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I. Cloze tests 1. One of the purposes of ASEAN is to promote regional peace and _____.
Passage 1 A. conflict sự mâu thuẫn, xung đột
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an organization B. stability sự ổn định
of ten Southeast Asian countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, C. stabilization sự làm cho ổn định
Myanmar, (1) ____ Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. It promotes D. interference sự can thiệp
political, economic, cultural and social cooperation (2) ____ its members. 2. After graduating from university, I want to ____ my father's footsteps.
Although ASEAN works for peace and stability in Southeast Asia, it is not a A. follow in B. succeed in C. go after D. keep up
defence organization. follow in sb’s footsteps: theo chân ai
The members of ASEAN cooperate in such fields (3) ____ population control, 3. When getting into troubles, Jack never ____ on other people for help. He always
prevention of drug abuse, (4) ____ research and combating terrorism. Teachers, solves them on his own.
students and artists of the member nations exchange visits. In addition, the A. determines B. influences C. relies D. manages
organization develops plans to promote tourism in ASEAN countries and to rely on: tin tưởng, dựa vào
encourage programs of Southeast Asian studies. It works to (5) ____ trade barriers 4. The government found it very difficult to ____with the rising unemployment.
among the members. A. manage B. cope C. rely D. break
1. A. the B. a C. an D. Ø cope with: đương đầu
2. A. between B. through C. among D. from 5. My parents are glad ____ my success in finding a job after graduation.
3. A. like B. as C. alike D. that A. to see B. seeing C. see D. saw
4. A. scientific B. science C. scientist D. scientifically sau adj
5. A. increase B. prevent C. develop D. reduce 6. We're ____ to announce that you were selected to be our new faculty manager.
Passage 2. A. happily B. unhappy C. happiness D. happy
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was (6) ____ on 7. It is unnecessary for ____ to do this task. It's not ours.
August 8 1967 in Bangkok by the five original member countries, (7) ____, A. we B. us C. them D. our
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Brunei Darussalam (8) 8. It's ____ for us to submit the project on time as it's really difficult.
____ on January 8, 1984, Vietnam on July 28, 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on A. possible có khả năng B. simple đơn giản
July 23, 1997, and Cambodia on April 30, 1999. C. impossible không có khả năng D. practical thực tiễn
As of 2006, the ASEAN region has a population of about 560 million, a total area 9. Last Sunday, Texas-based game-fans The Speed Gamers ____ in a charity
of 4.5 million square kilometers, a combined gross (9) ____ product of almost US$ activity to donate money to relief organisations.
1,100 billion, and a total trade of about US$ 1,400 billion. A. have participated B. participated
The ASEAN Declaration states that the aims and purposes of the Association are C. had participated D. were participating
to (10) ____ economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the 10. Up to now, he ____ more than 100 bicycles to needy students in Central Viet
region and to promote regional peace. Nam. (HTHT)
6. A. established B. constructed C. rebuilt D. decorated A. gave B. has given
7. A. such B. like C. namely D. as C. has been given D. has been giving
8. A. took up B. joined C. represented D. involved 11. Tan ____ the idea of giving sweaters and warm clothes to the poor just a
9. A. home B. exotic C. domestic D. household couple of weeks ago, shortly after the beginning of the rainy season.
10. A. fetch B. endeavor C. poach D. accelerate A. came up with B. comes up with
C. has come up with D. was coming up with
come up with sth: nảy ra (ý tưởng,….)

