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Submitted by: Kenneth Roy S. Bastistiana

Name : Kenneth Roy Bastistiana

Active CP number : 09517967792
FB page/Messenger : Kenneth Roy Sabello Bastistiana
Email Address :
Current Address : St. Niño, Brgy. Central, Mati City, Davao Oriental
Parents Number : 09953376704

Self-Introduction : Submitted on September 3, 2022 at 5pm via messenger/group chat BSC

Good day everyone. I am Kenneth Roy Bastistiana, 19 years old. I am a resident of Purok Uno, Barangay
Central, Mati City, Davao Oriental. I am studying at Davao Oriental State University with the course of
Bachelor of Science in Criminology. This is the reason why I enrolled in this course:

1. This has been my dream since I was in high school, and I want to become a policeman someday,

2. To delve into the minds of criminals,

3. Because of the steady job after you graduate,

I expect with the course LEA 101 Comparatives Model in Policing, the subject will give us...

I expect with the instructor that he/she provides and guides the information on the subject being thought.
Student Pledge:

We, students in this subject are encouraged to go through each lesson chronologically to make
the best of the learning possible. Should work on all activities as it builds on the concepts of each
topic introduced in each lesson. Make this learning experience worth taking in my own pace
through online platforms. Adhere the ethical consideration and Data Privacy Act.

I, kenneth Roy S. Bastistiana, make my pledge:

1. I’ll pray before class, and after class.
2. I will obey any instructions that my instructor says so.
3. I will do my best to help my classmates in any circumstances.
4. I promise to do my best to understand and acknowledge my personal obligations.
5. I will not pressure myself and just enjoy the process of learning.
6. I swear to do everything in my power to support my classmates at all times.
7. I’m going to engage in every task that our professor assigns so that I can learn as much as
possible from this subject.
8. I promise to respect other people’s learning in our class and at school.
9. I will never cheat on exam time.
10. I will increase my self confidence.

Student signature: ____________ (provide e-copy signature)

Date: September 03, 2022

I understand that I am submitting my personal information contain in this weekly task activity. I understand
that Maria Linel B. Talamera, my instructor shall process and use my personal information for this
academic class only.
COURSE TITLE: LEA 101 – Comparative Models in Policing

Module Overview:
This course provides an overview of the different Policing System in other countries including its
strategies in Crime Prevention and Crime Investigation, and the respect of human rights,
personnel qualifications, recruitment, and training. The Philippine extradition treaty with other
countries, and the INTERPOL, the international cooperation in the policing of transnational crimes
and criminals.
In order for the future criminologist gain competency in this course, this module has been
arranged into the following lessons according to its coverage of examination.
Preliminary Coverage

Module 1: Comparative Police System: Basic Nature and Concept

✔ Basic Terminologies
✔ Theories of Comparative Policing.
✔ Comparative system in Law Enforcement
✔ Societal type and Police System
✔ Variable affecting system comparison on police system
✔ Types of Police System
✔ Police System vs Criminal Justice System
✔ Comparative court system

Module 2: Models of Policing.

✔ Switzerland police
✔ Ireland Police
✔ Egypt Police
✔ Japan Police

Module 3: Policing in a Multicultural Society.

✔ Current and Proverbial Police Problems and Actions Undertaken by the Government to
address the same.


Mode and Date of
Date: Activity
Aug 29 to Content of the Class Orientation LEA 101
Sept 1
✔ Self-Introduction of Blended Learning of Synchronous and Synchronous
asynchronous mode of LMS
Google Meet
✔ ORIENTATION class, policy orientation on grading system,
distribution of topics for major exams etc.
✔ Policy of online (etiquettes)
✔ Grading system
Module 1 Activity
Write down the Narrative Reports of the following link base on
the links provided. Link will be given Sept 4 Narrative and Module 1 exercise
1DMklVZb3y_8IAOPrOyJdh_5vIObzxFgZ?usp=sharing submission on Sept 7-9, 2022 in
Google Classroom
Expected topics
Module 1: Comparative Police System: Basic Nature and
Sept 5 to Lesson 1: Basic Terminologies to ponder (Comparative, police, TTH - Sept 8, Class discussion,
9 system, comparative police system, international criminal justice, brainstorming and oral recitation
model system, safari method, collaborative method)
Lesson 2: Types of Societies in the World
Lesson 3: Types of Criminal Justice System in the World (Legal MWF - Sept 9, Class discussion,
Traditions in the World) brainstorming and oral recitation
Lesson 4: Theories of Policing System
Lesson 5: Theories of Comparative Criminology Sat - Quiz/assessment of Module 1
Lesson 6: Basis of Police System and Type of Police Force at 6 or 7pm via Kahoot/Google Form
Lesson 7: Comparative court system and Police System vs Criminal
Justice System

