing particle size
explains the differences in reflectance in the lower wavelengths.

C. Barrier Coatings
At the temperatures of interest in vacuum, there is a reaction between the alumina and the substrate. Barrier
coatings are used to eliminate or slow that reaction so that the alumina remains on the substrate. Barrier coatings of
interest include refractory metals, nitrides, carbides, or oxides. These coatings provide a compliant graded transition
from the substrate to the alumina. Figure 10 is
the benefit of the barrier coating on the optical
properties. This figure shows a set of sprayed
alumina samples ranging in starting particle
size. All coatings that are labeled “With barrier
coating” include 0.003” of plasma sprayed TaN
between the substrate and the alumina. This
figure displays the 1400°C optical properties
estimated using room temperature
measurements. The αs/εIR for the coatings with
barrier coatings is 55% of the value for those
without barrier coatings. In general, this change
is due to a change in αs while the emissivity
remains constant.
Figure 10. The effect of barrier coatings on 1400°°C heat
D. Grain Growth Inhibitors treated samples. The barrier coating lowers the absorptivity of
The influence of grain growth inhibitors the samples after heat treatment.
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Table 3. Room Temperature Optical Properties for samples with and without GGIs.

1st, RT exp 1180°C exp Vac 1400°C exp Vac

Coupon Alumina Coating α (%) ε(%) α/ε αs (%) εIR(%) αS/εIR ε(%) α/ε
Metco TaN
No GGI 105SFP (.003") 34.59% 58.09% 59.5% 27.42% 50.80% 54.0% 35.23% 51.48% 68.4%
MgO Metco TaN
GGI 105SFP (.003") 38.38% 60.56% 63.4% 26.36% 49.76% 53.0% 25.96% 45.96% 56.5%

(GGI) on the reflectance curve was also studied. During the 2006 Solar Probe Study, it was observed that alumina
underwent a phase change at around 1180°C then experienced grain growth as the heat treatment temperature
increased resulting in higher αs.3 It was thought that the addition of grain growth inhibitors into the alumina could
prevent this growth and stablize the optical properties after the phase change. Magnesium Oxide (MgO) is widely
used as a grain growth inhibitor in alumina. Table 3 is a comparison of optical properties of a sample with and
without grain growth inhibitors. Both samples have a TaN barrier coating and use Metco 105SFP. However the
sample labeled MgO GGI has 5% MgO by mass added to the alumina. Both samples have similar αs, αs/εIR, and εIR
after the six-hour 1180°C heat treatment in 10-3 torr vacuum. Yet, after a six-hour 1400°C heat treatment in 10-3 torr
vacuum the αs of the sample without GGIs has increased by just under 8% while the αs of the sample with GGIs has
remained within 1% of its original value. The GGIs do seem to drive down the εIR value but the αs/εIR of the sample
with the GGI that has been heat treated to 1400°C is more than 10% below the sample without them. Inhibiting the
grain growth improves the coating’s optical performance.

E. Test Samples
Based on the coating engineering previously discussed, a set of coatings has been identified for further testing.
These coatings are chosen based on their performance in the initial round of screening. Therefore, these coatings
have survived a single thermal exposure at 1400°C and remained optically white in room temperature measurements
after exposure. These coatings are tabulated in Table 4.
During the next stage, these coatings will be exposed to simulated SPP environments to determine their viability.
In addition, using a plasma lamp test and a high temperature BRDF, the optical properties at temperature will be

VI. Beginning of Life and End of Life Properties

A thermal control surface often has a beginning of life (BOL) value and an end of life (EOL) value for its optical
properties. The EOL value represents a degraded surface value. For Solar Probe Plus, BOL and EOL adhesion and
optical properties are of concern since the period of performance for the coating is during the spacecraft’s final
passes around the sun.
The adhesion BOL and EOL properties are both necessary to define coating performance. The coating must stay
adhered during launch where mostly vibration and acoustic loading will be on the spacecraft. The coating will be
near its BOL adhesion state during launch. On its final orbits around the sun, the coating will have been exposed to
radiation and thermal cycling throughout the mission. At this EOL value, the coating will experience thermal
loading due to the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) differences between the materials in the coatings system.

Table 4. Coating Samples Currently Being Considered For Further Testing

Barrier Coating Intermediate Coating Alumina

W (1.5 mils) -- 111909B
Mo (2 mils) YSZ (2 mils) 111909B
TaN (2 mils) -- 111909B
Mo (2 mils) -- 111909B
-- -- 042110A
YSZ (2 mils) YSZ/ 111909B (2 mils) 042110A
Ta/W (2 mils) 042110A

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In order to test for BOL and EOL adhesion, a series of samples will be exposed to proton and electron radiation
exposure, high energy proton exposure, thermal cycling, and ultraviolet exposure. These samples will be tested for
mechanical strength before and after environmental exposure.
For the Solar Probe Plus mission, the BOL property represents the as-installed condition of the optical surface
while the EOL value represents the optical condition of the coating while at the sun. The EOL value needs to be
defined as an estimate based on the BOL number, and the degradation expected based on the environment definition.
Work during the 2006 Study showed that the alumina coating is not susceptible to radiation or UV damage and that
color centers that form are annealed out at the high mission temperatures. The method for determining the BOL and
EOL values for the optical properties is similar to those for the adhesion properties. The BOL values are defined by
the room temperature measurements of the coating. For EOL values, a set of samples will be exposed to a set of
environments based on the SPP orbit. These samples will then be tested at room temperature and using the high
temperature measurement methods. Using these data, EOL optical values will be determined.
Once mission duration optical values of the coatings are known, the final sizing of the TPS will be determined.
The goal of the TPS is to control the temperature of the spacecraft, keeping it shielded from the extreme
temperatures near the sun. As part of the TPS, there are two materials that are acting as thermal control elements.
The carbon foam insulation thickness defines the temperature of the TPS on the spacecraft facing side. The optically
white coating defines the temperature of the front side of the foam insulation. Once the EOL optical properties are
known, the thickness of the carbon foam insulation will be chosen to maintain the proper spacecraft temperature.

VII. Conclusion
Due to the unique nature of the requirements on the SPP coating, a method to screen potential coatings was
developed. These tests proved that the optical and adhesion properties of a coating could be manipulated by
controlling the microstructure of the coating. The absorptivity of the coating is a function of the porosity in the
material. Grain growth inhibitors are used to control the microstructure of the alumina resulting in higher
absorptivities over temperature. The emissivity is a function of the inherent alumina properties and the high
temperature at which the coating operates. As the temperature increases, the IR flux curve moves towards the solar
flux curve resulting in a αs/εIR moving towards 1. This impact is mitigated by the lower absorptivity which drives the
operating surface temperature down. While the process of developing the coating and method that would meet the
SPP TPS requirements has proven more complicated than expected, a set of coatings have been defined to move into
next phase which meet the optical and adhesion requirements.

This work was supported by the NASA contract NNN06AA01C to the Applied Physics Laboratory of the Johns
Hopkins University.

Holman, J.P., Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, (1976).
Witte, J.J., “Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Environments Requirement Document,” JPL D-24446, Rev E, 2003.
Solar Probe Thermal Protection System Risk Mitigation Study, prepared by The Johns Hopkins University Applied
Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, November 30, 2006.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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