II. Sentence completion

12. Knocking on closed doors before entering can be a great way for children to III. Error identification
practice ____ behaviors. 1. We ought to not play football as it's raining outside. => ought not to
A. respecting về, nói về 2. Because of his poverty, he has to struggling to make ends meet (kiếm sống). =>
B. respectful lễ phép struggle
C. respected đáng trọng, được tôn trọng 3. I will leave the party early because I must studying for my exam. => study
D. respective tương ứng 4. It is imperative (adj – bắt buộc) finish all the practice tests by next week since
13. Many teenagers do not like it when their parents impose their decision our teacher will give marks for them. => to finish
______them. 5. When you become a voluntary, you are not only giving your time, but your
A. in B. on C. at D. to mind, your heart and your soul. => a volunteer
impose sth on sb: áp đặt cái gì cho ai 6. With the discovery of the new material, the equipment (uncountable noun) are
14. Students ____ cheat in the exams; it is against the rules. greatly improved. 
A. must B. have to C. don't have to D. mustn't cấm => is
15. They're really angry because someone ____ their car. 7. It was the shop near my school that I bought these shirts and accessories. 
A. has been damaged B. has damaged => was in/at the shop
C. damage D. was damaged 8. This house has been built in 2010 and I bought it when I moved to Vinh city in
16. I greatly regret ____ those boots when they were so cheap. 2014. => was built
A. not having bought B. not to have bought 9. The Netherlands (Hà Lan), with much of its land lying lower than sea level,
C. not to buy D. didn't buy have a system of dikes and canals for controlling water. => has
regret Ving: hối hận làm gì IV. Reading comprehension
regret to V: tiếc khi làm gì People do many crazy things to raise money for charity. The latest crazy stunt
17. Susan hoped ____ to Terry's party. came from an English man who decided to push a Brussels sprout up the highest
A. for being invited B. to be invited mountain in Wales - with his nose. He wanted to raise $8,500 for a cancer charity.
C. being invited D. to invite Stuart Kettell, 49, said he loves challenges and will try to do anything for charity.
hope to V: hy vọng làm gì His other challenges include walking 800 kilometers on stilts and sitting in a box
18. She felt very upset after she broke _____ with her boyfriend. for a week. He said: "I have seen firsthand the amazing charity work that
A. in B. down C. up D. out Macmillan Cancer Support does, not only for the patient but their family and
break up with sb: chia tay với friends too." He added: "People's cancer stories inspire me even more to carry on,
19. _____ friendship that you should try to build up in order to have true values. and my challenges are going to get even more crazy." 
A. This is B. There is C. It was D. It is It took Mr. Kettell three days to push the Brussels sprout up the 1,085 meters high
20. Admitted to Mills College on a full _____, she graduated Phi Beta Kappa Mount Snowden. He wore a specially designed face mask so he wouldn't scrape
without a penny of help from her parents. the skin off his face. He practised for his charity mission by pushing a Brussels
A. compensation tiền đền bù B. scholarship học bổng sprout around his garden. He chose a large sprout for his Snowden challenge. It
C. wage tiền lương was about the size of a table-tennis ball. He said he wanted a larger one because it
D. pension tiền lương hưu would not fall down a crack. He spent three days on his hands and knees with his
nose a centimeter or two above the ground. He told reporters there was "a huge
amount of pain" in his knees, wrists and back. He said he was happy because his
training worked, he reached the summit, and he raised money for the charity. 
1. Which of the following is true about Mr. Kettell? 
A. He is from Brussels.
B. He is almost 50 years old. 
C. He walked 800 miles for charity.
D. He worked for Macmillan Cancer Support.  VII. Combine the sentences
2. The word "stunt" in the passage mostly means ____. 1. Parents can help build a child’s independence by encouraging good habits. It’s
A. an action B. a trick C. a guy D. an influence  very important.
3. According to Kettell, who has inspired him to take on more challenges?  It’s
A. his family B. patients' stories 2. Customers have to read fabric care labels and recognize which clothes require
C. his friends D. the money  dry cleaning. It’s necessary.
4. All of the following is true about Kettell's challenge EXCEPT that ____. It’s
A. It took him three days to finish the task. 3. Parents pick their children up from school. It is both urgent and important.
B. The pain was less than he expected.  It is
C. He could raise money for the charity. 4. Students learn to prioritise their tasks. It is essential.
D. He pushed the sprout up nearly 1 km.  It is  
5. The word "It" in the passage refers to ____.
A. face B. challenge C. sprout D. ball 
V. Word form
1. She is deaf, but refuses to let her _____ prevent her from doing what she wants
to do. (able) DISABILITY (n) sự ốm đau tàn tật
2. The country’s fragile ______ depends almost exclusively on tourism.
(economic) ECONOMY (n) kinh tế, nền kinh tế
economic (a): thuộc về kinh tế
economical (a): tiết kiệm
3. The programme will promote ______ between universities and industry.
4. We decided to ______ withdraw the drug from the market. (volunteer)
5. They are only rude when they are treated ______. (respect)
VI. Rewrite the sentences using the cleft structure to emphasize the
underlined parts.
1. The pedestrian asked the policeman a lot of questions.
2. My neighbors always make noise at night.
3. The moment when I realised she was leaving me was when I read the email.
4. He bought two houses on Nguyen Trai Street at the age of 25.
5. The earthquake destroyed everything two years ago.
6. Candidates all over the world took part in the competition with great
7. Most parents are willing to lend their ear to their children.

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