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interrupt the prescriptive period

BAR QUESTIONS not exceeding 60 days
Danielle, a Filipino citizen and
Katarungang Pambarangay Law permanent resident of Milan, Italy, filed
(P.D. No. 1508; R.A. 7610, as with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
amended) Davao City, where she owns a rest
house, a complaint for ejectment
against Dan, a resident of Barangay
Under the Katarungan Pambarangay
rules, the execution of an amicable Daliao, Davao City. Danielle’s property,
settlement or arbitration award is which is located in Digos City, Davao
del Sur, has an assessed value of PhP
started by filing a motion for
execution with the Punong 25,000. Appended to the complaint
was Danielle’s certification on non-
Barangay, who may issue a notice
of execution in the name of the forum shopping executed in Davao
Lupon Tagapamayapa. Execution City duly notarized by Atty. Dane
Danoza, a notary public. (2018 BAR)
itself, however, will be done by:
(2012 BAR)
a. a court-appointed sheriff. (a) Was there a need to refer the case
b. any Barangay Kagawad. to the Lupong Tagapamayapa for
prior barangay conciliation before
c. Punong Barangay.
the court can take cognizance of
d. any member of the Pangkat ng
the case? (2.5%)

The filing of a complaint with the
(a) No. Since Danielle is not an actual
Punong Barangay involving cases
resident of Barangay Daliao, or a
covered by the Katarungang
barangay adjacent thereto, this case
Pambarangay Rules shall: (2012
is not subject to the Katarungang
Pambarangay Law; hence, prior
a. not interrupt any prescriptive
referral to the Lupong Tagamayapa is
not a pre-condition to the filing of this
b. interrupt the prescriptive period for case in court (Pascual v. Pascual,
90 days. G.R. No. 157830, 17 November
c. interrupt the prescriptive period for 2005).
60 days.

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(b) Was the action properly instituted sustained a lacerated wound on the
before the RTC of Davao City? (2.5%) head that required medical attendance
for 10 days.
(b) No. Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 vests Tony was charged with child abuse in
the Municipal Trial Court with the violation of Sec. 10(a), in relation to
exclusive jurisdiction over unlawful Sec. 3(b)(2), of R.A. 7610 (Child Abuse
detainer cases, regardless of the Law) for allegedly doing an “act by
assessed value of the property; hence, deeds or words which debases,
the action was wrongfully instituted with degrades or demeans the intrinsic
the RTC. worth and dignity of a child as a
human being.” In his defense, Tony
contended that he had no intention to
Special Protection of Children
maltreat Juanito, much less to
Against Child Abuse,
degrade his intrinsic worth and dignity
Exploitation and Discrimination as a human being. (2017 BAR)
Act (R.A. No. 7610, as amended)
(b) Was Tony criminally liable for child
To n i t o , a n 8 - y e a r - o l d b o y, w a s abuse under R.A.7610? Explain your
watching a free concert at the Luneta answer. (3%)
Park with his father Tony. The child
stood on a chair to be able to see the SUGGESTED ANSWER :
performers on the stage. Juanito, a 10-
(b) Tony laid hands on Juanito without
year-old boy, who was also watching
intent to debase the intrinsic worth and
the concert, could not see much of the
dignity” of Juanito as a human being, or
performance on the stage because
that he had thereby intended to humiliate
Tonito was blocking his line of sight
or embarrass Juanito. It appears that the
by standing on the chair. Using his
laying of hands on Juanito have been
elbow, Juanito strongly shoved Tonito
done at the spur of the moment, and in
to get a good view of the stage. The
anger, indicative of his being then
shove caused Tonito to fall to the
overwhelmed by his fatherly concern for
ground. Seeing this, Tony struck
the personal safety of his own minor son,
Juanito on the head with his hand and
Tonito, who fell to the ground due to the
caused the boy to fall and hit his head
shoving by Juanito. With the loss of his
on a chair. Tony also wanted to
self-control, he lacked that specific intent
strangle Juanito but the latter’s aunt
to debase, degrade or demean the
prevented him from doing so. Juanito

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intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a sauna or massage parlor, beach and/or
human being that was so essential in the other tourist resort or similar places is
crime of child abuse; hence, the crime liable for child abuse.
committed is only slight physical injuries. Arnold is not liable for the charge. To be
(Bongalon y People, G.R. No. 169533, held liable under Section 10 (6) of RA No.
March 20, 2013) 7610, it is indispensable that the child in
the company of the offender must be 12
Arnold, 25 years of age, was sitting on years or under or who in 10 years or
a bench in Luneta Park watching the more his junior in a public place. In this
statue of Jose Rizal when, without his case, Leilani is 17 years of age, and only
permission, Leilani, 17 years of age, 8 years younger than Arnold.
sat beside him and asked for financial Moreover, Leilani sat beside Arnold
assistance, allegedly for payment of without his permission, hence, he is not in
her tuition fee, in exchange for sex. the company of a child in a public place.
While they were conversing, police Lastly, applying the episdem generis
operatives arrested and charged him principle, Arnold is not liable for child
with violation of Section 10 of RA 7610 abuse because Luneta is not a place
(Special Protection of Children against similar to hotel, motel, beer joint,
Child Abuse, Exploitation and discotheque, cabaret, pension house,
Discrimination Act), accusing him of sauna or massage parlor, beach and/or
having in his company a minor, who is other tourist resort.
not related to him, in a public place. It
was established that Arnold was not in Braulio invited lulu, his I l-year old
the performance of a sociai, moral and stepdaughter; inside the master.
legal duty at that time. (2016 BAR) bedroom. He pulled out a knife and
Is Arnold liable for the charge? threatened her with harm unless she
Explain. (5%). submitted to his desires. He was
touching her chest and sex organ
SUGGESTED ANSWER when his wife caught him in the act.
No, Arnold is not liable. Under Section 10 The prosecutor is unsure whether to
of RA No. 7610, any person who shall charge Braulio for acts of
keep or have in his company a minor, lasciviousness under Art. 336 of the
twelve (12) years or under or who in ten RPC; for lasciv ious conduct under RA
(10) years or more his junior in any public 7610 (Special Protection against Child
or private place, hotel, motel, beer joint, Abuse, Exploitation and
discotheque, cabaret, pension house, Discrimination Act); or for rape under

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Art. 266-A of the RPC. What is the RA No. 7610 (Amployo v. People, G.R.
crime committed? Explain. (5%) (2016 No. 157718, April 26, 2005). Under
BAR) Section 5 (6) of RA No: 7610, when the
victim (child subjected to sexual abuse) is
SUGGESTED ANSWER: under 12 years of age, the perpetrators
sh a l l b e p r o se c u te d ( fo r a cts o f
The acts of Braulio of touching the chest
lasciviousness) under Article 336 of the
and sex organ of Lulu, who is under 12
Revised Penal Code: Provided, That the
years of age, are merely acts of
penalty for lascivious conduct when the
lasciviousness and not attempted rape
victim is under 12 years of age shall be
because intent to have sexual intercourse
reclusion temporal in its medium period.
is not clearly shown (People v. Banzuela,
G.R. No. 202060, December 11, 2013).
To be held liable of attempted rape, it With a promise of reward, Robert
must be shown that the erectile penis is asked Romy to bring him a young girl
in the position to penetrate (Cruz v. that he (Robert) can have carnal
People, G.R. No. 166441, October 8, knowledge with. Romy agreed, seized
2014) or the offender actually an eight-year old girl and brought her
commenced to force his penis into the to Robert. After receiving his reward,
v i c t i m ’s s e x u a l o r g a n ( P e o p l e v. Romy left while Robert proceeded to
Banzuela, supra). have carnal knowledge with the girl.
The same acts of touching the chest and (2018 BAR)
sex organ of Lulu under psychological
coercion or influence of her stepfather, (a) For what felony may Robert and
Braulio, constitutes sexual abuse under Romy be charged? (2.5%)
Section 5 (b) of RA No. 7610 (People v.
Opiana, G.R. No. 133922, February 12, SUGGESTED ANSWER:
2001), Robert may be charged with the crime of
Since the requisites for acts of Child Prostitution or other sexual abuse
lasciviousness under Article 336 of the under Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610 (the
Revised Penal Code are met, in addition Special Protection of Children Against
to the requisites for sexual abuse under Child Abuse, Exploitation and
Section 5 of RA No. 7610, and the victim Discrimination Act) by having sexual
is under 12 years of age, Braulio shall be intercourse with a child exploited in
prosecuted for acts of lasciviousness prostitution. Because the victim was
under Revised Penal Code but the under 12 years of age, (in this case, 8
penalty imposable is that prescribed by years), Robert shall be prosecuted under