Module 2- Activity - Write down the Narrative Reports of the

following link base on the links provided. Link will be given Sept 4 Narrative and Module 2 exercise
1DMklVZb3y_8IAOPrOyJdh_5vIObzxFgZ?usp=sharing submission on Sept 12-14, 2022 in
Google Classroom
Module 2 Models in Policing
Sept 12 to Lesson 1: Models of policing according to structure (centralized
16 policing and decentralized)
TTH - Sept 15, Class discussion,
Lesson 2: Models of policing according to approach (problem- brainstorming and oral recitation
oriented policing, intelligence LED Policing model, reactive or MWF - Sept 16 Class discussion,
Traditional policing, predictive policing, value-based policing, Nodal brainstorming and oral recitation
policing and reassurance policing, SARA model, Community
Oriented Policing system, democratic policing, neighborhood Sat - Quiz/assessment of Module 2
policing, human rights policing. at 6 or 7pm via Kahoot/Google Form

Module 2 - Activity - Write down the Narrative Reports of the Link will be given Sept 4
following link base on the links provided Narrative and Module 2 exercise
1DMklVZb3y_8IAOPrOyJdh_5vIObzxFgZ?usp=sharing submission on Sept 19-23, 2022 in
Google Classroom

Sept 19 to Module 3 - Policing in a Multicultural Society and Globalization TTH - Sept 22, Class discussion,
23 Lesson 1: The Multiculturalism brainstorming and oral recitation
Lesson 2: Theory of multiculturalism (melting Pot theory and Salad
bowl theory) MWF - Sept 23 Class discussion,
Lesson 3: Characteristics of Multiculturalism brainstorming and oral recitation
Lesson 4: Globalization defined Sat - Quiz/assessment of Module 2
Lesson 5: Effects of Globalization in Law Enforcement at 6 or 7pm via Kahoot/Google Form
Lesson6: Effects of Globalization on Human Rights
Lesson7: The Transnational crime and Policing

Sept 26 - Oral recitation Module 1 to Module 2 Oral Recitation MWF class on Sept
Prelim Examination 26
30 2022 Submission of Project
Submission of Prelim Grades and Midterm Preparation of topics Oral recitation TTH class on Sept 27

The Comparative Models in Policing topic has taught me that examining and contrasting
various countries’ police systems is both a science and an art. Additionally, it covers the
examination of police associations, programs, and practices in various countries. A
community’s affairs are regulated and controlled by the government department known as
the comparative police system, which was primarily established to uphold law and order
as well as to prevent and deter crime. In the Philippines, they have five pillars of the
criminal justice system: law enforcement, prosecution, courts, and also correction and
community, while in America they have three: enforcement, court, and correction. It differs
from comparative criminology, which focuses on crime patterns in two or more cultures
and on testing theories about crime at the global level, in that comparative criminal justice
focuses on the various ways political units attempt to maintain social order and carry out

A legal system is made up of the institutions, procedures, and laws that govern the
administration of the criminal justice system. A legal tradition is a set of deeply ingrained,
historically influenced beliefs about the nature and purpose of law, its composition,
application, study, improvement, and teaching, as well as the structure and operation of a
legal system.Which legal tradition a legal system belongs to depends on its sources of
law, historical background and evolution, distinctive modes of thought, and distinctive
institutions, such as the roles of judges and attorneys. Criminal justice systems can be
broadly divided into those that follow common, civil, Islamic, or communist law.
Nevertheless, many nations now have hybrid models that integrate components from
other legal systems. Many of these systems have a similar set of guiding principles.
Additionally, a legality premise has been incorporated into most criminal judicial systems.
The actors in nearly all criminal justice systems are the same.

