Communication Tour de Luxembourg 2022 - EN

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Réf: 2022‐09‐06‐2518‐MW‐kk 

Re.: 1st stage of the Tour de Luxembourg on 13 September


Dear parents, dear pupils, dear colleagues,

On Tuesday 13 September 2022, the first stage of the Tour de Luxembourg (cycle race) will
again take place, finishing near our school. The arrival is planned between 4.20 pm and 5.05
pm at the boulevard Konrad Adenauer (intersection with the rue Richard Coudenhove-
A consultation between the organisers and the school management took place in order to
evaluate the impact on access to the school and to define the imperative needs.
You will find a description of the general measures adopted by the City of Luxembourg on
their website.
In consultation with the Grand Ducal Police, the following arrangements have been defined
for our school community:

 In general
o Boulevard Konrad Adenauer is completely closed to traffic throughout the day
between the intersection with Boulevard Prince Charles and the intersection
with Boulevard Pierre Frieden.

 Rue Léon Hengen

o During the day
 Access will be possible throughout the day, including access to the bus
stops and access to the staff car park.

 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer

o Morning
 Access to the "Kiss & Go" lane remains possible for dropping off pupils.
However, it will be necessary to return to Konrad Adenauer Boulevard
in the direction of the city when exiting the "Kiss & Go" lane.
o Noon and afternoon
 Access to the "Kiss & Go" lane remains possible to pick up pupils.
 In addition, temporary parking on the right-hand lane of Konrad
Adenauer Boulevard (towards LuxExpo) will be tolerated.
 It will still be necessary to return to the Konrad Adenauer boulevard in
the direction of the city when leaving the "Kiss & Go" lane.
 Rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi :
o During the day
Luxembourg, 06/09/2022 
Réf: 2022‐09‐06‐2518‐MW‐kk 

 Access to the Nursery car park as well as to the staff car park at the
Secondary school will be possible, but access will only be from
boulevard J.F. Kennedy / rue Albert Borschette.
 In addition, temporary parking on the right lane of Richard Coudenhove-
Kalergi (towards boulevard J.F. Kennedy) will be tolerated.

 Parking boulevard Konrad Adenauer (opposite rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi) :

o Morning
 The car park is closed to the public, except for the area to the east
(shaded area on the map) which will remain accessible to parents of
pupils. However, all vehicles must leave the car park by 9.00 am at the
o Remainder of the day :
 Parking closed to the public.
 Buses
o The bus stops on Konrad Adenauer Boulevard at the primary school hall and
the secondary school sports hall will be suspended for the whole day and
moved to rue Erasme and rue Albert Borschette respectively.
Regardless of the above, the instructions given by the police officers on site should always be
Best regards,

Martin WEDEL

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