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Article 266-A and 266-B of the Revised One morning, Reymart, a 7-year old
Penal Code. Romy, on the other hand, pupil, cried loudly and complained to
may be charged with the crime of Child Mrs. Robinson that Richard had boxed
Prostitution or other sexual abuse under him on the ear. Confronted by Mrs.
Section 5(a) of R.A. No. 7610 by acting Robinson about Reymart's accusation,
as procurer of a child prostitute. Richard sheepishly admitted the same.
Because of this, Mrs. Robinson
(b) Will your answer in (a) be the same ordered Richard to lie face down on a
if the victim is a 15-year old lass who desk during class. After Richard
was enticed, through cunning and obliged, Mrs. Robinson hit him ten (10)
deceit of Romy, to voluntarily go to the times on the legs with a ruler and
house of Robert where the latter pinched his ears. Richard ran home
subsequently had carnal knowledge and reported to his mother what he
with her? (2.5%) had suffered at the hands of Mrs.
Robinson. When Richard's parents
went to Mrs. Robinson to complain,
she interposed the defense that she
Yes. R.A. No. 7610 covers sexual abuse
merely performed her duty as a
committed against a child or children
teacher to discipline erring pupils.
below eighteen (18) years of age.
Richard's parents ask your advice on
Children, who for money, profit or any
what actions can be instituted against
other consideration due to the coercion or
Mrs. Robinson for acts committed on
influence of any adult, syndicate or group,
their minor child. (2018 BAR)
indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious
conduct, are deemed to be children
exploited in prostitution and other sexual May Mrs. Robinson be charged with
abuse. Robert and Romy may be child abuse OR slight physical
prosecuted under the said law. injuries? (2.5%)

Mrs. Robinson is a teacher at an ANSWER:

elementary school. In one of her Yes, Mrs. Robinson can be charged with
classes, she found, to her either child abuse under R.A. 7610 R.A.
consternation, that an 8-year old 7610 or slight physical injuries if the
Richard was always the cause of injuries inflicted constitute slight physical
distraction, as he was fond of bullying injuries.
classmates smaller in size than him.
(Sec. 10 of R.A. 7610 provides:

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Any person who shall commit any of the same law provides that if the
other acts of child penalty imposed is life
abuse, cruelty or exploitation or be imprisonment to death on minor
responsible for other conditions offenders, the penalty shall be
prejudicial to the child’s development reclusion perpetua to death. Under
including those covered by Art. 59 of P.D. R.A. 9344, a minor offender is
603 but not covered by the Revised entitled to a privileged mitigating
Penal Code shall suffer the penalty of circumstance. (2014 BAR)
prision mayor”. (A) May the privileged mitigating
circumstance of minority be
In other words, Richard’s parents was appreciated considering that the
choose to prosecute Mrs. Robinson penalty imposed by law is life
under the Revised Penal Code or R.A. imprisonment and fine?
7610. I will advise them to consider R.A. (B) Is the Indeterminate Sentence
7610 as there was no showing of the Law applicable considering that
extent of the physical injuries inflicted. life imprisonment has no fixed
duration and the Dangerous
Drugs Law is malum prohibitum?
"Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of
(C) If the penalty imposed is more
than six (6) years and a notice
( Wa k u k i t a u g A n t i - S e x u a l of appeal was filed by A and
Harassment na Bar Question for given due course by the court,
2010-2018) may A still file an application for
The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs (D) If probation is not allowed by
Act of 2002 (R.A. No. 9165) the court, how will A serve his

A, a young boy aged sixteen (16)

at the time of the commission of ANSWER:
the crime, was convicted when he (A) Yes. As stated above, under
was already seventeen (17) years of Section 98, RA 9165, if the
age for violation of Section 11 of offender is a minor, the penalty of
R.A. 9165 or Illegal Possession of life imprisonment shall be
Dangerous Drugs for which the considered as reclusion perpetua.
imposable penalty is life Now that it has the nomenclature
imprisonment and a fine. Section 98 of penalties under the RPC, the

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modifying circumstances therein her sentence taking into account
may also be applied. Even if the best interest of the child. For
reclusion perpetua is a single this purpose, Section 4 of PD 968,
indivisible penalty, the privileged otherwise known as the Probation
mitigating circumstance of minority Law of 1976, is hereby amended
would still be considered to lower accordingly.” The phrase “at any
the imposable penalty. The rule in time” mentioned in Section 42
Article 63, RPC that if the penalty means that the child in conflict with
prescribed by law is a single the law may file an application for
indivisible penalty, it shall be probation at any time, even beyond
imposed regardless of mitigating the period for perfecting an appeal
and aggravating circumstance and even if the child has perfected
refers only to ordinary mitigating the appeal from the judgment of
circumstances. conviction.

(B) Yes. The Indeterminate Sentence (D) If probation is not allowed by the
Law is applicable even to special court, the minor offender shall
penal laws. Since life imprisonment serve his sentence in agricultural
was converted into reclusion camp or other training facility in
perpetua, which in turn was accordance with Section 51 of RA
graduated to reclusion temporal 9344 as amended.
because of the privileged mitigating
circumstance of minority, the Michael was 17 years old when he
Indeterminate Sentence Law is was charged for violation of Sec. 5
applicable. (People vs. Mantalaba, of R.A. 9165 (illegal sale of
GR 186227, July 20, 2011) prohibited drug). By the time he
was convicted and sentenced, he
(C) Yes. A may still file an application was already 21 years old. The court
for probation even if he filed a sentenced him to suffer an
notice of appeal. Section 42, RA indeterminate penalty of
9344 provides: “The court may, imprisonment of six (6) years and
after it shall have convicted and one (1) day of prision mayor, as
sentenced a child in conflict with minimum, to seventeen (17) years
the law, and upon application at and four (4) months of reclusion
any time, place the child on temporal, as maximum, and a fine
probation in lieu of service of his/ of P500,000. Michael applied for

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probation but his application was drug. When arrested, 15 grams of
denied because the probation law cocaine were found in his
does not apply to drug offenders backpack. What offense would you
under R.A. 9165. Michael then charge George under R.A. No. 9160
sought the suspension of his (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs
sentence under R.A. 9344 or the Act)? (2013 BAR)
Juvenile Justice and Youth Welfare
Code. Can Michael avail of the (A) Use of dangerous drug.
suspension of his sentence (B) Use and possession of dangerous
provided under this law? (2013 drugs.
(C) Possession of dangerous drugs.
(D) Importation of dangerous drugs.
(E) None of the above.
The benefits of a suspended sentence
can no longer apply to Michael. The
The Philippine Drug Enforcement
suspension of sentence lasts only until
Agency (PDEA) had intelligence
the law reaches the maximum age
reports about the drug pushing
and thus, could no longer be
activities of Rado, but could not
considered a child for purposes of
arresthim for lack of concrete
applying R.A. 9344. However, he shall
evidence. SP03 Relio, a PDEA team
be entitled to the right of restoration,
leader, approached Emilo and
rehabilitation and reintegration in
requested him to act as poseur-
accordance with the law to give him
buyer of shabu and transact with
the chance to live a normal life and
Rado. Emilo refused, saying that he
become a productive member of the
had completely been rehabilitated
community. Accordingly, Michael may
and did not want to have anything
be confined in an agricultural camp
to do with drugs anymore. But he
and other training facility in accordance
was prevailed upon to help when
with Sec. 51 of R.A. 9344 (People v.
SP03 Relio explained that only he
Jacinto, G.R. No. 182239, March 16,
could help capture Rado because
he used to be his customer. SP03
Relio then gave Emilo the marked
George, the 20-year old son of a money to be used in buying shabu
rich politician, was arrested at the from Rado. The operation
NAIA arrival lounge and found proceeded. After Emilo handed the
positive for opium, a dangerous marked money to Rado in exchange