There are two policing theories: Continental and Home Rule. One of the most important
duties carried out by every sovereign government is policing. The police are a necessary
component of the governmental apparatus that ensures the upkeep of law and order and
serves as the initial step in the criminal justice process.

However, for the average person, the police serve as both a symbol of the overwhelming
power of authority and a deterrent to crime. Home Rulers are viewed as members of the
community who, in order to effectively perform their duties, depend on the express wishes
of the people. This theory holds that police officers are government employees whose
primary duty is to uphold public safety and security. This is standard procedure in nations
with decentralized governmental systems, such as England and the United States, where
the Continentals are viewed as serving higher authorities and the populace has little to no
involvement in their employment or any other relationship with them. In continental
countries with centralized political systems such as France, Italy, and Spain., this
viewpoint is common.

Comparative theories can be divided into seven different categories. The “Alertness to
Crime Theory,” which falls under the first category, contends that people report more
crimes when they are more aware of crime. In order to resolve the situation, police officers
will either make an arrest or use their authority to make an arrest. As a counterbalance,
local societies cooperate to report crimes that occur in the neighborhood. In order to keep
their communities safe and secure, communities will report on the other part of the police
force. The second economic theory talks about unchecked migration and overpopulation
in urban areas like slums and ghettos.

This idea that population growth in a given area can increase crime opportunities and
victimization because more people are moving from one area to another, according to the
theory. Criminals commit crimes to provide for their families. The third opportunity idea
victims begin to gamble more and treat their possessions with less respect. It explains
some crimes committed today, as those who neglected their property had no regard for it.
According to sociodemographic theories, failing to instill in a child a sense of right and
wrong can result in criminal behavior or the development of traits that will inevitably aid in
the emergence of the adolescent identity crisis. According to this hypothesis, if a parent
does not teach her children the difference between right and wrong, it may lead to criminal
activity or the development of behaviors that would eventually aid in the commission of
crimes. If parents don’t keep an eye on their kids, it’s likely that the number of children
they produce will lead to a delinquent subculture. Fifth Deprivation theory this theory
explain that people are going to commit crime in order to attained that realistic
expectations especially for those people who belong at the bottom in order to attained
what they want develop problems we arrive sooner or later why because over development
societies this now create opportunity of criminals to commit crime and last of theory is the
Anomie and Synomie when we say anomie is to breakdown of social of norms or the lack
of the casual social or ethical standard in an individual group while synomie this is
describe a condition of solidarity they prevalent a societies with law. Four national
systems of criminal justice are used throughout the world: the Islamic system, which
derives its practices and procedure from the interpretation of the Koran, the Civil law
system, which grants fewer nights to the accused, the Socialist system, which uses
procedures designed to rehabilitate offenders or restrain people, and the Common law

Monarchy is the first type of government, where the power of sovereignty is vested in the
laws of a monarch. Examples of monarchs include the king, queen, prince, princess, and
others. Second, in aristocratic societies, the few members of a privileged class or group—
referred to as aristocrats—hold absolute power, while others are referred to as oligarchs.
According to history, the term “aristocracy” derives from the Greek word “aristocracia,”
which means the role of the best. “Autocracy” refers to a safe ruler, also known as a pat or
a dictator, who rules by himself or herself. People’s third democratic role is divided into
two categories: direct democracy, which refers to people acting directly for themselves,
and indirect democracy, in which people elect representatives to act on their behalf. Four
“Without a Ruler” Anarchy According to continental theory, police officers are seen as the
servants of higher powers, with the general public having either no or very little
involvement in their duties. According to the home rule theory, police officers are
community servants whose performance of their duties is contingent upon the express
wishes of the populace. Old concept punishment is the sole instrument of crime control
which mean is more in arrest. Modern concept this concept considers the police as an
organ of crime prevention. Here, the yardstick of police efficiency is the absence of crime.
Is more in crime prevention. Basic concept, policing it is considered practice for the
maintenance of order, the law enforcement and for the security of the community. They are
on patrol and conduct investigations. Comparative police systems It is investigating and
comparing the police systems of nations. It covers the study of police organization,
training, and methods of policing in various nations. The question is why do you need to
study and compare our police system to other countries The answer will be need to
compare our police system to the systems of other police organizations in order for us to
know if there are good practices of other countries that we can adopt or improve our
police system at the same time. That’s why we are conducting comparative police system
or studying . In the comparative police system, we have a different method. Under the
Safari method, a researcher will visit another country for comparison purposes. The
collaborative method collaborates with the world.

