How Do Species and Communities Evolve

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1. How do species and communities evolve?

Does evolution significantly influence the

structure of the future community and population structure?

Probably yes, one of the factors that significantly influence the structure of the future community
and population structure. A species is a plant or animal organism that can reproduce and
create offspring that can then produce offspring themselves. Through a mechanism called
natural selection, new organisms evolve from different species. A mutation is called such.
The gene that is altered is passed on to the next generation. In all the environments of
human control, evolution may affect the population structure of organisms, with certain
consequences being highly apparent. For instance, the adverse effects of contamination
(e.g. hazardous chemicals) also contribute to the complicated selection and can impact
population size. also,  in agriculture and medicine, efforts to minimize or remove enemies
are deliberately intended to reduce the absolute health of the target and may thus entail
challenging selection as well.

Probably yes, one of the factors that significantly influence the structure of the future community
and population structure. A species is a plant or an animal that can enable the creation of
offspring through natural selection for future generations. The time pass by the gene can be
altered pass on to the next generation, in addition, evolution may have an impact on the
population structure of species in all the environments, for example, human control and natural
selection. For instance, the negative consequences of contamination such dangerous
chemicals) might affect population size and complicate the selection and so on

2. What is adaptation? How do organisms adapt to a pressing environmental situation?

Adaptation is an organism's physical or behavioral trait that makes an organism survive in
the surrounding environment better.

In different ways, species can respond to a climate. Biologically, they can change,
suggesting they modify body functions. The evolution of species has been attributed in
some way to the adaptation of organisms to evolving environmental conditions. The
principle of natural selection is that characteristics that can be passed on allow individuals
to respond faster than other organisms of the same species to the environment. Compared
with other members of the genus, this ensures greater longevity and replication, leading to
evolution. Additionally,  organisms may demonstrate behavioral adaptation as well. One
example of behavioral adaptation is how, in the middle of winter, emperor penguins in
Antarctica crowd together to share their warmth.
3. natural resources have an effect on the species composition, structure, and function.
Yeah, environmental resources influence the composition, structure and role of organisms.
Salt is a renewable resource from the sea and is harnessed. In the sea, animals such as the
Coral Reef need an average volume of salt to live. If the salt in the water reaches the cap or
decreases, the form of the coral leaves can change.
Goitre, which affects the form of the human spine, results in less salt in the human body,
Water is a natural resource which is needed by any living organism. Changes in water
intake contribute to a shortening of the development of living organisms, reducing the size
of living organisms.
Solar Radiation is also a solar energy shortage in natural resources that can lead to a
change in the makeup of the body as a human being will be deficient in Vitamin D.
Photosynthesis process will cease. The color of living beings is affected by intense solar

4. Why does speciation happen? How speciation affects biological diversity.

Speciation is how a new type of species of plant or animal is formed. Speciation happens as
a population splits from other members of its genus within a species and creates its own
distinctive features.

Speciation happens as a population splits from other members of its group within a species
and creates its own distinctive features. The new species can be separated from their
ancestors by the demands of a different climate or the attributes of the members of the new
5. What is ecological succession? Does succession happen in an urban environment? If yes,
how? If no, why?
The mechanism by which a biological community's structure changes over time

Glaciated and volcanic sites, rather than urban sites, are associated with primary
succession. Main succession in the urban landscape is synonymous with stone and brick
barriers, demolition sites, hazardous waste spoil heaps, and abandoned
Sidewalks and highways. Both primary and secondary successional cycles are important
ecological processes in urban ecosystems, compared to vegetation patterns in neighboring
rural areas where secondary succession dominates.

6. Why do organisms compete? Can competition favors or eliminate biological species.

In order to live, species fight for the resources they need: air, water, food and space.
Organisms thrive in comfortable co-existence in areas where they are sufficient, and the
biodiversity has high species diversity in areas where resources are abundant (diversity).
If one species is a better competitor than another, the population of the weaker competitor
species will decrease. Sometimes, it is possible to eradicate whole populations of a plant
from the ecosystem where it was initially found. This is called getting extirpated. The
species becomes threatened, declining, or extinct as species extinction happens globally or
regionally. A endangered species of box turtle is one whose population is dwindling, and if
the population size declines any further, it may become extinct. Because of habitat
destruction and resulting population losses, ornate box turtles are now endangered in
7. Differentiate primary succession and secondary succession. What are their similarities
and differences?