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for the sachets of shabu weighing b) May Rado adopt as his own
50 grams, and upon receiving the Emilo's defense? Explain.
pre-arranged signal from Ernilo,
SP03 Relio and his team members Answer:
barged in and arrested Rado and No. First, an entrapment operation is
Ernilo, who were both charged with a valid means of arresting violators of
violation of R.A. 9165, otherwise RA 9165. It is an effective way of
known as the Comprehensive apprehending law offenders in the act
Dangerous Drugs Act of2002. (2015 of committing a crime. In a buy-bust
BAR) operation, the idea to commit a crime
originates from the offender, without
a) What defense, if any, may anybody inducing or prodding him to
Ernilo invoke to free himself commit the offense. Second, the
from criminal liability? Explain. immunity does not extend to violators
of Section 5 of RA 9165 or the sale
Answer: of shabu (sec. 33, RA 9165). Lastly,
Ernilo may invoke Section 33, Art. II he was the offender of the crime and
of RA 9165 or the “Comprehensive apparently the most guilty of the
Drugs Act of 2002”. He may have offense.
violated Section 11 of RA 9165 for
possession of shabu but he is immune Dimas was arrested after a valid buy-
from prosecution and punishment bust operation. Macario, the
because of his role as the poseur- policeman who acted as poseur-buyer,
buyer in the entrapment operation. inventoried and photographed ten (10)
There was virtually instigation. He is sachets of shabu in the presence of a
exempted from prosecution or barangay tanod. The inventory was
punishment because the information signed by Macario and the tanod, but
obtained from him by the PDEA Dimas refused to sign. Aş Macario was
agents, who had no direct and stricken with flu the day after, he was
concrete evidence of Rado’s drug- able to surrender the sachets to the
pushing activities, led to the PNP Crime Laboratory only after four
whereabouts, identity and arrest of (4) days. During pre-trial, the counsel
Rado. So long as the information and de oficio of Dimas stipulated that the
testimony given are pleaded and substance contained in the sachets
proven, Ernilo cannot be prosecuted examined by the forensic chemist is in
for violation of RA 9165. fact methamphetamine hydrochloride

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or shabu. Dimas was convicted of recovered from the accused by the
violating Section 5 of RA 9165. On apprehending officer; second, the
appeal, Dimas questioned the turnover of the illegal drug seized by the
admissibility of the evidence because apprehending officer to the investigating
Macario failed to observe the requisite officer; third, the turnover by the
“chain of custody” of the alleged investigating officer of the illegal drug to
“shabu” seized from him. On behalf of the forensic chemist for laboratory
the State, the Solicitor General examination; and fourth, the turnover and
claimed that despite non-compliance submission of the marked illegal drug
with some requirements, the seized from the forensic chemist to the
prosecution was able to show that the court (People v. Kamad, G.R. No.
integrity of the substance was 174198, January 29, 2010)
preserved. Moreover, even with some To establish the first link in the chain of
deviations from the requirements, the custody, and that is the seizure of the
counsel of Dimas stipulated that the drug from the accused, the prosecution
substance seized from Dimas was must comply with Section 21 of RA No.
shabu so that the conviction should 9165, which requires that the
be affirmed. (2016 BAR) apprehending officer after the
confiscation of drug must immediately
(A) What is the “chain of custody” physically inventory and photograph the
requirement in drug offenses? same in the presence of the accused or
(2.5%) the person from whom such items were
confiscated, or his representative or
counsel, a representative from the media
and the Department of Justice (DOJ), and
(A) To establish the chain of custody, the
any elected public official who shall be
prosecution must show the movements of
required to sign the copies of the
the dangerous drugs from its confiscation
inventory and be given a copy thereof
up to its presentation in court. The
and within twenty-four (24) hours upon
purpose of establishing the chain of
such confiscation, the drug shall be
custody is to ensure the integrity of the
submitted to the.PDEA Forensic
corpus delicti (People v. Magat, G.R. No.
Laboratory for examination.
179939, September 29, 2008). The
following links that must be established in
the chain of custody in a buy-bust (B) Rule on the contention of the State.
situation are: first, the seizure and (2.5%)
marking, if practicable, of the illegal drug

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ANSWER: The contention of the State is house. Acting on the tip, the PNP
meritorious. Macario, the policeman failed station of the town formed a buy-bust
to comply with Section 21 of RA NO 9165 team with PO2 Masahol being
since the inventory and photograph of the designated the poseur buyer. During
drugs was only made in the presence of the buy bust operation Solito opened
barangay tanod and the same was not the trunk of the Toyota Innova to
submitted to the PNP Crime Laboratory retrieve the bag of marijuana to be
within 24 hours. The rule is settled that sold to PO2 Masahol. To cut the laces
failure to strictly comply with Section that he had tied the bag with, Solito
21(1), Article il of R.A. No. 9165 does not took out a swiss knife, but his doing
necessarily render an accused’s arrest so prompted PO2 Ma sahol to effect
illegal or the items seized or confiscated his immediate arrest out of fear that he
from him inadmissible. The most would attack him with the knife. PO2
important factor is the preservation of the Masahol then confiscated the bag of
integrity and evidentiary value of the marijuana as well as the Toyota
seized item. Moreover, the issue of non- Innova. (2017 BAR)
compliance with Section 21 of RA No.
9165 cannot be raised for the first time on (a) Two informations were filed against
appeal (People v. Badilla, G.R. No. Solito in the RTC-one for forcible
218578, August 31, 2016). abduction with rape, raffled to Branch
8 of the RTC; the other for illegal sale
Maita was the object of Solito’s avid of drugs, assigned to Branch 29 of the
sexual desires Solito had attempted RTC. Was Solito charged with the
many times to entice Maita to a date in proper offenses based on the
bed with him but Maita had circumstances? Explain your answer.
consistently refused, Fed up with all
her rejections, Solito abducted Maita ANSWER:
into a Toyota Innova and drove off (a) The charge of rape through forcible
with her to a green-painted house abduction is correct. The rule is
situated in a desolated part of the settled that if the main objective of the
town. There, Solito succeeded in accused is to rape the victim, the
having carnal knowledge of Maita crime committed is rape even if he
against her will.” abducted her forcefully. Forcible
Meanwhile, the police authorities were abduction is absorbed. The doctrine
tipped off that at 11:30 p.m. on that of absorption rather than Article 48 of
same night Solito would be selling RPC is applicable since forcible
marijuana outside the green-painted

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abduction is an indispensable means delivery of the dangerous drugs to
to commit rape (People A Mejoraday, the poseur buyer for a
GR No. 102705, July 30, 1993; consideration. Since in this case
People 1, Almanzor, G.R. No. Solito has not yet delivered the
124916, July 11, 2002; People v. marijuana to PO2 Masahol when
Sabúdlab, G.R. No. 175924, March the latter apprehended the former,
14, 2012). If forcible abduction, the crime committed is not sale of
however, is a necessary means to dangerous drugs but attempted
commit rape, this is a complex crime sale of dangerous drugs. In People
proper under Article 48 of RPC v. Figueroa (G.R. No. 186141, April
(People . Jose G.R. No:L-28232, 11, 2012), where the sale was
February 6, 1971, People v Buhos, aborted when the police officers
G.R. No. L-4099, June 25, 1980; immediately placed accused under
People v. Tami, G.R. Nos. 101801-03, arrest, the crime committed is
May 02, 1995). Where the victim was attempted sale.
abducted with lewd design and
brought to a house (People v. (b) W h i l e t h e P r o s e c u t i o n w a s
Magdaraog, G.R. No. L-40988, April presenting its evidence in Branch
15, 1988; People v. Buhos, G.R. No. 29, Branch 8 convicted Solito.
L-40995, June 25, 1980, Ex Banc, Immediately after the judgment of
People v. Velasquez, G.R. No. conviction was promulgated, Solito
137383-84, November 23, 2000) in a filed in both Branches a motion for
desolated place e.g. uninhabited the release of the Toyota Innova.
grassy upland (People v. Caraang, He argued and proved that he had
G.R. Nos. 148424-27, December 11, only borrowed the vehicle from his
2003) or forest (People v. De Lara, brother, the registered owner.
GR No. 124703, June 27, 2000) Branch 8 granted the motion but
where she was raped, forcible Branch 29 denied it. Were the two
abduction should be treated as a courts correct in their rulings?
necessary means to commit rape, Explain your answer. (5%)
and thus, the crime committed is a
complex crime of rape through
forcible abduction under Art. 48 of the
Yes. The two courts were correct in their
Revised Penal Code. The charge of
rulings. The applicable provisions of law
sale of dangerous drugs is
are Article 45 of the Revised Penal Code
improper, since this crime is
and Section 20 of R.A. No. 9165. Under
consummated only upon the