Based on the last video of mod 1 that was presented, it discusses the comparative models
in policing and talks about the different police systems of different countries. It defined
policing and stated that this is the practice for the maintenance of peace and order, law
enforcement, and the security of the community. It also tackles the comparative police

We need to compare our police system to the systems of other police organizations in
order for us to see if there are good practices of other countries that we can adapt to
improve our police system. At the same time, we need to look for lapses in our police
system based on the systems of other police organizations that’s why we are conducting
the comparative police system. In the video, there are different types of methods, which
are the safari method, collaborative method, historical comparative, and unpublished
works comparison. International criminal justice International criminal justice seeks
knowledge beyond the law, whereas comparative criminal justice is a subset of the study
of criminal justice that compares justice systems around the world. The following slide
discusses the differences between transnational policing, international policing, and
global policing. In my understanding, transnational policing only applies to federal
countries, whereas international policing concerns two nations, for example, the
Philippines and Japan. It is not composed of things, unlike in America, it is the
relationship of two nations in relation to police functions and matters. In the 7 th slide,
globalization is defined as a process of interaction and integration among the people,
companies, and governments of different nations; a process driven by international trade
and investment and aided by information technology. There are seven effects of
globalization; the first is on industry, culture, legislative, language, information, finance,
and politics. The last slide on the video is Globalization’s effects on law enforcement in the
Philippines. The facilitation of transnational crimes and criminals can be easily achieved,
so it will be easy to commit transnational crimes because of globalization. They can easily
smuggle products such as drugs, fire arms, etc., so it is easier to circulate in other
countries because of globalization ,there is a need for transnational policing, cooperation
among police organizations in the world is vital, which includes globalization training
instructions for incoming law enforcement officers must include advanced computers to
prepare them as cyber cops, so they can be better prepared to deal with cyber crimes. The
development of new strategies to deal with international organized crime is a must and
provisions of law enforcement with updated legislation related to the modernization theory
of crime.

Policing is one of the most important function that is undertaken by every sovereign
government. Police is uninhabitable urban which would ensure maintenance of law in
order, and also it was discussed on our subject before , that it is the crime mover of our
criminal justice system here in the Philippines which is composed of 5 pillars. I believe
that, it is very important to our state to have police system for prosecute or arrest,
detecting activities of our criminal group.

Exercise 1
Name: Kenneth Roy S. Bastistiana
Instruction: A word cross game identify the terms being refers below and write on the appropriate

Denotes the degree or grade by which a
person, thing, or other entity has a
property or quality greater or less in
extent than that of another.
4. Empowered to enforce the law and
to ensure public and social order

5. A combination of related elements

that is functioning as a whole in order
Across: to achieve a single goal or objective
6. Researcher visits another country.
1. Basic Function of Criminal Justice System
3. Researcher communicates with foreign researcher. 2.
7. Basic Function of Criminal Justice system grade by wh
8. Basic Functions of Criminal Justice System
thing, or othe
Instruction: Differentiate the Four Types of Societies based on their laws, police system and infliction of

Folk- Communal Urban Commercial Urban Industrial Bureaucratic

Law It has a system of Some laws and customs In an urban industrial A police force that
punishment that just lets are written down, there culture, ethical conduct routinely deals with
things slide for a long are specialized police is not only prohibited by terrorism and political
time without notice until units (some for law but is also mandated crime, a court system
things get out of hand, at upholding the King’s by regulations. The with armies of attorneys,
which point violent, cruel Law, others for keeping criminal justice system is and a punishment
punishment is used. The an eye on religious founded on market system that is
country also has little violations), and there are concepts that create characterized by over
codified law, no inconsistent incentives and criminalization and
standards for police, and punishments that are disincentives, and police overcrowding all exist in
no specifications among both severe and forces also specialize in a bureaucratic society.
them. forgiving in an urban managing property
commercial culture. offenses.
Continental Europe
largely evolved in this

