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Secound language acquisition for Children

1. Rasional of research
The reason I talking this little is help students learn a second language and know
how a second language is learned And the factors that influence the process. Exposing
students in Mastery of language while at school allows students to optimize it
Learning potential, helps shape the brain at its most flexible stage.
2. Problem
From the description of the title, it can be drawn a problem that is focused on
language acquisition for second language learners in themselves. The formulation of
the problem for the research above is as follows:
1. How is language acquisition (Second Language Acquisition) for children?
2. What strategies are used in acquiring a second language?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of second language acquisition for
3. Purpose

This study aims to determine how students acquire mastery of a second language
and in this study the authors used qualitative methods to analyze children’s mastery of
a second language.

4. Benefit

The benefit of learning a second language is that students have higher skills and
improve learning outcomes. The positive cognitive effects of learning to speak a
second language can train the brain to analyze and process different linguistic
structures. Learning a foreign language improves memory and increases attention

5. Research Method
This study uses a qualitative method by using interviews with teachers and
children writers are expected to use this method to find out, how students get the
second language mastery in depth and also the factors that influence it.
6. Rasional of Research


1.1 Research Background

Language is an essential communication tool and the human languages is very
dynamic although it can be developed every time in daily activities, as we know
language is used tool to convey an idea, to express our mind and also to make
social interaction with the other people, Goldstein says that “Language is tool of
communication that use sounds and symbols to express the feelings, thoughts,
ideas, and experiences.” Communication system using sounds and symbols allows
us to connect express feelings,thoughts, ideas, and experience. Then, what is
interpreted as an inner language the discussion of the acquisition of this language
is the sound or symbol used to communicate. As we know in the linguistic
context, it was learned the study of language acquisition such as the first language
acquisition, second language acquisition and also foreign language acquisition
which has a different method in the process mastery of language. The first
language acquisition in the children is the first process and produce to mastery
language in the human, as for one of a factor which influence language acquisition
in the children is mother tongue. The use of language and communication in the
children as the one of in the language acquisition, but it also cannot be separated
from the role of parents. Schutz (2006) who says that language acquisition “ the
product of a subconscious process very similar to the process children undergo
when they acquire their first language it means we can conclude the result of an
unconscious process that resembles the process experienced by children when
they acquire their first language. In other words, language acquisition or language
acquisition is an unconscious process experienced by children in their first
language acquisition.
For years it was thought that teaching foreign languages to children as young
as three was futile. Research findings indicate quite the opposite. There are
incredible psychological benefits of learning another language. These benefits
extend way beyond being able to order a cup of tea abroad. Longitudinal studies
by Harvard University confirm that learning additional languages increases
critical thinking skills, creativity and flexibility of the mind in young children.
Pupils who learn a foreign language outscore their non-foreign language learning
peers in verbal and maths standardized tests,indicating that learning additional
language is a cognitive activity not just a linguistic one. The brain, like any
muscle, functions better with exercise. Learning a language involves memorizing
rules and vocabulary, which helps strengthen that mental muscle.Simply, the
younger the learner, the better they are at mimicking new sounds and adopting
pronunciation. The brain is open to new sounds and patterns in preadolescence. At
this age, young children have time to learn through playlike activities. Language
lessons can be informal and children‘s minds are not yet cluttered with facts to be
stored and tested. Before children become selfconscious they can try out their
newly acquired languages without fear of embarrassment. children who grow up
learning about languages develop empathy for others and a curiosity for different
cultures and ideas; prepared to take their place in a global society. Furthermore, in
later years, career opportunities increase for those with additional languages to
1.2 Research Problem
From the description of the title, it can be drawn a problem that is focused on
language acquisition for second language learners in themselves. The formulation
of the problem for the research above is as follows:
1. How is language acquisition (Second Language Acquisition) for students?
2. What strategies are used in acquiring a second language?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of second language acquisition for

1.3 Research Objective

This study aims to determine how students acquire mastery of a second

language and in this study the authors used qualitative methods to analyze
students’ mastery of a second language.
1.4 Benefit of Research / Research Significance
The benefit of learning a second language is that students have higher skills
and improve learning outcomes. The positive cognitive effects of learning to
speak a second language can train the brain to analyze and process different
linguistic structures. Learning a foreign language improves memory and increases
attention span.

1.5 Definition of Key Terms

 Secound Language Acquisition, study of how a learner learns another
language after he acquires his mother tongue.
 Children, people who are going to learn a second language.

1.6 Research Hypothesis

As previously explained that this hypothesis refers to how the second language
as a system acquired or learned. Acquired system implies that the language that is
mastered through the following process conscious (subconscious mind). In his
book entitled “Principles” and Practice in Second Language Acquisition”,
acquisition is an unconscious process “Acquisition is a subconscious process.
More specifically, Krashen explains that, the learner will not realize that he is
learning a language, they only realize that they are communicating. Short words,
language acquisition that occurs when the learner communicates and continues
communicate naturally / naturally, not focused on linguistic rules “not aware of
the rules”.meanwhile, the correction/evaluation also occurs automatically nature
according to the context. Furthermore, this language earning ability will not
increase with age or at puberty, “the ability to pick up the language doesnot
disappear at puberty” even though they are adults, acquisition is still very possible
to do and happen. The acquisition process will be very strong when applied as an
adult.Unlike before, the learned system (learning) contains the opposite meaning,
namely language mastered through a conscious process, this is agreed by Krashen,
he argues that the term learning refers to knowledg consciously “The term
(learning) henceforth to refer to conscious knowledge of second language”. In
other words, the language is mastered through formal processes and conditioning,
such as learn in classes, courses etc. By knowing the rules of language,synonyms,
and learning contextually. The correction occurs by doing exercises and
habituation. The things that have been mentioned earlier, will be useful for
students as sensors their utterances before producing words. Acquisition process
as convincing language learning process, because according to him the meaning
the essence of learning a language is the learner’s ability to communicate the
target language, and the acquisition of excellent communication.

1.7 Writing Organisation

1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Problem
1.3 Research Objectives
1.4 Benefits of Research/Research Significance
1.5 Definition of Key Terms
1.6 Research Hypothesis
1.7 Writing Organization
3.1 Research methods, designs and approaches
3.2 Research procedures
3.3 Research setting and participant
3.4 Data collection and technique
3.5 Data analysis technique

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