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Article 45 of the Revised Penal Code, Trial Court, no property or income derived
every penalty imposed for the from the unlawful sale of any dangerous
commission of a felony shall include the drug), which may be confiscated and
forfeiture of the instruments or tools with forfeited, shall be disposed, alienated or
which the crime was committed, unless transferred and the same shall be in
they be the property of a third person not custodia legis and no bond shall be
liable for the offense. The Supreme Court admitted for the release of the same.”
ruled that the return of the instrument or The Supreme Court ruled that it is
tools to its owner cannot be prevented premature to release the car used in the
unless said owner is charged with the sale of dangerous drugs while the trial is
offense for which said instrument or tool still ongoing The Supreme Court
was used (PDEA v. Brodett, G.R. No. explained that the status of the car for the
196390, September 28, 2011, citing duration of the trial in the RTC as being in
People v. Jose, G.R. No. L-28232, custodia legis is primarily intended to
February 6, 1971). The Supreme Court preserve it as evidence and to ensure its
further held that the forfeiture of said availability as such. (PDEA v. Brodeti,
instrument or tools, if warranted, would supra)
be part of the penalty prescribed (PDEA
v. B r o d e t t , s u p r a ) . H e n c e , t h e The RTC Branch 29, thus was correct in
determination of whether it will be denying Solito’s motion… to release the
forfeited could be made only when Toyota Innova considering that the trial
judgment is rendered. for illegal sale of drugs is still ongoing.

In this case, the RTC Branch 8 already G Robin and Rowell are best friends
rendered a judgment of conviction and have been classmates since grade
against Solito. Solito was able to prove school. When the boys graduated from
that the car belonged to his brother who high school, their parents gifted them
was not charged with forcible abduction with a trip to Amsterdam, all expenses
with rape hence, it was correct for the paid. At age 16, this was their first
RTC Branch & to order the release of the European trip. Thrilled with a sense of
Toyota Innova to his brother who is not freedom, they decided to try what
liable for the offense. Amsterdam was known for. One night,
they scampered out of their hotel
On the other hand, Section 20 of R.A. No. room, went to the De Wallen, better
9165 states in part, “[d]uring the known as the Red-light District of
pendency of the case in the Regional Amsterdam. There, they went to a

Legal Counseling Page 13 of 33 cmii

"coffee shop" which sells only drinks Amsterdam photos on Facebook.
and various items made from opium (2018 BAR)
poppy, cannabis, and marijuana, all of
which are legal in Amsterdam. They a) Can Robin and Rowell be
represented themselves to be of age, prosecuted for use of dangerous
and were served, and took shots of, drugs for their one-night use of these
cannabis and marijuana products. products in Amsterdam? (2.5%)
They indulged in these products the
whole night, even if it was their first
time to try them.
Robin and Rowell cannot be prosecuted
Before returning to Manila, they
by Philippine courts, because they did not
bought a dozen lollipops laced with
use the dangerous drug within its
cannabis, as souvenir and
t e r r i t o r y, u n d e r t h e p r i n c i p l e o f
"pasalubong" for their friends. They
were accosted at the Manila
International Airport and were charged
with importation of dangerous drugs b) Can they be prosecuted for
importation of dangerous drugs?
under the Comprehensive Dangerous
Drugs Act of 2002. They were also (2.5%)
charged with use of dangerous drugs
after pictures of them in the "coffee SUGGESTED ANSWER:
shop" in Amsterdam were posted on They can be prosecuted for importation of
Facebook, showing them smoking and dangerous drugs under RA
taking shots of a whole menu of 9165, which provides:
cannabis and marijuana products.
Their own captions on their Facebook
“Section 4. Importation of Dangerous
posts clearly admitted that they were Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and
using the dangerous products. The
Essential Chemicals.- .The penalty of life
pictures were posted by them through
imprisonment to death and a ranging
Private Messenger (PM) only for their from Five hundred thousand pesos
close friends, but Roccino, the older
(P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos
brother of one of their best friends, (P10,000,000.00) shall be imposed upon
was able to get hold of his younger
any person, who, unless authorized by
brother's password, and without
law, shall import or bring into the
authority from his brother, accessed Philippines any dangerous drug,
his PM and shared Robin and Rowell's
regardless of the quantity and purity

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involved, including any and all species of needs of their three (3) growing
opium poppy or any part thereof or children. Many times, when Mr. B
substances derived therefrom even for was drunk, he would beat Ms. A
floral, decorative and culinary purposes”. and their three (3) children, and
shout invectives against them. In
c) If found liable under either (a) or (b) fact, in one of the beating incidents,
above, what is the penalty that may be Ms. A suffered a deep stab wound
imposed on them? (2.5%) on her tummy that required a
prolonged stay in the hospital. Due
to the beatings and verbal abuses
committed against her, she
If found guilty, they will be exempt from
consulted a psychologist several
criminal liability, because they are minors
times, as she was slowly beginning
(16 years old), as provided in Chapter 2,
to lose her mind. One night, when
section 6 of RA 9344 ("Juvenile Justice
Mr. B arrived dead drunk, he
and Welfare Act of 2006"), to wit:
suddenly stabbed Ms. A several
“A child above fifteen (15) years but times while shouting invectives
below eighteen (18) years of age shall against her. Defending herself from
likewise be exempt from criminal liability the attack, Ms. A grappled for the
and be subjected to an intervention possession of a knife and she
program, unless he/she has acted with succeeded. She then stabbed Mr. B
discernment, in which case, such child several times which caused his
shall be subjected to the appropriate instantaneous death. Medico-Legal
proceedings in accordance with this Act”. Report showed that the husband
suffered three (3) stab wounds. Can
Anti-Violence Against Women Ms. A validly put up a defense?
and Their Children Act of 2004 Explain. (2014, 2010)
(R.A. No.9262)

Ms. A had been married to Mr. B Yes, Ms. A can put up the defense of
for 10 years. Since their marriage, battered woman syndrome. It appears
Mr. B had been jobless and a that she is suffering from physical and
drunkard, preferring to stay with his psychological or emotional distress
"barkadas" until the wee hours of resulting from cumulative abuse by her
the morning. Ms. A was the husband. Under Sec. 3 of R.A. 9262,
breadwinner and attended to the “victim survivors who are found by
courts to be suffering from battered

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woman syndrome do not incur any Dion and Talia were spouses. Dion
criminal and civil liability always came home drunk since he
notwithstanding the absence of any of lost his job a couple of months
the elements for justifying ago. Talia had gotten used to the
circumstances of self defense under verbal abuse from Dion. One night,
the RPC.” in addition to the usual verbal
abuse, Dion beat up Talia. The next
The husband has for a long time morning, Dion saw the injury that
physically and mentally tortured his he had inflicted upon Talia and
wife. After one episode of beating, promised her that he would stop
the wife took the husband’s gun drinking and never beat her again.
and shot him dead. Under the However, Dion did not make good
circumstances, her act constitutes on his promise. Just after one
(2011 BAR) week, he started drinking again.
Talia once more endured the usual
verbal abuse. Afraid that he might
(A) mitigating vindication of grave
beat her up again, Talia stabbed
Dion with a kitchen knife while he
(B) battered woman syndrome, a
was passed out from imbibing too
complete self-defense.
much alcohol. Talia was charged
(C) incomplete self-defense. with the crime of parricide. (2015
(D) mitigating passion and obfuscation. BAR)

A battered woman claiming self- May Talia invoke the defense of

defense under the Anti-Violence Battered Woman Syndrome to free
against Women and Children must herself from criminal liability?
prove that the final acute battering
episode was preceded by (2011
No, a single act of battery or physical
harm committed by Dion against Talia
(A) 3 battering episodes. resulting to the physical and
(B) 4 battering episodes. psychological or emotional distress on
(C) 5 battering episodes. her part is not sufficient to avail of the
(D) 2 battering episodes benefit of the justifying circumstance
of “Battered Woman Syndrome”. The
defense of Battered Woman Syndrome