Police limited legal codification Features a civil law Features legal rules, Has a legal system and
and no police expertise system, specialized specialty police units, police who enforce it?
police units, and uneven and uneven punishment Manage political crime
sentencing that can be that can be both harsh and terrorism while
both harsh and lenient. and lenient being busy

Punishment Comparative criminal The use of the death offer rapid and severe It seems to reason that
justice studies the many penalty is significantly punishment to establish absurd penalties like
ways that punishment, more prevalent and, in their dominance multiple life sentences or
including the death many instances, the only ones that last hundreds
penalty, is applied option when using brutal or even thousands of
across civilizations execution techniques years are intended to
According to a 2007 like hanging, beheading, exclude the possibility of
research, 59 nations still shooting, and stoning release in the future.
use the death penalty.
Instructions: Differentiate the Types of Criminal Justice

Common Law
 Exist in most English-speaking countries in the world (U.S.; England; Australia; and New Zealand.
 Distinguished by strong inquisitorial system (the accused is guilty until
Proven innocent).
 The written is law is taken as gospel and subject to little interpretation.
 Founded on the basis of natural law in respect for tradition and custom.
 Always opposed to the common law notion that nobody is above the law.

Civil Law
 Exist mostly in European countries such as Sweden; Germany; France: and Japan.
 Distinguished by strong inquisitorial system (the accused is guilty until Proven innocent).
 The written is law is taken as gospel and subject to little interpretation.
 Founded on the basis of natural law in respect for tradition and custom.
 Always opposed to the common law notion that nobody is above the law.

 Exist mostly in Africa and Asia and other Countries.
 Distinguished by procedures designed to rehabilitate or retrain people
 Into fulfilling their responsibilities to the state. (ultimate expression of positive law).
 Primarily characterized by administrative law.


 Derive all their procedures and practices from interpretation of the Koran.
 Characterized by the absence of positive law.
 G always an important emphasis on the Religion.
In my own opinion and based on what I have observed in the past few days, I think the ideal type of
criminal justice is Islamic. The Islamic Criminal Justice System deals with the criminal process, the
protection of individual rights, criminal responsibilities, and punishments, so this type of criminal
justice is ideal for me nowadays.

Question: In your own opinion what type of Criminal Justice is the most ideal? Justify your

Instruction: Differentiate Home- Rule and Continental Theory

Home- Rule Continenta


 Policemen .are servants of the community  Policemen are servant of Higher authority
 Effectiveness of policemen depends on official The  They just follow the wishes of top official of the government.
express wishes of the people.

Instruction: Differentiate the terms

Continenta Modern

It is the theory of police service which maintains the police officers According to contemporary criminology, circumstances, potential
as servants of higher authorities. This theory prevails in continental flaws, and the idea that a person is not entirely accountable for
countries like France, Italy, and Spain. their actions all contribute to criminal behavior rather than being
the cause. In order to understand crime, contemporary criminology
adheres to reason, rationality, and the scientific method.

Centralize Decentralize
d d

This refers to a police system in which a national police agency or Decentralized decision-making refers to the delegation of decision-
institutions are vertically chained of command, centrally making authority to sub-units under the overall coordination of
commanded and controlled, and have unrestricted jurisdiction over headquarters, whereas centralized authority means that decision-
the entire country. making authority is retained in the hands of headquarters.

Summary (summary of learning) make your own learning

As a future law enforcement officer dealing with crime victims on daily basis is
always important to know the Basic foundation of the subject.
Thus, understanding the importance of crime victimization is essential for future law
enforcement officers to draw effectively and prepare in fulfilling their role in the
system, and to make a difference in the lives of those lives have been disrupted by
tragedy in the future. It is hope that after finishing this module, you are more ready to
help for those who is in need.

Eduardo, J.(2018). Criminology and Victimology. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc. (OBE

Valdueza, F (2015). Crimes and Criminals. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc Manwong, R
(2014) Essentials of Criminal Psychology. Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc Sorian, M (2015).
Human Behavior and Crisis Management. Wiseman Book trading, Inc Manwong, R et al
(2016). Compendium in Criminal sociology. Wiseman Book trading, Inc

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