When fresh soil is produced or bare rock is exposed, primary succession occurs, creating
an environment that can be colonized for the first time whereas, a formerly inhabited
territory is re-colonized in secondary succession after a disorder that destroys most or more
of its population.

After both human and natural events, primary and secondary successions occur that create
dramatic changes in the composition of a region .In areas where there is no vegetation,
primary succession occurs and secondary succession occurs in areas where there is soil.
When pioneer species have contributed to the production of soil during primary succession,
secondary succession may accompany primary succession. However, secondary
succession will also occur without primary succession where an occurrence has caused
significant loss of plant and animal life without losing the soil.

8. What are biomes? Identify and discuss at 3 types of biomes and their significant features.
and How these biomes support biological communities.
A biome is a broad plant and biodiversity population suited to a particular climate. Acquatic,
grassland, woodland, desert, and tundra are the five primary types of biomes.

Acquatic:  Both freshwater and marine biomes contain underwater biomes. Freshwater
biomes are bodies of water that are surrounded by land with a salt level of less than one
percent, such as wetlands, rivers, and reservoirs. Marine biomes occupy about three-
quarters of the atmosphere of the Earth. The seas, coral reefs, and estuaries contain
aquatic biomes.
Grassland:  Grasslands are open regions which have a mild, dry climate and are populated
by grass. There are two types of grassland: tropical grasslands and temperate grasslands
(sometimes called savannas). Closer to the equator, Savannas are located and may include
a few dispersed trees. They cover about half of Africa's continent, as well as regions in
Australia, India and South America. Further away from the equator, in South Africa,
Hungary, Argentina, Uruguay, North America, and Russia, temperate grasslands are found.
They have no trees or shrubs, and they get less rainfall than savannas. Two types of
temperate grasslands are prairies and steppes; prairies are described as having taller
grasses, while steppes have shorter grasses.
Deserts: Deserts are desert places where there is less than 50 centimeters (20 inches) of
rainfall a year. They occupy about 20 percent of the surface of the Earth. While most of
them are found in subtropical countries, deserts can be either cold or humid. There is not as
much biodiversity present in deserts as in other biomes, because of their harsh
environments. For survival in a dry climate, any plants and wildlife living in a desert must
have unique adaptations. Wildlife in the desert consists mostly of snakes and small
mammals. Owing to their geographical location or climatic conditions, deserts can fall into
four categories: hot and dry, semiarid, marine, and cool.

9. Differentiate marine ecosystems from terrestrial ecosystems?

They sustain more living ecosystems than comparable terrestrial ecosystems because
marine environments are so rich in nutrients. The ocean's tiny drifting photosynthetic
species, collectively referred to as phytoplankton, are thought to be the largest photo
synthesizers or primary producers of the planet. Also, with smaller variations in temperature
and other factors, marine ecosystems are much more stable than terrestrial environments.
Oxygen is also a restricting factor  for marine ecosystems (because there is much less
present, although this is rarely the case in terrestrial habitats. Moreover,  In certain marine
ecosystems, light can be a limiting factor, but there is almost ever a lack of light in most
terrestrial settings. Land species are much more impacted by gravity, while water helps
marine creatures.

10. What is coral bleaching? How these phenomena affect biological diversity in marine
In coral bleaching, warmer water temperatures will result. Corals will expel the algae  called
zooxanthellae living in their tissues if the water is too warm, allowing the coral to become
fully white. 
Coral reefs host some of the planet's most bio-diverse ecosystems. Thousands of marine
animals, including several species of sea turtles, whales, crabs, shrimps, jellyfish, sea birds,
starfish, and more, rely on coral reefs for survival. Coral reefs provide refuge, grounds for
spawning, and protection against predators Organisms at the base of ocean food chains are
also protected by them. With the destruction of coral reefs, already at-risk species could
face extinction.. A catastrophic reduction in reef cover has contributed to a simultaneous
decrease in the biodiversity of species, both in marine parks and in areas open to fishing.
Reef fish species have been declining in number,

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