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can be invoked if the woman with Jack and Jill have been married for
marital relationship with the victim is seven years. One night, Jack came
subjected to cumulative abuse or home drunk. Finding no food on
battery involving the infliction of the table, Jack started hitting Jill
physical harm resulting to the physical only to apologize the following day.
and psychological or emotional A week later, the same episode
distress. Cumulative means resulting occurred - Jack came home drunk
from successive addition. In sum, and started hitting Jill. Fearing for
there must be “at least two battering her life, Jill left and stayed with
episodes” between the accused and her sister. To woo Jill back, Jack
her intimate partner and such final sent her floral arrangements of
episode produced in the battered spotted lilies and confectioneries.
person’s mind an actual fear of an Two days later, Jill returned home
imminent harm from her batterer and and decided to give Jack another
an honest belief that she needed to chance. After several days, however,
use force in order to save her life Jack again came home drunk. The
(People v. Genosa, G.R. No. 135981, following day, he was found dead.
January 15, 2004). Jill was charged with parricide but
raised the defense of "battered
b) Will your answer be the same, woman syndrome." A.
assuming that Talia killed Dion after
being beaten up after a second Define "Battered Woman Syndrome?
time? Explain. (2%) (2010 Bar Question)


Yes, Talia can invoke the defense of "Battered Woman Syndrome" refers to
Battered Woman Syndrome to free a scientifically defined pattern of
herself from criminal liability for killing psychological and behavioral symptoms
her husband since she suffered found in women living in battering
physical and emotional distress arising relationships as a result of cumulative
from cumulative abuse or battery. abuse (Section 31dj, Rep. Act No.
Under Section 26 of RA 9262, victim 9262).
survivors of Battered Woman
Syndrome do not incur any criminal or What are the three phases of the
civil liability despite the absence of the "Battered Woman Syndrome"? (3%)
requisites of self-defense. (2010 Bar Question)

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SUGGESTED ANSWER: leave the conjugal dwelling. During
The three (3) phases of the "Battered these times of quiet, Romeo would
Woman Syndrome" are: (1) the “court” Julia with flowers and
tensionbuilding phase; (2) the acute chocolate and convince her to return
battering incident; and (3) the tranquil, home, telling her that he could not live
loving, or nonviolent phase (People v. without her; or Romeo would ask Julia
Genosa, G.R. No. 135981, January to forgive him, which she did,
15, 2004). believing that it she humbled herself,
Romeo would change: After a month
of marital bliss, Romeo would return
Would the defense prosper despite
to his drinking habit and the quarrel
the absence of any of the elements
would start 7 again; verbally at first,
for justifying circumstances of self-
until it would escalate to physical
defense under the Revised Penal
violence. One night, Romeo came
Code? Explain. (2%) (2010 Bar
home drunk and went straight to bed.
Fearing the onset of another violent
fight, Julia stabbed Romeo while he
was asleep. A week later, their
Yes. Section 26 of Rep. Act No. 9262 neighbors discovered Romeo’s rotting
provides that victim-survivors who are corpse on the marital bed. Julia and
found by the courts to be suffering the children were nowhere to be
from battered woman syndrome do found. Julia was charged with
not incur any criminal and civil liability parricide. She asserted “battered
notwithstanding the absence of any of woman’s syndrome” as her defense.
the elements for justifying (2016 BAR)
circumstances of self-defense under
the Revised Penal Code.
a) Explain the “cycle of
violence.” (2.5%)
Romeo and Julia have been married
for twelve (12) years and had two (2)
children. The first few years of their
The battered woman syndrome is
m a r r i a g e w e n t a l o n g s m o o t h l y.
characterized by the so-called “cycle of
However, on the fifth year onwards,
violence,” which has three phases: (1) the
they would often quarrel when Romeo
tension-building phase; (2) the acute
comes home drunk. The quarrels
battering incident; and (3) the tranquil,
became increasingly violent, marked
loving (or, at least, nonviolent) phase.
by quiet periods when Júlla would

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During the tension-building phase, minor relationship with the victim is subjected to
battering occurs-it could be verbal or cumulative abuse or battery involving the
slight physical abuse or another form of infliction of physical harm resulting to the
hostile behavior. The woman tries to physical and psychological or emotional
pacify the batterer through a kind, distress. Cumulative means resulting
nurturing behavior; or by simply staying from successive addition. In sum, there
out of his way. The acute battering must be “at least two battering episodes”
incident is characterized by brutality, between the accused and her intimate
destructiveness and, sometimes, death. partner and such final episode produced
The battered woman deems this incident in the battered person’s mind an actual
as unpredictable, yet also inevitable. fear of an imminent harm from her
During this phase, she has no control; batterer and an honest belief that she
only the batterer may put an end to the needed to use force in order to save her
violence. The final phase of the cycle of life (People v. Genosa, G.R. No. 135981,
violence begins when the acute battering January 15, 2004). In this case, because
incident ends. During this tranquil period, of the battering episodes, Julia, feared
the couple experience profound relief. the onset of another violent fight and
honestly believed the need to defend
b) Is Julia’s “battered woman’s herself even if Romeo had not
syndrome” defense meritorious? commenced an unlawful aggression.
Explain. (2.5%) Even in the absence of unlawful
aggression, however, Battered Woman
Syndrome is a defense. Under Section 27
of RA No. 9262, Battered Woman
Yes. Under Section 3 (c) of RA NO. 9262,
Syndrome is a defense notwithstanding
“Battered Woman Syndrome” refers to a
the absence of any of the elements for
scientifically defined pattern of
justifying circumstances of self-defense
psychological and behavioral symptoms
under the Revised Penal Code such as
found in women living in battering
unlawful aggression (Section 26 of RA
relationships as a result of “cumulative
No. 9262).
abuse”. Under Section 3 (b), “Battery”
refers to an act of inflicting physical harm
For the past five years, Ruben and
upon the woman or her child resulting in
Rorie had been living together as
physical and psychological or emotional
husband and wife without the benefit
distress (Section 3). In sum, the defense
of marriage. Initially, they had a happy
of Battered Woman Syndrome can be
relationship which was blessed with a
invoked if the woman in marital
daughter, Rona, who was born on

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March 1, 2014. However, the partners' ANSWER:
relationship became sour when Ruben For beating and humiliating Rorie, such
began indulging in vices, such as acts violate Ra 9262, known as the "Anti-
women and alcohol, causing frequent Violence Against Women and Their
arguments between them. Their Children Act of 2004,” particularly section
relationship got worse when, even for 3 (a) thereof under "Physical Violence"
slight mistakes, Ruben would lay his referring to acts that include bodily or
hands on Rorie. One day, a tipsy physical harm against a woman with
Ruben barged into their house and, for whom the person has or had a sexual or
no reason, repeatedly punched Rorie dating relationship.
in the stomach. To avoid further harm,
Rorie ran out of the house. But Ruben (b) For withdrawing support for Rona?
pursued her and stripped her naked in (2.5%)
full view of their neighbors; and then
he vanished.
Ten days later, Ruben came back to
For withdrawing support for Rona, such
Rorie and pleaded for forgiveness.
act is a violation of RA 9262, section 3
However, Rorie expressed her wish to
(d), which reads:
live separately from Ruben and asked
"Economic abuse" refers to acts that
him to continue providing financial
support for their daughter Rona. At make or attempt to make a woman
financially dependent which includes, but
that time, Ruben
is not limited to the following:
was earning enough to support a
family. He threatened to withdraw the 1. Withdrawal of financial support or
preventing the victim from engaging in
support he was giving to Rona unless
Rorie would agree to live with him any legitimate profession, occupation,
business or activity, except in cases
again. But Rorie was steadfast in
refusing to live with Ruben again, and wherein the other spouse/partner objects
insisted on her demand for support for on valid, serious and moral grounds as
defined in Article 73 of the Family Code;
Rona. As the ex-lovers could not reach
an agreement, no further support was
given by Ruben. ARREST
What crimes did Ruben commit:
As Cicero was walking down a
(a) For beating and humiliating Rorie? dark alley one midnight, he saw an
(2.5%) "owner-type jeepney" approaching

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him. Sensing that the occupants of correspondingly, the search and
the vehicle were up to no good, he seizure of the shabu and the
darted into a corner and ran. The concealed knife may be regarded as
occupants of the vehicle- elements incident to a lawful arrest.
from the Western Police District -
gave chase and apprehended him. The In a criminal case for violation of a
police apprehended Cicero, frisked city ordinance, the court may issue
him and found a sachet of 0.09 a warrant of arrest: (2012 BAR)
gram of shabu tucked in his waist
and a Swiss knife in his secret
a. for failure of the accused to
pocket, and detained him thereafter.
submit his counter-affidavit.
Is the arrest and body-search legal?
b. after finding probable cause
(3%) (2010 Bar Question)
against the accused.
c. for failure of the accused to post
The arrest and body-search was legal.
d. for non-appearance in court
Cicero appears to be alone "walking
whenever required.
down a dark alley" and at midnight.
There appears probable cause for the
U n d e r S e c t i o n 5 , R u l e 11 3 a
policemen to check him, especially
when he darted into a corner warrantless arrest is allowed when an
offense has just been committed and
(presumably also dark) and run under
such circumstance. Although the arrest the peace officer has probable cause
came after the body-search where to believe, based on his personal
knowledge of facts or circumstances,
Cicero was found with shabu and a
Swiss knife, the body search is legal that the person to be arrested has
committed it. A policeman approaches
under the "Terry search" rule or the
"stop and frisk" rule. And because the you for advice and asks you how he
mere possession, with animus, of will execute a warrantless arrest
against a murderer who escaped after
dangerous drug (the shabu) is a
violation of the law (Rep. Act 9165), killing a person. The policeman arrived
two (2) hours after the killing and a
the suspect is in a continuing state of
committing a crime while he is certain Max was allegedly the killer per
illegally possessing the dangerous information given by a witness. He
asks you to clarify the following: (2016
drug, thus making the arrest
tantamount to an arrest in flagrante: BAR)
so the arrest is legal and

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A) How long after the commission of v. Court of Appeals (G.R. No. 101837,
the crime can he still execute the February 11, 1992), Supreme Court also
warrantless arrest? (2.5%) declared invalid a warrantless arrest
effected (6) days after the commission of
ANSWER: the crime.
In executing a warrantless arrest under
Section 5, Rule 113, the Supreme Court B) What does “personal knowledge of
held that the requirement that an offense the facts and circumstances that the
has just been committed means that person to be arrested committed it”
there must be a large measure of mean? (2.5%)
immediacy between the time the offense
was committed and the time of the arrest ANSWER:
(Joey M. Pestilos v. Moreno Generoso, The phrase “personal knowledge of the
G.R. No. 182601, November 10, 2014). If facts and circumstances that the person
there was an appreciable lapse of time to be arrested committed it” means that
between the arrest and the commission matters in relation to the supposed
of the crime, a warrant of arrest must be commission of the crime were within the
secured. In any case, personal actual perception, personal evaluation or
knowledge by the arresting officer is an observation of the police officer at the
indispensable requirement to the validity scene of the crime. Thus, even though
of a valid warrantless arrest. The exact the police officer has not seen someone
period varies on a case to case basis. In actually fleeing, he could still make a
People v. Gerente (G.R. Nos. 95847-48, warrantless arrest if, based on his
March 10, 1993), the Supreme Court personal evaluation of the circumstances
ruled that a warrantless arrest was validly at the scene of the crime, he could
executed upon therein accused three (3) determine the existence of probable
hours after the commission of the crime. cause that the person sought to be
In People v. Tonog, Jr. (G.R. No. 94533. arrested has committed the crime;
February 4, 1992), the Supreme Court however, the determination of probable
likewise upheld the valid warrantless cause and the gathering of facts or
arrest which was executed on the same circumstances should be made
day as the commission of the crime. immediately after the commission of the
However, in People v. Del Rosario (G.R. crime in order to comply with the element
No. 127755. April 14, 1999, 365 Phil. of immediacy.
292), the Supreme Court held that the
cantless arrest effected a day after the
commission of the crime is invalid. In Go

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The arresting officer’s determination of may make a valid warrantiess arrest in
probable cause under Section 5(b), Rule the fol lowing instances:
113 of the Revised Rules of Criminal 1. When, in his presence, the person to
Procedure is based on his personal be arrested has commit ted, is
knowledge of facts or circumstances that actually committing, or is attempting
the person sought to be arrested has to commit an offense;
committed the crime. These facts or 2. When an offense has just been
circumstances pertain to actual facts or committed, and he has probable
raw evidence, i.e., supported by cause to believe based on personal
circumstances sufficiently strong in knowledge of facts or circumstances
themselves to create the probable cause that the person to be arrested has
of guilt of the person to be arrested. A committed it; and
reasonable suspicion therefore must be 3. When the person to be arrested is a
founded on probable cause, coupled with prisoner who has escaped from a
good faith on the part of the peace penal establishment or place where
officers making the arrest. The probable he is serving final judgment or is
cause to justify warrantless arrest temporarily confined while his case is
ordinarily signifies a reasonable ground of pending, or has escaped while being
suspicion supported by circumstances transferred from one confinement to
sufficiently strong in themselves to another.
warrant a cautious man to believe that
the person accused is guilty of the
In a buy-bust operation, 30 kilos of
offense with which he is charged, or an
shabu were seized from Dave and
actual belief or reasonable ground of
Daryll. They were arrested and placed
suspicion, based on actual facts (Joey M.
on inquest before Prosecutor Danilo
Pestilos v. Moreno Generoso, G.R. No.
Doon who ordered their continued
182601, November 10, 2014).
detention. Thereafter, the information
for the sale and distribution of shabu
Give at least two instances when a was filed in court. When arraigned,
peace officer or a private person may Dave and Daryll pleaded not guilty to
make a valid warrantless arrest the charge. During pre-trial, counsel
(2%) (2017 BAR)\ for both of the accused raised, for the
first time, the illegality of the arrest.
SUGGESTED ANSWER The case proceeded to trial. After trial,
Under Section 5, Rule 113 of the Rules of the court scheduled the promulgation
Court; a peace officer or a private person of judgment with notice to both the

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accused and their counsel, Atty. the reasons for his absence during the
Dimayuga. During the promulgation, promulgation, within 15 days from the
only Dave and Atty. Dimayuga were date of promulgation of judgment.
present. Both the accused were As a rule, the accused who fails to
convicted of the crime charged. (2018 appear at the promulgation of the
BAR) judgment of conviction shall lose the
remedies available under the Rules of
(a) Was the challenge to the validity of Court against the judgment, such as the
the arrest timely raised? (2.5%) filing of: (a) a motion for new trial or
reconsideration; or (b) an appeal from the
judgment of conviction. The Rules of
Court, however, allow the accused to
No, the challenge to the validity of the
regain his standing in court to avail of
arrest was not timely
these remedies by: (a) his surrender; and
raised. As a rule, an accused may
(b) his filing of a motion for leave of court
question the validity of his arrest through
to avail of these remedies, stating therein
a motion to quash before he enters his or
the reasons for his absence within 15
her plea; otherwise, the objection is
days from the date of promulgation of
deemed waived, and an accused is
judgment (Villena v. People of the
estopped from questioning the legality of
Philippines, G.R. No. 184091, 31 January
his or her arrest (Veridiano v. People of
the Philippines, G.R. No. 200370, 7 June
Danjo, a stay-in gardener at the Dy
home in Quezon City, applied for
(b) What is the remedy available to
overseas employment in Riyadh as a
Daryll, if any, to be able to file an
flower arranger. After he left for
appeal? (2.5%)
abroad, Dino Dy, head of the family,
discovered that all his wristwatches
ANSWER: were missing. Dino followed Danjo’s
(b) In this case, Dave and Daryll Instagram account and in one instance
questioned the legality of their arrest only saw Danjo wearing his Rolex watch.
during pre-trial, after they were arraigned; He filed a complaint for qualified theft
hence, the challenge to the validity of the against Danjo with the Office of the
arrest was not timely raised. To be able to Prosecutor (OP), Quezon City. The
file an appeal, Daryll should: (a) subpoena with the affidavit-complaint
surrender, and (b) file a motion for leave was served on Denden, Danjo’s wife,
of court to file an appeal, stating therein at their house. No counter-affidavit

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was filed by Danjo who continued to the case if the evidence on record clearly
work in Riyadh. After conducting a fails to establish probable cause. If he
preliminary investigation, the OP finds probable cause, he shall issue a
found probable cause against Danjo warrant of arrest, or a commitment order
and subsequently filed the information if the accused has already been arrested
for qualified theft before the RTC of pursuant to a warrant issued by the judge
Quezon City. The court likewise found who conducted the preliminary
probable cause and issued in 2016 a investigation or when the complaint or
warrant for Danjo’s arrest. information was filed pursuant to section
Danjo was repatriated to the 7 of this Rule. In case of doubt on the
Philippines in 2018. While Danjo was existence of probable cause, the judge
lurking outside the Dys’ house, which may order the prosecutor to present
was only about 100 meters away from additional evidence within five (5) days
the police station, SPO1 Dody from notice and the issue must be
recognized Danjo. Realizing that the resolved by the court within thirty (30)
police station had a copy of Danjo’s days from the filing of the complaint of
warrant of arrest, SPO1 Dody information”.
immediately pursued and arrested Likewise, in Ocampo v. Abando, (G.R.
Danjo. (2018 BAR) No. 176830, 11 February 2014), the
Supreme Court held that,
(a) Was the warrant of arrest issued “[I]t is enough that the judge personally
against Danjo who was not in the evaluates the Prosecutor’s report and
Philippines valid? (2.5%) supporting documents showing the
existence of probable cause for the
indictment and, on the basis thereof,
issue a warrant of arrest; or on the basis
Yes, the warrant of arrest issued against
of his evaluation he finds no probable
Danjo is valid.
cause, to disregard the Prosecutor’s
Section 6, Rule 112 of the Revised Rules
resolution and require the submission of
of Criminal Procedure states:
additional affidavits of witnesses to aid
“Section 6: When warrant of arrest may him in determining its existence”.
issue. — (a) By the Regional Trial Court.
It is provided that the Judge, may at his
— Within ten (10) days from the filing of
discretion, issue a warrant of arrest to
the complaint or information, the judge
order the arrest of Danjo if the
shall personally evaluate the resolution of
prosecution sufficiently established the
the prosecutor and its supporting
existence of a probable cause as
evidence. He may immediately dismiss

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required by the Revised Rules of Criminal kidnappers on the bag from the
Procedure. unlocked trunk. The kidnappers
It is clear, therefore, that the warrant of thereafter boarded their car and
arrest issued against Danjo is valid proceeded towards the direction of
Amorsolo St. in Makati City where the
second police team was waiting.
(b) Can the warrant of arrest be served
Danjo upon his return? (2.5%) Upon confirmation by radio report
from the first police team that the
kidnappers were heading towards
their direction, the second police team
(b) Yes, the warrant of arrest may be
proceeded to conduct surveillance on
served on Danjo upon his return to the
the car of the kidnappers, eventually
saw it enter Ayala Commercial Center
The Supreme Court in Manangan v. in Makati City, and the police team
Court of First Instance of Nueva Vizcaya finally blocked it when it slowed down.
(G.R. No. 82760, 30 August 1990) ruled The members of the second police
that unlike a search warrant, which is team approached the vehicle and
valid for only ten (10) days from date proceeded to arrest the kidnappers.
(Rule 126, Sec. 9), a Warrant of Arrest
Is the warrantless arrest of the
remains valid until arrest is effected or the
kidnappers by the second police team
Warrant lifted.
lawful? (5%)
In the case at bar, absent any indication
that the warrant of arrest is lifted by the
Court , the warrant of arrest issued for the
The warrantless arrest is lawful.
arrest of Danjo is still valid.
There are two requirements before a
warrantless arrest can be effected under
Two police teams monitored the
Section 5(b), Rule 113, Rules of Court:
payment of ransom in a kidnapping
(1) an offense has just been committed,
and (2) the person making the arrest has
The bag containing the ransom money
personal knowledge of facts indicating
was placed inside an unlocked trunk
that the person to be arrested has
of a car which was parked at the
committed it.
Angola Commercial Center in
Both requirements are present in the
Mandaluyong City.
instant case. The first police team present
The first police team, stationed in an
in the Angola Commercial Center was
area near where the car was parked,
able to witness the pay-off which
witnessed the retrieval by the

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effectively consummated the crime of c. the Barangay Chairman and a
kidnapping. Its team members all saw the Barangay Tanod.
kidnappers take the money from the car d. any elected Quezon City official.
trunk. Such knowledge was then relayed
to the other police officers comprising the Q: Hercules was walking near a
second police team stationed in Amorsolo police station when a police officer
St. where the kidnappers were expected signalled for him to approach. As
to pass. soon as Hercules came near, the
It is sufficient for the arresting team that police officer frisked him but the
they were monitoring the pay-off for a latter found no contraband. The
number of hours long enough for them to police officer told Hercules to get
be informed as to who the kidnappers inside the police station. Inside the
were. This is equivalent to personal police station, Hercules asked the
knowledge based on probable cause police officer, "Sir, may problema po
(People v. Uyboco, G.R. No. 178039, ba?" Instead of replying, the police
January 19, 2011) officer locked up Hercules inside
the police station jail. (2015)
a. If Hercules filed with the
PDEA agents conducted a search Ombudsman a complaint for
on a house abandoned by its warrantless search, as counsel
owners in Quezon City. The search, for the police officer, what
in order to be valid, must be made defense will you raise for the
in the presence of: (2012 BAR) a. dismissal of the complaint?
any relative of the owner of the
house. b. the Director of the PDEA ANSWER:
and a member of the media. c. the a. As counsel of policeman, I will
Barangay Chairman and a Barangay raise the defense of presumption
Tanod. d. any elected Quezon City of regularity in the performance of
official. duty. I can also raise the defense
that the police officer has the duty
a. any relative of the owner of the to search Hercules under the
house. “Stop-and-Frisk” rule. A stop-and-
b. the Director of the PDEA and a frisk situation must precede a
member of the media. warrantless arrest, be limited to
the person’s outer clothing, and

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should be grounded upon a Article 2219(6) and (10) of the New
genuine reason, in the light of the Civil code, which provides that a
police officers experience and police officer may be liable for
surrounding conditions, to warrant damages when the right to be secure
the belief that the person detained in one’s person, house, papers and
has weapons concealed about him effects against unreasonable searches
(Valdez v. People, G.R. No. and seizures is impaired. The
170180, November 23, 2007). The indemnity includes moral damages.
“stop-and-frisk” search should be Exemplary damages may also be
used “when dealing with rapidly adjudicated (Galvante v. Casimiro,
unfolding and potentially criminal G.R. No. 162808, April 22, 2008).
situation in the city streets where A search warrant was issued for
unarguably there is no time to the purpose of looking for
secure a search warrant.” “Stop- unlicensed firearms in the house of
and-frisk” searches (sometimes Ass-asin, a notorious gun for hire.
referred to as Terry searches) are When the police served the warrant,
necessary for law enforcement, they also sought the assistance of
that is, law enforcers should be barangay tanods who were assigned
given the legal arsenal to prevent to look at other portions of the
the commission of the offenses. premises around the house. In a
This should be balanced, however, nipa hut thirty (30) meters away
with the need to protect the from the house of Ass-asin, a
privacy of citizens in accordance Barangay tanod came upon a kilo
with Article III, Section 2 of the of marijuana that was wrapped in
Constitution (People of the newsprint. He took it and this was
Philippines v. Victor Cogaed, G.R. later used by the authorities to
No. 200334, July 30, 2014). charge Ass-asin with illegal
possession of marijuana. Ass-asin
b. If Hercules opts to file a civil objected to the introduction of such
action against the police officer, will evidence claiming that it was
he have a cause of action? illegally seized. Is the objection of
Ass-asin valid? (2014 BAR)
YES. Hercules has a cause of action ANSWER:
to file civil action against the police The objection is valid. The search
officer under Article 32(4) in relation to warrant specifically designates or

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describes the house as the place to night. The general rule is that a
be searched. Incidentally, the search warrant must be served in the
marijuana was seized by the Barangay day time (Sec. 8, Rule 126), or that
Tanods thirty (30) meters away from portion of the twenty-four hours in
the house of the accused. Since the which a man’s person and
confiscated items were found in a countenance are distinguishable (17
place other than the one described in C.J. 1134). By way of exception, a
the search warrant, it can be search warrant may be made at night
considered as fruits of an invalid when it is positively asserted in the
warrantless search, the presentation of affidavit that the property is on the
which as an evidence is a violation of person or in the place ordered to be
petitioner’s constitutional guaranty searched (Alvares v. CFI of Tayabas,
against unreasonable searches and G.R. No. L-45358, January 29, 1937).
seizure (Ruben Del Castillo v. People There is no showing that the exception
of the Philippines, G.R. No. 185128, applies.
January 30, 2012). Besides, the
search is also illegal because the b) Suppose the search warrant was
marijuana confiscated in the nipa hut served on March 15, 2012 and the
was wrapped in a newsprint. search yielded the described
Therefore, the same cannot be contraband and a case was filed
considered validly seized in plain view against the accused in RTC, Sta.
(Abraham Miclat v. People of the Cruz, Laguna and you are the
Philippines, G.R. No. 176077, August lawyer of Sio Pao and Ho Pia, what
31, 2011). will you do? (2012 BAR)

a) Cite/enumerate the defects, if ANSWER:

any, of the search warrant. (2012 If I were the lawyer of Sio Pao and
BAR) Ho Pia, I would file a Motion to
Quash the search warrant for having
ANSWER: been served beyond its period of
The search warrant failed to validity (Sec.14, Rule 126). A search
particularly describe the place to be warrant shall be valid only for ten
searched and the things to be seized days from its date. Thereafter, it shall
(Sec. 4, Rule 126). 2. The search be void (Sec. 10, Rule 126).
warrant commanded the immediate
search, at any time in the day or

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Atty. Dalmacio, the Director of the outside the territorial jurisdiction of said
National Bureau of Investigation, courts.
applied for a search warrant before the In the case at bar, the application for the
Executive Judge of RTC Manila. issuance of search warrant was filed by
Healleged in his application that a the Director of the National Bureau of the
certain alias Django was keeping National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
about 10 kilos of shabu in a wooden before the Executive Judge of Manila;
cabinet located at Dillian’s Store in hence, the search warrant may be
Paseo de Sta. Rosa, Laguna. The enforced outside the territorial jurisdiction
Executive Judge of Manila personally of Manila
examined Atty. Dalmacio and his
witnesses and thereafter issued the Five foreign nationals arrived at the
search warrant particularly describing NAIA from Hong Kong. After retrieving
the place to be searched and the items their checked-in luggage, they placed
to be seized. (2018 BAR) all their bags in one pushcart and
proceeded to Express Lane 5. They
(a) Can the search warrant issued by were instructed to place their luggage
the Executive Judge of Manila be on the examiner’s table for inspection.
enforced in Laguna? (2.5%) The examiner found brown-colored
boxes, similar in size to powdered milk
ANSWER: boxes, underneath the clothes inside
Yes, the search warrant issued by the the foreigners’ bags. The examiner
Executive Judge of Manila may be discovered white crystalline
enforced in Laguna. substances inside the boxes that were
Administrative No. 99-20-09 of the the inspected and proceeded to
Supreme Court states all applications for bundle all of the boxes by putting
search warrant personally endorsed by masking tape around them. He
the head of the Philippine National Police thereafter handed the boxes over to
(PNP), the National Bureau of Bureau of Customs agents. The
Investigation (NBI), The Presidential Anti- agents called out the names of the
Organized Crime Task Force (PAOC-TF) foreigners one by one and ordered
and the Reaction Against Crime Task them to sign their names on the
Force (REACT-TF) with The Executive masking tape placed on the boxes
Judge and Vice Executive Judges of recovered from their respective bags.
Regional Trial Courts, Manila and The contents of the boxes were
Quezon City, may be served in places thereafter subjected to tests which

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confirmed that the substance was Hades was charged with illegal
shabu. possession of illegal drugs. After
Can the shabu found inside the boxes due proceedings, he was convicted
admitted in evidence against the five by the trial court. On appeal, the
foreigners for the charge of illegal Court of Appeals affirmed his
possession of drugs in violation of the conviction. In his final bid for
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act exoneration, Hades went to the
of 2002? (2.5%) (2018 BAR) Supreme Court claiming that his
constitutional right against
unreasonable searches and seizures
was violated when the police
Yes, shabu obtained in ordinary customs
officers searched his vehicle
searches such as those done in airport,
without a warrant; that the shabu
which is a valid warrantless search, are
confiscated from him is thus
admissible in evidence (Dela Cruz v.
inadmissible in evidence; and that
People G.R. 209387, January 11, 2016).
there being no evidence against
him, he is entitled to an acquittal.
Around 12:00 midnight, a team of For its part, the People of the
police officers was on routine Philippines maintains that the case
patrol in Barangay Makatarungan of Hades involved a consented
when it noticed an open delivery warrantless search which is legally
van neatly covered with banana recognized. The People adverts to
leaves. Believing that the van was the fact that Hades did not offer
loaded with contraband, the team any protest when the police officers
leader flagged down the vehicle asked him if they could look inside
which was driven by Hades. He the vehicle. Thus, any evidence
inquired from Hades what was obtained in the course thereof is
loaded on the van. Hades just gave admissible in evidence. Whose claim
the police officer a blank stare and is correct? Explain. (2015 BAR)
started to perspire profusely. The
police officers then told Hades that
Answer: The warrantless search was
they will look inside the vehicle.
illegal. There was no probable cause
Hades did not make any reply. The
to search the van. The shabu was not
police officers then lifted the banana
immediately apparent. It was
leaves and saw several boxes. They
discovered only after they opened the
opened the boxes and discovered
boxes. The mere passive silence of
several kilos of shabu inside.
Hades did not constitute consent to

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the warrantless search (Caballes v. strewn on the driver's seat. The
CA, 373 SCRA 221 [2002]). driver admitted they were ecstacy.
Is the search valid? (2011 BAR)
Using the description of the
supplier of shabu given by persons Answer: Yes, the police acted based
who had been arrested earlier for on reliable information and the fact
selling it, the police conducted a that an officer saw the driver carrying
surveillance of the area indicated. a gun.
When they saw a man who fitted
the description walking from the When can evidence "in plain view"
apartment to his car, they be seized without need of a search
approached and frisked him and he warrant? Explain. (2%) (2012 BAR
did not object. The search yielded EXAMS)
an unlicensed gun tucked on his
waist and shabu in his car. Is the
search valid? (2011 BAR)
Evidence in plain view can be seized
without need of a search warrant if
Answer: No, the man did not manifest the following elements are present. 1.
any suspicious behavior that would There was a prior valid intrusion
give the police sufficient reason to based on the valid warrantless arrest
search him. in which the police were legally
present pursuant of their duties; 2.
An informer told the police that a The evidence was inadvertently
Toyota Car with plate ABC 134 discovered by the police who had the
would deliver an unspecified right to be where they were: 3. The
quantity of ecstacy in Forbes Park, evidence must be immediately
Makati City. The officers whom the apparent; and 4. Plain view justified
police sent to watch the Forbes seizure of the evidence without further
Park gates saw the described car search. (del rosario vs. People, 358
and flagged it down. When the scra 372)
driver stopped and lowered his
window, an officer saw a gun It is form of entrapment. The
tucked on the driver's waist. The method is for an officer to pose as
officer asked the driver to step out a buyer. He, however, neither
and he did. When an officer looked instigates nor induces the accused
inside the car, he saw many tablets to commit a crime because in these

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cases, the "seller" has already laws as well as the legal orders of the
decided to commit a crime. The duly constituted authorities therein;
offense happens right before the 2. To the Legal Profession: to uphold
eyes of the officer. Under these the dignity and integrity of the legal
circumstances: (2012 BAR EXAMS) profession
3. To the Court: to be candid, promote
Answer: respect for the courts
there is no need for a warrant either 4. To the Clients: candor, fairness &
for the seizure of the goods or for loyalty, holds clients mooney and
the arrest of the offender; property

Lawyer's Oath
I, do solemnly swear that I will maintain
allegiance to the Republic of the
Philippines, I will support the Constitution
and obey the laws as well as the legal
orders of the duly constituted authorities
therein; I will do no falsehood, nor
consent to the doing of any in court; I will
not wittingly or willingly promote or sue
any groundless, false or unlawful suit, or
give aid nor consent to the same; I will
delay no man for money or malice, and
will conduct myself as a lawyer according
to the best of my knowledge and
discretion, with all good fidelity as well to
the courts as to my clients; and I impose
upon myself these voluntary obligations
without any mental reservation or
purpose of evasion. So help me God.


1. To the Society: I, do solemnly swear
that I will maintain allegiance to the
Republic of the Philippines, I will
support the Constitution and obey the

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